Saturday, July 27, 2024

How Has the Bank of Canada Policy Rate Impacted Small Businesses?

By Daryl Ching, CFA | Managing Partner Vistance Capital Advisory After a fairly stable interest rate environment since the financial crisis in 2008, we have seen interest rates rise dramatically in a very short period of time, resembling a hockey stick graph. As of March 2020, the Bank of Canada policy rate was steady at 1.75% and as we entered an inflationary environment, the rate increased to 5% by July 2023. That is a 3.25% increase in just over 3 years. While there are fixed rate term loans available, the most usual form of business loan is a line of credit that is based on a bank prime rate, which in turn is tied to the Bank of Canada Policy Rate (overnight lending rate to banks). These interest rates fluctuate based on the prevailing interest rate environment. Personal lines of credit that are often used to lend to small businesses are also priced based on the Prime Bank Rate. Prior to COVID, businesses in good standing were borrowing at about 6-7% interest rates based on the bank prime rate at the time. These same loans by July 2023 were charging 9.25%-10.25% interest. On a loan of $300K, this is an additional $10K of interest annually business owners are suddenly paying. For businesses that are breaking even or in a loss position, the additional interest is crippling, and entrepreneurs are faced with some significant decisions that include cost cutting, pivoting the business strategy, refinancing or in some cases shutting down their business. For small businesses looking for financing, a higher interest rate makes it much more difficult to qualify for business loans because they will struggle to cover the interest payments, so as a result, they do not pass the debt coverage tests. Therefore, many small businesses are now priced out of the market but could conceivably have qualified for a loan prior to COVID. The greatest impact is on early-stage businesses and businesses withlow profitability that can no longer consider debt as an option. As a result of all this, the most interesting trend we have seen since COVID is a move towards the equity market. Business owners have opted to sell shares of their business for growth capital and in some circumstances to pay down their high interest debt. Early-stage equity investors have a very different profile from a lender. They seek much more upside and therefore push companies to riskier business models that can result in a higher valuation upon exit. For high growth businesses looking for the same return, this works out well as an equity raise was likely the right path for them. However, for more conservative businesses that have a lower risk and reward profile or for business owners that were looking to steady organic growth, equity is not an attractive option, but they have no where else to turn. A full equity raise is very time consuming. Business owners shift their attention to preparing investors presentations, 3–5-year financial forecasts, and taking meetings with investors. They get locked up in long due diligence sessions only to have deals fall apart at the 11th hour for various reasons. Early-stage businesses often end up handing over control of the company due to a lower valuation. The high interest rate environment has pushed many businesses into raising equity, even though this was not a great option for them. As of July 2024, we have seen the Bank of Canada drop interest rates twice. While it is a great sign and a step in the right direction, 0.50% is not going to have a significant impact on business financing in the grand scheme of things. However, if small business loan rates can return to the 6-7% range we saw before COVID, this opens up the door for small businesses to seek debt financing as a viable alternative if they are looking to grow. Considering the lack of funding available for entrepreneurs in Canada compared to our US counterpart, we need a healthy debt market for companies to thrive. About Daryl Ching Daryl Ching is the founder and owner of Vistance Capital Advisory, providing accounting, capital raising and fractional CFO services to SMEs. He has over 10 years of investment banking experience, starting his career at RBC Capital Markets where he structured multibillion-dollar transactions moving to smaller investment banks where he completed smaller debt and equity transactions in various asset classes. After leaving investment banking, Daryl started to work with small businesses as a CFO preparing financial statements, strategic planning, budgeting and forecasting, and raising capital through investors and banks. Mr. Ching has been well recognized as an expert in structured finance, making numerous appearances on the Business News Network and has been quoted in major newspapers and magazines across Canada. Mr. Ching completed the Honors Economics Program at the University of Western Ontario and is a CFA Charterholder.

The Taxpayer Wars: How Governments Use Your Money Against You

By Dale Jodoin In today's world, it's easy to feel like governments are constantly trying to control every aspect of our lives. They take our hard-earned taxpayer money and use it to create division among us. They use their newspapers and media outlets to confuse and mislead us, making it hard to see the truth. It's ironic how governments criticize countries like China and Russia for spying on their people, yet they do the same thing to us. They claim to protect our democracy, but what kind of democracy spies on its own citizens? Government Control and Media Manipulation Governments have a powerful tool at their disposal: the media. They use newspapers, television, and the internet to spread their messages and control public opinion. By feeding us a steady stream of news and information, they shape our views and beliefs. They use buzzwords like "freedom" and "democracy" to make us feel like they care about our rights, but in reality, these words are often just tools for control. For example, the term "freedom" is used to rally support for government actions, even when those actions limit our personal freedoms. Similarly, words like "racism" are used to create divisions among us, pitting one group against another. This strategy is not new. During the McCarthy era, the government used the fear of communism to control the public. Today, they use different tactics, but the goal is the same: to maintain control. The Impact on Minority Groups Governments often use minority groups to further their agendas. They highlight issues within these groups to distract from their own failings and to create conflict. By focusing on the struggles of minority groups, they can divert attention from larger problems and keep people divided. This manipulation extends to education. Schools and universities are often used to indoctrinate young people, teaching them to follow the government's agenda. This can lead to a situation where children are taught to distrust and even turn against their parents and grandparents. The goal is to weaken family bonds and create a generation that is loyal to the government above all else. The Role of Spying and Surveillance One of the most troubling aspects of government control is the extent to which they spy on their own citizens. Governments use surveillance to monitor our activities, track our movements, and collect data on us. This information is then used to control and manipulate us. In countries like Canada, the US, and the UK, governments often criticize other nations for their surveillance practices. However, they are guilty of the same behavior. They use the threat of external enemies to justify their spying, but in reality, the biggest threat to our freedom comes from within. The Destruction of Choice As governments gain more control, our choices become more limited. They dictate how much money we can make, what we can say, and how we should live our lives. This erosion of choice is a form of tyranny. When people lose the ability to make their own decisions, they lose their freedom. This control is often justified in the name of security. Governments claim that they need to monitor us to protect us from threats. However, this is a false promise. The real goal is to maintain power and control. The Role of the Internet The internet has become a battleground for control. Governments use it to spread propaganda and monitor dissent. They also rely on ordinary people to police each other. This phenomenon is often referred to as "wokeness," where individuals take it upon themselves to enforce government-approved ideas and punish those who dissent. This creates a culture of fear and conformity. People are afraid to speak out or challenge the status quo because they risk being ostracized or punished. This self-policing is a powerful tool for governments because it means they don't have to do all the work themselves. The Impact on Seniors One of the groups most affected by government control is seniors. They have lived through many changes and have seen the impact of government policies firsthand. Because of this, they often resist government control and speak out against it. This makes them a target. Governments know that seniors have a wealth of knowledge and experience that can be used to educate the young. By discrediting and marginalizing seniors, governments can weaken this influence and maintain control over younger generations. The Loss of Freedom As my generation disappears, I worry about the future. I have seen the impact of government control and the loss of freedom. I pray that one day, people will truly understand what it means to be free. Freedom is not just a word; it is the ability to make our own choices and live our own lives without interference from the government. We must fight for freedom from the control of government tyranny and the influence of biased teachers. Only then can we hope to create a world where people are truly free to live their lives as they choose. It is up to us to recognize these issues and work towards a future where freedom is not just a buzzword, but a reality.

Three-Ring Circus

from Wayne & Tamara My friend has a crazy personality when she drinks. As I've grown closer to her over the past year I've seen that alcohol transforms her into a completely different person. I've always known she thinks my fiancé is good-looking, but this did not bother me until last night when I went with him to her birthday party. She got extremely intoxicated and started asking my fiancé for hugs. As she hugged him she sometimes slurred that she would like to have his baby. Then she would go off in a completely different direction and say she is like a mother to me, and if he ever hurt me, she would hurt him. Later she said if anything happened to us, he knows who he could come to for comfort. That was just the beginning of her comments. I felt awkward. Her friends didn't know what to do. They looked at me wide-eyed wondering what I would do. I laughed it off as if it was funny, but I was offended. Something similar happened a few weeks ago, and now that she has done this a second time, I feel she is compromising our friendship. The worst part is she is supposed to be in my wedding in three months. I am deeply concerned she's going to embarrass me at my wedding. Part of me wants to drop her as a friend because I would never in a million years do this to her. Part of me wants to rationalize this away, say she was just drinking, and talk with her about it. She may have no clue what she was doing because she called today to thank me for the present I gave and acted like everything was fine. Rosemarie Rosemarie, circuses are fun, but not when the tightrope walker falls from the wire, the lions escape from the cage, and elephants rampage through the crowd. This woman will turn your wedding into a circus. She has a problem with alcohol and discussing it with her will only lead to angry denials. Your wedding can be either a treasured memory or fodder for TV shows specializing in humorous wedding videos. If you are serving alcohol at the reception, drop her from the wedding party and withdraw her invitation to the reception. Don't let a drunken woman become the ringmaster of your special day. Wayne & Tamara Run, Tory, Run I don't know what to do. I love my fiancé with all my heart, but I am beginning to fear our relationship is hanging from an ever-thinning thread. I've come to suspect that my future mother-in-law not only uses illegal drugs, but deals them as well. My fiancé says this is none of my concern and I'm simply looking for a reason to dislike her. I'm afraid even to be at her house. What if she's arrested and I'm present? What about our future children? My fiancé asked me to make her part of the wedding planning, but when I bring it up, she quickly changes the subject. However in front of him she'll lecture me on making an effort to fit into his family. Tory Tory, your future mother-in-law will be a major part of your life and the lives of your children for many years. You have every reason to be concerned, and no reason to believe this is a problem you can get past. It is a problem likely to get worse over time. Do you want your children calling this woman "grandma"? She sounds like the sort of person who would throw you under the wheels of the train when she gets in trouble. "The drugs aren't mine, they are Tory's." Your boyfriend hopes you will marry into this problem, and then you will both be trying to cope with his mother. The only solution which is completely within your power is to run. Tamara SEND LETTERS TO: Wayne & Tamara are the authors of Cheating in a Nutshell and The Young Woman’s Guide to Older Men—available from Amazon, Apple, and booksellers everywhere.

The Right Medicine on Hand Could Save a Life

By W. Gifford-Jones MD and Diana Gifford Summer means different things to different people. But a glimpse into the Gifford-Jones archives suggests some things about summer never change. A vintage article from 1977 called on readers to pay heed to problems that can arise at the cottage. And it remains true, summertime is a dangerous season – especially for those escaping into the great outdoors. People get into all sorts of trouble during vacations. Some become critically ill and should be rushed to hospital as soon as possible. But there are other occasions when having the right medicine nearby is lifesaving. It has been said that he who treats himself has a fool for a patient. But if you're on a canoe trip or at a cottage far away from civilization, medical improvisation may be the game you find yourself playing. Every summer, the absence of easily acquired provisions costs the lives of some vacationers. So take the time to prepare a kit outfitted with common medications and supplies. Encounters with animals are one concern. Run-ins with big ones, like moose or bears, are rare but dangerous. A simple noise maker might be all you need to avoid surprising mama bear and her cubs. But for most vacationers, it’s smaller creatures that cause big trouble, like the stings of wasps, bees, yellow jackets and hornets. Chances are very slim that a death will occur. But this is the fate of about 100 North Americans each year. If a child or a friend were to be stung and have an anaphylactic reaction, you would want an emergency bee sting kit within quick access. A loaded syringe containing epinephrine needs to be injected under the skin. At the same time the victim should swallow a couple of antihistamine tablets. You don't require a medical degree to diagnose a bee sting or give an injection. The important thing is to have this kit available, and for everyone to know where it is located. Even the world's most brilliant doctor would have to stand helplessly by and watch the patient die if without this medication. Before you leave, ask your doctor to provide you with some broad spectrum antibiotic capsules. These are not to be used for the common cold. But if someone suddenly develops a boil or a raging fever, chest pain, and begins to cough up copious amounts of sputum, there is a 99 per cent chance that these capsules are what the doctor would order. Holiday time is notoriously hard on the stomach. Many people eat and drink too much causing a transient gastritis. At other times it results from an infection. Putting the stomach at rest for a few days is the first step towards a resolution. But you can also help nature by swallowing a few antacid tablets for a day or two. If the upset is accompanied by vomiting, checking with a doctor on treatment options is the best move. Summer is also a time for injuries, and a support bandage in the medical supply bag will come in handy when someone sprains an ankle. A few tablets of codeine will aid in relieving the pain. Infection often plagues those who take to the woods in summer. Children, in particular, are prone to ear and eye infections from swimming. Most of these common ailments quickly respond to antibiotic drops or ointment. If they appear to be getting worse, head for the nearest clinic. Remember to throw in some sunscreen, band aids, antiseptic, aspirins, and calamine lotion for poison ivy, bug bites, and rashes. And always, always, check for ticks when coming in from the outdoors. Then relax and enjoy your holidays! Sign-up at to receive our weekly e-newsletter. For comments, Follow us Instagram @docgiff and @diana_gifford_jones


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As a Canadian it is your right, to hold your elected representatives accountable. Each and every elected representative, MP, MPP, Mayor and Councillor, has a responsibility to represent their constituents. Remember, they each depend on your vote to keep their job, a job you are paying them to do. As a constituent, as a voter, it is up to you to hold these elected representatives, in all levels of governments, accountable. Whether or not you voted for them doesn’t matter, when they won their seat they became accountable to you. Are you making your representatives accountable? Hmmm ….. How do I make my representative accountable you Ask? For one, don’t wait for the next election, that’s too late. Start now, take an interest. When it comes to what Federal or Provincial governments are doing or planning to do, the media quite often tells you what’s happening. Converse with your friends, neighbours & co-workers, you will hear other opinions and you may find that many feel the same way as you do Municipalities have Council meetings, you can attend or watch; agendas, minutes and past meetings are all posted online. Write your appropriate corresponding elected representative (federal, provincial or municipal), let them know if you are against an item they will be voting on, be brief and respectful. Remind them that how they vote during their four year term, will directly result in how and who you will vote for in the next election. NOTE: it is free to mail a letter to an MP; (name of MP) House of Commons, Ottawa K1A 0A6 You may need a stamp for an MPP. You can find your elected official’s contact information by asking the internet: “Find my MP” or “Find my MPP” click on ‘refine your search’ and enter your p/c. To find your councillor and mayor just enter your and then city council if you’re not sure what ward you are in, enter your postal code to get your councillor info. “THINGS WILL ONLY CHANGE WHEN WE, THE PEOPLE, START STANDING UP FOR OUR RIGHTS AND ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES REALIZE THEIR JOB AND PENSION IS IN JEOPARDY UPON RECEIVING HUNDREDS & THOUSANDS OF LETTERS FROM THEIR CONSTITUENTS” Are they representing you? The next Elections are scheduled: • Federal Election is expected by October 2025 • Ontario Provincial Election is expected by June 4,2026 or maybe even earlier • Ontario Municipal Election is expected October 26, 2026 If you are happy with the NDP backing the Liberals do nothing. However, if you feel that the NDP backing the Liberals failed Canada, then now is the time to let the NDP Leader know how you feel, no stamp is required required, be brief and respectfull mail to: Jagmeet Singh House of Commoms Ottwa, K1A 0A6 REMEMBER, THINGS REMAIN THE SAME BECAUSE WE DO NOTHING. YOUR SILENCE SOLVES NOTHING - SPEAK UP FOR YOUR RIGHTS THIS IS YOUR CANADA, YOUR PROVINCE, YOUR MUNICIPALITY, WRITE YOUR LETTERS EVERY TIME YOU QUESTION WHAT’S HAPPENING

Wellness at Work: The Impact of Interior Design on Employee Well-being

By Stephanie Uprichard, IDC, GDC, ARIDO, IIDA Studio Forma Interior Design Principal Designer In the ever-evolving landscape of the modern workplace, the focus on employee well-being has taken center stage. Recognizing that a healthy and supportive work environment directly contributes to overall job satisfaction and productivity, organizations are turning to interior design to create offices that prioritize the mental and physical wellness of their workforce. In this article, we’ll explore the integral role that interior design plays in enhancing employee well-being within the office setting. Ergonomics for Physical Health: One of the fundamental aspects of employee well-being is physical comfort, and interior design plays a crucial role in achieving this. Ergonomically designed furniture, adjustable desks, and supportive seating contribute to a workspace that minimizes the risk of discomfort and musculoskeletal issues. Thoughtful design choices in office furniture can alleviate strain on the body, fostering a healthier and more comfortable work environment. Natural Light and Biophilic Design: Exposure to natural light has been linked to improved mood, better sleep patterns, and increased productivity. Interior designers can strategically plan office layouts to maximize access to natural light, reducing reliance on artificial lighting. Additionally, the incorporation of biophilic design elements, such as indoor plants and natural materials, can create a connection to nature within the office environment, promoting a sense of well-being and reducing stress among employees. Flexible and Adaptable Spaces: The modern workplace is dynamic, and interior design can adapt to meet the changing needs of employees. Creating flexible and adaptable spaces allows individuals to choose environments that suit their work style and tasks. Whether it’s collaborative areas for team meetings or quiet zones for focused work, a well-designed office provides a variety of spaces that cater to different preferences and tasks, contributing to overall employee satisfaction. Mindful Colour and Design Choices: Colour psychology plays a significant role in influencing mood and energy levels. Interior designers carefully select colour palettes that promote a positive and calming atmosphere within the office. Soft blues and greens, for instance, are known for their calming effects, while pops of vibrant colours can inject energy into creative spaces. Mindful design choices extend beyond colour, encompassing elements such as artwork, layout, and overall aesthetics that contribute to a visually pleasing and inspiring workplace. Acoustic Solutions for Focus: Noise levels can impact concentration and stress levels among employees. Interior designers employ acoustic solutions to mitigate noise disruptions, creating a more conducive environment for focused work. This may include the use of sound-absorbing materials, strategic placement of furniture, and the incorporation of acoustic panels to create a balanced auditory experience within the office. Employee Personalization and Empowerment: Allowing employees to personalize their workspaces can have a positive impact on their well-being. Interior designers can collaborate with individuals to create personalized and empowering work environments. This may involve incorporating personal decor, adjustable furniture, or designated spaces that reflect individual work preferences, fostering a sense of ownership and comfort. Inclusive and Accessible Design: Well-being in the office extends to inclusivity and accessibility. Interior designers can implement designs that accommodate the diverse needs of employees, including those with mobility challenges or sensory sensitivities. Accessible furniture, thoughtfully designed layouts, and the consideration of various ergonomic needs contribute to a workplace that prioritizes the well-being of all employees. As organizations increasingly recognize the importance of employee well-being, interior design emerges as a powerful tool in creating work environments that foster physical and mental health. From ergonomics and natural light to mindful design choices and adaptable spaces, interior designers play a pivotal role in shaping offices that contribute to the overall well-being and satisfaction of employees. In investing in the wellness of their workforce, organizations not only enhance productivity but also create a workplace culture that values and supports the health of its most valuable asset – its people.

Show Employers You Can Hit the Ground Running

By Nick Kossovan Employers are increasingly stating: "We want someone who can hit the ground running." Essentially, the message is, "Don't expect us to explain the basics. We expect you to know your sh*t." Employers understand you'll need time to learn their business, applications, software, infrastructure, etc. However, they expect that you're proficient in Microsoft Office Suite software (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), understand file management (creating, saving, and organizing files), and know how to troubleshoot common computer problems, and won't be learning these basic computer skills as part of your learning curve on their dime. Employers aren't in the business of training people. You’re responsible for your career; therefore, you're responsible for acquiring the skillset you need. For an employee's compensation to be justified, an ROI (return on investment) is required. When referring to employment, ROI refers to the value an employee brings to the company relative to their compensation. Employers pay their employees, and employees work for their wages. Employee work value is created when their work directly or indirectly results in profitably selling the company's goods and services. Your best chance of job security (no guarantee) is to be an employee who undeniably contributes measurable value to your employer's profitability. (Employee's measurable value to the company) - (Employer's investment in compensation) = (ROI) Understandably, employers are looking for candidates who can make an immediate impact, individuals who can jump right in, learn and adapt quickly, and start delivering results as soon as possible. Hence, you want to distinguish yourself as being capable and willing to "hit the ground running." Here are some tips to help you present yourself as a fast-starting, high-potential hire: Emphasize relevant experience Presenting irrelevant information will be perceived as lacking the ability to communicate succinctly, a highly valued skill in the business world. Only share experiences and quantified results (key), results that are pertinent to the position you're applying for. When crafting your resume and cover letter, identify the skills, knowledge, and previous responsibilities/quantified results that align with the job you're aiming for. By demonstrating that you've "been there, done that" and brought measurable value to previous employers in a similar scenario, employers will feel confident that you can immediately deliver value. Showcase transferable skills Consider the universal soft skills that employers universally value. • Analytical • Communication • Interpersonal • Problem-solving • Project management • Time management Tell STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) stories—describing a specific situation, the task you were assigned, the actions you took, and the results of your actions—that showcase your soft skills and explain how you can leverage them to succeed in the role you're applying for. This'll assure your interviewer you have the fundamental skills to achieve successful outcomes. "While working at Norback, Jenkins, & St. Clair, I led a team of five architects to redesign a historic downtown Winnipeg landmark according to strict deadlines and complex stakeholder demands. I conducted Monday morning team meetings and used Slack to provide tailored updates to keep the team aligned. As a result of my communication skills, the project was completed on time and under the $7.5 million dollars budget." Discuss onboarding insights A great way to position yourself as someone eager to hit the ground running is to show that you've considered what it'll take to start delivering value. "Based on my understanding of the typical onboarding timeline for this type of position, I anticipate completing all training and ramp-up activities within my first two weeks, enabling me to begin tackling projects by my first quarter." Assuming you've researched the company and studied current industry trends, which you should have done, mention the extra steps you've taken to prepare for the role. This'll show your willingness to learn and will require minimal handholding. Emphasize quick adaptability Employers value the ability to adapt quickly to new situations and challenges. During your interviews, share examples of your flexibility and agility. At some point in your career, you've likely had to learn something new (e.g., software, operating system) on the fly. Also likely, you've had to navigate a major change or disruption. Using STAR stories, explain how you approached these scenarios, your strategies, and the positive outcomes. By showing resilience, resourcefulness, and adaptability, you demonstrate that you can thrive in ambiguous or rapidly evolving environments. Propose a transition plan. Presenting a transition plan is a strategy that wows employers, primarily because it is rare for a candidate to do this. This shows you're ready to take ownership of your onboarding and deliver results. Include specifics like: • Milestones you aim to accomplish in your first 30, 60, and 90 days. • Training activities or learning opportunities you'll pursue. • Initial projects or tasks you'd tackle to demonstrate your capabilities. • Ways you'll quickly build relationships with your new colleagues. Showing this level of forethought and initiative shows you're a strategic thinker, able to organize your thoughts, and, most importantly, eager to get started. By touting your relevant experience, showcasing your transferable skills, discussing your onboarding insights, emphasizing your quick adaptability, and proposing a detailed transition plan, you'll position yourself as a self-driven professional capable of driving results from the start, differentiating you from your competition. ________________________________________________________________ Nick Kossovan, a well-seasoned veteran of the corporate landscape, offers advice on searching for a job. You can send him your questions at


By Lisa Robinson - Pickering City Councillor Rachel Mendleson's article in the Toronto Star, "Threats. Claims of insurrection. A council under siege," dated July 11, 2024, is a glaring example of biased journalism and sensationalism. This piece is nothing more than an opinionated narrative designed to provoke fear and manipulate public perception, rather than presenting a balanced and factual account of the events in Pickering. The Toronto Star has a well-documented history of twisting facts and taking statements out of context to enhance their sales through clickbait, and this article is no exception. Firstly, the article's portrayal of my supporters is one-sided and inflammatory. It labeled them as "alt-right activists" and implies that their actions are purely disruptive and without merit. However, what Mendleson fails to acknowledge is the legitimate concerns and grievances that these citizens have with the current council's policies. Dismissing them as "conspiracy theorists" and "freedom fighters" undermines their right to participate in the democratic process and express their views. The article also sensationalized the incidents at council meetings, portraying them as unprecedented chaos caused solely by me and my supporters. In reality, council meetings are public forums designed for robust debate and citizen engagement. The interruptions and heated exchanges described are not unique to Pickering; they occur in municipalities across the country where contentious issues are debated. The narrative that this is a new and dangerous phenomenon is misleading and exaggerated. Furthermore, the piece accuses me of inciting unrest and aligning with extreme groups without providing concrete evidence. It cites my position and opinions to Pride events and Black History Month as proof of alleged racism and homophobia, yet fails to present my perspective or the context of my statements. I repeatedly denied these accusations and emphasized my commitment to unity and equality for all. The article’s refusal to fairly represent my side of the story reveals a clear bias. Furthermore, her claims and indirect attempt to label me with popular derogatory names, only shows that she has not read the columns in question printed in this newspaper. As if she had read them and with her journalistic training would clearly realize her mistake. Then again, In my opinion this is nothing short of another attack by the Mayor, as he favor The Star over the only in press newspaper serving all of Pickering and Durham region. This kind of bias brings to question the city of Pickering tendering process as if the Mayor under the strong Mayors power clearly is flexing muscle with the Star, so that the Star can solidify any future advertising contracts from the City. The you scratch my back I scratch yours has to go. The Toronto Star's approach to this story also exemplifies their tendency to use clickbait tactics. As their hard copy sales are minimal at best. The Star is not a community newspaper but rather a National newspaper. Their market penetration is minimal and are highly dependent on online... Even though that online no one reads the STAR as per the circulating stats. The headline and subheadings are crafted to evoke a sense of crisis and urgency, drawing readers in with the promise of scandal and controversy. This tactic is designed to drive traffic and engagement, not to inform the public with balanced journalism. The Star is so desperate in gaining market share that they will allow to be influenced by the Mayor’s office and produce this kind of garbage. This is why, I support local businesses like the Central. A newspaper that unites the community by being accessible, affordable and true to what the taxpayers of Pickering are thinking. Bringing news from a local trusted news source operated by a reputable, time proven editor with over 30 years of integrity operating an internationally accredited news agency with office in the United States and Canada. Mendleson's article’s reliance on unnamed sources and anecdotal evidence further undermines its credibility. Claims of threats and insurrection are serious accusations that require substantial proof. By relying on vague statements and hearsay, the article fails to meet the standards of responsible journalism. This further bringing to surface much like the bankrupt Metroland. The Star will print anything in an attempt to solidify lucrative advertising contracts. We need to support local small businesses like the Central making a huge difference in our community. Rachel Mendleson's article is a prime example of the Toronto Star's pattern of gaslighting and manipulating the truth to fit their narrative. It prioritizes sensationalism over factual reporting and fails to provide a balanced perspective on the events in Pickering. Readers deserve better than this kind of biased and inflammatory journalism. It’s crucial to critically evaluate such articles and seek out multiple sources to form a well-rounded understanding of the issues at hand. This is why I will never contribute to the STAR as a columnist. I rather support our local City Newspaper. For all the unbias truth. Read my column on here every week. "Strength Does Not Lie In The Absence Of Fear, But In The Courage To Face It Head-On And Rise Above It"

New and Expanded Schools Coming to Durham

By Todd McCarthy MPP Durham I am excited to share that our Riding of Durham will directly benefit from the Ontario government’s historic $1.3 billion investment to support the construction and expansion of 60 school-based projects across the province. For the first time in the history of Ontario, our government is more than doubling the funding commitment to build and expand schools, creating 27,093 new student spaces and 1,759 childcare spaces.This investment is the latest stepin our government’s commitment to ensuring children in Ontarioreceive a premier education that sets them up for success as leaders of tomorrow. In addition, for the 2024-2025school year, the province is providing school boards with approximately $1.4B in funding to renew and improve aged buildingsystems and components. Since 2018, the Ontario government has invested more than $3.6B in capital construction projects for education, including 139 new schools, 109 renovations to existing facilities, and over 8,000 new licensed childcare spaces. What does this mean for Durham? On May 17, 2024, I had the pleasure of joiningformer Minister of Education Stephen Lecce to share that, as a part of this historic investment in education,the government has allocated nearly $60 million to build two new schools (Symington Avenue and Steeplechase Street Public Schooland Kedron #1 Catholic)and expand one school in Oshawa (St. Kateri Tekakwitha Catholic School).On top of these investments in Oshawa, $26.2 million is being invested to builda new school in Clarington (Bowmanville) (Northglen Catholic Elementary School)creating more educational spaces for children and families in this growing community. These investments in Durham – totaling nearly $85 million - will create 1,887 student spaces and 49 childcare spaces in Oshawa and Clarington.I am thrilled that children in our community will have the opportunity to learn and develop at these state-of-the-art facilities. As a father myself, I understand how important early childhood education is toensure that our children reach their full potential. I thank Former Minister of Education Stephen Lecce for his dedication to families in our beautiful community, and I look forward to continuing this important work with EducationMinister Todd Smith.Under the leadership of Premier Ford, your government will take every step necessary to ensure Ontario remains the best place to raise children who areempoweredwith a robust education and the necessary skills to achieveprosperous futures. “We are stepping up with a massive investment to build homes, schools, and communities our province needs, and to ensure children have access to state-of-the-art schools close to home that gives them real life and job skills to succeed in the future.” – Former Education Minister Stephen Lecce “This is great news for Clarington residents who have been eagerly anticipating this announcement. We look forward to seeing construction underway and the start of a new, thriving Catholic school community in Bowmanville,” - PVNC Catholic District School Board Chairperson and Clarington Trustee Kevin MacKenzie. “Our sincere thanks to the Province of Ontario and Ministry of Education, the Honourable Stephen Lecce, [former] Minister of Education, the Honourable Todd McCarthy, Minister of Public and Business Service Delivery [and Procurement] and MPP for Durham, and Mr. Lorne Coe, Parliamentary Assistant to the Premier and MPP for Whitby, for this wonderful news for Catholic education. The six-classroom addition to St. Kateri Tekakwitha Catholic School and the new unnamed Catholic elementary school will allow us to address the population growth and continue to serve our students and families in north Oshawa.” - Monique Forster, Chair of the Durham Catholic District School Board.

The Ford Government and Ontario Place

by Maj (ret'd) CORNELIU. CHISU, CD, PMSC, FEC, CET, P. Eng. Former Member of Parliament Pickering-Scarborough East As summer goes on, and Canadians enjoy family BBQs, politicians are relaxing and dreaming of better times. They want to forget their problems as they look to mingle with their constituents. However, there are things on the horizon, and in Ontario the development plans for Ontario Place and the closure of the Ontario Science Center are still on the minds of people. If we look at the history of Ontario Place, it has served Ontarians well over a couple of generations since its inception. However, there is clear evidence of a lack of care or maintenance, and an appalling lack of evolving vision for its future, on the part of subsequent Ontario Governments. It opened on May 22, 1971, and operated as a theme park centered around Ontario themes and family attractions until 2012 when the Government of Ontario announced that it would close for redevelopment. It has since reopened as a park without an admission fee but lacking several of the old attractions. Since the closure as a theme park, several of the venue's facilities have remained open, once reopened, and one section has been redeveloped. The Budweiser Stage operates during the summer season. The Cinesphere, the original IMAX theatre, reopened with new projection equipment and shows films regularly. On the East Island, Trillium Park and the William G Davis Trail opened in 2017. A marina, sheltered by three sunken lake freighters operates seasonally at the site. The exhibit "pods", several pavilions suspended above a lagoon, have remained closed after the closure of the Atlantis event facility. While much of the West Island's facilities are permanently closed, some of the natural spaces are now being used for recreation. Occasionally, special events are hosted in the West island village. So Ontario Place was neglected for twelve years and now, strangely, the Ontario Government and its leader, Premier Ford, have developed an obsession with developing it. Why is that? Let us concede that it is a heaven for developers, and the Premier is known to have a soft spot for them. Let us hope that this attraction is not becoming a fatal one. So what is in the shopping basket for the future development of Ontario Place and the closure of the Ontario Science Center, which is also in the cross-hairs for hungry developers. As we continue to witness, Ontario Premier Doug Ford has dug in his heels on his decision to close the science centre and has touted his plans for overhauling Ontario Place, claiming that he wants the waterfront attraction to become the country’s top tourist destination. The Premier emphasized that he is planning to make Ontario Place the country’s best tourist attraction, and claimed that the Ontario Science Centre’s current location was “a sleepy little neighbourhood”. This claim is quite contrary to the fact that the location is now well connected by public transportation; a transit hub for the Eglinton Crosstown LRT and the Ontario Line when they open. Unfortunately, the Eglinton project is still in the testing phase, but there are hopes that it will finally work after four years of delays. Ford said he believes that once the redevelopment of Ontario Place, including a revamped music stage, spa and a new home for the science centre is complete, it will become more popular with tourists than the CN Tower. “Mark my words, it will be the number one tourist attraction in all of Canada,” Ford said. In pitching his new vision for Ontario Place, Ford also took a swipe at a “small percentage” of people who “make a lot of noise” and, according to the premier, don’t want the government to spend money on its legacy project. “‘We don’t want it, we want to stay antiquated, we want an old wreckeddown Ontario Place that no one’s touched in 10 years and no one uses,’” Ford claimed his detractors were saying. His comments seemed to be directed, in particular, at those who have protested the government’s abrupt announcement in June that it planned to permanently close the 55-year-old Ontario Science Centre building, located at Don Mills Road and Eglinton Avenue. “We’re building a brand-spanking-new, state-of-the-art, more exhibit space and in the right location — not in a sleepy little neighbourhood in the suburbs that no one goes to,” he said. “This is where all the action is; where the soccer is and the stadium and Live Nation, the Exhibition. It’s just common sense, it’s a no-brainer.” The current science centre is the final stop on the Ford government’s signature Ontario Line project, which will run down to Exhibition Station, beside Ontario Place. With all this said, the question remains: how is the Province working with the City of Toronto, which is the partial land owner of the property on which Ontario Place is located, and the sole land owner of the Ontario Science Center property. It is no secret these days that the City of Toronto is financially in a difficult situation. So how the Province will work with the city to help resolve the housing problem which has reached alarming levels in the city, is still a mystery. Isn’t it wonderful, however, that the province is willing to commit enormous amounts of taxpayers’ money to futuristic projects, looking to attract tourists, while turning a blind eye to the problems of people actually living in Toronto? Also considering the crowding in downtown Toronto, and the chaos of the public transportation system, is this project really a priority right now? This is a question for the people of Toronto, and let us hope that sanity will prevail. What do you think? Have a nice summer!


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Well folks it is official. Another hole has been puncture in the SS DOWNTOWN OSHAWA in the hope the water will run out, and in some miraculous way save us from sinking further. Who is doing the thinking here? I get told this all the time. ‘Joe, why are you so negative all the time.’ I am not negative. I see a fire. I scream fire. I am not like the municipal elect and not care. This is my city.... our city. I can’t just sit back and not say anything. I can’t go around pretending that we doing economically great when we have fellow citizens using food banks, loosing homes, living on our streets. I am sorry. If that make me negative... then I am guilty as charge. All I know is I have a moral responsibility to serve my country, my community my family by making sure we all have a great quality of life. The City elect. Erect seniors homes in the core. Yet, they allow banks to run away from the core. The Royal Bank, Bank of Montreal and now Toronto Dominion. Where are these seniors living in the core going to bank? I don’t blame the Mayor of Oshawa, because in his defense I doubt he knows where the downtown core is. Carter is another Biden. Dan Biden is so out of touch with the City that we sit on GM lands of sort with all kinds of former GM auto related facilities.... And what does this incompetent do. NOTHING. Instead. Ford bringing truck production to Oakville in 2026, future unclear for EVs at the plant. Like really. Why has Oshawa been passed over? Why? Because we have no leadership and no vision. That EV plant should have landed in Oshawa. Now back to downtown... we have Giberson and Kerr. Two, so out of touch with the downtown core courncillors that keep missing one opportunity after another. An opportunity to keep the bank downtown core is essential to the local downtown businesses. It is essential to seniors and to any new residence. What has changed in the past 8 years downtown? The drug trade runs rampant. Guns may be purchased without much effort. Open drug use is at an all time high. Homeless rule the core. Where is Giberson? Talk about a waste of taxpayers money. The ideal brown nosed that rather attack local downtown businesses then to map out a logical plan to assist those in the core. Help them prosper and alleviate the problem he created by being chair of program that he supported out of the Back Door Mission, promoting free needles to drug addicts. This causing a huge problem for all downtown businesses. I have a message on behalf of all the downtown merchants. Please resign your post. Do the honorable thing as your lack of doing something about the poor condition of the core is making the rest of Oshawa look bad. Please do the right thing and resign. Thank You.

Saturday, July 20, 2024


70 KING - SAME OLD PIG NEW LIPSTICK By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world”
Before I begin.... Please don’t think, I am being negative. I am not. If I think like the City.... “SOMETHING IS BETTER THAN NOTHING”. Well, as romantic as that sounds. It is not progress. That is an ingredient for failure. In life we do not play to be second and satisfy our efforts with mediocre. We wake up every morning as if it was the day after the fact and we awaken in celebration of the win the day before. This type of thinking is as foreign to our elected official as the idea that the City of Oshawa sits on a gold mine of opportunity and no one is doing anything about it. Did you know that the City out of political spite has neglected you from knowing about all kinds of important events, notices, closures. Instead they expect all citizens to go online. The numbers online speak for themselves, minimal at best. No one is going on line. This means you the taxpayers are not getting notified. You the taxpayers are not benefiting from all that is taking place in our city. You the taxpayers are not being informed on the many studies, by-law passing that affect you. Now back to the PIG IN THE ROOM at 70 King St. This week the relaunched 70 King St took place. An event that was supposed to be a huge success and due to no advertising or promotion.... the only in attendance included a few local municipal elect and their handful of brown nosers. 20 people showed up if that. A huge failure. Now let’s analyze this failure. Now don’t get me wrong there is a difference between being negative and a realist. In this case the facts speak for themselves. 20 people on a grand opening is a failure. The building is the former Genosha Hotel a state of the art building when it was built in 1929. Since those days, it has gone through some transformations. At one time it served as a strip bar, a bikers hang out. A drug heaven. A general party place. The city ran out the strip bar, the bikers and it sat empty and an eye sore for years. The City looked for one out of town sucker after another with no success. The property was put up for sale and it became a hot potato. Developer Rick Summers - apparently bit the hook and decided to bring back the Genosh. The problem is not the Genosh and it’s phantom curse. The problem is it’s location. Lack of walking traffic. I feel for the vendors they talked into going in that property. It is a matter of time before they start feeling the realities of downtown Oshawa. Downtown is not promoted. Walk in traffic is minimal at best. The atmosphere on the streets is horrible due to the homeless and open drug trade. I feel for Rick Summers that he fell for the shinny dog turd gold nugget the city passes as a great idea. The reality is that the core needs some serious promotion. Serious cleaning up. More parking even though Mary St. Parking lot is there.. but who wants to be harassed by those homeless living in the halls of the garage. It is time that will once again sink a good idea due to poor planning and lack of City vision and support.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ASK YOURSELF, “WHY ELSE WHOULD MAYORS, KEVIN ASHE & SHAUN COLLIER JOIN FORCES TO SELL PICKERING’S & AJAX’S, SHARES IN ELEXICON TO RAISE CAPITAL?” The Elexicon Corporation is owned 100% by five Municipal shareholders, Pickering 27.9%, Ajax 21.8%, Whitby 32%, Belleville 9% and Clarington 9.3%. In most cases when people look to sell their assets it is usually because they need money for one reason or another. When a government body sells an asset it’s usually to balance the budget.. NOTE: According to the Municipal Act, 2001, municipalities are required to plan for balanced cash operating budgets every year, can only issue long-term debt for capital projects and may not commit more than 25% of total own-source revenue to service long-term debt and other long term obligations. Pickering Mayor Kevin Ashe and Ajax Mayor Shaun Collier, want to sell their city’s shares, Why? Pickering received $1.7 million from Elexicon for 2023, and Ajax received $1.3 million for 2023. These Dividends will increase year after year as more and more homes are being built and the ownership value will also increase. Hmmm ….. are Strong Mayors Ashe and Collier getting concerned about balancing their budgets this year as required by the Municipal Act? At the beginning of 2024,Mayor Ashe used his Strong Mayor Powers to prepare & propose the City of Pickering’s 2024 budget without Council’s participation, as did Mayor Collier for Ajax. Both Ajax Mayor Collier and Pickering Mayor Ashe said in a joint statement July 3, 2024 “they are weighing the sale of their holdings at a time they believe could yield top value and have hired a firm to prepare the groundwork for disposing of shares. Together, we have retained Borden Ladner Gervais LLP to undertake a confidential non-binding Request for Proposal (RFP) to explore the potential sale of our municipally owned holdings in Elexicon Corporation” Hmmm ….. We’ve all seen what happens when governments sell off public assets. It’s like putting a Band-Aid on a hole in a dam, it works for a moment then you’re drowning. 1 - look back to 2017, to balance the budget, Premier Kathleen Wynne paid consultants $6.5 m to study the potential of selling Hydro One and then sold Hydro One shares for only $6 million, costing Ontario taxpayers future revenue of $1.8 billion because they would no longer receive revenue since they no longer owned Hydro One, and yes, you guest it, hydro costs went up. 2 - in 1999 Premier Mike Harris sold a 99 year lease for the less then 2 year old hwy 407 to a Spanish company for a profit of $1.6 b over the $1.5 b taxpayers paid d to construct the hwy. Two years later when more drivers were using the 407 it was sold for $6.3 b a fraction of what it would be worth later, and you guest it, tolls increased rising over 300% in the following15 years. Hmmm ….. With Ashe and Collier having Strong Mayor Powers, in spite of what they may tell you, they didn’t hire a firm to explore the potential sale not to sell your shares. Ashe & Collier are spending your money, to see about selling, your shares in Elexicon without your say. Hmmm ….. Who would they sell to? The Municipalities of Clarington, Bellville and Whitby would have first choice. If those municiplalities don’t buy or only buy part, then the private sector can. PICKERING & AJAX CONSTITUENTS DON’T WAIT, contact all your councillors in writing and have them all reply in writing, committing to ban together and immediately over-ride the Strong Mayor powers, if & when, be it now or later, that the Mayors Ashe and Collier sell your shares in Elexicon. Selling Your City & Town’s Assets will only Raise Your Taxes & Increase Your Household Bills

A Job Search Game Changer: Assertive Communication

By Nick Kossovan A Job Search Game Changer: Assertive Communication King of all skills: communication skills. Clear, concise communication is the key to getting and keeping an interviewer's attention. An hour-long interview boils down to having 30 minutes to make your case. • First 15 minutes: Small talk, building rapport, setting the tone for the interview. • 30 minutes: Actual interview. • Last 15 minutes: Asking questions and wrapping things up, which influences how your interviewer will remember you. Making your case in 30 minutes requires assertive communication, a powerful skill for conveying your message clearly and directly. When you start using assertive communication, you'll experience a game-changing shift in your job search and career because it's linked to self-confidence and an alpha-like personality, traits that are valued in business environments. During the interview process, your competitors will likely exhibit signs of passivity or aggression. In this context, assertive communication is a strategic advantage, making you stand out and, most importantly, be taken seriously. You want to aim for the sweet spot between the timid passivity of "I'm not sure, whatever you think is fine" and the overly aggressive "This is how it's going to be." The assertive communicator strikes a balance between self-promotion and humility. They state their case firmly but also listen to the other person's point of view. Thisbalance is crucial during an interview, where you must promote yourself by showcasing your qualifications while appearing poised, professional, and easy to work with. Assertive communication has three elements: 1. Adamantly believing in what you speak of. 2. Knowing why you believe what you believe. 3. Being ready to prove why you believe, think or feel what you do; otherwise, it's just your opinion, and "opinions" rarely convince anyone to take action. A few examples of assertive communication in an interview setting: Scenario 1: Discussing salary expectations Passive approach: "I'm open to whatever you offer for this role." Aggressive approach: "To take this job, I need no less than $80,000." Assertive approach: "Based on my 20 years of experience managing inside sales teams and my track record for exceeding sales targets, I think $85,000, plus a commission and quarterly bonus, which we can work out, would be fair. Would this work for you?" The assertive communicator clearly and confidently states their salary expectations, acknowledges the employer's perspective, and leaves room for negotiation. Rather than just throwing out a number, they provide context and explanation. Scenario 2: Addressing a weakness Passive approach: "I definitely need to improve my public speaking. It's something I struggle with." Aggressive approach: "Public speaking is not my weakness at all. I'm an excellent presenter and communicator." Assertive approach: "I'm actively improving my public speaking skills. In my last role, I volunteered to conduct more team presentations. This past March, I joined Toastmasters and have given three talks since. Although I am proud of my progress, there is still room for improvement." An assertive communicator acknowledges their weaknesses honestly and explains how they're addressing them, demonstrating self-awareness and a growth mindset, qualities employers find attractive. Scenario 3: "Do you have any questions for me?" Passive approach: "No, you've covered everything." Aggressive approach: "When can I expect a job offer?" Assertive approach: "Yes, I do. I'm excited about this opportunity and believe I would excel in this role. How soon can I expect to hear from you regarding next steps? I'm eager to move forward." Scenario 4: Expressing interest in the job. Passive approach: "I'd be happy to work here." Aggressive approach: "I am perfect for this job. I expect you to offer it to me today." Assertive approach: "This opportunity excites me. Based on our discussion, I can see how my qualifications and experience align with being able to meet the expectations you have for this role; therefore, I'm confident I would excel in this role. I'm very interested in joining your team. Is there anything else I can tell you about my background to help you decide to hire me? Otherwise, when can I expect to hear from you regarding next steps?" The assertive communicator expresses interest and enthusiasm for the job while respecting the employer's decision-making process. They state their case compellingly without demanding or pressuring the interviewer. Today's job market is hyper-competitive, making job seekers desperate. Hence, it's becoming common for candidates to ask outright at the end of an interview, "Am I hired?" No matter how much you need or want the job, never ask outright if you got the job. While it's understandable you want to "close the deal," putting pressure on the hiring manager to tell you whether you got the job will create an uncomfortable situation. As I mentioned earlier, how you end your interview will influence how you're remembered. Creating an uncomfortable situation isn't what you want to be remembered for. Finding the right balance is the key to assertive communication. Your goal: Be bold and confident without being arrogant or confrontational. Assertive communication is a superpower. Few do it well. It shows employers that you're self-assured, adaptable, and can advocate for yourself. By embracing aggressive communication, you'll be far ahead of your competition. ___________________________________________________________________________ Nick Kossovan, a well-seasoned veteran of the corporate landscape, offers advice on searching for a job. You can send him your questions at

Fostering Connection and Community in the Workforce: The role of office design

By Stephanie Uprichard, IDC, GDC, ARIDO, IIDA Studio Forma Interior Design Principal Designer In today’s dynamic business landscape, characterized by evolving work models and dispersed teams, fostering a sense of connection and community within the workforce is more important than ever. CEO’s and leaders are tasked with creating environments that not only promote productivity but also enhance collaboration, engagement, and a sense of belonging. At the heart of this mission lies the often-overlooked power of intentional office design. Connection and community are fundamental to the employee experience and can have far-reaching effects on various aspects of organizational success. When employees feel connected to one another and to the organization’s mission, a sense of unity and shared purpose emerges. This, in turn, can lead to heightened engagement, increased collaboration, and improved problem-solving capabilities. A strong sense of community within the workforce also contributes to higher employee satisfaction and retention. When individuals feel valued, supported, and part of a team, they are more likely to be invested in the organization’s long-term success. This sense of belonging fosters a commitment that extends beyond mere job satisfaction, leading to higher morale, enhanced productivity, and a more positive company culture. Office design plays a pivotal role in facilitating these connections and building a robust community within the workforce. The physical environment can either hinder or enhance interactions, creativity, and a sense of unity. Here’s how CEO’s and designers can work together to create spaces that foster connection and community: Encourage Collaboration: Design spaces that promote collaboration and interaction. This can include open-plan layouts, communal tables, and flexible furniture arrangements that encourage employees to move around and interact. Breakout areas and informal meeting spaces can provide settings for spontaneous conversations and the exchange of ideas. Incorporate Natural Elements: Biophilic design, which incorporates natural elements like plants, water features, and natural light, has been shown to reduce stress, enhance creativity, and improve overall well-being. Bringing the outdoors inside creates a calming and inspiring environment, fostering a sense of connection to something larger than just the workplace. Foster Comfort and Flexibility: Create a variety of comfortable and flexible work settings to accommodate different tasks and preferences. This might include quiet, private spaces for focused work, as well as collaborative areas. Offering adjustable standing desks, ergonomic chairs, and a range of seating options can cater to diverse needs, ensuring employees feel physically supported. Display Company Culture: Use the office design to reflect and reinforce the company’s unique culture and values. This might involve displaying the organization’s mission statement, core values, and brand identity through artwork, signage, or decorative elements. Such visual reminders can inspire a sense of pride and shared purpose. Incorporate Social Spaces: Design dedicated social spaces that encourage employees to interact and build relationships. This could be a café-style lounge, a games area, or a comfortable seating area. These spaces provide opportunities for employees to connect on a personal level, fostering a sense of community and camaraderie. CEO’s have a unique opportunity to shape the workplace environment and, in turn, the employee experience. Leading with intentionality means recognizing the impact of office design on connection and community and taking an active role in its development: Involvement and Feedback: CEO’s should be involved in the design process, offering insights into the organization’s culture and values, and seeking feedback from employees. This ensures that the resulting space aligns with the company’s unique character and the needs of its workforce. Modeling Behavior: CEO’s can lead by example by utilizing the collaborative and social spaces within the office. By embracing the design and actively engaging with employees in these areas, they signal the importance of connection and community. Regular Review and Adaptation: The workplace should be viewed as a living, evolving entity. CEO’s should encourage regular reviews of the space, seeking feedback from employees to identify areas for improvement. This adaptability ensures the office remains a dynamic and effective environment for connection and collaboration. Office design is a powerful tool for CEO’s to create a workplace that fosters connection and community, enhancing employee satisfaction, collaboration, and engagement. By embracing intentional design and leading with empathy, CEO’s can shape a positive, productive, and unified company culture, driving organizational success and a sense of shared purpose.

Can we have a respectful conversation please?

By Patricia Conlin Do you sometimes find yourself thinking differently than your spouse, sibling, neighbour or relative? Do you notice that views in general are becoming more and more entrenched as either right or wrong withlittle room for discussion? Do you feel increasingly nervous about saying something that goes against an obviously severely flawed narrative because you fear for the backlash from the toxic Cancel Culture? Maybe like me, you really desperately just want to say - CAN WE HAVE A RESPECTFUL CONVERSATION PLEASE? Well for the “crime” of thinking differently than Big Brother Government, you might be labeled as a “hater” according to the new Bill C-63 that was introduced in February, 2024 called the “Online Harms Act”. The Online Harms Act’s purpose is to create a baseline standard for online platforms to keep Canadians “safe” and to hold online platforms accountable for the content they host. If this Bill passes, if will give the government limitless authority to decide what online platforms and even citizens can say online under the guise of “keeping everyone safe” from harmful speech. It would give government funded groups the power to decide what is hateful and what is ok. Does that sound good to you? As a recent example, some Canadian Professors displayed appalling and obvious hateful speech when issuing Tweets on X suggesting it was too bad the bullet missed former President Trump in the weekend assassination attempt. In their minds, these comments were just fine. However, if a critically thinking person politely questions Covid policies, government policies, DEI or the harm of mass unsustainable immigration…they might be considered “hateful” under Bill C-63. Can you see the problem here? Not only is Bill C-63 not fair but it gives unlimited power to create more division and endorses actual hate! If a society has lost the ability to disagree respectfully with each other and is being actively punished for questioning an obviously corrupt and irresponsible government, then there is a bigger issue at stake. The foundation of a free and democratic society is free speech. Although we all want to protect our children from predators on-line, why is Bill C-63 penalizing regular people and alternative media and podcasters for speaking out against increasingly totalitarian policies? Benajamin Franklin, one of the fathers of the US confederation, wisely said” “Without freedom of thought, there can be no such thing as wisdom-and no such thing as public liberty without freedom of speech.” In his speech there were two important take aways. First, he highlights the importance of learning to think for oneself which he calls “freedom of thought”. This means being allowed to have a different point of view then the government or government funded organizations or even your neighbour or friend or relative. An example of this playing out today can be seen in the documentary called Climate: The Movie ( where high level scientists give evidence that opposes the narrative on Climate being pushed as the “Science is Settled” by governments and private companies that benefit from the Green agenda presented in Agenda 2030. These brave independent thinking scientists are just doing their job in questioning the science but currently being censored and defunded for speaking hard facts and providing a different point of view. Imagine what could happen to them if they were considered “hateful” by paid government shills saying they need to be charged according to Bill-C 63? This is why it is important to protect freedom of thought and expression. Second, Franklin speaks about “freedom of speech” which means that society needs to welcome open and diverse thoughts and debate. But is this happening now? During Covid, it was encouraged to report on a neighbour who was not complying with harsh and unconstitutional mandates and lockdowns. With the climate insanity, it is becoming apparent the official narrative is greatly flawed to say the least but harmful policies are still being pushed by every single town under the guise of a climate emergency. Most people recognize the fraud behind the carbon tax but few speak out because they are afraid. I recently presented a delegation to the City of Pickering and was interviewed by Rebel News about the harm of local policies ( I will continue to speak out and encourage you to do the same. Canada is a great country. Together, united we can ensure we allow freedom of thought, freedom of speech and respect for all. Let’s stand up together and say a loud and peaceful NO to Bill C-63. Courage is contagious and many are starting to speak out!

Political violence and the world around us.

by Maj (ret'd) CORNELIU. CHISU, CD, PMSC, FEC, CET, P. Eng. Former Member of Parliament Pickering-Scarborough East We are living in an increasingly dangerous world. With wars ignited in Europe, the Middle East and Africa and others in the making, I wonder what the future holds for the next generation. Earlier this year we have witnessed the assassination attempt on the life of the Prime Minister of Slovakia, Robert Fico, as well as increased violence against elected politicians all over Europe. The recent attempt to assassinate former U.S. president Donald Trump as he campaigns for re-election, fuels anxiety and a surge of varied opinions about the climate of political violence being on a dramatic increase in the U.S., with Canadian politicians also coping with an elevated risk level. I remember vividly the attack on Parliament Hill on Thursday, Oct. 22, 2014, because I was there. On the morning of that fatidic day, I was participating in a conservative caucus meeting, and I have seen with my own eyes, the fear and desperation of my parliamentary colleagues. Having this kind on environment in our society is very sad, indeed, but Canada is still better at avoiding political violence that our neighbours to the south. Four serving American presidents have been assassinated: Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield, William McKinley and John F. Kennedy. Theodore Roosevelt was shot during a speech in 1912 but survived; at the time, he was a former president campaigning to regain the job. No Canadian prime minister has ever been assassinated and episodes of political violence have been relatively rare in Canada. However, the climate of security for politicians in this country has deteriorated markedly over the past few years. The RCMP has discussed what it calls a rising number of threats directed at elected officials. Some parliamentarians were given panic buttons in 2022 in response to threats. Several female politicians have resigned in recent months, citing an extreme level of harassment and intimidation. However, Canada has not escaped political violence entirely. Here are some of the most significant acts of violence directed against politicians in Canada’s history: Thomas D'Arcy McGee, a father of Canadian Confederation, was killed in Ottawa in 1868. Police arrested Patrick James Whelan, a tailor who was sympathetic to the Fenians, a group of Irish radicals who hoped to weaken the United Kingdom through attacks on its North American colonies. Whelan insisted he was innocent but after a complicated and controversial trial, he was found guilty and sentenced to death. George Brown, a journalist and politician, is considered a father of Confederation for his instrumental role in pushing for national unity in the 1850s and 1860s. He founded The Globe, an influential Toronto newspaper that later merged with The Mail and Empire to form The Globe and Mail. Brown was in his office at the newspaper on March 25, 1880, when a disgruntled former employee accosted him and shot him in the leg during a struggle. The wound became infected and lead to Brown's death on May 9. Brown was a sitting senator at the time of his death. In May 1966, Paul Joseph Chartier entered the House of Commons carrying a bomb made of 10 sticks of dynamite. He went to a bathroom to light the fuse and then exited, presumably to carry the bomb back to the gallery of the House. But the bomb exploded too early, killing the man himself. The kidnapping and killing of Pierre Laporte, which precipitated what became known as the October Crisis in 1970, eventually led to the first peacetime use of the War Measures Act, implemented by then Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau. Laporte, who was deputy premier of Quebec at the time, was kidnapped by the Quebec separatist group Front de libération du Québec. Laporte was eventually killed by his captors. British diplomat James Cross, also kidnapped a few days before Laporte, was released safely after negotiations. An army corporal entered the Quebec National Assembly on May 8, 1984 and opened fire, killing three people and wounding many more. Despite his claim that he wanted the Parti Quebecois government "destroyed," the gunman, Denis Lortie, was convinced over the course of five hours by the assembly's sergeant-at-arms, René Jalbert, to give himself up to police. On the night of the election win in September 2012 that made her premier of Quebec, Pauline Marois was targeted by Richard Henry Bain. He was looking to attack her and other supporters of the separatist Parti Québécois. Bain ended up killing one person and injuring another, though Marois herself was unharmed. The 2014 attack on Parliament Hill began steps from the legislature at the National War Memorial, when Michael Zehaf-Bibeau shot and killed Cpl. Nathan Cirillo, who was serving as a ceremonial guard at the monument. The attacker then ran to Parliament Hill, entered Centre Block and wounded one police officer before engaging in a gunfight with others. Both the governing Conservatives and the Opposition NDP were holding caucus meetings at the time. The man was eventually shot and killed by RCMP officers and House of Commons Sergeant-at-Arms Kevin Vickers. On July 2, 2020, a Manitoba man stormed the gates of Rideau Hall and sought an armed confrontation with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Corey Hurren crashed his pickup truck through the gates of the Rideau Hall grounds, where both the Governor General and prime minister live, and set out on foot with three loaded firearms and a knife before getting into a 90- minute standoff with RCMP officers. Hurren told the officers he was there to arrest Trudeau. He was angry about COVID-19 restrictions and recent amendments to gun laws. He pleaded guilty to eight charges and in March 2021, was handed a sixyear sentence, and recently liberated from prison. We should consider that the increase of information available on social media, and the vitriolic rhetoric in the House of Commons, might contribute significantly to further the temptation for violence against politicians. Let us hope that the responsible agencies in Canada will be able to protect Canadian politicians from such violence. It will be up to them to continue to develop their skills in order to be better prepared than their colleagues south of the border. What do you think?

The R.S.E.S. (Robin Hood Social Economic Syndrome) Understanding R.S.E.S.

By Dale Jodoin R.S.E.S., or Robin Hood Social Economic Syndrome, is a term used to describe the belief that it is acceptable to steal from those who have more money and resources to give to those who have less. This idea is rooted in socialism and communism, where the goal is to create a more equal society by redistributing wealth. However, this concept has been misunderstood and misused by some people today. In neighborhoods across Canada, the United States, and Great Britain, crime and homelessness are increasing. Some people argue that it’s acceptable for those in poverty to steal because they supposedly need to do so to survive. This includes stealing food or other essentials. However, the reality is more complicated and troubling. Contrary to the belief that thieves only steal necessities, many people steal high-value items. For example, grocery stores report that meat is a common target for theft, often taken to be resold for cash or drugs. This shows that not all theft is about survival; many thefts are driven by other motives. People receiving social assistance or living in poverty might feel justified in stealing because they earn less than others. However, it’s important to note that most people living in poverty do not resort to theft. Many work hard every day to support their families and never steal. One reason theft is becoming more common is that many thieves face little to no consequences. Some political parties and beliefs, such as those held by some liberals and socialists, argue that people steal because of their economic status. They believe addressing the root causes of poverty is more important than punishing theft. While the idea of helping the poor is noble, justifying theft under the guise of R.S.E.S. is problematic. It’s not just about stealing food to survive. People often steal high-value goods that they do not need, showing that theft is not always about survival but rather about taking advantage of situations. According to various reports, a significant portion of thefts are committed by individuals seeking to sell stolen goods for money or drugs, not just to meet basic needs. This undermines the argument that theft is solely for survival and highlights the complexities of the issue. R.S.E.S. is a dangerous and misguided belief. It oversimplifies the reasons behind theft and crime and fails to address the real issues. Stealing is not a solution to poverty; it’s a symptom of deeper societal problems that need to be addressed through proper support and interventions, not through excusing criminal behavior. We must recognize the hard work of those living in poverty who do not resort to theft and work towards solutions that provide real support without condoning crime.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

How the Mayor and Council have laid siege to Pickering through their wasteful spending and vindictiveness

By Lisa Robinson - Pickering City Councillor In an astonishing display of vindictiveness and fiscal irresponsibility, the Pickering Mayor and Council chose to spend an exorbitant $200,000 of taxpayers’ money on court costs rather than addressing a simple $15,000 salary dispute. This is not just a tale of bureaucratic inefficiency; it is a glaring example of how far personal vendettas can drive public officials to misuse public funds. At the heart of this issue lies a biased integrity commissioner’s report that unfairly docked me $15,000 for doing what I was elected to do: represent the people of Pickering. Instead of acknowledging the error and rectifying the situation. Although I initiated the challenge, the Mayor and Council could have prevented this entire situation from escalating, if they had chosen to address the issue reasonably from the outset. Instead, during a special meeting of the council, closed to both myself and the public, it was decided to endure a punitive legal battle that drains our community’s resources and undermines the very principles of justice and accountability. I have witnessed this type of behaviour numerous times. Perhaps different circumstances, but the outcome remains the same: People in power who prefer indulging in personal retribution over serving the best interest of their constituents. Why wouldn’t they? It’s not their money. Time and time again, they continue to demonstrate that they couldn’t care less about wasting taxpayer funds. This kind of behavior is not just an insult to me personally, but a slap in the face to every taxpayer in Pickering. It highlights a disturbing trend where personal grudges take precedence over sound governance and fiscal responsibility. Consider the implications of this decision. The $200,000 being squandered on legal fees could have been used to improve local services, support community projects, or even reduce taxes. Instead, it is being funneled into a protracted legal battle that benefits only the lawyers involved. This is a textbook case of penny-wise and pound-foolish decision-making, where a simple and inexpensive solution is ignored in favor of an extravagant and unnecessary expenditure. This incident also raises broader questions about transparency and accountability in our local government. When public officials can misuse taxpayer money without repercussions, it erodes public trust and confidence in the system. It sends a message that personal agendas can override the collective good and that the financial burden of these vendettas will fall squarely on the shoulders of the community. Pickering residents need to start holding our elected officials accountable for their actions and ensure that our hard-earned tax dollars are used wisely and ethically. It is not enough to be outraged; we must channel that outrage into action, calling for greater oversight, transparency, and a commitment to serving the public good. The Mayor and Council’s decision to prioritize a vindictive legal battle over a fair and just resolution is a stark reminder of the need for vigilance and advocacy in our local governance. It is a call to action for all of us to stand up against the misuse of power and to fight for a government that truly represents the interests of its people. Stand up and demand accountability and start insisting that your government serves you the people, not personal vendettas, or those with deep pockets. Let this be a wake-up call for all, to start engaging more actively in local politics to ensure your voices are not only heard, but respected. "Strength Does Not Lie In The Absence Of Fear, But In The Courage To Face It Head-On And Rise Above It"


from Wayne & Tamara I've been dating my boyfriend for two years. When our relationship began, I was completely dedicated to him, and he was a complete jerk who fooled around on me more than three times. We both realized it was because we never communicated. Since then we've become best friends and built a strong relationship. However he ogles other women while I'm with him, and it hurts. During one of the times we were broken up, he allowed me to read his journal which explained what he thinks about when he checks out other women's body parts. He actually wrote he would love to fool around with them and see how they feel. I am an extremely attractive girl. I feel insulted when I'm dressed up and he checks out less attractive girls who are just wearing jeans with their hair thrown in a ponytail. When I say something about it, he makes it seem like I made it all up. He yells at me as if I have done something wrong. He talks about marrying me after we graduate from college next year, but I'm not sure. Am I overreacting and paranoid, or is he lying when he says he is sure about us? Nicole Nicole, how do you make a smart woman feel stupid? By calling her stupid and paying attention to women who aren't as smart as she is. How do you make a woman tolerate physical abuse? By diminishing her self-esteem and making her feel she deserves the treatment she receives. How do you make an attractive woman doubt herself? Read your own letter. Imagine we introduced you to a man in boots wearing a Stetson hat, with a kerchief around his neck and chaps over his jeans. You look closely at the man and see his hands are callused and his face weather-beaten. Then we ask, "Do you think this man is a hairdresser or a rancher?" You would tell us he is a rancher, and you would be right. How did you know? Because you have a pattern built up in your mind of what a rancher looks like and what a hairdresser looks like. Patterns like this are called heuristics, and accurate heuristics help us navigate through life. Now think about the couples you know who are closest to each other, who never undermine each other, who genuinely love each other. Some of these couples may be your age, some may be your parents' age, and some may be your grandparents' age. These couples form a heuristic for you. They illustrate the pattern of love. That is not the pattern of your relationship. There is no reason for you to settle for your boyfriend. You know what you want, you know what you need, and you know this man cannot give it to you. Why not? Because he does not fit the heuristic you have in your mind of what love looks and feels like. He fits the heuristic of a man who is still looking. Wayne & Tamara An Innocent Man I always thought life is about karma. I wonder if there is a direct correlation between my past and thinking my husband, who is not the man I cheated on, is cheating. I am sorry for what I did, and in my heart I love my husband and know he is faithful. Hannah Hannah, you haven't gotten your comeuppance yet, so subconsciously you think your husband is cheating. That might end your marriage, and you would get the punishment you deserve. Karma doesn't mean the bad thing you did must happen to you. Once you've realized what you did was wrong and grown from it, the cycle is at an end. If your kind of karma ruled the universe, it would have you divorce a blameless man to marry an unfaithful one. That sort of unconscious reasoning would only punish the innocent man. Wayne & Tamara SEND LETTERS TO: Wayne & Tamara are the authors of Cheating in a Nutshell and The Young Woman’s Guide to Older Men—available from Amazon, Apple, and booksellers everywhere.