Saturday, September 14, 2024

Compulsory Certification is the answer

Jesus Was a Tradesperson By Murray Strong
Compulsory certification is the answer. I am trying to understand the position of the Ontario government concerning skilled trades. Is it discrimination? Is it racist? Is it a way to keep young people trapped in poverty? Is it an immigrant issue? Maybe the politicians do not care about the skilled trades people except at election time, or when their toilet overflows. Quebec is a province that cares about its people. Maybe it’s a religious upbringing or they want the young French people to have a life career. Quebec government knows how important employing skilled trades means to the economy. THEY MADE CARPENTRY A COMPULSORY TRADE!! My wish is Ontario treat apprentices with respect if you want young people to become the needed workforce to keep the province moving forward. When I researched how immigrants where brought into Canada under the foreign worker program, I was in shock. If a friend or family member lives in Ontario and has a small business the door is open. The friend (employer) spends $10,000.00 per worker to cover the cost of airfare and other expenses which the government will refund. New employee becomes a slave. Never late for work. Do everything you are told or a call to the government that things are not working out sends you home. One paycheck entitles you to a Canada Pension for life good anywhere in the world. Canada Health Act makes Ontario give new employee health care. Workers comp covers any accident. Government helps poor suffering employer with a wage subsidy. After a few months you apply to live in Canada. No need to pay some scam idiot in your country to get you in, just call yourself some kind of skilled worker. They are doing nothing wrong and it’s perfectly legal. I think it’s time someone minding the store has heard the unemployment level for young people .14 % is disgusting for a country. Shame on you. Employ Canadians and immigrants. Remember God is watching how you treat his family. Thank you. Denny Crane

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