Saturday, May 13, 2023


By Rosaldo Russo Allow me to begin this column by thanking the Oshawa/Central newspaper for allowing me the opportunity and access to the press. Not to many if any allow an average person like me to tell the world what I see and think. In my opinion. The Editor/Publisher is a real upstanding type of guy. He shoots from the hip and hold traditional core values. My name is Rosaldo Russo. I came to this great country to make a better life for myself and my family. I thank Canada for everything it has allowed me to do and earn. I worked construction all my life. I know the value of hard work and honesty. I remember as a boy my father always telling me to work hard and buy land. So I did. I remember days when I did not have enough to eat. I go to work... but I did not wait for hand outs. I rounded up my pride my skill and my determination to succeed and went to work. In those days the only benefits we received was the fact we were employed. Before retiring I was the owner and operator of local material supply company that allowed me to retired without worry. Now that I have time to enjoy life. I look around me and have some concern for future generations. I see that the world is finished. Excuse me my english... but I like to know who changed the definition of ‘CUSTOMER SERVICE’? It appears that what I thought customer was is no longer. That it has been transformed into this web of ‘for my convenience’ automated systems that can drive the most sane mind to the edge of insanity. These so called companies that employ such systems harp that it for our convenience. BULL, 9 out of ten is so that it expedites payments on accounts. The information available and help is pro corporation. You must click a series of choices. One leading you to another set of choices. Sometimes you reach a stall and it thanks you for calling and hangs up. Others actually have someone answer the phone. When they actually answer. They are less than helpful. I remember when I first came to this great country. My English not to good. I was shy of going out and socializing. Sometimes I would have a question and had no one to ask. We did not have google. So a friend said. Call the operator. They are really friendly. So I took his advice. When I had a question I would dial ‘0’ and boom there was this very friendly person. Compassionate and understandive. I would always apologize for my accent and she would assure me not to worry that she understood me perfectly. It was an ease to my ear to have someone not judge me. I remember sometimes calling for things like. Who do I call for my drivers license? Or ask advice on who to call when I had a problem. They were super friendly and would talk with you for ever in a day. I would pay my phone bill with pride and if I could afford it pay extra as a show of gratitude for their service. What has happened since those days. You call the phone company and good luck getting someone. Have you tried dialing ‘0’ lately? Or calling Bell for any issues... Where is my friendly operator. I remember one time on the phone with Bell on a technical support problem. I could hear roosters in the background squawking. I asked the lady where I was calling and she said, Jamaica. Try calling them for billing... If you press the English side... your heart will sink. You get this call center some place in India or the Phillipines.... With accents that make my look like I was born here. What is wrong with Bell. Now don’t get me wrong we all have to work and make a living. But come on. Your attendants should not have such horrible accents. Then they dare call you using the wrong syntax. Hallo, Mr. Rosaldo. Really, I even know that is wrong. My heart goes out to future generations. In aonther incident, I called 911. The operator there did not even know where Columbus was.... Like really. And I got to count on them to save my life. The world is messed up and there is no sign of positive change. Sad


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. - ONE DAY AT A TIME - This past week you were subjected to a mass EMERGENCY ALERT - notice. In it. It stated: This is a test of the Ontario Alert Ready System. There is no danger to your health or safety. If this was an actual emergency, you would now see instructions for protecting yourself. Really!!! How considerate... I appreciate the vehicle they are using to stir fear of safety and compliance. After all would we not want to know if something had happened that may affect our health or safety? On the other hand. Is this not a form of control and proof of the power of cell technology as tracking surveillance tool? Even thought the concept may be beneficial in a time of emergency. Does this give the powers in control of cell technologies including government to send a message directly to my phone without permission? The tech minded folk will say. Oh it is an open system message and it goes to everyone. OK. Acceptable. Then they are admitting that this so called open messaging system exists. This giving to the creditability that every phone number may be accessed without consent. INTERESTING. Let’s think about this a bit more. Our so called ‘SMART PHONE’, for the general population of tech dummies is the ultimate tool go where no man has gone before in terms of access to personal information, tracking and surveillance. I remember my years as a private investigator. To the lengths that we use to go to track people. To the primitive methods... to some of the illegal methods that would allow us to develop tips and the ability to stay one step of the perpetrator. I can just imagine the technology available for both tracking, monitoring and intel gathering. By the government own admittance. They can send us a mass message. This means they can also receive as they are broadcasting over an open public medium, primarily cell. If so, then ideally anyone that has access to this type of technology may include a series of a million phone numbers and monitor all activities from these devices. In other words, a huge violation of your human rights, privacy. Remember not all criminals are caught in the act. Many arrests take months of preparation and intel gathering. From a government perspective. What better way to monitor the population at large then by having access to their most intimate means of communication. Both through speech, text, and travel. You say impossible. You say oh you are becoming paranoid and falling for conspiracy theory phenomena. I can see that thought and the rationale behind it. But think about this for a moment. Governments throughout history have rule by controlling the masses. What better way than to be able to stay one step ahead of trends and interest. Is this starting to take some resemblance to how intel services work? Government rule of governance. Keep them ignorant and make them do as we dictate. Anyone opposing us, will be deemed a threat to national security. Do you still think last week Alert was just an innocent alert? REMEMBER ALWAYS Hope for the Best. PREPARE FOR the worst.

Canada and corporate welfare

by Maj (ret'd) CORNELIU. CHISU, CD, PMSC, FEC, CET, P. Eng. Former Member of Parliament Pickering-Scarborough East It is worth mentioning that in the past few years, Ottawa, Ontario, and Quebec have been using public funds to kick-start the development and commercialization of advanced technologies in practically everything; ranging from clean-energy steelmaking in Ontario to "green cement" in Edmonton. However, the latest flashpoint of that largesse is the recently announced electric vehicle (EV) battery plant, heavily subsidized by governments, that Volkswagen AG plans to build in St. Thomas, Ont. Routinely decried as a $13 billion taxpayer expense, what Ottawa actually negotiated with VW is a range of $6 billion to $13 billion over10 years conditional on rising production volumes at the plant. Queen's Park is kicking in about $500 million. These two levels of government will likely be asked to provide similar support to the Windsor, Ont. battery factory planned by a joint venture of Stellantis N.V., parent of Chrysler and Fiat, and South Korea's LG Energy Solutions. Most of the VW money will only start flowing once the St. Thomas plant is operational, which may take several years. That funding also stops if there is a cancellation of similar subsidies offered by the U.S. Inflation Reduction Act. Ottawa's upfront expense is $700 million to cover about 10 per cent of the cost of building what will be Canada's biggest manufacturing facility. Its footprint equals about 350 football fields, so it will possibly be the biggest EV battery plant in North America when completed. It is interesting to note that this corporate welfare is directed at Canadian industrial sectors of existing strength, like autos, steel, telecommunications, and building materials. Is the thinking that these choices will substantially reduce the risk of governments picking the wrong "winners"? The Canadian auto sector has long been in decline. It has slipped to about 12th in global rankings. The auto sector employs more than 125,000 Canadians directly, supports almost 700 Canadian parts suppliers, and contributes about $19 billion to GDP. Ottawa and Ontario have high hopes for the battery plants in St. Thomas and Windsor. Personally, I hope that this investment of taxpayers' money was well researched and thought through with engineering support, so it will not end as many other recent projects have. Like the Covid vaccine enterprise for example, that ended in a major loss of taxpayers' money. Even if corporate welfare is not limited, or outright eliminated, there should be a mechanism for taxpayers to have input into the government's adventurous commitment of taxpayer money. Let us take a look at how well corporate welfare is presently working in Canada. According to a recent study published by the Fraser Institute, federal, provincial and local governments in Canada spent $352.1 billion (inflation-adjusted) subsidizing firms from 2007 to 2019. This amounts to more than was spent on national defence over the same period. This corporate welfare, which does little to stimulate widespread economic growth, came with huge costs to government budgets and Canadian taxpayers. This total corporate welfare price tag-which included $76.7 billion in federal subsidies, $223.3 billion in provincial subsidies and $52.1 billion in local subsidies-reflects unrequited government transfers to businesses but excludes other forms of government support such as loan guarantees, direct investment and regulatory privileges for particular firms or industries. Therefore, if you suspect that the actual level of corporate welfare during this 13-year period was much higher, you're probably right. Of course, taxpayers ultimately bear the cost of government spending on corporate welfare. For Canadians who filed taxes from 2007 and 2019 (the latest year of available pre-COVID data), the cost per tax filer ranged from a high of $18,785 in Saskatchewan to a low of $6,048 in New Brunswick. The three largest provinces were big spenders, with corporate welfare costing $18,334 per tax filer in Quebec, $13,285 in Alberta and $12,627 in Ontario. That's a significant amount of taxpayer money unavailable for other, more acute priorities for our population. Such spending might be justified if it led to widespread economic benefits. However, there is little evidence that business subsidies generate widespread economic growth and/or job creation. In fact, research suggests that business subsidies may actually hurt the economy as the government's interference in the market ultimately distorts private decision-making and misallocates resources. When the government attempts to select winners and losers in the economy, it often makes the economy less efficient than if those decisions were left to individuals. Indeed, the better option is to let Canadians make their own decisions about where to spend their money and subsequently determine what businesses will succeed. Government should however, play a role in funding science, which is the future of any successful economic enterprise. Instead of giving preferential treatment to select firms and industries, government should help foster a pro-growth environment that gives all businesses the opportunity to thrive by reducing business income tax rates. The same study found that government spending on corporate welfare represents a significant share of business income tax revenues. For instance, Quebec and Manitoba spent roughly the same amount of money on business subsidies as they collected in business income tax revenues from 2007 to 2019. In other words, the provincial government could have effectively eliminated provincial business income taxes if it had ended provincial corporate welfare. Similarly, business subsidies represented roughly half of all business income tax revenue (on average) in Ontario and roughly one-third (on average) in Alberta. Had that money been used to broadly reduce business income taxes, it would have stimulated investment, job creation and economic growth. Clearly, business subsidies (a.k.a. corporate welfare) come with significant costs to Canadian taxpayers and government budgets. Because these subsidies do not produce the broad economic benefits that advocates claim, governments should rein in this spending and focus on pro-growth tax reductions. It's fair to say that the outpouring of corporate subsidies by Canadian governments is without precedent in recent times. We should talk about that. The politicians should talk about it. Is it a wise use of public money? Your time to reflect

For What It Is Worth, My Advice to the Graduating Class

of 2023 By Nick Kossovan Had my priorities been in order when I graduated, my career compass would have been: Love what you do. Love the people you do it with. Love what you leave behind. We live in a complicated world, especially when it comes to work. There are usually established, but not hard and fast rules, prerequisites to meet, such as obtaining an education, to begin moving towards your career aspirations. However, even when the prerequisite is met, success is not guaranteed. Do not expect your degree to be enough. After graduating from college, I stumbled through my twenties, unsure of myself and my place in the world. At the time, I did not fully grasp who I was or how my Social Science diploma would contribute to my career. Ultimately, I had to figure out the world and the workplace on my own. Undeniably, the past three years have been tough. The pandemic redesigned student experiences, and social media became more "social" than it was pre-pandemic. You are not the first graduating class to face a world full of turmoil and uncertainty. Imagine graduating in 1942 and months later finding yourself fighting somewhere in Europe or graduating in 2008 amid what is known as The Great Recession. You have challenges; a tight labour market, widespread layoffs, rapid technological advancement, particularly in artificial intelligence, technology that has the appearance of not being designed to enhance productivity but has an end goal of employee replacement, and hyperinflation making employers rethink how they do business. Like every graduating class before you, you, and only you, are responsible for your career trajectory, so take full responsibility for it. - Talk to everybody. Opportunities are all around you; there is just one caveat: they are attached to people. The adage, "It's not what you know, but who you know," is more relevant today than it ever was. Networking is the key to attaining a successful career. American entrepreneur, author and motivational speaker Jim Rohan summed up the importance of cultivating and maintaining a professional network, "Your network is your net worth." Recently I came across a troubling headline, Americans More Than Ever Have No Friends. The article's author, Elizabeth Gilbert, states that Americans are experiencing a "friendship recession." Today, many people participate in digital communities but have few real-life relationships. Instead of talking to people, texting has become the norm. Many employees advocate working from home so they can work in isolation. As an escape, binge-watching has become a trend. Human contact is decreasing as more people use technology to communicate or avoid dealing with their surroundings. As a species, we are rapidly becoming unsociable. Do not be part of this decline! Do not think you are above anybody. Give someone your undivided attention, and you will be amazed at what you learn. As much as possible, talk to people who have been there and done that. The best conversations I have ever had have been with people who had already travelled the path I was on or were where I wanted to be. Back to the job search and career thing, I can tell you from experience that opportunities pop up from the most random conversations. When meeting new people, remember that showing interest is a massive gesture. Place your attention on the other person by asking open-ended questions. TIP: When meeting someone for the first time, ask yourself, "How can I help this person?" - Do not feel entitled to anything. Getting rid of any sense of entitlement is imperative; otherwise, you will be holding yourself back trying to fight the fundamental universal truth that the world does not owe you anything, not even to make a living. PERIOD! Having a sense of entitlement is a turnoff. Not expecting anything from anyone is how you become an independent adult and earn respect. When you stop feeling entitled, your self-esteem will soar, and you will start upping your game. - Become a person who adds value. Make "Always add value" your personal mantra. Employees who contribute measurable (keyword) value are highly regarded and likely to enjoy job security. - Read these books. 1. How to Win Friends & Influence People, by Dale Carnegie 2. The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs: How to Be Insanely Great in Front of Any Audience, by Carmine Gallo 3. 100 Ways to Improve Your Writing: Proven Professional Techniques for Writing with Style and Power, by Gary Provost Regarding how rapidly AI is emerging, keep a close eye on it! Nobody, not even the Internet talking heads who are suddenly "AI experts," knows where AI is heading. One thing is certain: Many jobs will be eliminated as employers identify which jobs they can delegate to AI. Hence, avoid positions that AI is likely to be able to do in the future. Volatile economic conditions coupled with rapid technological advancements have created a job market in flux like never before; hence, my last piece of advice: Never lose sight of your career goals. Despite all the job market volatility, building a career you love is still possible by focusing on what you are good at while embracing lifelong learning. __________________________________________________________________________ Nick Kossovan, a well-seasoned veteran of the corporate landscape, offers advice on searching for a job. You can send him your questions at

Why Do Some Women Have Pain During Sex

The Doctor Game
By Common Sense Health – W. Gifford-Jones MD and Diana Gifford Why do some women shy away from sex? It might be fatigue after a long day where everything, everything, has gone wrong. But before men jump to conclusions, they should know about a disease called endometriosis. This problem causes severe pain during sex. It occurs in about 10 percent of women and has a profound effect of their lives. And, about 30 percent will have trouble becoming pregnant. Some women with endometriosis may be fortunate. In spite of extensive disease, they are completely free of symptoms. Others, with minimal amounts of endometriosis bitterly complain of a variety of symptoms. What is endometriosis? At the end of a menstrual cycle women experience vaginal bleeding. The inside of the uterus, called the endometrium, starts to break down, resulting in a normal menstrual period. Doctors cannot completely explain why some women also have misplaced endometrial lining in the abdominal cavity. This also bleeds. But since this blood is trapped, with nowhere to escape, it triggers pelvic symptoms. Endometritis is the unfortunate result, an inflammatory reaction throughout the pelvic cavity. Depending on the location of the abnormal endometrium, the pain can be intense. The uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes can be affected, as can the urinary bladder or the ureter, a small tube that carries urine from the kidney to the bladder. All too often the endometriosis is scattered throughout other parts of the pelvic cavity. However, the prime location for this disease is at the end of the vagina where the uterosacral ligaments provide support for the vaginal tissues. It is a very sensitive area after endometriosis triggers inflammation of these ligaments. They become thickened, scarred and terribly tender. Often the disease causes the formation of large abdominal cysts full of blood. It’s then small wonder that patients complain of a diversity of symptoms. In addition to painful sex, they suffer from generalized chronic abdominal pain, low backache, and fatigue. Abnormal bleeding is common too. What causes more anxiety is that about 30 percent of these women have trouble becoming pregnant. The actress Susan Sarandon, who suffered with this condition and advocates for the Endometriosis Foundation of America, said, “Endometriosis was definitely another character in any relationship that I had.” The comedian Whoopi Goldberg has also spoken about the need for more attention. “There is nothing dirty about it. No religious group is going to be pissed if you discuss this. Because if you don’t discuss it, many more women are going to find themselves unable to have children or find themselves close to dying because [the disease has] led to something else.” Medical treatment is always tried first. Birth control can provide relief by stopping periods. Surgery is usually done if doctors believe endometriosis is widespread throughout the abdomen. Doctors then resort to abdominal laparoscopy. What they see is often endometrial lesions involving many areas of the pelvic cavity along with extensive involvement of the uterosacral ligaments. Looking at these lesions though the laparoscope allows doctors to destroy them with an electric current. And if ovarian cysts are present these can also be removed, conserving normal tissue for future pregnancies. What about menopause? The pain may improve once periods stop and there is a lack of the female hormone estrogen. There is always hope that laparoscopic surgery and destruction of endometrial lesions will result in a wanted pregnancy. However, the constant waiting can be terribly frustrating for those desiring pregnancy. An Italian proverb reassures. “Hope is the last thing ever lost.” Or, as another wise sage remarked, “Don’t forget to wind the clock, as tomorrow is another day.” Sign-up at to receive our weekly e-newsletter. For comments, Follow us Instagram @docgiff and @diana_gifford_jones

Saturday, May 6, 2023

The Doug Ford government's plans for increasing electrical power in the Province of Ontario

by Maj (ret'd) CORNELIU. CHISU, CD, PMSC, FEC, CET, P. Eng. Former Member of Parliament Pickering-Scarborough East In view of a future need for electrical power in the Province of Ontario, the Doug Ford conservative government is looking for ways to enhance the capacity of Ontario power production. However, in increasing electrical production capacity, the government has, basically put the emphasis only on increasing the number of gas-fired power plants. Presently Ontario's electricity system has among the lowest rates of CO2 emissions in North America, with roughly half of the annual supply provided by nuclear power, one-quarter by hydro dams, and one-tenth by wind turbines. The gas-powered plants account for only about ten percent. The Ford government has decided to go ahead with building more gas-fired power plants in Ontario, neglecting the cleaner nuclear energy which has served Ontario so well. It is becoming quite clear that we cannot expect any better from a government, which is so technologically behind that it is incapable of promoting new and progressive ideas to produce clean, green, recycled-fuel nuclear energy. So let us try to understand what they are about. The province is currently soliciting bids for additional gas-fired electricity generation, which means either new gas plants are built, or existing gas plants are expanded. It's poised to be Ontario's biggest increase in the gas-fired power supply in more than a decade, since the previous Liberal government scrapped two gas plants, in Mississauga and Oakville, at a cost to taxpayers the auditor general pegged at around $1 billion. Well, here we go again, the new old never ends, costing the taxpayer again and again. The excuse, according to Ford's energy minister, Todd Smith, is that Ontario needs gas plants now to help meet an expected surge in demand for electricity and to provide power while some units of the province's nuclear stations are down for refurbishment. Suddenly we need more energy? Not long ago we paid handsome sums for the US to take our surplus energy, due to a sharp decline in manufacturing industries. This random, scattered policy illustrates the real problem that the political leadership is facing in shaping the future of Ontario. In a quite apocalyptic declaration Minister Smith said, "It's really important to have natural gas as an insurance policy to be there to keep the lights on and provide the reliability that we need." In supporting his Minister, Ford has been touting the province's "clean energy advantage" as one of the key reasons Volkswagen chose Ontario for a $7-billion electric vehicle battery plant. Certainly, this plant looks important for Ontario as well as Canada, but nobody seems to be asking, at what cost to Ontarians?' Corporate welfare eh…. Ontario doesn't really need new gas plants to meet the demand for electricity. It needs more modern nuclear that recycles spent fuel, and dynamic power storage systems based simply on using water level management. Instead of these simple engineering solutions, Ontario and Canada are favoring a grid electricity battery storage facility which is said to be the largest in Canada. It is set to open in two years on Indigenous land in southwestern Ontario, with Six Nations of the Grand River and Ottawa as investors. It is an interesting and innovative way to invest taxpayers' money. The grid battery storage solution may jive with similar storage sites, mostly in the US, but these sites have their own problems and will not necessarily resolve the problem of energy storage in its entirety. Ontario Premier Doug Ford has claimed the project will store up to 250 megawatts of electricity. Is that enough? In fact, more energy efficiency and conservation programs are needed in order to better manage our electrical energy needs. For one thing, the Ford conservative government's push to generate more of Ontario's electricity from natural gas has the potential to conflict with the Trudeau liberal government's push for Canada's grid to have net zero emissions by 2035. The companies who would build Ontario's new gas-fired power plants have nothing to worry about, though, because even if the feds shut them down, the Ford government is promising that they will continue to get paid. This has all the makings of a well-known recipe for a gas-plant scandal, similar to what the province saw in the 2010s under Dalton McGuinty's Liberal government. There is a very real risk that we will not only get these new gas power plants, but we will be continuing to pay for them long after they are required to shut down. Yet again, squandering taxpayers' money without heeding consequences. I will conclude now before I get too technical, but I think it is a time to reflect on what our political leaders of any color or shape are doing with the taxpayers' money. I leave it to you to ponder.

Employers Do Not Care About Your Past Experience

By Nick Kossovan Are you having trouble getting employers to respond to your applications? If yes, then change your focus. Instead of highlighting your past experiences, consider what you can do for the employer. Every investment brochure contains the following disclaimer: "Past performance is no guarantee of future success." Employers do not care about your past work experience. What they care about, rightfully so, is what can you do for their business. However, most job seekers rely on their past experiences to convey their value, hence forcing hiring managers to evaluate them based on their past results. Who do envision a hiring manager hiring: Asher, who says he increased sales by 25% in 2021 for a company that is roughly similar to the hiring manager's company? Or... Gia, who also has a strong sales record. However, Gia presents a detailed plan for how she plans to increase the company's sales by 25% within the next 18 months? I am not saying your background does not matter; it does. If anything, your past experiences reveal your strengths and passions. However, you need more than just your past experience to stand out from your competition, which means improving how you present yourself to employers. Saying, "I helped Tyrell Corporation increase their online sales by 16% within 14 months," is simply stating your history. Act like a consultant, not just another job seeker. Show the employer that you are aware of their pain points and opportunities, and have suggestions to address them along with the experience to do so. Analyze the website of your target company and identify three improvements that will enhance its online sales, such as: 1. Showcase trust visuals and customer testimonials. (Prominently display throughout website star rating, member of Better Business Bureau and/or local Chamber of Commerce, customer testimonials) 2. Create a sense of urgency. (Time-sensitive special offers, discounts, or free shipping if purchased now.) 3. Reduce friction in the checkout process. (Eliminate unnecessary steps in the checkout process that could discourage potential customers from making a purchase.) "During my last 14 months at Tyrell Corporation, I increased online sales by 16%. Having walked myself through your website and checkout process, I believe I can increase Globex Corporation's online sales by strategically placing customer testimonials throughout your website, promoting time-sensitive offers and allowing customers to make purchases without having to create an account, which many people today prefer not to do." You get the picture. Here is another example: Simply saying, "I saved Pendant Publishing $3 million annually by improving their printing processes," is irrelevant to your interviewer. This statement does not answer the question every interviewer asks themselves while a candidate is trying to convince them to hire them, "So what?" Learn how the company operates and suggest ways to improve its processes to save money. 1. Point out areas where the employer can automate. (Automation is one of the best ways to improve business operations, such as processing invoices, payroll, and returns.) 2. Improving inventory management. (It is common for companies, especially if they have a spread-out footprint, such as business units or stores throughout a region or the country, to unnecessarily order supplies. A central inventory management system for tracking internal inventory and orders would offer substantial cost savings.) 3. Matching staffing to actual customer demand. (In the world of call centre management, which I live in, agents are a call centre's highest cost-actually, this applies to all employers-therefore, I am constantly analyzing call volume patterns and staffing accordingly to minimize having agents sitting idle.) The two examples I gave fall into two categories that employees care about, since their business, like all businesses, can only survive if it makes a profit, which is accomplished by: 1. Making money, and 2. Saving money As a job seeker, you must show how you can either make money for the company or save money; otherwise, why hire you? More than ever, employers are looking to maximize their ROI from each position within their organization. Therefore, find specific ways to show that hiring you will result in a healthy ROI -this is how you score dream jobs! As a salesperson, you want an annual base salary of $100K, 3% commission and a $40K bonus for achieving your sales quota. You believe you have the experience to warrant your compensation ask. However, what you think you are worth and what an employer thinks you are worth are entirely different opinions. So, like Gia, approach the employer with a strategy (READ: a plan of action you present) for how you will use your sales experience to generate $1.5 million in new business within the first 18 months of being hired. Doing the math: $150K (18 months salary) + $45K commission + $40 bonus (assuming no bonus in the first year) = $185K. $185K for an increase of $1.5 million in sales is an offer most employers would not refuse. As a job seeker, keep top of mind that your value to an employer is not "This is what I have done." Your value is, "This is what I will do for you." __________________________________________________________________________ Nick Kossovan, a well-seasoned veteran of the corporate landscape, offers advice on searching for a job. You can send him your questions at

Saturday, April 29, 2023

Impaired Judgment

My husband has a twofold addiction problem, drinking and drugs. In the six years we have been married, he has had periods of sobriety, but they don't ever last. I feel he has not confronted the underlying problem: he was molested as a child by a family member. He is currently in jail due to getting drunk and hitting a police car. Before we met, he had an arrest history for violent crime, but he was never violent with me. He has a good core to him, as well as a feeling of worthlessness. When things are good they are very good, and you know the rest of the saying. Al-Anon does not appeal to me. There are too many victims. I will not bail him out or give him money. He knows I feel he has to face the music. Luckily, I am financially able to take care of myself, but I wonder if this marriage can ever be saved. I am nearing the end of my patience with him. I refuse to allow him to make more excuses. My feeling is you always have a choice in what action you take. You do not have to be a drug addict. I don't want to kick a man when he is down, but I'm very tired. Emmy Emmy, you are not kicking a man when he is down. You have done nothing but try to help. Now it is time to decide on your best course of action and what your life will be. Sometimes helping someone, in the sense of protecting them from consequences, is exactly what they don't need. Consequences are the only thing which will make them change, because they won't change until the worst that can happen, happens. If you are drawn to individual counseling for yourself, then by all means do it. It may offer you an opportunity to talk about how you got into a relationship with someone under the influence of drugs and alcohol. How do you have a genuine relationship with someone who is chemically impaired? No one can make your husband change until he is ready. That may be long after he is out of your life. Wayne & Tamara Determination Tell me what to do when your own mother can't stop screaming at you, when you know what she's saying has nothing to do with you. The worst thing is she knows it, too, but she still screams. Being a vent for her is not what I want. No one would want that kind of anger in their life. I hate it, but I'm turning into her. I scream the same way she does, except I do it when no one is around. Cate Cate, one day a man with a problem dog went to see a monk who was a dog trainer. It seems whenever the man moved toward any doorway, his dog bolted through ahead of him. The monk and the man talked as the dog lay beside them. Down a hill, a short distance away, was a gate. The monk asked the man to get up and walk toward the gate. The dog raced to the gate, and the monk called the man back. Again and again, the man was directed to walk toward the gate. Each time when the dog ran before him, the monk called the man back. Each time, the dog made less effort to follow. Finally, the man reached the gate and went through as the dog watched. In this way, the monk broke the dog's habit. Each time your mother screams at you for no reason, walk away. When your mother realizes what happens when she screams, her behavior will change. When you realize you have power over the situation, you won't need to scream. At that point, the two of you can begin to talk. Wayne & Tamara write: Wayne & Tamara are also the authors of Cheating in a Nutshell, What Infidelity Does to the Victim, available from Amazon, Apple and most booksellers.

The Doctor Game Make a Stink for Better Public Washrooms

By Common Sense Health – W. Gifford-Jones MD and Diana Gifford When asked how to become a famous comedian, Steve Martin replied, “Be so good they can’t ignore you.” It’s true, bad performers can usually be ignored. But there’s no ignoring bad public washrooms. Public washrooms have a reputation for abysmal filth, as evidenced by dirty toilets, overflowing trash, empty or broken soap dispensers, sloppy countertops, and door handles not to be touched. An American survey found that 21 percent of respondents used a public washroom at least six times a week, sometimes over 15 times! The reason was not always obvious. Youth tend to visit washrooms to use their phones, change their clothes, or “get away”. In fact, 21 percent of youth acknowledge the use of public washrooms to take a mental health break, to avoid someone, and on occasion to cry. Older people, in addition to using the facilities, also visit public washrooms to check their appearance. Whatever the reason to visit, how important is it to take precautions? The good news is that some of the germs found in public washrooms are no different than the germs found in many other places, including the bathroom at home. Take Staphylococcus aureus for example. It will be found in dirty public washrooms. But it is also commonly carried around by 20-30 percent of people on their skin or in the respiratory system. It is an opportunistic pathogen, meaning it starts to cause trouble not when commonly encountered in the washroom but when the immune system is weakened or when the natural balance of bacteria in the gut is altered. Authorities disagree on how long certain other nasty germs survive or how readily they cause infection. But many bathroom studies have shown remarkable staying power – up to 8 days for E. coli. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the flu can survive on some surfaces for 48 hours. Washing hands after using public facilities is a no brainer. Yet a study published in Antimicrobial Resistance & Infection Control found that handwashing and hand-drying equipment in public washrooms are facilitating infections due to contaminated sink handles and paper towel dispensers. Plus people don’t wash their hands with soapy water for 20 seconds or more. Even with the best of efforts, some researchers have noted that “adequate hand hygiene may not always be achievable when using public washrooms.” That’s because the door handle used to leave the washroom is covered in germs. Opting out of using a public bathroom and resorting to “holding behaviour” is not advisable. “Always go to the bathroom when you have a chance,” goes the sage advice of King George V. Royalty have their own reasons. But among common folk, holding urine in the bladder can invite bacteria in the urine to multiply and cause the development of urinary track infections. When you’ve got to go, you’ve got to go. But there’s worse news to report. A study published in 2020 in Physics of Fluids described a phenomenon known as "toilet turbulence." It’s an alarming and repulsive discovery to learn that flushing a toilet can send small droplets of water and aerosols containing fecal germs three feet into the air above the seat! One public health message advises users to turn away from the toilet when flushing. Good lord! There’s a reason for a toilet seat lid. Put it down before you flush. Making a stink about public washrooms that are poorly designed and infrequently cleaned is probably the best course of action. Afterall, what restaurant or community venue wants to be associated with disgusting washrooms? Sign-up at to receive our weekly e-newsletter. For comments, Follow us Instagram @docgiff and @diana_gifford_jones


By Rosaldo Russo Allow me to begin this column by thanking the Oshawa/Central newspaper for allowing me the opportunity and access to the press. Not to many if any allow an average person like me to tell the world what I see and think. In my opinion. The Editor/Publisher is a real upstanding type of guy. He shoots from the hip and hold traditional core values. My name is Rosaldo Russo. I came to this great country to make a better life for myself and my family. I thank Canada for everything it has allowed me to do and earn. I worked construction all my life. I know the value of hard work and honesty. I remember as a boy my father always telling me to work hard and buy land. So I did. I remember days when I did not have enough to eat. I go to work... but I did not wait for hand outs. I rounded up my pride my skill and my determination to succeed and went to work. In those days the only benefits we received was the fact we were employed. Before retiring I was the owner and operator of local material supply company that allowed me to retired without worry. Now that I have time to enjoy life. I look around me and have some concern for future generations. I see that the world is finished. I have worked my ass off all my life so that one day, I would enjoy living free of debt and comfortably. Now in my golden days. I thought I had it made. Then with one visit to my doctor. My world has come crushing down. I live in a rural part of Oshawa. My transportation is my lifeline to getting groceries, going to doctors and working around my acreage. During my doctors appointment, he informs me that he will be pulling my license based on my age and my medical condition. He felt that I would be a danger on the roadways. Now, excuse me. I have no tickets, no accidents and perfect vision. When I questioned her. She became very ubrupt and told me that ‘it was what it was.’ Then I started doing some research. I found out that the general practice today for most doctors is that if you are over 80. They can automatically pull your license. This I personally think it is an injustice. I just bought a 90,000. truck. I own an SUV and other machine to work around my property. Now this doctor decides to pull my license. I could understand if I had tickets. I would understand if I had accidents. I would even entertain the idea that if I had vision problems. After all, If I felt a threat to anyone including me. I be the first to stop driving. This is not the case. I pay for the vehicle. I pay for the insurance. I pay for my hefty taxes. I pay and pay and are now transportation castrated because of my age. I think this is a form of discrimination. What do you think. I worked all my life so that I would not have to ask for anything from the system. To retire in comfort. Now this? At the least the doctor could have referred me to take the Mickey Mouse test again. I drive every day and see that many of the new drivers have no common sense. For example. On a four lane street. Someone on the far right decided to make a left turn and cut across four lanes and made everyone wait. Luckily not causing a major accident. Where is the doctor taking their license. On another time. Driving on the 401 and someone on the fast lane decided to go 60km/hr. Trucks passed and beeped.. It was a dangerous scene. I am sure I could write a million pages of those that are young and should have their license revoked, yet we the over 80 population are threat. Those that never received a citation. Those that are fully insured and never had a car accident. Sure, it is easy to shrug our shoulders.... and deem this as my problem. But, remember one day you will be over 80. Then what? Or what if your family elders all of a sudden faced the same dilema and would have to rely on you on transportation... All because the medical association deems people over 80 a public safety threat. Come on people. Let’s do what is right. Why after contributing so much to this great nation am I being discriminated against over my age?


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. - ONE DAY AT A TIME - Well, it appears our war mongering attention is being re-directed from the Ukraine to the Sudan. I guess by now we have all come to the realization that Russia is not such a big bad super power after all. Russian can’t even invade a neighboring country. What are the chances of them invading Europe or the West. The sad reality is that we are paying for the politics being played out in that region... Not to mention the huge cost of civilians in those affected areas. We the people are nothing but a number in a global bingo game. When the powers in charge feel they have some sort of gain. Our numbers are called one by one. Knowing that eventually we all have to face the same fate. The power pulling the strings decided the longevity of our predestine. The conflict in the Ukraine vs Russia is not something new. It has been going on back and forth for decades. We the west get suckered in due to the fact that governments play on the media to tear our hearts open and rip our pockets for aid. For the past two weeks reports from the Ukraine have dropped. Does this mean the war is over. NO, the war still on. I think the people have realized that in the Ukraine there is no win. That even if the Russians pulled back and out. That area still going to see turmoil. Then why are we in the west in it? Politics. The U.S. through Bidens son are committed to support the war effort. We as good Canadians follow. Now that the billion of dollar tap is slowly shutting down. The world turns to another conflict. This time the Sudan. A nation that has suffered more political strife than any nation in the free world. Why all of a sudden the Sudan? Other nations in Africa on a daily basis are having to deal with all kind of human rights violations. War, famine and political not to mention tribal in-humanities. Wait, I am getting a call from Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Lybia, Lebanon.... you mean to tell me that all of a sudden all these regions have settled and are living in harmony? NO, the human suffering is astronomical. Why don’t we hear about them in the news? As a member of the media, I strongly believe that the world today is being manipulated. Without force or military might. It is being controlled by misinformation and tailored agenda. Just recently the Canadian government reported the problems of getting Canadians out of the Sudan. I am no military strategist.... but has the Canadian government not have a military. In the Sudan they are killing kin. In the Sudan they are using stones and sticks. How hard would it be to land a strong force. Get what you wanted and get out. No instead our government is starting to tap on our hearts.... to make it look like the Sudan forces are so mighty and powerful that we may have to consider sending in troops... or at the least that we should be seeing foreign aid for those suffering. Get what in a matter of weeks we as good Canadian sheep will open our wallets and give. The question is... why are we so quick to help those suffering abroad and not those suffering within our own borders. It is estimated that there are over 5 million Canadians living on the street or in cars. People that can’t afford a place to live or to put food on the table. Forget about the days, when those struggling would loose their homes. Today, we have become the Sudan. People are living on the street, in make shift camps, in cars. Who is going to help our suffering folk? Who is going to stop this human suffering? Should we like in the Sudan take up arms and demand to be treated like human beings? Who will come to our aid? Better, who is coming to our aid? REMEMBER ALWAYS Hope for the Best. PREPARE FOR the worst.

Canada's 'entitled' Public Servants

by Maj (ret'd) CORNELIU. CHISU, CD, PMSC, FEC, CET, P. Eng. Former Member of Parliament Pickering-Scarborough East More than 150,000 federal public servants with the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) went on strike on April 19th while their union representatives continued to negotiate with the government for a bigger wage increase and more flexibility to work remotely. At the time of this article, no agreement had been reached with the government. Four main areas of disagreement remain between the union and the government: wages, teleworking, outsourcing contracts and seniority rules in the event of a layoff. Many federal services will be affected by the strike, including the processing of tax returns and passport applications. The union anticipates slowdowns at airports and border crossings, as administrative workers with the Canada Border Services Agency walk off the job. The Agency claims it expects to maintain services for travellers and businesses, but PSAC predicts the strike will affect the organization's administrative staff, inevitably causing delays at the border. Canadians are most likely to notice the effects of a strike with these services. Services deemed essential, such as administering the Canada Pension Plan, Old Age Security, Employment Insurance and social insurance numbers will be maintained, but at a time consuming slower pace. Passport services, grants and contributions programs, the Temporary Foreign Worker Program, the Canada Education Savings Grant, the Canada Learning Bond, the Canada Disability Savings Grant, the Canada Disability Savings Bond and the job bank will be partially or fully disrupted. Approximately 300 Service Canada locations will remain open during the strike, but service will be limited to those requiring assistance for Old Age Security, Employment Insurance, Canada Pension Plan payments and the issuance of Social Insurance Numbers. Travel advice and advisories for Canadians abroad, consular services and EduCanada, the program for international students who want to study in Canada may also be affected. Around the National Capital Region, striking workers made their presence felt, circling buildings, chanting through megaphones and blasting music throughout the morning. Why aren't residents protesting about the noise? Was it only the truckers' protest that bothered Ottawa residents? The union has been pushing for a 13.5 per cent pay increase over 3 years and 22.5 per cent for CRA employees. The 9 per cent the Liberal Government is offering isn't enough? How arrogant can these civil servants get? Are they totally oblivious to the suffering of millions of Canadians resulting from the economic downturn following the Covid-19 pandemic? They are secure in a well-paid job with an assured pension after working for only two years. They enjoy a highly privileged position and have the effrontery to demand still more money from taxpayers. Unabashedly, they are now escalating the strike activity. After union president Chris Aylward promised that picket lines would move to more "strategic locations," on Monday April 24th, strike action managed to "shut down" ports in Montreal, Vancouver and St. John's. They focused on ports of entry where the union predicted the strike would have greater economic impact. Striking public servants need only spend four hours a day on the picket line to receive their $75 per day strike pay. The union's strike fund boasted $43 million when the strike began, which may quickly be depleted, depending on how many strikers show up each day. Nevertheless, no worries, they will get support from other unions such as: the Canadian Labour Congress, Unifor, the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada and the Canadian Union of Public Employees. Aylward declared last weekend that he wasn't worried about funds running out. Anyway, Federal public servants will continue to receive their regular salaries until at least May 10. How nice for them! Meanwhile, Liberal federal ministers at a cabinet meeting in Ottawa claimed to be watching the strike closely. However, these are their voters, so expect a mild reaction. Here are some indicative declarations: "On one hand, they have the right to strike and demonstrate," Industry Minister François-Philippe Champagne told reporters. "On the other hand, we need to make sure that the economy can continue functioning around the country." Do you detect any intent to act in those non-committal words? Transport Minister Omar Alghabra said he has been in contact with ports and airports to make sure they have contingency plans in place. "I know Canadians would like us to avoid disruption to travel and supply chains, and our focus is to resolve this at the negotiation table," he said. Treasury Board President Mona Fortier assured us last week that both parties were still at the bargaining table. If negotiations continue, why has PSAC walked out already? Federal and provincial governments are more aware than ever of how vulnerable and critical major roadways and ports of entry are after last year's "Freedom Convoy," noted Ambarish Chandra, an associate professor of economics at the University of Toronto. Demonstrators took over major roads in downtown Ottawa for three weeks and blockaded several border crossings for days in February 2022 to protest federal vaccine mandates. The protest precipitated the first use of the federal Emergencies Act. While those events were a far cry from the activities of public servants on strike, federal workers' decision to target points of critical infrastructure could inspire copycat events, said Chandra, one of the experts who testified at the inquiry about the invocation of the Emergencies Act. "The events of last year highlighted how vulnerable we are," he continued. "And it may not be surprising if other groups now seize on that vulnerability to exploit what they now realize is a ... critical shortcoming in infrastructure." Smaller disruptions at borders and other key locations are likely to be annoying and in some cases costly, he said, but they tend to fade from public memory quickly compared to more-substantial blockades. So let's see how eager Chrystia Freeland will be to block the strikers' funding this time, if a prolonged strike continues to block essential infrastructure. We have a precedent, eh….? Anyway, it is becoming increasingly evident that our public service needs a radical overhaul in order to serve the public, not just themselves. What do you think?

It Is the Candidate Who Tells the Best Story Who Gets Hired

By Nick Kossovan A six-word story attributed to Ernest Hemingway: "For sale: baby shoes, never worn." Almost every hire I have ever made was a result of my being able to relate to the candidate's story. Solutions, right answers, and great ideas are as exciting as watching paint dry. On the other hand, who does not love risk-takers, plain talkers, and underdogs? For the most part, job search success depends on which candidate tells the most compelling story, a story that will compel the hiring manager to hire them. Emotions are often the difference between a candidate being hired or rejected. Logic is not the only factor in hiring decisions; emotions (feelings) play a significant role. Our emotions determine how we perceive someone when first meeting them, and those perceptions lead us to regard them positively or negatively. The quickest way to land on the hiring manager's "positive" side: Tell a compelling and relevant story in your resume, cover letters, and interviews. The power of storytelling lies in its ability to influence and persuade. Opinions are often more polarizing than persuasive, and statistics, even when used as evidence, are difficult to retain. However, you can tug at heartstrings if you blend the two into an engaging narrative. All you need to do is organize your achievements into a story that elicits positive emotions. - Start with your audience in mind. Most job seekers believe providing a long, chronological list of projects, responsibilities, and job activities is a good job search strategy. The belief is that if you stuff as much experience as you can into a 2-page resume, a 4-paragraph cover letter or a 45-minute interview, something will click with the reader/interviewer, and they will "understand" your value and fit their business Actually, the opposite is likely to happen. Will the person receiving your information remember everything? Nope! It is more strategic to prioritize your career information according to the employer's needs, to show them only what is relevant to the position and their company; hence you do not come across as being another cookie-cutter applicant, which employers typically see. (Not being cookie-cutter = Being different = Standing out) Always have your audience at the forefront of your mind. What is their role? What is their level? How are their business and industry doing? What current challenges do they face that are critical to their success? Hiring managers look for more than just a list of skills and experiences. Along with hard skills (e.g., formal education, technical, foreign languages), employers, more than ever, look for candidates with soft skills (READ: people skills), such as authenticity, strong communication, mindfulness, and inclusivity. - Have a theme. Once you know your audience, stop, and consider the one thing you want your audience to remember about you. In storytelling, this is called the 'big idea,' and it is the lynchpin of every effective story and, therefore, should be woven into all your written and verbal communications during your job hunt. Are you looking to join a marketing organization? Then the overarching theme of your resume, LinkedIn profile, cover letters and when interviewing might be: I'm a person who is driven by innovation and growth. Every example you give regarding your marketing expertise should demonstrate how your creativity contributes to brands reaching a wider audience. (e.g., Created a holistic paid acquisition strategy, leading to a 63% ROI for every dollar spent.) Tie all your experiences in your resume, cover letters, and interviews directly into your theme. In addition to guiding your narrative, your theme influences a hiring manager's memory as to what it is you do and how well you do it. - Context! Context! Context! Throughout your job search, you will have many opportunities to share your career success stories. Like all great stories, you need clear context to make your experiences meaningful. Storytelling experts call context the "why" that drives a narrative's plot. Context gives your audience a reason to listen to your story to the end and arrive happily at your resolution. There are three things that establish context: setting, characters, and conflict. 1. Setting: The place where your story unfolds. 2. Characters: The people involved in and impacted by the triggering event in your story. 3. Conflict: An event that causes you and the other characters in your story to take action. As you tell your story, make sure the context sinks in so your interviewer can see how you work with others, how you approach challenges and how you solve problems. - End your story with a clear resolution. Your goal, as you wind your story down, is to give your listener a compelling reason to care about the outcome, results that would be relevant to the job you are applying for. Now is the time to be the hero and tell your interviewer how you resolved the conflict of your story. This is where you explain how you achieve the metrics listed on your resume and LinkedIn profile in greater detail. The conclusion of your story should encourage your interviewer to hire you. Telling your career success stories effectively will greatly enhance your job search. __________________________________________________________________________ Nick Kossovan, a well-seasoned veteran of the corporate landscape, offers advice on searching for a job. You can send him your questions at

Saturday, April 22, 2023


By Rosaldo Russo Allow me to begin this column by thanking the Oshawa/Central newspaper for allowing me the opportunity and access to the press. Not to many if any allow an average person like me to tell the world what I see and think. In my opinion. The Editor/Publisher is a real upstanding type of guy. He shoots from the hip and hold traditional core values. My name is Rosaldo Russo. I came to this great country to make a better life for myself and my family. I thank Canada for everything it has allowed me to do and earn. I worked construction all my life. I know the value of hard work and honesty. I remember as a boy my father always telling me to work hard and buy land. So I did. I remember days when I did not have enough to eat. I go to work... but I did not wait for hand outs. I rounded up my pride my skill and my determination to succeed and went to work. In those days the only benefits we received was the fact we were employed. Before retiring I was the owner and operator of local material supply company that allowed me to retired without worry. Now that I have time to enjoy life. I look around me and have some concern for future generations. I see that the world is finished. From the big Canadian corporations to your average person walking the street. People have changed and they have changed for the worst. I remember closing million dollar deals on a shake hand an or my word. Today, you can’t trust not even the shadow that follows you everywhere. Corporations today are not about you or me. Forget about customer service. They will do whatever they can to make a dollar off your hard work. They make you sign contracts without letting you read the fine print. Corporation hide behind policy and procedure. Not to mention, the lengthy automated systems. Now with the introduction of Artificial Intelligence and robotics. Good bye Charlie Brown to jobs. Jobs that saves these corporation millions. The other day driving through Oshawa. I noticed this young man. He looked like he was able and fit to work. I rolled down my window and said to him. “Hey, buddy. How would you like to do yard work for a good meal and decent pay?”. The man looked at me in the eye and first thing that came out of his mouth was. “HOW MUCH DOES IT PAY? I can make about a $100/day doing this”. Really. He is begging for money. Common sense would tell you that someone is offering you work you take it on the spot. This new generation has no clue what it feels to truly have to suffer and go without food/shelter. This man, probably living on the street. Living off the money the government gives him and hand outs. This man had no real ambition and or goals. He lived day by day. This scares me. As this type of man is why society is failing. Crime is up and the family institution is changing. No one has responsibility for anything. I know in my day. I may have been poor but my goal was to work as hard as I could to feed my family and make something out of my life. I am no scholar. I had to learn my trade the hard way. No one gave me anything. Not that I would take it as if we can’t have self esteem and believe in our efforts. What purpose is there in life. I was shocked and appauled by this mans response. Then I look at the bigger picture and begin to understand why corporate Canada treats us they way they do. If we don’t care to fight back. We are easy picking for corporations to make millions off our lack of self respect. We need to teach our kids the value of a hard days work. Then again for those that do try hard and educate themselves. Look at their hardships do to poor governmental leadership. People we as a society are doomed. I can’t believe it. Godspeed.


Canada and the overtaxed citizen by Maj (ret'd) CORNELIU. CHISU, CD, PMSC, FEC, CET, P. Eng. Former Member of Parliament Pickering-Scarborough East In a turbulent world with uncertain economic predictions and the rising prices of the basic needs for a citizen to live in peace and without concerns, the future looks dark.
As it is most relevant for the entire country we will concentrate on the Province of Ontario Canadian resident to see how they fill with their future economic prospect. According to a new poll, 73 per cent of Ontarians feel that the average family is over-taxed. This result should not come as a surprise. A 2022 study published by the Fraser Institute found that the average Ontario family (consisting of two or more people) paid 44 per cent of its income in taxes (including income taxes, sales taxes, etc.). Unfortunately, relief is nowhere in sight. Although both the provincial and federal governments tabled their budgets for the upcoming fiscal year, there were no serious discussion about tax reductions. In fact, the Ford government, has walked back promises it made on the campaign trail in 2018 when then-candidate Ford championed lower taxes, stating that the government was perhaps "the worst place you can hand your money over." But as premier, Ford has done little to nothing to reduce taxes for Ontario families. The same poll, conducted by Leger and commissioned by the Fraser Institute, found that 80 per cent of Ontarians believe the average family should pay 40 per cent or less of its income in total taxes. And more than half of respondents (55 per cent) in the province believe the average family should pay 25 per cent or less of its income. (Remember, the average Ontarian family currently pays more than 40 per cent of its income on taxes.) Clearly, there's incongruity between what Ontarians believe the average family should pay in total taxes versus what the average Ontarian family actually pays. Ontarians want tax reductions, but their governments are not listening. Finally, according to the poll, Ontarians are not thrilled with the quality of services (health care, education, police, roads, etc.) they receive in exchange for their tax dollars. Four in 10 (40 per cent) Ontarians believe they get poor or very poor value from government services. Only 19 per cent of Ontarians feel they receive good or great value from the services their tax dollars finance. And roughly three in 10 (31 per cent) said they receive satisfactory value. When Ontarians voice their opinions on taxes in the province, the results are clear. They want lower taxes, and they aren't over the moon about the quality of services provided by all levels of government. In other words, Ontarian families feel they're over-taxed and governments are under-delivering, and the Ford and Trudeau governments should pay attention. Will they? There is also another fact: Canadians already pay roughly $720 a year for climate-related damages. Those costs will keep rising (to around $2,000 a year by 2050). The question arise; is this a realistic approach or it is an additional tax grab for governments futuristic projects? For example the latest federal budget focused on promoting clean electricity . However, the more electricity we save, the easier it will be to achieve the so called zero-carbon grids and electrification of heating, transportation and industry. However, the budget had little emphasis on saving electricity, an area where Canada significantly lags behind the World. The budget had a clear bias for supplying more energy over reducing demand. For example, the document stated that "as electricity becomes the main source of energy, daily and seasonal demand peaks will become more pronounced. Canada will need to invest heavily in renewable generation to meet this demand." This statement obviously misunderstands the modern operation of electricity systems, where demand-side management is an indispensable resource to reduce peaks and demand growth. Better insulated buildings, more efficient industrial motors and energy management, and optimized commercial lighting and HVAC systems are examples of improvements that provide the same or better services to our electricity systems as energy generation. Demand-side management also involves shifting energy use to different times. "Efficient energy solutions - charging hot water tanks, electric vehicles or industrial heating outside of peak periods - can make room for increased electric heating and cooling needs when it is hot or cold. The federal budget released on March 28 confirmed in dramatic fashion that Canada is facing a major construction challenge. Our electric power grids, which provide essential power services across the country, will need huge upgrades over the next 26 years. "Canada's electricity demand is expected to double by 2050" the budget predicted, saying "our electricity capacity must increase by 2.2 to 3.4 times compared to current levels." These changes are needed to serve rising demand for electricity. The scale of the infrastructure development ahead is unprecedented. The implications for the economy and the environment are enormous and the time proposed is very tight. Judging by the $400 billion estimate recently disclosed by Ontario's grid operator, the cost of power system improvements across Canada could exceed a trillion dollars in this timeframe. What's more, much of this expenditure will be needed in the early stages, in the next 10 or 11 years. Canadians will surely be asking questions about where this money will come from, and how it will be spent. For Canadians, it has become timely to consider how decision-makers and regulators will oversee such a massive investment in the energy system. Without early attention and expertise, the work could be improperly focused, and money could be wasted on insufficiently considered choices. The Electricity Canada, the organization representing electricity generation and transmission companies across the country, is calling for a Canadian Electricity Strategy. They can see more clearly than most the dangers of entering this phase of major development without co-ordination between the many regions, governments, and business entities in the sector. A Canadian electricity strategy will probably need to wrestle with significant public policy questions such as: 1. How far should government go to encourage major new transmission lines between provinces and regions? 2. What kind of community input and engagement will be necessary for each type of development? 3. Do we have the right skills and training programs? 4. How to co-ordinate the timing of major investments with the natural schedule for replacement of existing capital assets? Francis Bradley, the CEO of Electricity Canada, recently said, "Canada needs a cross-government strategy to co-ordinate these efforts, pool resources, coordinate funding and work with the electricity sector to implement the planning and building process." With all this grandiose projects in making still the question remains of from where the money is coming from. I might think that it will come from more taxes on the ordinary Canadians. What about to limit careless spending of the governments on foreign soil pet projects in the name of promoting democracy instead of looking for the need of Canadians. Enough is enough a change is needed!

An Interview's Ending Is More Important Than Its Beginning

By Nick Kossovan "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." - Maya Angelou How you end an interview is more important than how you began and performed throughout the interview, within reason, of course. Yes, making a great first impression is essential; however, the last impression you make tends to linger. As your interviewer is wrapping up your interview (e.g., They ask if you have any questions or they are glancing at their watch.), you want to leave a positive lasting expression. Just shaking your interviewer's hand and saying, "I look forward to hearing from you," will not cut it. The last impression you leave with your interviewer will profoundly impact their memory of you since they are more likely to remember the last five minutes of the interview than the first five. The next time you are interviewing, make it your mission to leave a lasting impression on your interviewer by doing the following: 1. Ask insightful questions. As your interviewer is winding down the interview, inevitably, they will ask, "Do you have any questions for me?" (If your interviewer does not ask you this question, presume you will not be offered the job.) Asking good questions does two things: 1. It gives you a final opportunity to show your interviewer that you prepared for the interview and put thought into your questions. (You are serious about wanting the job.) 2. It lets you determine if the company and role are the right fit for you. Always have a couple of questions ready. Never say, "You have answered all of my questions." Some questions you could ask: - What would I be expected to accomplish in the first six months? The first year? - What is the biggest challenge I would face in this role? - Please describe your management style. How would you manage me? - What will the onboarding and training process look like? - Where does [company] see itself in five years? - What are some of the biggest challenges facing the company/department? - What expectations would I need to meet to be successful in this role? 2. Thank your interviewer. "Thank you" is essential because we are primates and inherently social creatures. When goods or services are exchanged, and currency is not involved, then our words and expressions become the currency. Manners are still important today. Saying "Thank you" goes a long way in acknowledging someone providing you with an opportunity, such as interviewing for a job. Thank yous should be genuine and sincere. While making eye contact say something along the lines of, "Thank you for taking the time to interview me. I look forward to hearing back from you.". Note: Do not overdo the "Thank yous"; you don't want to appear desperate or insincere. One "Thank you" is all you need to make a good impression. 3. Re-state why you are the best candidate. At the end of the interview, take the opportunity to quickly summarize your key strengths. Mention how your experience can directly impact the company. Make your summary short and compelling. "As I mentioned, I implemented and worked with the ZET4500 accounting software system for seven years and was instrumental in transforming how my previous company had increased oversight over their account receivables. I'm confident my accounting skills, passion for numbers and ability to use the ZET4500 proficiently will be a great asset here at Wayne Enterprises." 4. Your handshake matters. Pre-coronavirus, a firm handshake at the end of an interview was an indisputable indicator of confidence. When interviewing in person, feel free to initiate the handshake rather than wait for your interviewer to extend their hand. Your handshake, while making eye contact (shows confidence), should be reasonably firm. If more than one person was part of your interview, be sure you shake everybody's hand. 5. Ask for the job. I like assertive and confident, even borderline brash, candidates. Therefore, I am always impressed when a candidate asks me outright for the job, something I wish happened more often. The next time you have an interview for a job you want, ask for it! (Yes, I have hired on the spot a candidate who asked me for the job.) "I know this is the company that I want to work for. Is there anything that prevents you from making me an offer today?" If your interviewer declines to give you an offer (e.g., "I'm scheduled to interview two more candidates this afternoon." ), then say, "I understand why you need to consider other candidates. Therefore, I look forward to hearing back from you. When can I expect to hear back from you?" TIP: Get your interviewer's business card so you can send a thank you email. As I noted at the beginning, the last impression you make tends to linger. How you closed the interview will be remembered by your interviewer-did you finish confidently, reaffirm your interest in the job, or appear uninterested? I do not know any hiring manager who would hire a candidate who seems disinterested in the position. __________________________________________________________________________ Nick Kossovan, a well-seasoned veteran of the corporate landscape, offers advice on searching for a job. You can send him your questions at

Saturday, April 15, 2023


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. - ONE DAY AT A TIME - There is not one person that has not experienced some form of suffering or another. From the loss of a love to the loss of a loved one. The deep feeling of suffering lingers in our minds and heart impacting our psychology. By definition, suffering is: the state of undergoing pain, distress, or hardship. distress, suffering, misery, agony mean the state of being in great trouble. distress implies an external and usually temporary cause of great physical or mental strain and stress. the hurricane put everyone in great distress. suffering implies conscious endurance of pain or distress. This in part is why when we see someone suffering we tend to open our hearts and attempt to offer assistance or relief. The government through the media has learned how to manipulate and control this very personal emotion. Pictures of war are presented on our tv screens as to spark and emotion of responsibility, a call to actin to do something for those suffering all over the world. From the UNICEF’s for the world to individuals collecting money for just about every cause. They all play on this emotion. Most recent the media bombarded us with images of civilians being attacked by Russian forces. Bad Russians attackign poor innocent civilians. A war that has been going on back and forth for decades. The government of Canada is quick to send millions of our tax dollars to alleviate the problem. Rightly so if we did not have Canadian suffering right here at home. We the people are fooled to prioritize foreign suffering over our own peoples suffering. Most drive down city streets and notice someone homeless. Most common thought. A those bums. Get a job. Get off drugs. Well maybe that was the case at one time. When every town had one or two of these vagabonds roaming the streets. Today things are different. In Oshawa alone according to a poll taken before the new year. Oshawa had 1,500 homeless. People living on city sidewalks, along rail tracks, in parks, alley ways and or in their cars. This is not just a substance abuse problem any more. Let’s take a hypothetical look at the numbers. If in Oshawa we have 1,500. Let’s assume that across Durham region we have 5,000 people. Across the GTA 50,000 people living in sewers, under passes, drainage pipes, in tents. Across Ontario 200,000 people. Where are the CNN of the world covering this massive human suffering happening right here in Canada. One of the world’s richest countries sending millions if not billions to fight phantom wars? We the people have to stop and realize how we are being manipulated by the government and the media. How we are being played a fool without us not even knowing. Now you may be saying. Well the homeless, the poor choose to live that way. Really!!! Let’s look at your arrogance. Yes, some may suffer from addiction. No question about it. Some may even suffer from mental health issues. But look at all the others that just can’t make it. Not even with three minimum wage jobs. Rents are way out of reach for many. Food and gasoline prices are sky rocketing. You may still say, so what we all have to deal with that. Take this thought with you. You may be comfortably living. But what if your health deteriorates? You suffer financial changes? You loose a loved one? How would that change your current life. What if you loss your source of income? What if you had a stroke of bad luck and your income stopped coming in? What if you faced loosing your home? What if there was no one to help you? Think before you judge. Think before you give. We the people of Canada need the help in order to stop the suffering within our own border as we may at any time become those in need and no one is coming to assist us. Except people like you wrongfully judging those suffering. THINK PEOPLE - THINK REMEMBER ALWAYS Hope for the Best. PREPARE FOR the worst.

Canada and soaring food prices

by Maj (ret'd) CORNELIU. CHISU, CD, PMSC, FEC, CET, P. Eng. Former Member of Parliament Pickering-Scarborough East We have had been assaulted with the budgets and endured the glowing predictions of the politicians in power. Now let's get back to reality. While green energy infatuated politicians continue to abuse taxpayers' money by pouring it into pie-in-the-sky futuristic projects, everyday Canadians are concerned with what they will put on the family dinner table. An example of these futuristic projects and major failures on the part of both politicians and the public service is the case of the two electric "green" ferries built in Romania, the Amherst Islander II and the Wolfe Islander IV. Built using the latest high technology available in the world, and delivered in the fall of 2021, they are still waiting to be put into service, because the clients operators lack the technology for charging their batteries. It seems that the high technology of the ferries surpassed the technology available in Canada. So, who cares that there was a major delay in the construction of the specialized dock, a landing platform providing a charger of 6MW necessary for recharging the ferries' batteries, currently expected to be ready by 2025. And why have we heard nothing about this in the official media, or from the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario, or the Federal green gurus in the Canadian government? With public money being spent so wisely, let us see what Canadians can expect in terms of food prices, which are closer to their hearts than politicians' green mania. According to a December 2022 report Canadians won't be getting a break from soaring food prices any time soon. The report forecasts that it will cost over $1,000 more to feed the average family of four in 2023. After a year of skyrocketing prices and grocers raking in profits while denying price gouging allegations, Canadians are set to see food prices rise by five to seven per cent more this year, the report found. Even a study by a parliamentary committee did not find or even recommend a solution. Canada's Food Price Report 2023, released in December 2022, estimates that price increases will mean an average Canadian family of four will spend around $16,288 per year on food, a jump of $1,065 compared to the yearly cost of food observed in 2022. The biggest increases are expected to be in the price of vegetables, dairy and meat. Vegetable prices are predicted to increase by six to eight per cent in 2023, the largest price jump for any one category of food. The smallest change is expected to be in the price of fruit, which is anticipated to increase by three to five per cent. This prediction of an overall increase by five to seven per cent for food prices in 2023 is the same prediction researchers made for 2022 - a prediction that turned out to be far too low. The food price increase recorded as of September 2022 was 10.3 per cent, the report admits, much higher than had been anticipated. At the time, the report's prediction of an increase of seven per cent "was considered by many to be alarmist," the new report stated. And yet, prices spiked even higher than expected. In 2022, Canada saw the highest rate of food inflation since the 1980s, according to the report. In 2022, vegetable prices increased by more than 12 per cent, while bakery items increased by nearly 15 per cent. Meat prices increased by 7.6 per cent, far above that category's predicted two per cent increase. In 2022, there were also nearly 1.5 million visits to food banks, with the usage in March 2022 being the highest of all time for that month. Food bank usage has been increasing since June 2020, the new report notes, and rising food prices are expected to keep this trend going as more and more Canadians find they can't afford to buy food. Is there anything that the average Canadian can do? Researchers recommend, motherhood advice as usual. Apparently, it's a good time to become a "smart shopper" and start using coupons and consulting flyers for specials, as well as finding cheaper alternatives to expensive brands. "We haven't seen food prices increase thismuch in Canada for over 40 years and based on our findings, the increases we have predicted are still quite high but not as high as the increases for 2022," Simon Somogyi, University of Guelph campus lead, said in the release. "That may be cold comfort for Canadians, as food prices are already high, but if inflation can come down, it's possible that we could see price increases for 2023 at or below 5 per cent." How likely is that, based on the recently published budgets and their dewey-eyed spending? Predictions are a dime a dozen. We need immediate and effective action to bring about solutions. Canadians need relief now. Ask your elected politicians of all stripes for their solutions.