Saturday, September 14, 2024


1. Why, are municipal councils, school boards, federal & provincial parties, the people we elected, making so many changes to our communities and lives without involving us in theses decisions, after all, we the people are the ones who pay, by way of our taxes, to implement the changes they make? 2. Why, are they creating All Day bus lanes that have little use in off peak hours? 3. Why, are we reducing traffic lanes so restaurants can have outdoor patios, thereby subjecting their patrons to the hazards of exhaust fumes, excessive noise, bicyclists speeding past, cigarette butts & other garbage tossed from windows of passing vehicles? Why should we be concerned of the potential of an accident happening to one of these patios, injuring or killing some of those patrons? 4. Why, are we reducing traffic lanes to create so many bike lanes that have little use most of the time and likely next to no use during winter? 5. Why, are we installing rental areas for manual & electric, bikes & scooters, all over municipalities? 6. Why, are young children in pre-school and elementary grades being subjected to adult topics their young brains have not yet developed enough to comprehend and question? 7. Why, are young children, toddlers to teenagers, being subjected to entertainment that has always been considered Adult Entertainment, minimum age 18 yrs and up? Even the movies we watch have age restrictions and warnings. 8. Why, are young children being taught to question if they really think that they are a boy or a girl? 9. Why is it okay to provide children puberty blockers and then when a teenager, mutilate that child? 10. When did governments birth our children and become their caregivers with no responsibilities? 11. Why, do people, adults think they now have to declare their pronoun? 12. Why or how, does providing so called safe drug sites cure drug addiction and save lives? 13. Why, has common sense and experience been disregarded? 14. Why is one labeled as being racist, homophobic, transphobic etc if they question anything? 15. Why is it called hate if one questions what is happening? 16. Why is electric use for cars, heating, cooking etc being promoted as the salvation of this world? 17. Why did the majority of us accept willingly, without questioning, to believe taking the coved shots and boosters was the only way save the world? 18. Why have all these things been happening around the world at the same time? 19. Why do we believe everything the paid media keeps telling us? 20. Why are we here in Canada not seeing how many other countries are now fighting and rejecting many of these compelled agendas against life as we knew or know it? Write your answers if you have any, to Letters to the Editor Remember, you are not alone, the more you speak up the more others will speak up too. Silence Solves Nothing, It’s Time, To Stand Up, Speak Up For Your Rights, Before They’re Gone. Keep Democracy Alive

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