Saturday, October 28, 2023

The Hardest Part of Job Searching: Getting Noticed

By Nick Kossovan Recently, I was asked, "Nick, what do you feel is the hardest part of job searching? My answer, without hesitation: "Getting noticed." Prior to 2005—I am ballparking—applying for jobs and sending thank-you letters involved fancy resume paper, matching envelopes, and plenty of stamps. Answering a job ad required actual effort and was like sending an invitation to a formal event; therefore, your application had to be professional. Considering the effort required and postage costs money, it is not surprising that companies received fewer applications. Today, job seekers can merely upload their resume, have the Applicant Tracking System (ATS) autofill their information, make a few edits, and skip the cover letter since it is rarely required. As a result of this ease of applying, the number of applications employers receive has significantly increased, creating much more competition, not from more qualified applicants applying, but from the noise created by the ease of applying. Online applications receive an average response rate of 2%. As I said in previous columns, applying online is equivalent to playing the lottery; you expect a stranger to hire you. A common mistake among job seekers is to think that simply acquiring skills, earning certificates, and perfecting their resume and LinkedIn profile is all it takes to get noticed by hiring managers. To get an interview so you can present your skills and experience, recruiters and hiring managers must first notice you. Effective job searching requires a different skill set (e.g., writing, interviewing, self-marketing skills) that often differs from the skill set needed to do the job you are aiming for. Here are some tips for getting noticed by hiring decision-makers: Be bold: "Fortune befriends the bold." - Emily Dickinson Job seekers would do themselves a huge favour by adopting a bolder, more aggressive attitude. I understand putting yourself out there can be scary. Nevertheless, what are the alternatives? Do nothing, get nothing? Consider being bold (READ: Doing what other job seekers are not doing.) by: · Get on a podcast, video show, or guest post on a popular blog. Identify podcasts, video shows, and blogs related to your industry and/or profession and pitch to be on the show or write a guest blog. Your objective is to put yourself out there and establish a reputation as a subject matter expert (SME) in your industry/profession. Add the link to your appearances/guest blogs to your LinkedIn profile. · Contact the hiring manager directly. Most job seekers create what they hope is a stellar resume, then scroll through job boards looking for suitable positions, upload their resume, hit apply, and wait. On the other hand, you (being bold) approach the hiring manager directly. · Leverage social media. Social media makes it easy to connect with and attract hiring decision-makers. The first step is to follow recruiters and employees occupying a leadership role in the companies you want to join and engage with their content. Share, re-post, and comment to demonstrate your expertise. Attend their LinkedIn Live events, subscribe to their newsletter, listen to their podcasts and take note of the information you learn about their company, individuals and mission; intel that would be valuable if you ever interview with the company. If you are genuine and consistent, your engagement, over time, will be noticed. Be focused: Throwing spaghetti at the wall and seeing what sticks is not a job search strategy. In order to stand out, you must target and invest in your selected (keyword) audience, which requires a narrow focus. Reflect upon what problem you want to solve, research what companies are solving this problem, and then build a brand (online, resume, network, etc.) using your strengths as the person who can solve this problem. Job seekers who claim to be jack-of-all-trades get lost in the noise. Identify and dominate your niche, which requires working harder than anyone else. Be decisive: Rarely do I meet a job seeker who is clear about what they want as a career, from their employer, and most importantly, from themselves. Most job seekers only want a job, which is why they are hardly noticed. Just wanting a job makes you part of the job-seeking crowd. The lowest-hanging fruit to getting noticed is knowing precisely what you want and being committed to obtaining it. If you want a new job that is the right fit for you, a job that will not make you dread Monday mornings, then you must be willing to take decisive action. Taking decisive action means saying 'No" to opportunities not aligned with what you want and giving nothing less than 100% to opportunities that tick off all your must-have boxes. The confidence that comes from knowing what you want and refusing to settle for anything less will get you noticed. Aim high (realistically): As though they have something to lose, job seekers worry too much about failure and, therefore, miss out on opportunities because their self-limiting beliefs tell them they are not qualified enough or have insufficient experience. Such thinking does not get you noticed. Norman Vincent Peale once said, "Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars." Stars get noticed. _____________________________________________________________________ Nick Kossovan, a well-seasoned veteran of the corporate landscape, offers advice on searching for a job. You can send him your questions at

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Oral Probiotics Offer Another Path to Wellness

By Common Sense Health – W. Gifford-Jones MD and Diana Gifford “The mouth is the door of evil.” So said Euripides, the ancient Greek playwright of tragedy. If he were a modern-day nutritionist, it could be an observation on the very bad stuff people put in their mouths as food. Mother Teresa, however, acknowledged the mouth’s ability to do good. "Kind words can be short and easy to speak,” she said, “but their echoes are truly endless." So, is your mouth a place of good or evil? Nourishment and communication are two functions of the mouth. On the outside, a smile is a beautiful signal of happiness. But inside the mouth, there exists a complex ecosystem of friends and enemies. The mouth is home to an extraordinary community of more than 700 species of bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other microorganisms. Some of them are “good” because they play an important role in maintaining oral health. Streptococcus salivarius is an example. This bacterium helps metabolize sugar and keeps the mouth from getting too acidic. The saliva in your mouth also contains antimicrobial enzymes and proteins that protect the teeth and gums. But other microorganisms are “bad”, like Streptococcus mutans, which are cavity causers, converting sugars into acids that attack your teeth. Bacteria love to feast on food that gets stuck between teeth after you eat. When they break down the food, smelly gases can result, otherwise known as bad breath. When conditions are out of balance, gum disease can set in. Bad oral health can also be an indication of more serious trouble occurring in the cardiovascular system. What can you do to prevent trouble? Always study history. The importance of a healthy mouth is not a recent discovery. The Chinese were using toothbrushes before the 7th century and ancient Egyptians documented treatments for toothaches many centuries earlier. Today, if you are not using a toothbrush, toothpaste, and dental floss to remove food between teeth after meals, you are out of touch with one of the easiest ways to maintain good general health, not to mention your teeth. But there’s another tool to consider. Usually associated with gut health, probiotics have long been celebrated for their role in maintaining a harmonious balance in our digestive system. However, what's less known is the potential of oral probiotics in promoting overall health. Probiotics are made up of those friendly bacteria. Research has shown that the regular use of oral probiotics can have a positive impact on oral health, and subsequently, our overall well-being. In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, researchers found that regular use of oral probiotics not only reduced bad breath but also improved low self-esteem. It makes sense that more pleasant breath means better social relationships and quality of life. Several other clinical trials have examined the effects of oral probiotics on individuals with gingivitis, a common gum disease characterized by inflammation and bleeding gums. Participants who regularly consumed oral probiotics showed a significant reduction in gum inflammation and bleeding compared to those who did not. The connection between oral health and heart health is a subject of growing interest among researchers. A study of the relationship between oral probiotics and the risk of cardiovascular diseases found that individuals who incorporated oral probiotics into their daily routine experienced a reduction in risk factors for heart disease, including inflammation markers. Should you rush out to buy oral probiotics at your local health food store? For some, it might be just what is needed to establish a “good” healthier mouth. Just as probiotics, prebiotics, and postbiotics can modify the microbiome of your gut, they can do the same in your mouth. Sign-up at to receive our weekly e-newsletter. For comments, Follow us Instagram @docgiff and @diana_gifford_jones


By Rosaldo Russo Allow me to begin this column by thanking the Oshawa/Central newspaper for allowing me the opportunity and access to the press. Not to many if any allow an average person like me to tell the world what I see and think. In my opinion. The Editor/Publisher is a real upstanding type of guy. He shoots from the hip and hold traditional core values. My name is Rosaldo Russo. I came to this great country to make a better life for myself and my family. I thank Canada for everything it has allowed me to do and earn. I worked construction all my life. I know the value of hard work and honesty. I remember as a boy my father always telling me to work hard and buy land. So I did. I remember days when I did not have enough to eat. I go to work... but I did not wait for hand outs. I rounded up my pride my skill and my determination to succeed and went to work. In those days the only benefits we received was the fact we were employed. Before retiring I was the owner and operator of local material supply company that allowed me to retired without worry. Now that I have time to enjoy life. I look around me and have some concern for future generations. I see that the world is finished. For anyone that knows me. Will quickly note that in my previous life I was a professional dancer. I love music and I love dance. I know what you are thinking. A guy like me dancing. But yes, come over and I will show you the many trophies and awards. Well, enough of me and lets face the music. I have a question. Does gasoline appreciate and depreciate over night? Does the value for gas differ up to 10 cents from night to day. I been keeping my eyes on the prices. 1.40 in the morning. 1.50 at night. Then you go next day. 1.41 in the morning and 1.51 at night. At first I thought, It was my eye sight. Then I thought, ok Charlie. Dementia is kicking in and I am imagining this. Well folks, I was wrong on both counts. Then I got smart. I thought to myself. I should invest in gasoline. Buy low and sell high. Then after my stock broker fell off his chair laughing. He looked at me and said... nice try buddy but it does not work like that. Then I got concerned. I wondered in the modern day of convenience. What if this fluctuation is by design. The gas price never really goes down. If anything it keeps going up. Then how are we to know that when we are forced to get out of our car. Walk over to the pump. Pre-pay with your credit card after playing the PIN number answer the stupid questions...that the pump meter is not rigged. How is it that for example when I punch in 100 worth of gas. My tank for some miraculous reason fill at exactly 100 dollars. Coincidence or the basis of a conspiracy theory? You may be laughing. Think about it. How are we to trust gas stations? They are openly ripping us off by lowering and increasing what the charge by gallon. Who regulates what goes on in an electronic gasoline dispenser? We are sheep to the slaughter. First, they sell us that for our convenience we have to pump our own gas. Then for our convenience they force us to pre-pay. Then, they force us to use their slot machine type of dispensing. YOU NEVER WIN. I want for my convenience, the old style stations. You drive up. Two attendants would come out. One pump gas the other check your oil. Offer you coffee. If you pumped so much gas they would give a gift. That was convenience and service. Doomed we are...

Pickering needs a community center that is truly inclusive, respectful, and safe for all

I would like to address a matter of great concern that has ignited passionate protests within our community. It is with deep disappointment and frustration that I express my firm belief that the decision made by the City of Pickering to display the Pride Progress flag in collaboration with Pflag Durham Region on Saturday, October 21st, is nothing short of a direct assault on those who are peacefully protesting against (SOGI) Sexual orientation gender ideology. It is disheartening to witness the city administration's disregard for the legitimate concerns and grievances by the majority of our community. By displaying the Pride Progress flag in such a manner, the city is actively throwing gas into the fire, further exacerbating the tensions and divisions that already exist. While it is important to acknowledge and support the rights and identities of every individual within our community, it is equally crucial to respect the concerns and opinions of those who may not align with certain ideologies. By ignoring the voices of those who are protesting, the city is effectively silencing a significant portion of its own residents. Furthermore, the decision to display the Pride Progress flag in this context only serves to deepen the divide and create an "us versus them" mentality. It is not conducive to fostering dialogue, understanding, and unity. Instead, it fuels animosity and perpetuates an environment of hostility and conflict. I implore the corporation of the city of Pickering to consider the consequences of their actions and take a more inclusive approach that respects the diversity of opinions within our community. It is crucial for the city to engage in open and honest dialogue with those who are protesting, rather than dismissing and alienating them. It is furthermore disheartening to witness the city blatantly ignore their own guidelines and policies, especially when it pertains to such a sensitive and divisive issue. By repeatedly flouting their own flag raising policy, the city is sending a clear message that they prioritize their own agenda over the concerns and objections raised by a significant portion of the community. This violation not only undermines the credibility of the city's policies but also demonstrates a lack of respect for the voices and perspectives of those who oppose the display of the Pride Progress flag and the ignorance of elected officials duty to remain neutral. It is essential for a city to uphold its own policies and regulations in order to maintain trust and ensure fair treatment for all citizens. By persistently disregarding their own guidelines, the city is perpetuating a culture of inconsistency and favoritism, which only serves to deepen the divisions and tensions within our community. I strongly condemn the decision made by the City of Pickering to display the Pride Progress flag in a manner that directly assaults those who are peacefully protesting tomorrow and I urge the city authorities to reconsider their approach and find a more inclusive and respectful way to address the concerns and grievances of all residents. I would also like to take a moment and make myself crystal clear on another concern. I fiercely reject any official statements made by the mayors office, and/or corporation of the City Of Pickering on behalf of Council without being involved in any discussion or debate. I refuse to participate in their political posturing, or be coerced into taking a side that suits their narrative. I find such tactics are deceptive and morally reprehensible. I’m Lisa Robinson, pickering City Councillor, Thank you for listening and God Bless.

The Urgent Call to Support the Canadian Armed Forces

By Dale Jodoin In the heart of Canada, a nation celebrated for its kindness and breathtaking landscapes, an urgent matter has been quietly brewing: the treatment of the Canadian Armed Forces. Over recent years, decisions made by consecutive Canadian politicians have raised eyebrows and concerns about their dedication to the military. Canada, as a proud member of NATO, once committed to spending 2% of its GDP on defense. This wasn't just a casual promise but a solemn vow to ensure that the Canadian Armed Forces remained strong and ready for any challenge. However, in the past eight years, this commitment has seemed to waver, leaving many to question the government's priorities. Imagine being part of a team, and instead of getting the tools and support you need, you're asked to make do with less. That's how the Canadian Armed Forces might have felt when the government asked them to identify a billion dollars in cuts. For a force that's already stretched thin, this was more than just a setback; it was a blow to their morale. But the challenges didn't end there. When our soldiers were sent to Ukraine to train local forces, they faced an unexpected hurdle. They weren't given funds for their meals. These brave individuals, representing Canada on foreign soil, had to rely on the generosity of Ukrainian families or their own pockets. And even now, many are still waiting for reimbursement. It's essential to understand that this isn't just about funds. It's about respect, recognition, and gratitude. A telling moment that highlights the sentiment occurred during a town hall meeting. A veteran, representing many others, voiced concerns about the lack of support, only to hear, "You ask too much of us." This response, from a leader, was a stark reminder of the growing disconnect between the armed forces and the politicians. Many Canadians still remember the sacrifices made by the Armed Forces during their deployment in Afghanistan. The nation stood united, with the Highway of Heroes serving as a testament to the bravery and dedication of these soldiers. Canadians wore orange on Fridays, a symbol of their unwavering support. But where is that support now? As Remembrance Day nears, many will gather to honor the sacrifices of the Canadian Armed Forces. But amidst the ceremonies, a pressing question lingers: Are the politicians genuinely committed to the well-being of the armed forces? The Canadian Armed Forces are not just a group of individuals in uniforms. They are fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, and friends who have chosen to serve their country. They deserve proper housing, competitive salaries, and the best equipment. More importantly, they deserve the nation's unwavering support. In conclusion, the Canadian Armed Forces are the heart and soul of a nation that cherishes freedom and peace. It's high time for the citizens to voice their concerns, to overwhelm their politicians with demands for better treatment and support for these brave men and women. If politicians are not willing to prioritize the well-being of the armed forces, the people must remind them of their power and willingness to seek change. After all, a nation's strength is mirrored not just in its military might but in its commitment to those who stand ready to defend it.


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. - ONE DAY AT A TIME - What a week it has been. As it was last week. WE ARE HIRING. WE NEED PEOPLE. YOU LOOKING FOR WORK. COME SEE US A.S.A.P. I say this because the demand for service has never been higher and we have a strict policy to treat every client, every person as if they were our only and last one. One thing of concern, I have heard from some former Metroland clients that they have been approached to advertise in their online system. This bringing to question. How much more damage is Metroland attempting to cause the industry. I caution any local business to not fall for the high tech smoke and mirror attempt at further digging into your pocket as a final insult. I knew of the closure about a year before it happened. Much like I forewarned years before GM closed. No one took it to be true until such time as it hit their pocket book. We are in the sam scenario now. The online advertising benefit has come and gone. I knew Metroland publishing was coming to an end when they started belly aching over the recent government changes to the content online. Content primarily news that now the big social media companies would have to pay publishers for their content. On the one hand. This gave the government a way in to regulating and censorship what is placed online. In the name of helping publishers the government finally managed to wedge their way online policing. This is wrong. When Metroland, went public and fell for the government hook. I knew the end was near for them. If Metroland relied so strongly on FB and the other social media platform. This as a professional in the field only told me that no one was reading their papers and the papers only served as a very expensive vehicle to distribute flyers. Case in point. Metroland publishing failure came about greed. Failure to understand the industry and the fact that there were to many high paid management. The sale of their paper was based on donation and not actual sales. Anyone in the business will tell you. If you can’t sell a paper. You don’t have any readership. Sure you can print a million copies and distribute them for free. The fact is the fact and the proof as they say is in the pudding. This new front of only publishing online is nothing than assuring that the net has become nothing more than a public toilet. The question now is are you prepared to flush your hard advertising dollars down their toilet?

Canada mismanaged

by Maj (ret'd) CORNELIU. CHISU, CD, PMSC, FEC, CET, P. Eng. Former Member of Parliament Pickering-Scarborough East With a world on fire and our politicians, fiddling no wonder that a rich country like Canada is on the brink of a serious economic crisis. Instead of looking after the people at home, the government of Canada, supported by all political parties represented in the House of Commons, has generously dedicated billions of dollars for other purposes. They are particularly prone to sending our taxpayers’ money outside of the country, without any accountability for the money spent. A tragic situation leaves many Canadians struggling and the poverty in this country increasing at an alarming rate. Probably destined to be ignored by our political elite, the parliamentary budget officer (PBO) predicts that higher interest rates will lead the economy to stagnate in the second half of the year, with a new report suggesting the federal deficit will rise significantly this fiscal year. The PBO released its economic and fiscal outlook last week, providing updated projections for the economy and federal finances as high interest rates weigh on growth. The budget officer also says it expects consumer spending to remain weak in the second half of 2023 and throughout the first half of 2024. Faced with slower growth in government revenues and higher expenses, the federal deficit is projected to rise to $46.5 billion in 2023-24, up from an estimated $38.7 billion for 2022-23. Assuming that no new measures are introduced, and temporary measures expire, the deficit is expected to track downward, falling to $8.2 billion in 2028-29. The PBO also projects the debt-to-GDP ratio to jump this fiscal year to 42.6 per cent. That ratio is expected to fall to 37.8 per cent in 2028-29 assuming no new measures. This is above the pre-pandemic level of 31.2 per cent of GDP in 2019-20. Higher interest rates are raising the cost of debt for the federal government. The PBO says it expects the debt servicing ratio, which refers to public debt charges relative to tax revenues, will peak at 12.0 per cent this fiscal year before gradually falling back to 11.0 per cent in 2028-29. As the Bank of Canada gears up for a rate decision this month, the PBO's projection assumes no further rate hikes. Instead, it projects the central bank will hold its key interest rate at five per cent and begin cutting rates in April 2024. Its inflation forecast anticipates a return to two per cent inflation by the end of next year. The Bank of Canada is set to make its next interest rate decision on Oct. 25. The economy has softened this year, shrinking in the second quarter as consumer spending slows. The labour market is no longer as hot as it was last year: job vacancies have fallen and the unemployment rate has inched higher. While this downward momentum is expected to continue, inflation has proven to be sticky. Canada's inflation rate fell to 2.8 per cent in June but climbed back up to 4.0 per cent in August as underlying price pressures remain high. With this sombre prediction, we need to take another look at how badly our taxpayers money is managed. Government ministers recently were home in their ridings, offering thanks over turkey, disclaiming any responsibility for the Department of Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC), indulging in true Pontius Pilatus syndrome. Judging by the Canadian International Trade Tribunal (CITT), that is just as well, or even disinterested Canadians would be marching on Ottawa with torches and pitchforks. The judgment in the case of Quebec shipyard Chantier Davie and its partner, the Canadian arm of Finnish engine maker Wärtsilä, is a damning indictment of a department that appears to be defined by incompetence, arrogance and ministerial indifference. The CITT found in favour of Davie/Wärtsilä in a case centred on the replacement of the propulsion system of the Canadian Coast Guard heavy icebreaker Terry Fox, which was recently involved in assisting the recovery of the Titan submersible that killed five people when it imploded. The PSPC did not follow the rules, the CITT judgment found. Davie believed it submitted the lowest bid, yet the contract was awarded to Heddle Marine Services, which has plans to complete the $135-million project at its dry dock in St. Catharines, Ont. The CITT said PSPC engaged in a sole-sourced process “under the guise of a competitive procurement.” The tribunal has the power to order bids to be re-evaluated, to award the contract to the complainant or to assign compensation. However, PSPC lifted a “stop work” order in March that meant Heddle started executing the contract. The state of advancement is now such that it would be irresponsible for the tribunal to recommend the cancellation and re-tender as remedy at this stage. It would inflict unacceptable cost to the taxpayer and create a situation that might jeopardize an important mission of the Canadian Coast Guard, and endanger Canadian lives. Still this PSPC decision has forced the tribunal’s hand to rule that the complainants are due monetary compensation for lost opportunity to profit. Previous cases have seen valid complaints awarded around 10 per cent of the contract value, which in this case would amount to $13 million. The conclusion is that the taxpayer is on the hook for millions of dollars due to either bureaucratic ineptitude or hubris (or both) and the Coast Guard will get back a ship that will not meet the requirements that were laid out in the invitation to tender. In its conclusion, the tribunal used unequivocal language, saying it considered the whole situation “unfortunate” because it “puts the system into disrepute.” It is not the first time and it will not be the last. The procurement system is in dire need of reform. The only constant is that the minister responsible is as elusive as a bat in the daylight. Is this acceptable? Wake up Canadians!

As a Job Seeker, You Need to Say ‘No’ to Bad Fits

By Nick Kossovan The following advice may have been given to you by a family member or a well-meaning friend: Stop waiting for better opportunities. The one you have in front of you is the best opportunity. Most job seekers play it safe and settle for jobs that are not a good fit. Rather than spending an extra month or two searching for a job, they accept the first job offer they receive to ease their current pain, which often leads to long-term pain. After being unemployed for some time or anxious to leave your current job, taking the first job offer you receive is understandable. After all, who knows when the next job offer will come along? However, accepting a job offer just because it is an offer may not be your best move. Regardless of your current employment situation, there are times when you should consider turning down a job offer. 1. The compensation is not right. Obviously, you want to make ends meet. Ideally, your income should cover more than your bills. If the salary offered is insufficient to cover your basic expenses and you have not been able to negotiate a higher salary, you should walk away. Do not become one of those employees who constantly complain about their salary, the salary they agreed to when they voluntarily accepted the position. Of course, there are exceptions, such as if the salary is enough to cover your expenses—know what this number is—and you are committed to continue looking for a better-paying job. Ensure the salary you are being offered aligns with your lifestyle and financial situation. Ask yourself if your salary expectations are realistic, given your current skills, experience, and local job market. 2. The job does not offer what you want. Job seekers have different "must-haves." It could be working remotely a few times a week (hybrid), having flexible hours, three weeks of paid vacation, or medical and dental benefits. Whatever it is, if your "must-haves" are not in the job offer, consider turning it down. Is there such a thing as a "perfect job offer"? Of course not. Compare your "must-haves" with what you would be trading off. (e.g., receiving a higher salary but working full-time on-site) 3. The job duties and expectations are vague. A job title will tell you some things, but not everything, about the job. If you have gone through the entire interview process and still do not know what the job entails, especially what is expected, either find out more information or decline the job. Never accept a "mystery" job. For starters, there is the possibility, a good possibility, that what you thought you would do and what you actually do differ so much that you end up unhappy. Worse, because you did not understand what the job entailed, you may be asked to do things you are not comfortable with or are not qualified to do. 4. The company is a revolving door. All companies experience turnover, regardless of their leadership team. According to Mercer, one of the largest sources of employer-reported data, Canada's average voluntary turnover rate in 2022 was 15.5%. While you can ask your interviewer about the company's turnover rate, you probably will not get specifics. Instead, ask why the position is open. Was the person promoted within the company? Did they leave for greener pastures? Is this a newly created role? My best advice: Find former employees on LinkedIn or via your network and talk to them. 5. The company has a bad reputation. No company is perfect. There will always be at least one former employee who says the company "sucks, hates its employees, and destroys your soul." However, pay attention if multiple former employees say the company is a bad employer. It could be that there are problems in one department with one manager. On the other hand, the complaints could indicate a company-wide problem, tricking down from the C-suites. Do more than just search the Internet and social media. As I had mentioned, find former employees on LinkedIn or via your network and talk to them. As well, read up on the company in trade publications and if you can get your hands on their latest annual report. 6. Your gut is telling you to think twice. Job seekers rarely listen to their gut, which is something they should do. During your interview, did you get a bad feeling? Did everyone at the company seem happy and content, or did you get negative vibes? Did it feel like your interviewer(s) were leaving out key details or hiding something during the hiring process? A few years back, I turned down a job that ticked all my boxes because when I asked if I could meet the team I would be managing, I was told my request would be against their hiring process. To me, this was a red flag. Always trust your gut. If you have a bad feeling or something seems "off," you are probably right and should turn down the job offer. Your gut is telling you that this is not the place for you. _____________________________________________________________________ Nick Kossovan, a well-seasoned veteran of the corporate landscape, offers advice on searching for a job. You can send him your questions at

Monday, October 16, 2023


WHERE ARE THE PARENTS? By Rosaldo Russo Allow me to begin this column by thanking the Oshawa/Central newspaper for allowing me the opportunity and access to the press. Not to many if any allow an average person like me to tell the world what I see and think. In my opinion. The Editor/Publisher is a real upstanding type of guy. He shoots from the hip and hold traditional core values. My name is Rosaldo Russo. I came to this great country to make a better life for myself and my family. I thank Canada for everything it has allowed me to do and earn. I worked construction all my life. I know the value of hard work and honesty. I remember as a boy my father always telling me to work hard and buy land. So I did. I remember days when I did not have enough to eat. I go to work... but I did not wait for hand outs. I rounded up my pride my skill and my determination to succeed and went to work. In those days the only benefits we received was the fact we were employed. Before retiring I was the owner and operator of local material supply company that allowed me to retired without worry. Now that I have time to enjoy life. I look around me and have some concern for future generations. I see that the world is finished. I keep hearing about the many attacks on teachers. The violence in our schools from primary education age. What is going on out there. It has reached an alarming level. When kids go to school with knives and guns. Where do they get these weapons. What happened to the good old days when fist would fly until you drew first blood. Then you walked away life time friends. Today, it appears it is fight to the death or nothing. This is so wrong on so many levels. First, blame technology and the video game industry. All these random killing games, should not be part of under age entertainment. Shooting at zombies de-humanizes the mind and in part anti religious.... as it disrespect the dead by re-taking their lives. All this violence turns my stomach. The kids are not to blame. If you condition a young mind to think a particular way. That is all they know and as innocent as their minds are. They only act and respond according to what they been shown. Personally, I blame the parents. The parents should be the ones that are responsible for helping their children develop healthy attitudes and life style. This now bringing to question. Should parent be held accountable when their children commit a crime? Should the parent be forced to pay retribution to their children victim. But wait. Today everyone plays the victim card. A friend of mine told me that his son was called into the principal office for asking another kid what his pronoun was. This was the same student that was seen coming out of the girls changing room claiming he was a she. In this modern world we have to many rights and lack common sense. Kids should not be subjected to guns and knives at school. Children need to be educated on not so much acceptance but instead common sense. It is not about you. It is about us. It is not about individuality but instead of collaborative sharing towards common social goals. I feel for our kids. They are being brought up confused. God help us that soon we as parents take control of our children future.

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Pickering needs a community center that is truly inclusive, respectful, and safe for all

I have a concerning issue that has come to light within our beloved Chestnut Hill Recreation Centre here in Pickering. During the pandemic, a few changes were made within the complex including a new policy that was put in place that forces individuals under the age of 18 or those without memberships (all ages) to use a universal changeroom. I firmly believe that this policy is not only unfair, but goes against the principles of inclusivity, privacy, and child protection. In light of this, back in May, I was trying to bring forward a Motion that would allow biological males and females the right to choose which vulnerable spaces they would feel most comfortable using. Unfortunately, this motion never came to light and fellow Council members would not allow me the opportunity to bring it forward for debate, but instead resorted to using derogatory terms such as ‘transphobic’ and ‘homophobic’ towards me. It is disheartening to witness such discourse, especially when my intent has always been to advocate for the mental and physical rights of all individuals. Here is a copy of my original motion. WHEREAS: Chestnut Hill Recreation Complex has 3 designated changerooms consisting of a female members only change room, a male members only change room, and a co-ed universal change room used by members with children under the age of 18 and all other guests. And Whereas, the co-ed universal changeroom gives an opportunity for predators to be alone with vulnerable children And Whereas, children have a right to feel and be safe when using these vulnerable spaces And Whereas, it is critical that The Corporation of the City of Pickering minimize the risks of predators praying on children who are not accompanied by an adult within the recreation complex changerooms And Whereas, shouldn’t it be the choice of the individual, or family to choose which changeroom they feel safe using, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering create a new policy within the Chestnut Hill Recreation Complex that permits: 1. a female the choice to use a female-only change room 2. a male the choice to use a male-only change room 3. the universal changeroom be inclusive to all genders and or families and 4. this policy to come into full force and effect immediately 5. a copy of this motion be sent to The Region of Durham, all Durham Municipalities, AMO, and FCM First and foremost, let us emphasize the importance of inclusivity. Our community center should be a place where everyone feels welcome and comfortable. By implementing a policy that segregates individuals based on their age or membership status, we are inadvertently creating a division among our community members. Inclusivity means equal opportunities for all, regardless of age or membership status. We must promote an environment where everyone feels valued and respected, regardless of their circumstances. Moreover, the issue of privacy cannot be overlooked. Forcing individuals to use a universal change room can be a violation of their personal privacy. Imagine being a young teenager, already going through the challenges of adolescence, and then being required to change in a communal space where your privacy is compromised. It is crucial to recognize that privacy is a fundamental right that must be upheld, especially for minors. By doing so, we respect their dignity and foster an environment that promotes their emotional well-being. Furthermore, we must address the issue of child protection. The safety and security of our children should always be a top priority. Requiring minors to use a universal changeroom puts them at a higher risk of potential harm or inappropriate behavior. It is our duty as a community to ensure that our children are protected, both physically and emotionally. Implementing policies that compromise their safety is simply unacceptable and goes against our shared values. In light of these concerns, I urge the Chestnut Hill Recreation Centre to reconsider this policy. Let us work together to find a solution that promotes inclusivity, respects privacy, and ensures the safety of all community members, especially our young ones. We can explore options such as designated changing areas for different age groups or membership statuses, ensuring that everyone can comfortably and safely prepare for their activities. It is important to acknowledge that every individual should have the right to choose the environment in which they feel safest and most comfortable, both mentally and physically. This includes the option to choose whether to use a biologically female only washroom/changeroom, a biologically male only washroom/changeroom, or a universal washroom/changeroom that would be inclusive to all genders and all ages. This awareness is growing within our Provincial Government, and sports teams, not only here in Canada but around the world recognizing the importance of privacy for men, women, boys, and girls when using these vulnerable spaces. Again, I need to stress that this is crucial for one’s overall physical and mental well-being. We must stand up for the principles of inclusivity, privacy, and child protection. The policy at Chestnut Hill Recreation Centre, forcing individuals under the age of 18 or those without membership to use a universal changeroom, is not in alignment with these principles. We need to advocate for change and work towards creating a community center that is truly inclusive, respectful, and safe for all. “Empower the People, Ignite the Change” - Lisa Robinson


Fireworks: A Tradition Worth Preserving In our city, a debate is unfolding that mirrors discussions in lots of Canadian communities: the destiny of fireworks. At its center, this debate is not pretty much colorful explosions within the sky; it's miles about way of life, nostalgia, and cultural values. The critical query is whether individuals need to have the proper to buy and set off fireworks, or if this proper should be curtailed due to the reckless movements of a minority. Fireworks, for the masses, are emblematic of birthday parties and pleasure. They're a loved subculture, exceeded down via generations. We've all skilled that childlike wonder, watching the sky burst into radiant sun shades. As adults, we are attempting to find ways to share this magic with our families. However, the misuse of fireworks via some has caused safety troubles. Incidents because of those "terrible apples" have brought approximately some to name for a complete ban on personal firework use. While those concerns are authentic, it is vital to ask: Should the majority be penalized for the movements of a few? Is it proper to erase a subculture that has been a deliver of pleasure for such a number of? Canada, with its rich tapestry of traditions, is witnessing a gradual erosion of these customs. The firework debate is symptomatic of a bigger style. Today's assignment might be fireworks, however what lifestyle will be under scrutiny the next day? We hazard losing fragments of our cultural identity with each such debate. The challenges posed with the aid of fireworks, which includes distress to animals and noise-sensitive people, are real. However, an outright ban won't be the best solution. A greater balanced technique might be to promote stable and responsible firework use. Through education and specific regions for firework shows, we're capable of coping with protection worries at the same time as keeping culture. Innovative answers are on the horizon. The company is exploring silent fireworks, which could provide a visible spectacle without the noise. Additionally, as the era advances and costs drop, drones prepared with lights may emerge as a famous possibility, shooting the essence of fireworks without the traditional drawbacks. However, at the same time as those options are promising, it is essential to recall and honor the genuine intention and spirit of fireworks. Democracy prospers on discussion and compromise. It's important to keep in mind each aspect: people who cherish the manner of existence and those with authentic concerns. Removing the pleasure of fireworks primarily based on a minority's moves isn't the solution. In the end, as this debate keeps, permit's attempt for a middle ground. Fireworks represent shared reminiscences and cultural heritage. Let's ensure they stay part of our traditions, cherished responsibly by future generations, while moreover embracing new and progressive strategies to celebrate.


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. - ONE DAY AT A TIME - I like to begin this column by making it public that the future for the Central Newspaper has never looked better and it is all about you the readers. Without the support of our readers we would have never lasted 28 years. These past two weeks have been challenging. From the many well wisher to the many new hired. There have been many challenges and countless obstacles. The Central always stayed true to it’s mission. That being to serve our community without compromise. Our priority is to help where need is needed. To champion freedom of speech and access to the press. Our position is one to contribute to the community we call home and try one step at a time to make it a better place for future generations to live, enjoy and thrive. At the Central we don’t just say we champion small business. We are small business helping small business succeed. One fundamental mistake that my predecessors and many that have tried and failed. The most valuable asset for any publishing house is it’s staff. It’s readers and it thousands of contributors, associated, affiliates and the like. Success in life as in the publishing industry is hard. Always tested to stand true. Rarely are you praised and or rewarded. Instead your thought and opinions must remain steadfast on supporting your local community. Your business community and all it’s groups and associations. I remember at one point as you will note to the left of this column. Being asked. Why do you belong to so many groups? How do you find the time? Well, In order to serve you have to sacrifice. In order to give back you have to be upfront and center. My repertoire at most of these clubs was to raise funds and show them a new way of operating. Giving back is more than just a cliche, instead it is a way of life. Personal sacrifices are countless as I am in debt to my family for understanding my long nights and days without seeing them, as many days I would leave at 5am and return at 1am... Only to repeat the next day. The hours falling asleep in my den by my computer as I finished reports and edited thousands of pages. I look ahead with great optimism as I learned that looking back only revisits the many lessons I endure. Together we continue to better our communities.

The New Canadian Federal Election Map

by Maj (ret'd) CORNELIU. CHISU, CD, PMSC, FEC, CET, P. Eng. Former Member of Parliament Pickering-Scarborough East With the world in turmoil, a new Canadian federal Election map was, recently voted on, in the House of Commons. Therefore, if everything goes well, The 45th Canadian federal election will take place on or before October 20, 2025, to elect members of the House of Commons to the 45th Canadian Parliament. The date of the vote is determined by the fixed-date provisions of the Canada Elections Act, which requires federal elections to be held on the third Monday in October in the fourth calendar year after the polling day of the previous election. In addition to the statutory fixed election date, Canada has a constitutional requirement that elections for the House of Commons be held no more than five years after the preceding election. This is specified in both section 50 of the Constitution Act, 1867 and section 4 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. . The election may occur before the scheduled date if the Governor General dissolves Parliament on the recommendation of the Prime Minister for a snap election. This can happen, for example, after the House of Commons passes a motion of no confidence in the government. Early elections are more likely to occur during minority governments because the prime minister does not control a majority in the House of Commons. The next election will potentially be the first contested election, using the new 343 constituency electoral map based on the 2021 Canadian census. New electoral boundary sets for each of the ten provinces were finalized between February 14, 2023 and July 8, 2023, and officially proclaimed on September 22, 2023. Any election that occurs on or after April 22, 2024 will use the new boundaries, while any called prior to that date, will re-use the 338-seat boundary set presently in force. However, the next federal election will most likely be held under this new electoral map as the Liberal-NDP pact assures the Prime Minister a majority in the House. A short analysis of the new electoral map reveals a general realignment of the electoral boundaries, which will generate an interesting new federal election. At first glance new electoral map seems to favour the Conservative Party. All told, the changes may work to the Conservatives' advantage, said Éric Grenier, a seasoned podcaster and polling expert who runs "Overall, I think the map does benefit the Conservatives more than any other party," Grenier told CBC News. While boundary changes can be important, perhaps the biggest boost to Conservative fortunes could come from the addition of news eats to the House of Commons, according to Grenier. The federal seat count is set to expand from 338 to 343. "Three extra ridings in Alberta — all three of those are probably new seats for the Conservatives. The extra seat in the B.C. interior is an area where the Conservatives are likely to win," he noted. "So they are the ones that benefit from the new seats that are being added." One seat being added in the Brampton, Ont. area might swing the Liberals' way, Grenier said. It is important to keep in mind that broader trends in party support and the state of the campaign play much more significant roles in an election's outcome than changes to the riding map. A change to a riding boundary that yields a few hundred more votes for the Liberals wouldn't matter much if they lose thousands more votes in broader support, Grenier stated. "No one wins an election or forms the government just because of the change of the map," Grenier continued. "But if we end up in the next election and it is really tight and it comes down to a few seats, then yeah, the map will be really important." We should note that the independent commissions do not consider partisan outcomes when they are drawing their boundaries. MPs are often extremely vocal about changes to their ridings, however, and do try to influence the process by attending public consultations and submitting formal objections to the commissions. The most controversial decisions the independent commissions made are the ones that eliminated, ridings altogether. In Quebec's Gaspé Peninsula, for example, two MPs will soon represent the peninsula instead of three. Northern Ontario is losing a riding, while a seat in Toronto is being divided between its neighbours. Not only do these decisions mean fewer MPs for a specific area, they also force sitting MPs to decide whether to seek nominations in neighbouring ridings. That reduces the boost parties typically receive from having an incumbent candidate, Grenier explained. "It levels the playing field a little bit," he said. "And if there [are] some cases where you have incumbent MPs having to go up against each other [for nominations], I mean that's a net loss for the party, right? Because they would rather have two incumbents." This said the parties will have to work hard in order to establish the new ridings and call the nomination for candidates. In the Durham region, there were also notable changes in two ridings: Pickering Uxbridge becomes Pickering Brooklyn and Durham undergoes even more changes, becoming York Durham. Let us see what surprises the next election will bring to Canada. In the meantime, you should take an interest in the new ridings and get ready to elect a more responsible government.

Your LinkedIn Headline Is How You Get Recruiters and Employers' Attention

By Nick Kossovan After your name, your LinkedIn headline, limited to 220 characters, is what employers and recruiters see first. Therefore, if you want to catch their attention, you need to create a headline that gives a reason to stop scrolling and read your profile. The best LinkedIn headline for your job search will: · Display your skills and expertise. (What is it you do.) · Include your current or past job title if relevant to the position you are currently pursuing. · Communicate the value you would bring to a new employer. · Include at least one keyword/phrase for the type of job you want, whether a job title or keyword(s). · (Optional) Include something unique (a fun fact about yourself) to make your LinkedIn profile stand out, such as a specific accomplishment, an award, a hobby, where you volunteer or something quirky. Bottom line: Your LinkedIn headline is prime real estate for highlighting what you can bring (your value-add) to an employer; thus, use it strategically! Here are examples of headlines that would attract attention: 1. Headline Formula: Role | Specific Achievement · B2B Inside Sales Rep | $2.8M generated in 2022. · Digital Ads Manager | 5 Years Experience Managing 7-figure ad budgets. · Software Sales Director | Increased [COMPANY] revenue from $250M to $650M within 18 months This is your first go-to headline formula. Numbers are the language of business. Numbers paint a picture of what you have accomplished. Employers understand numbers. You cannot go wrong with creating a LinkedIn headline that boasts quantifiable results. Your LinkedIn profile and resume should contain as many quantifiable numbers as possible to increase your job search success. Regardless of your role, it is possible to quantify—provide numbers—your work and the results you achieve. If you are a writer, how many articles, along with average word count, did you create last year? If you are in tech support, how many users do you help per week, or how many requests do you solve? If you sweep a warehouse floor, how many square meters? In what time? If, for some reason, you do not feel comfortable with this headline formula, consider one of the following. 2. Headline Formula: Role | Years of Experience in Industry | Fun Fact · Human Resources Manager | 10+ Years of People Experience | Toronto Maple Leafs Season Tickets Holder · Senior Manufacturing Engineer | 6+ Years in GMP Manufacturing | 2022 Dundee Award Winner Employers love experience, so be bold and mention it in your headline along with something unique about yourself. 3. Headline Formula: Role | Industry/Expertise | Value You Bring · Director of HR at Oracle | Software Technology | Certified HR Trainer · R&D Scientist at Pfizer | Oncology Research | Science Blogger This is similar to the previous headline examples, with one key difference: The middle section is focused on your industry rather than the number of years of experience. This headline is a good option if you have less than five years of experience. 4. Headline Formula: Role/Job Title | specializing in ____, ____, and ____. · Content Marketing Strategist specializing in press releases, blog content, and social media. This simple formula puts your job title and main keyword in your making your profile search-friendly. 5. Headline Formula: X Years of Experience in ____ | Helping companies ____ · 5+ Years of experience in software product management | Developing mobile and web applications that help companies grow. · 8 years of experience in customer support for multiple Fortune-500 companies | Helping global brands deliver an outstanding customer experience. Use this headline formula if you consider your experience your biggest strength. 6. Headline Formula: # 1 Area of Expertise | #2 Area of Expertise · Creative Advertising Expert & Digital Marketing Strategist · Engineering Team Lead & Project Management Professional Sometimes, less is more. If you are looking to stay in the same role, consider this headline formula, which is straightforward and effective. Pick your top two skills or areas of work relevant to the next job you are seeking and state them in your headline without any distractions. Jobseekers often ask me whether they should mention in their LinkedIn headline that they are "Actively Seeking Opportunities." My answer: No!!! First, this communicates absolutely nothing other than that you are out of work and need a job. Second, an in-demand, highly skilled job candidate would never put "Actively Seeking Opportunities" anywhere on their LinkedIn profile; they are already inundated with being contacted by recruiters and employers. You want to position yourself as an in-demand job seeker, and advertising to the world that you are actively seeking a job makes you look desperate and lack a network you can leverage. Appearing desperate is a massive turnoff. A Final Note: The job of your LinkedIn headline is to get recruiters and employers to stop scrolling and read your profile. If your headline does its job, your profile will get more reads. Therefore, your profile must have a professional picture and a summary that provides a compelling career story along with being populated with results (numbers, stats) you have achieved for your employers; otherwise, your headline will have done its job for nothing. _____________________________________________________________________ Nick Kossovan, a well-seasoned veteran of the corporate landscape, offers advice on searching for a job. You can send him your questions at

Essential Ingredient

I have a couple of questions for you. If a person no longer feels they love their spouse, is it time to divorce? Also, do you think a person who has had an affair can change enough for the betrayed to forgive and continue the marriage? Is it possible to salvage a marriage after the affair? Marie Marie, a book could be written on each of your questions, but the last question sounds like the one you are really asking. What do you mean by salvage? Do you mean the cake just fell on the floor, and the guests are arriving? Can we patch it together and serve it from the kitchen so no one notices what happened? Or do you mean, after an affair, can you have the kind of marriage you would wish for your son or daughter? Marriage is a relationship different from all others. You can date many people, you can be friends with many people, you can be neighbors to many people. But the act of getting married says, I choose this one unique being to share everything with me for the rest of my life. The basis for willingly binding yourself to one person is love. Their fidelity allows you to believe in their love. Their fidelity allows you to sustain your love. But if that person is unfaithful then they, not you, have brought their love into question. Infidelity validates your doubts about their love. The idea of fidelity is in the marital vows because it is essential. Fidelity is the one thing promised in virtually every religious tradition and understood worldwide. Why? Because breaking faith breaks the marriage. It is possible to forgive betrayal, but in our experience, it is not possible to forget it. That would be like forgetting you have kids. It isn’t going to happen. The unfaithful person would like the other person to forget, and the one betrayed would like to forget, but barring amnesia, they cannot. How do you believe “I love you” after you have been betrayed? That is what people ask us years and even decades afterwards. For some people who stay in the marriage, divorce was not an option. For many people, it is not the case that they healed after infidelity. They simply live with the pain. Is that a “marriage” salvaged? Others claim you can get over infidelity. We say you may not be able to overcome infidelity. The difference is we focus on the innocent party. Wayne & Tamara Shop Talk I am an advice columnist myself, a Dutch one from Holland. I read your column online because I appreciate your work, your tone and style. My question is, how do you get your quotes from world literature? I mean, the questions from your correspondents are pretty much straightforward. Mostly I agree with your advice, but you quite often have allusions to Shakespeare or Hemingway or other writers, allusions which corroborate your point in a wonderful, illuminating way. How come you have these citations at hand so easily? Do you go through books when answering questions? Do you have citation books or indexes? Or just an excellent memory? Beatrijs Beatrijs, a poem by Lawrence Ferlinghetti talks about a pickpocket who looks at a saint and sees nothing but pockets. We write about relationships because we see the world as nothing but relationships. When we look at a letter, our experience and these allusions just pop out. In the case of your letter, it was a line from a poem one of us read decades ago. We don’t have perfect memories either. Most of us know much more than we think we know. Part of finding the answer to our problems involves letting what we know out. Part of finding the answer to our problems involves reading each situation with the sum total of our life experience. Wayne & Tamara SEND LETTERS TO:

xcess of Stupidity Is Still the Problem

By Common Sense Health – W. Gifford-Jones MD and Diana Gifford At a breakneck pace, today’s world threatens to leave us gasping for breath. You name it – climate change and pollution, the global demographic explosion, autocratic rulers trampling civil society, or the threat of AI’s unintended consequences. But for all the things where meaningful influence is out of the hands of most of us, why are these still so many things well within our control that we do so little to change? Consumers have a lot of power, for example, but too infrequently use it. If you don’t like the microplastics in the ocean, stop buying food sold in excessive packaging. When affordable public transportation is available, we spend far more to drive our own vehicles. We buy enough clothing to stuff our closets, and then some. Otherwise intelligent people do too many stupid things. They don’t give it a moment’s thought. Just this week, we were dismayed to learn about a high school that hosted a gelato eating contest involving the students. Four “winners” tied for consuming a whopping 25 scoops each. The average scoop of gelato has about 17 grams of sugar and 160 calories. At least, one might argue, it wasn’t ice cream. A half cup serving of ice cream has 25 grams of sugar, roughly half the amount of sugar a person should normally eat in a day. What do we make of a school sanctioning the consumption of 425 grams of sugar in one sitting? Alarm bells should be ringing! That’s enough sugar to cause severe and immediate effects on the body. The rapid spike in blood sugar will have the pancreas struggling to produce enough insulin. Like night follows day, excessive sugar consumption will lead to obesity, diabetes, tooth decay, gastrointestinal problems, fatty liver, and heart disease. Why did no teacher object? Why did no student object? Why were parents not informed until after the damage was done? The only answer is that people still haven’t learned the basic lesson. Even when we know better, even when we’ve been told a thousand times, we still don’t make the small changes in our lives that will give us better health outcomes. Hallowe’en is approaching. How many readers will stock up on sugar-filled, tooth-rotting, mindless candy giveaways to the young children knocking on their doors? The kids may not like the message, but someone needs to tell them that the candy they collect should be consumed in moderation. Hallowe’en would better be a history lesson and a neighbourhood meet-and-greet than what’s it has become, unfortunately. Scott Adams, the brilliant satirist of workplace culture, offered this warning, "Never underestimate the power of human stupidity, especially when it's wilful." We humans need to smarten up and be wilful in making change to the things we know are clearly bad. It should not be allowed to serve 25 servings of gelato to a child in one’s care. But let’s take up the big opportunities. Tobacco should be outlawed. If that can’t be done, then increase the taxes higher still. Companies that produce junk food should be charged in the court of law with knowingly causing illness, and they should have to pay for the costs. We wonder if there is any hope for young people to make necessary changes. Are the kids these days, with all their access to information, smart enough? If youth obesity and diabetes rates are any indicator, they are not. One thing is for sure. If we were running a school, we would not sanction gelato-eating contests. And we would give a failing grade to anyone who did. Sign-up at to receive our weekly e-newsletter. For comments, Follow us Instagram @docgiff and @diana_gifford_jones

Saturday, October 7, 2023


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. - ONE DAY AT A TIME - Hello readers. What an exciting week it has been. From the many new inquiries to the many former employees of Metroland looking for work. And yes, we will hire you on the spot. The end to Metroland is becoming a great BEGINNING for the region of Durham and all it’s citizens. Now for the first time in 30 years. The people of Durham Region have one newsprint news source. One place they can check out all that is happening not only in their municipality but across the region. One great newspaper serving the needs of all the citizens of Durham. Many that have called are in shock at the fact that they actually get to talk to a person. Not like under Metroland that is was a series of voicemail and recording. Many of the callers are also praising the fact that The Central Newspaper is the only left newspaper that offers citizens the opportunity to send letters to the editor with no editing. This is something that is unheard of in today’s media world. So far for the Central Newspaper your award winning number one newspaper is undergoing some huge changes. Great things are soon coming. Under consideration is the possibility of going on a daily basis. An immediate is the increase in circulation as the paper carriers and distributors have pushed our current print to a maximum. The Oshawa/Durham Central from day one was committed to serving the communities we represent. Today, with the overwhelming support and praise we are receiving from the community at large. The Central is on the right track. The Central has developed new momentum to even consider entering other markets such as Toronto, Peterborough, Cobourg, Port Hope, Barrie, Hamilton, Niagara Falls, and many others. Currently we also operate a U.S. base newspaper in the state of West Virginia. Our U.S. operations in the new year will also be looking at a bit of transformation as there are interest in Buffalo New York, Erie Pa, Pittsburgh Pa, Cleaveland Ohio. At the current moment our biggest obstacle is the hiring of people. If you are looking for work. Call us. Without a good solid work force we can’t continue the forward push we are experiencing. The future for the Central newspaper looks bright. Thanks to readers like you. We can make it happen.


The English words "The pen is mightier than the sword" were first written by novelist and playwright Edward Bulwer-Lytton in 1839, in his historical play Cardinal Richelieu. His literal gesture can’t be ever more true as words have been used through out time to mislead, confuse and push agenda other than that of which the literal meaning entitles the writer to peruse. The key to this the talent of the writer to communicate a message that is other than that of the conjuctional meaning of it’s literal intent. Words, like. Love, Hate, Ignorance, Passion, Prejudice, Bias, Justice, Fair, Equal and so on. Words that if used in conjunction with other words will communicate very different understanding by those tuning in. Take for example the word LOVE - What is the full meaning of love? : a quality or feeling of strong or constant affection for and dedication to another. motherly love. 2. a. : attraction based on sexual desire : the strong affection and tenderness felt by lovers. Love encompasses a range of strong and positive emotional and mental states, from the most sublime virtue or good habit, the deepest interpersonal affection, to the simplest pleasure. Then by definition the interpretation can be manipulated in all sorts of ways and for all sorts of purposes. Positive and negative. As a reader we must not be entangled in a web of ignorance that leads us to a path of misjudgment in support of a cause or agenda without actually acknowledging the intent of the message sender. For example. I LOVE YOU. Do I love you as a friend, as a person as a lover as a family member... and so on. Then if we have such difficulty with a simple words as LOVE. Imagine our ignorance when we communicate other words that are presented to with intent to arouse a particular emotion. I just used the word ‘ignorance’. Many would become offended by such term. In reality. Ignorance means - lack of knowledge or information. synonyms: incomprehension, unawareness, unconsciousness, inexperience, innocence, unfamiliarity with, lack of enlightenment about, lack of knowledge about, lack of information about, cluelessness, nescience, lack of knowledge, lack of education, unenlightenment, benightedness, lack of intelligence, unintelligence, stupidity, foolishness, idiocy, denseness, brainlessness, mindlessness, slow-wittedness, thickness, dimness, dumbness, dopiness, doziness. Boy that is a mouthful. And to think most of us would deem the word to be an insult. By definition, one could say that we are all ignorant as we can’t profess to know everything. Here is where the manipulation of language becomes dangerous. As calling someone ignorant can be perceived as negative when in literal actuality you are just pointing out that possibly the person’s argument before you lacks information or knowledge. Much like someone reading something and jumping to conclusion on a particular issue without full knowledge of the meaning of the words they find offensive. Groups throughout history have been use for the purpose of persecution and malice attacks on another to use language to fan social amber against another. By now you have heard the wild fire of attention I have received in the press over my intentions to set up a Halloween prop on property... Neighbours opposed it and through the use of language... I was labeled wrongly. I can appreciate other peoples point of view and opinion. You probably have heard by now the dilemma I am facing at Pickering City Hall. I would like to address the recent press release issued by Mayor Ashe which misrepresents my comments and attempts to discredit my concerns regarding modern-day slavery. The mayor's statement suggests that I compared modern-day slavery to anti-slavery efforts, which is not the case. My intention was never to make a direct comparison between these two aspects. Instead, I sought to shed light on the issue of modern-day slavery, which exists in various forms and affects individuals from all backgrounds. I also want to emphasize that I recognize the power of language and the importance of using words mindfully. It is crucial to treat each other with respect, sensitivity, and an understanding of historical context. However, it is disappointing that Mayor Ashe has failed to engage in a respectful conversation with me regarding my comments before issuing this statement. Mayor Ashe's attempt to undermine my concerns by accusing me of using false and harmful comparisons is baseless. I have never made any comparisons in my statements, and his assertion is an unfounded attempt to discredit my position. Subsequently PABRT released the following statement. On September 26, 2023, City of Pickering Councillor Lisa Robinson stated that she was a 'modern-day slave' due to losing 30 days of pay after an investigation by the City’s integrity commissioner. This comment has left members of the City of Pickering - Pickering Anti-Black Racism Taskforce (PABRT) horrified and deeply concerned. As per Edward Bulwer-Lytton coin phrase - "The pen is mightier than the sword" - This could not be more true. I find these actions are unfair and unjust. Unfair, as I feel I am being punished and persecuted. I feel as if the PABRT is being used in an attempt give creditability to attack me. I feel that the words used lack understanding and are being intentionally used with malice intent in order to fan social ambers against me. Much like ‘I LOVE YOU’. We must understand the words in order to give creditability to the argument. Otherwise we act out of ignorance and understanding. My intent was to illustrate the fact that the City is forcing me to work for no pay. By definition: Slavery is the ownership of a person as property, especially in regards to their labor. Slavery typically involves compulsory work with the slave's location of work and residence dictated by the party that holds them in bondage. Enslavement is the placement of a person into slavery. Wikipedia. If this stand true. By the many municipal regulations as an elected official I am inslaved to serve those that I represent. Slavery has many meaning. Much like LOVE. Then why is the PABRT assuming wrongfully that it is a race thing... a historical thing. Just recently the government of Canada passed this Act. Canada Passes Modern Slavery Act On May 11, 2023, Canada passed An Act to enact Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act and to amend the Customs Tariff (the “Act”). As we reported previously, the Act will create supply chain transparency and reporting obligations for certain companies as part of Canada’s efforts to fight against forced labour and child labour in Canadian supply chains.What Obligations Are Placed on Companies?Covered companies will be required to report to the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness (the “Minister”) on or before May 31 of each year. Does this act have anything to do with historical racism? Obviously not. I hope the PABRT retracts its comments and opinions against me. PABRT was set up to prevent prejudice, bia and discrimination. Now I feel like I am the victim that needs PABRT representation and not persecution. “Beneath the rule of men entirely great, the pen is mightier than the sword.” This is the original quote, and I think the prefix condition is important. “The pen is mightier than the sword” is obviously not always a true statement, but it is when one is “beneath the rule of men entirely great.”

Silent Struggle of Homeowners

in a Post-COVID World The aftermath of COVID-19 has unveiled a quiet disaster. As we grapple with the pandemic's fallout, homeowners, specifically the aged and younger households, are confronting an intensifying task to hold their houses amidst soaring expenses. Rising house prices, interest rates and the escalating price of living have already gone up for many. Now, with nearby governments mulling over price range increases of up to 10%, the dream of homeownership is slipping away for countless individuals. But it's now not just about shopping for a domestic. With interest rates climbing, even those who have secured a home are struggling to meet loan bills. Add the spiraling expenses of necessities, and many teeter on the edge of financial disintegrate. Yet, neighborhood governments appear oblivious. Their narrative of "saving" by means of raising taxes by way of 10% rather than 12% feels tone-deaf. It's a superficial approach to a deepening crisis. Reflect on our seniors, who after a lifetime of their houses now face the agonizing choice of selling. Their modest pensions can't combat rising prices and elevated taxes. Many have borrowed cash for essential domestic repairs, hoping to age in the vicinity. But with surging rates and costs, they're trapped. To them, their house isn't just property; it is a cherished domestic, packed with recollections. For young homeowners, the state of affairs is equally dire. Stretched skinny to steady a domestic, any uptick in expenses will be catastrophic. The as-celebrated milestone of homeownership now looms as a monetary albatross. During the pandemic, many government groups of workers labored remotely, with handiest critical employees on-website. Now, there is talk of hiring an extra group of workers to "seize up." But why? If responsibilities were controlled with fewer at some stage in the pandemic, why make it bigger now? The monetary recklessness of some nearby governments is disheartening. It's as though they have been given a clean test, with citizens bearing the outcomes. Feelings of sorrow, anger, and anxiety are mounting. Seniors face capability homelessness, and younger households see their dreams collapse. Local governments must reevaluate their spending. The network's destiny hinges on it. Ultimately, while governing a metropolis isn't always cheap, the actual value of financial negligence is borne by using its residents. It's a fee too excessive, and one we should collectively task.

Canada a governance in crisis

by Maj (ret'd) CORNELIU. CHISU, CD, PMSC, FEC, CET, P. Eng. Former Member of Parliament Pickering-Scarborough East In a rapidly changing world with an increased danger of armed conflicts, Canada faces a systemic failure to manage complex public policy issues at both the political and bureaucratic levels. It seems that Canada has lost its capacity to identify and deal with matters related to domestic and international events. Guided by opaque regulatory processes that have stymied oil and gas development efforts, deterred investment, and dampened competitiveness, they have given market share to authoritarian energy producers while plundering our economy and hampering strategic international export opportunities. Oil and gas arguably remains the most important commodity in the world today. It paved the way for the industrialization and globalization trends of the post-World War II era, a period that saw the fastest human population growth and largest reduction in extreme poverty, ever. Its energy density, transportability, storability, and availability have made oil and gas the world’s greatest source of energy, used in every corner of the globe. There are geopolitical implications inherent in a commodity of such significance and volume. The contemporary histories of Russia, Iran, Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq are intertwined with their roles as major oil and gas producers, roles that they have used to advance their (often illiberal) interests on the world stage. It is fair to ask why Canada has never seen fit to advance its own values and interests through its vast energy reserves. It is easy to conclude that its reluctance to do so has been a major policy failure. Moreover, a $35 billion Canadian Infrastructure Bank that has only finalized two projects, and failed to leverage any private sector dollars is a question mark of incompetence. The endemic existence of a healthcare system that struggles with mismanagement and governance complexity, alongside layers of state influence, special interests, public pressure, and much more is asking for a disaster to happen. Superimposed on a lack of planning, the total lack of a coherent and effective defence policy to safeguard national interests, particularly in the Arctic, is slowly leading to a catastrophic debacle. These issues are only the tip of the iceberg but they are examples of a crisis of governance across a wide range of policy areas. They reflect a systemic failure at both the political and bureaucratic levels to manage complex public policy concerns. Although past governments have also lagged in their efficiency to deliver sound policy, the current one is particularly deficient. Considering their election pledge to implement a system of “deliverology” management to improve program execution, they have failed miserably to deal with important governance issues for Canadians. After seven years in office, the Trudeau government has displayed a remarkably consistent inability to do the difficult work of actually delivering, as opposed to simply announcing, its stated policy goals. The causes are not always the same, nor are the outcomes. However, the corrosive effects are now evident in almost all areas of government operations, including areas identified as high priority by the actual political leadership. The result has been the provision of substandard services, delays, major cost overruns, chaotic findings of international projects and major international embarrassments. Unless this situation changes radically, Canada will face a dangerous decay in state capacity, as well as that of public trust and morale within the civil service. The key dynamic that underlines this crisis lies between the political leadership and the bureaucracy. The dual problem at its core is the lack of political leadership to make decisions and push them through, and the lack of a competent bureaucracy to support efficiently the leadership. This may partly be the result of greater centralization of policy-making within the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO), which leaves ministers and their departmental staff without the actual authority to implement decisions rapidly and efficiently. The political leadership’s focus on messaging, rather than deliverables is also a deterrent to making good decisions. In general, there is a lack of significant policy planning before an announcement, which later turns out to be far more complex than previously conceived. A clear example of this kind of gaffe is the recent fiasco of the Greenbelt land announcement by the Ford government in the Province of Ontario. While the political leadership is offloading decisions as it is supposed to, the bureaucracy is not well placed to manage them. A key underlying situation within the bureaucracy is the subtle cultural shift among its workforce over the past 30 years. This has shifted the focus away from providing unvarnished sound and competent advice to the political leadership, to defending its stated political positions. To insulate itself from criticism, the bureaucracy has added multiple layers of “process” in order to confer greater accountability and ultimately legitimacy to policies. Yet they are often wholly inadequate to deal with the challenge, leading to sclerotic progress on files as there is no ability or internal impetus to advance them. In cases where multiple departments or sub-departments are involved, policy gridlock occurs, as there is no authority to push forward decisions through the bureaucratic systems. Compounding this syndrome of “performative governance” is the damage from inertia in other areas, caused by the government’s failure to make any choices at all. This deprives both the public, the media, and other actors from even offering criticisms or suggestions to course correct. Bad decisions can at least be fixed. Instead, Canadians face policy paralysis everywhere they look, caused by a government that appears to alternate between making announcements devoid of substance and follow-through, and simply not making decisions at all. To get us out of this bureaucratic quagmire, it is time to review our process of governance and make the ‘public service’ serve the public once again, as it was set up to do. What are your thoughts?