Saturday, September 14, 2024


CORPORATE LIES By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. - ONE DAY AT A TIME - We live in dangerous times. Times, when we can’t tell the truth from a lie. A time when honesty and hard work just does not pay as most are holding multiple jobs to just stay a float. We are constantly bombarded by all kind of misinformation. Our minds are controlled and manipulated in such ways that may almost be deemed a form of neurosis. Who can you trust in these ever changing times. Our culture and our traditions are being compromised by forced acceptance in the name of inclusion. In the process deteriorating our standards and our way of life. In the name of convenience we are being forced to a form of mental slavery that if you do not follow you are castigated emotionally, financially and at times legally. For our convenience we must pay service fees. For our convenience we must check out our own items at a supermarket. For our convenience we must go on line instead of in person for many administrative functions. For our convenience we are lied to and forced to fear things that are not real or make sense in many cases. Remember the days, when you would drive in to the local gas station and two sometimes three attendants would come out to pump your gas. They would check your oil, your fluids. Offer you coffee or tea. They would check the tire pressure and be as polite as they could be. Normally they wore some sort of corporate uniform and constantly smiled and assured the best customer service. WHAT HAPPENED? Today for my convenience I must pump my own gas. Check my own tire pressure. Check my own oil. The attendant in many cases a foreigner that barely speaks english with an attitude as if someone had offended him/her by offering them the job they have. This week. I received this email: ‘We care about your safety. Hi Joe, starting September 3, your local Petro-Canada™ stations will require pre-payment for fuel. This means that before you begin fuelling you will be required to pre-pay for fuel at the pump, in-store, or through the Petro-Canada mobile app. We’re making this proactive change to ensure everyone’s safety at our sites, and we expect pre-paying for fuel will reduce the risk of fuel theft. We recognize it may take some time for customers to adapt to the change, site staff will help guide customers through this new process. Thank you.’ Can you believe the attitude? For everyone’s safety!!! You got to be kidding. What a load of lies and deception. 1st. Gas prices are out of reach for many. 2nd. These gas companies are looking to not pay an attendant $20/hr and have the consumers pre-pay without cash. This is despicable. How dare, Petro-Canada treat it’s clients in this way. What is worst is that they are sticking it to us under the false guise of ‘EVERYONE’S SAFETY’. I have a message for Petro-Canada. 1st. I will never shop there ever again. 2nd. I call on all consumers to boycott Petro-Canada to send a clear message to either take cash. Trust the customer to be an honest good person and not demand pre-pay and have pre-pay only as a consumer choice. This must be done before all the other gas stations take the lead and follow suit. We are becoming slaves of corporate greed. ‘Everyone’s safety’. What a load of corporate lies....

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