Saturday, September 28, 2024

The True Bullies of Pickering: How the Mayor and Council are Abusing Power, Silencing Dissent, and Wasting Your Tax Dollars

By Lisa Robinson For over a year now, the mayor and fellow councillor’s of Pickering have relentlessly attacked me—not because I’m failing the people who elected me, but because I refuse to bow down to their political games and pander to their special interest groups. I’ve been sanctioned, stripped of my pay yet again for daring to speak up for the people of Pickering, for exercising my right to free expression under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. This latest sanction—another three months without pay—marks a total of six months of financial punishment. This isn’t about accountability; it’s about intimidation. They want me to fall in line, but I refuse. The truth is, they’ve weaponized the Integrity Commissioner as their personal attack dog, pushing a one-sided narrative designed to discredit me. They twist my words, manipulate my actions, and suppress the voices of my constituents. Let me be absolutely clear: There was no legitimate investigation. This is a political hit job—a calculated attempt to silence me, to paint me as the problem, when the real bullies are sitting in council chambers. Think about it: if I didn’t care, don’t you think I’d just shut up and fall in line? Why would I keep working for free while they drag my name through the mud? I have nothing to gain from this fight, but they have everything to lose. I’m standing up for common sense for common people, while they cling to power and their self-serving interests, while catering to developers and special interest groups. The mayor himself has abused his power, using city staff on your dime—paid by Pickering’s taxpayers—to craft his 75 page witch hunt of manufactured complaints against me. And his bias is no longer just behind closed doors. On September 3, he openly stated he is biased towards me and that he doesn’t want to hear anything I have to say. What does that tell you? He is not just dismissing me—he’s also dismissing every voter who believes I have the right to be heard on their behalf. While they’re busy orchestrating this smear campaign, I’m out there doing the job I was elected to do. The day after they voted to strip me of my pay, I was the only member of council to show up at the “Pickering Forward” meeting, an important forum to hear what the people had to say about our city’s future. And where were the rest of them? They didn’t show because they don’t care about what you, the voters, have to say, and it wasn’t a photo opportunity. They’re more interested in silencing dissent and consolidating power than in listening to the people. What kind of leadership sanctions a single mother’s pay, knowing full well I have bills to pay, a mortgage to cover, and a family to support? They don’t care. Just imagine someone taking away your ability to pay for the roof over your head or to feed your family because they don’t like what you have to say. They would rather see me suffer, hoping to break me down so I’ll finally cave to their demands. This is not just an abuse of power; it’s vindictive harassment. They are unfit to lead—not just for their bullying and intimidation, but for their brazen attempt to lobby the Provincial government to change the Municipal Act. They want the power to remove elected officials who disagree with them—an assault on democracy. Worse still, they want to ensure that anyone they oust is banned from running in future elections, silencing the people’s choice even further. Their actions are not just authoritarian; they’re downright dangerous. They don’t want a council of diverse voices; they want an echo chamber where only their views reign supreme. Each of their characters should be seriously questioned, not just for what they’re doing to me, but for what they’re doing to you—the people of Pickering. The draconian measures they are putting in place is to stifle public input and are designed to rig future elections, to ensure only those who agree with their power-hungry agenda get a seat at the table. They don’t care about democracy or free speech—they care about control. And let’s not forget the staggering misuse of taxpayer dollars in this vendetta. Instead of returning my rightful salary—just $15,000+ for three months of lost pay—they’ve decided to burn up to $200,000 of your money fighting me in a judicial review. $200,000 of your hard-earned tax dollars that could be better spent on the community is being flushed down the drain to prop up their lies. And if you think it stops there, think again. When I take them to court again for another judicial review, I bet they’ll be more than willing to waste another $200,000, bringing the total to a disgraceful $400,000 of your hard earned tax payers money just to silence one voice. Do they care? Of course not—it’s not their money. It’s yours. Through all of this, I have never stopped fighting for the people of Pickering. I show up. I listen. I push back against corruption and collusion, even when they come after me with everything they’ve got. The mayor and his council have shown that they are not fit to serve—they are power-hungry, vindictive, and have zero regard for the voices of the people. And let me be clear, this isn’t just happening in Pickering – it’s happening in Municipalities across the Country. So it needs to stop immediately. Personally, I won’t back down. I will continue to stand with you—because that’s what real leadership looks like. Even when they try to silence me, I will not be bullied. The people of Pickering deserve better, and I will fight to give them the representation they elected me for. It’s time to hold these bullies accountable.

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