Saturday, September 21, 2024


ANSWERS TO WHY ? WHY, WAS THE QUESTION - ARE THESE THE ANSWERS ? 1. Could it be that we the people who elect these others into power have neglected our duty. We voted and then fail to follow what they do until it’s too late. Then we vote them back in. 2-5. Could it be that the happening across many municipalities of the reducing of car lanes, the creating of bus lanes which are unused the better part of the day, the increase of bike lanes, the set up of these rental stations for bike and scooters are part of the planned 15 minute cities also known as smart cities. 6. Babies are born with blank brains ready to learn. Babies first learn pain by means of hunger & gas. Discomfort is learned by wet and dirty diapers. Babies learn comfort and love by being fed, burped, cleaned, hugged, and comforting voices. As babies grow they absorb and copy everything, they investigate everything around them and we as parents watch over them, encouraging their learning while protecting them from potential dangers. 7. We are careful to only provide our children topics and objects that are age appropriate to learning. e.g. we would not give and expect a toddler to safely balance and ride a bicycle 8. Teaching a child, suggesting to that child that he or she is in the wrong body simply because of things they like, or like to do, is nothing more than manipulation and should be considered child abuse. Remember these are children, their young brains have not yet developed fully and they tend to believe what they are told as these children have not yet learned to question why or what they are being told. It’s no wonder there is a rise in children and teens are having mental problems and suicide attempts. 9. It is not okay to provide children puberty blockers and then when a teenager, mutilate that child? A teenager is still a child in the eyes of the law till the age of majority. When a child, who’s young brain has not fully developed, is encouraged and manipulated by teachers, doctors and other adults into making a life adulterating decision that could also mean a lifetime of medications, then those teachers, doctors etc should be criminally charged with bodily harm and indignity to an underage living person. 10. Governments did not give birth to our children. The government says, we the parents are responsible for our children until they reach adulthood. We, the parents, pay the government to educate our children, reading, writing, arithmetic, history, geography and science, NEVER did we the parents, give the government the right to confuse our children about their gender, about their sex or the how to of various sexual activities. 11. People are either a male (boy, man, father, brother, he, him) or a female (girl, woman, lady, mother, sister, she, her). How a person feels internally is not to be confused with what they were born. 12. Death by drug overdoses has increased since so called “safe drug sites” were provided. What we should be providing is help to overcome addiction. 13. Common sense, we, or most of us, have it, common sense and need to get back to using it instead of standing by and letting these things happen. 14. When the opposition doesn’t have answers to your questions and can’t have a civil conversation with you they attack you as being racist, homophobic, transphobic etc. 15. When the your opposition doesn’t have an answer to your question they label it as hate? 16. Electricity is not sole salvation of this world, ask anyone who has been in a two or more day blackout and having no other means then electricity for cooking, heating, communicating & transportation 17.– 20. We seem to have lost our ability of critical thinking and have been conditioned to believe the media and government tells us the truth. When if fact if we had paid attention we would know that the world is and has been slowly governed by non-elected parties who have no part in Canada, the UN (united nations) the WHO (world health organizations) and the WEF (world economic forum) who want to control us. Check out Bill C-63, C-293 for starters. Remember, Silence Solves Nothing, you’re not alone, speak up and others will too. Stand Up, Speak Up For Your Rights, Keep Democracy Alive

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