Saturday, November 12, 2022

Impress Your Interviewer with Your Questions - Part 1

By Nick Kossovan This column is the first of a 2-part series on asking your interviewer questions that'll impress them, thus setting you apart from your competition. Job hunting is a sales process. Critical to the sale process is asking questions. Sales professionals understand the importance of asking questions that uncover and clarify the prospect's needs and wants (aka clarifying questions, discovery questions). Salespeople who ask open-ended questions about their prospects' obstacles, processes, and goals demonstrate a genuine concern for their prospect's needs and wants. (READ: Solving their problem.) Hence, based on the prospect's answers, the salesperson can determine whether the product or service they're offering may be a good fit to address the prospect's needs and wants. When it comes to sales, the outcome is only influenced once the customer believes the salesperson is listening and cares about them. When interviewing, the same applies. Here's the scene: You're sitting in front of your interviewer. You probably had to go through a few hoops, such as a telephone screening, a Myers-Briggs Assessment, and skill testing, to be granted this interview. Nevertheless, you've been vetted and given the green light to take up the interviewer's time. During the 45-minute interview, you answer the interviewer's questions concisely, crafting your answers, so they perfectly showcase your skills and experience. You're more charismatic than David Lee Roth on a late-night talk show. You've positioned yourself just short of being the second coming for the company's revenue issues. You think, How can Arlene not see I'm perfect for this job? There's no possible way she'll find a better candidate than me. You're in the interview zone, a sweet place to be. Then your interviewer inevitably asks, "Do you have any questions for me?" This is where most job candidates die a death by a thousand cuts. From my experience, most interviewees fail to impress their interviewer because they don't ask dynamic and thoughtful questions throughout the interview. TIP: Ask questions throughout the interview. Rather than the interview being a Q&A, as most people envision an interview to be, you'll have a conversation with your interviewer and influence the direction of the interview. Asking questions is how you gain a more comprehensive understanding of the position you're interviewing for, your potential boss's management style, expectations, and the company's culture. You want your questions to prompt a deep-dive discussion about your background, leaving no doubt in the interviewer's mind that you are the right candidate while you gauge if the job, company and your potential future boss are a fit for you. Don't make the mistake I've seen countless times of asking questions that can easily be found on the company's website, LinkedIn company page, Internet, etc. (e.g., Do you have offices in Europe? What's your market share? Who are your competitors? When was the company founded?) Questions like these reveal that you didn't prepare for the interview, and you're just winging it. During the interview, you must demonstrate that you'll contribute significantly to the organization, can hit the ground running, and are highly motivated to play an active role immediately. Therefore, during your next interview, don't ask cliché questions like: -When do you need someone in the position? - Is there a social committee? - What would my hours be? - Do you have casual Fridays? Instead, ask questions that show you're serious about joining the company and ensuring the job is a right fit. Candidates who ask me questions to assess if the job, team, leadership style, and company culture are a good match for them create a positive impression on me. How will you manage me? I value syncing with my boss, which is why this is my favourite question. Having some insight into my potential manager's management style enables me to decide whether to accept a job if it is offered. If you like what you hear, thank your interviewer for their candidness. Then, reinforce how well you would work under their management style by saying, "The Director I reported to at Lacuna, Inc. had an open-door policy like yours. Although I was careful not to abuse his time, I felt comfortable approaching him with any challenges I was facing. Often these spontaneous conversations turned into problem-solving sessions, which I learned from. Therefore, when the same challenge presented itself again, I was able to handle it independently." You're probably thinking, What if I don't like what I hear? I've had that experience more than once. Since I got an honest answer to my question, I reply honestly, if for no other reason than for my self-respect and not wanting to enter into an employment situation which wouldn't work for me. "Thank you for your candid answer. Knowing myself as I do, I don't see your management style and how I work being a fit." I then get up, thank my interviewer for their time and leave. It's better to cut ties now rather than later under "unpleasant" circumstances. Stay tuned for the second part of this column with more, lots more, questions you can and should ask to impress your interviewer. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nick Kossovan, a well-seasoned veteran of the corporate landscape, offers advice on searching for a job. You can send him your questions at

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Climate change and the New World order

by Maj (ret'd) CORNELIU. CHISU, CD, PMSC, FEC, CET, P. Eng. Former Member of Parliament Pickering-Scarborough East Global greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise, as the war in Ukraine sees Europe scrambling to find adequate supplies of natural gas - a fossil fuel - for the coming winter. Oblivious to the realities, the United Nations is poised to hold yet another of its global palavers on 'climate change'. From Nov. 6 - 18, 2,000 speakers and 35,000 participants will pour into the tourist paradise of Sharm-el Sheikh in Egypt for what's formally known as COP 27 - the 27th annual meeting of the UN's Conference of the Parties, ostensibly to fight for the survival of our planet. Tens of thousands of delegates - world leaders, ministers, envoys, appointed bureaucrats, climate activists, NGO observers and journalists - will descend on the city, their chests bedecked in lanyards and colour-coded badges in a circus-like atmosphere. Lately, every United Nations climate summit seems to spew a lot of carbon into the atmosphere, generated by delegates travelling there, their spending on two weeks of hotel accommodation (steep for grassroots organisations), and the public relations bonanza enjoyed by the host government, which invariably positions itself as an eco-friendly champion. By all accounts, the Egyptian government is frantically building a bubble in Sharm el-Sheikh, donning the guise of a newly defined democracy, marketing itself aggressively ahead of the summit. A promotional video on the Cop27 official website welcomes delegates to the "green city" of Sharm el-Sheik and shows young actors - including men with scruffy beards and necklaces clearly meant to look like environmental activists - enjoying non-plastic straws and biodegradable food containers as they take selfies on the beach, enjoy outdoor showers and drive electric vehicles to the desert to ride camels. Unlike every other climate summit in recent memory, this one will have no authentic local partners. There will be some Egyptians in attendance claiming to represent "civil society", but in a departure from the usual UN rules, almost all have been vetted and approved by a government that is anything but a flagship of democracy. That's just the beginning of a green gold rush for Egypt, however. Late last month, British International Investment (BII), which is backed by the UK government, giddily announced that it was "investing $100m to support local start-ups" in Egypt. It is also the majority owner in Globeleq, which has announced, just ahead of Cop27, an $11bn deal to build up green hydrogen production in Egypt. At the same time, BII stressed its "commitment to strengthen its partnership with Egypt and increase climate finance". Germany, one of Egypt's major donors and trading partners, also has major interests there. Given the difficulties caused by Germany's reliance on Russian gas, Egypt is eagerly positioning itself to provide replacement gas and hydrogen. Meanwhile, German giant Siemens Mobility has announced a "historic" multibillion-dollar contract to build electrified high-speed trains across Egypt. Glovingly looking forward to this summit, Canadian Federal Environment Minister, Steven Guilbeault, will lead the Canadian delegation on an issue that should be of no small concern to Canadian taxpayers, given that the Trudeau government has committed more than $100 billion to the cause to date. At this year's UN climate summit, developing countries will be making a major push for more financial reparations from developed nations like Canada, beyond the billions of dollars already committed, for the damage to their countries caused by climate change. Their argument is that the vast majority of emissions affecting climate change have historically come from developed nations. It doesn't seem to matter that Canada was never a colonial power exploiting developing countries; for the Trudeau government, squandering taxpayers' money is not a problem. In the real world, the UN's top-down ivory tower approach to addressing their definition of climate change is in shambles. They have more than a quarter century of failures going back to the first Cop1 conference in Berlin, Germany in 1995. By the way, global emissions have returned to record levels, after a brief decrease due to the economic slowdown caused by the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. This illustrates that only periods of global economic decline and recession have ever reduced emissions, and only temporarily. They have nothing to do with politically motivated climate change policies. So is this recently induced recession in the western world a new attempt to reduce emissions and take the opportunity to establish a New World order as heralded by the World Economic Forum (WEF)? A UN report released last week claims the world is heading for a catastrophic increase in average global temperatures of 2.8 degrees Celsius by 2100, compared to pre-industrial levels, exceeding what the UN considers the safe level of 1.5C to 2C. So how is it that the glaciers in the Himalayas still exist, despite a UN report that they should have disappeared by now? Even if all current emission reduction commitments are achieved - the Trudeau government's targets are 40% to 45% below 2005 levels by 2030 and net zero by 2050 - "We are headed for a global catastrophe," UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres declared in the wake of the report's release. The war between Russia and Ukraine has demonstrated how pointless emission targets set by the UN during these annual carbon dioxide-spewing treks to the world's vacation hotspots are. When Russia cut natural gas exports to Europe in retaliation for western sanctions imposed for its invasion of Ukraine, all green energy considerations were abandoned as a matter of expediency. Countries like Germany are firing up abandoned coal-powered energy plants to get through the winter with adequate supplies of electricity. Coal being the most carbon dioxide intensive fossil fuel when burned compared to natural gas, how will this reduce their emissions? The UN's approach to addressing climate change has become a textbook example of the definition of insanity - doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results. These annual global gabfests with their giant carbon footprints, where global celebrities arrive on private jets, to show they care about the planet, send the worst possible message in addressing climate change - hypocrisy. Even Greta Thunberg, the darling of climate change advocacy, is skipping the 'greenwashing' Cop27 climate summit in Egypt. If last year's summit in Glasgow was about "blah, blah, blah", this one's meaning, even before it starts, is more ominous. This summit is about blood, blood, blood with the war raging in Europe. It's time to scrap this buffoonery. Someone please tell the UN about video conferencing. What are your thoughts?

After Being Rejection Stay Connected

By Nick Kossovan "It ain't over till it's over." - Yogi Berra. In other words, you don't fail until you give up. Job searching in one sentence: Presenting yourself to employers so they can decide whether you're worthy of being on their payroll. Hence, job searches are inherently rejection-ridden. Having been rejected numerous times, I know firsthand how painful rejection can be. People tend to want to move on as quickly as possible when rejected. Hold on, not so fast! Getting rejected by an employer may be the start of a beautiful friendship. Staying in touch with those who rejected you may seem like an invitation for awkwardness; however, it doesn't have to be. Try viewing staying in touch with people who rejected you as expanding your network. My network is populated with people who've interviewed me but didn't hire me. Frequently, I hear from people whose job I turned down or who rejected me years ago wanting to discuss a job opportunity. Trust me, keeping in touch with the hiring manager, HR manager, or recruiter who passed on you can pay off. According to the following statistics, staying in touch with the person(s) who rejected you is in your best interest. Recently, BambooHR, an HR software provider, surveyed over 1,000 people about their onboarding experiences. Not surprisingly, BambooHR's survey revealed alarming stats on new hires leaving within six months. Here's the breakdown of when people leave: 1st Week: 16.45% 1st Month: 17.42% 2nd Month: 16.77% 3rd Month: 17.42% 4th Month: 10.97% 5th Month: 5.48% 6th Month: 14.48% The reasons for new hires leaving are a matter of speculation. The reasons will range from feeling neglected, overwhelmed, under-appreciated, and underqualified to a job they interviewed for during their job search came through. As you can see, the odds of the person hired for your dream job leaving within the first six months are high. What would the employer prefer to do if a new hire quits or doesn't work out? A. Start the hiring process again? B. Ask the candidate who came in second or third if they are still interested in the job? Obviously, B. It's essential to lay the foundation for staying connected during the interview process. First, build a rapport with your interviewer(s) by finding some common ground, whether golf, Greek food, or having gone to the same college or university. Your goal is to establish a connection with the interviewer. After the interview, email a thank-you note mentioning the common ground between you and your interviewer. ("I enjoyed talking about how you, like me, find Parkview's golf course to be challenging, especially since the Rouge River comes into play on 5 of the holes."). Then give one or two additional reasons, which you didn't mention during the interview, why you feel you're the best candidate for the job. Even better, give a relevant STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) story. Many candidates feel that not being selected out of 100s of candidates who have applied is tantamount to a personal attack. The possible reasons you weren't chosen are countless. Business is never personal (Yes, I believe this to be true.), therefore rejection should never be taken personally. Adopt the narrative that being rejected provides you with an opportunity to build a long-term relationship with the employer that could be beneficial in the future. Establishing the foundation to build a long-term relationship starts with ensuring you end your interviews positively. Also important is clearly stating your ongoing interest. Never assume your interviewer(s) knows this. "I really enjoyed our conversation. From everything you've told me, as well as Linda, during our phone interview, I can see myself enjoying working for Powell Motors as head of the design department. I'm looking forward to hearing back from you regarding next steps." Showing continuous interest throughout the interview process can be a key component to getting hired. However, should you not be hired, you want to convey that you're open to future opportunities. It's not overly aggressive to say, "If you don't mind, I'd like to stay in touch. I'd be interested in exploring other opportunities that may come up at Powell Motors, especially with the company launching a line of hybrid electric cars in mid-2023." Never say, "I'd like to stay in touch in case the person you chose doesn't work out." Such a statement implies you're questioning the hiring manager's judgement. Then, stay connected, so you stay top of mind. On LinkedIn, follow the company's page and connect with everyone who interviewed you. Engage with their posts (like, comment, retweet) and the company's on LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc. There will be times when you won't want to continue a conversation with a specific employer because the working environment felt wrong, or you didn't feel the love. This is fine; take yourself out of the hiring process or decline should you receive the job offer. However, still offer to connect and stay in touch. Maintaining contact with people you meet during your job search is in your future's best interest. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nick Kossovan, a well-seasoned veteran of the corporate landscape, offers advice on searching for a job. You can send him your questions at

Saturday, October 29, 2022

I am sorry

By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. I am sorry to all that I let down this past election as many of you have given time and effort for a better Oshawa. I am sorry to all that contributed and hoped that the status quo once in for all would be broken and municipal government brought back to the people. I am sorry that even an electrical contractor alarm company clerk/estimator and the status quo gained more votes that positive change. I guess Oshawa voters do not take in consideration, qualification, education, life experience contributions to the community when selecting who will lead them in the future. I am sorry to the many homeless living on our streets that I can’t help you get out of the situation you are in. That you will suffer with knowing no help is coming. I am sorry to all the drug addicts and those suffering mental health issues that you will be treated like a nuisance and continue to be treated like second class citizens. Pushed from one area to another by tax paid security forces... Be subjected to noise harassment under bridges design to eradicate rats. I am sorry to all the downtown businesses that will be subjected to more of the same. To the coming of loss of businesses in the core due to the 14,270 voters. I am sorry that your businesses will continue to suffered if not forced to close. I am sorry to all those that are constantly harassed and abused by the City by-law office. I am sorry to all that call in to the City of Oshawa and are treated as second class citizens. I am sorry that for the 82% of citizens of Oshawa that failed to come out and vote. That their lives will be impacted by higher taxes, more crime and a future with no opportunity for your children to grow and buy a home in Durham Region. It is beyond comprehension how out of all the council members we only changed one. One, are we to assume that the people of Oshawa are OK with what is taking place in Oshawa. Don’t get me wrong. I am not sour about loosing. I am not upset at the fact that we all will be subject to the same for another four years. I put my name to better the future of our children In Oshawa. It appears that it is OK to continue with 10 year affordable housing waiting lists. I guess I was wrong to expect good paying jobs to come to Oshawa so that our children some day could afford to buy a house. I guess that people feel safe shopping downtown. Are OK with people sleeping on our city streets. That the current administration has done such a great job with wasting your tax dollars. Just like recently the city decided to ‘brand’ the city to the cost of $50,000. A truly waste of tax payers money. But most will say the usual.... “I did not know”. Most will pay tax increase after tax increase for the next four years. Many of us will have to fore close on our houses due to economic reality. Others may actually end up living on the street or in their cars... as there are no available emergency homes available. Have we become so uncaring? Is democracy dead? Is public and civic responsibility so eroded that we stop caring? I guess this is why more qualified candidates come out and put their names as candidates. So what do we have for council. A mayor that was a former drug addict. Councillors that are 2 retiree's, a self acclaimed musician, an 3 unemployable, 4 realtors, a lawyer. No accountants, no doctors, no architects, no economist, no business persons, no professionals. It appears that in Oshawa we reward failure over success. The real question that lingers in my mind is can we afford another four years of this type of downward spiral? It appears that obviously we will have to. You casted your votes and this is what we are stuck with. I'm sorry but we had a choice and we forfeited for the status quo.

Out of the Frying Pan

Direct Answers from Wayne & Tamara
Each day, I feel I am merely existing and not living. I was widowed at 32 and have remained single. I feel unfulfilled with my job, my kids, and in this small town. I've always been restless, but I always made do. My kids are teenagers. As I get older, I want to do something drastically different with my life. A year ago, I corresponded with a man living in Alaska. I chickened out because it seemed too hard. I didn't feel I could live in the Alaskan bush after spending all my life taking indoor plumbing for granted. At the time, I was filled with doubt. Now I regret not making the attempt. All I want is to reconstruct my life, so I wake up each morning with gratitude for being alive. What can I do? Sherry Sherry, you have spent your life being someone else's child, someone else's wife, someone else's mother. How much time have you spent being yourself? Who are you, and who did you want to be? You had dreams; you had aspirations. What happened to them? Search the scrapbook of your memory, and find them again. That is the place to begin. Which of those items still stirs your spirit? What can you do, what can you change, what would it take to make any of them possible? You are at a weak point, so it is tempting to reconsider ideas you've already passed on. The Alaskan wilderness is someone else's dream. You dream of indoor plumbing and running water. Don't move from what you have to less. Move from what you have to more. You are still a young woman. You have most of a lifetime in front of you. Nearly all paths are still open to you. Give yourself time. Enjoy exploring all the possibilities. When you find what connects, act! Wayne & Tamara Falling Short Of Love I have been involved in a gay relationship for four years. For the past few months, times have been tough, though somehow we got through them. A year ago, my partner's father died and left her with nothing. Her mother put up the money on a house and moved in with us. This was the only way my partner could afford to buy a house. I contribute to the house payment but own nothing of the property. My lover's mother suffers from a mental disorder which causes her to go completely off her head at times and not remember a thing. I am starting to resent my partner for dragging me into this situation, even though I consented to the whole thing. My other problem is my best friend left last month to work overseas. I miss her terribly and told her I have been in love with her for three years. It started with a game of Truth or Dare. I regret mentioning my feelings, as I am afraid of losing my best friend. I just want to run away. The walls of my life are closing in, and I don't know where the door is anymore. Ginger Ginger, you are confused because you think being alone is worse than being in an unsatisfactory relationship. You don't want your partner, and your best friend declined your invitation. Tell your partner the truth, including your feelings for your best friend. Don't let her think her mother is the cause of the problem. You can't say you love your partner when, for three out of four years, you imagined yourself with another. It is love only when, no matter what difficulties or glories life brings, you can't imagine yourself with anyone else. Have courage. Honestly end your current relationship, so you are free before you begin another. Courage is the most liberating thing. It makes life simple. It opens doors when we can't find the way out. Wayne & Tamara write:

Loneliness Among Men

W. Gifford-Jones, M.D. and Diana Gifford-Jones Loneliness is worse for health than obesity – as bad as smoking 15 cigarettes a day. It can increase the risk of death by 26 percent and of cognitive decline on the way. But a recent story on the Good News Network offered a heart-warming take on loneliness among older men. At 67 years of age, “Phillip Jackson moved back to England from Australia,” the story reads, “and immediately felt like a stray dog in his native town.” He may have felt out of place, but he should not have felt alone. There is an abundance of people who feel isolated, even when they are living in vibrant communities. Age UK’s report All the Lonely People forecast the number of people over 50 in England experiencing loneliness to reach 2 million people by 2026. How terribly sad that the same organization found “half a million people go at least five or six days a week without seeing or speaking to anyone at all.” According to a global survey, about 33 percent of adults experienced feelings of loneliness worldwide. Brazil, the seventh most populous country in the world, has the loneliest adults, with 50 percent of the survey’s respondents declaring that they felt lonely some of the time, often or always. Less than a third of Australian adults feel that way. It might be because they’ve found an interesting solution. Phillip Jackson learned about the Australian Men’s Shed Association, a rapidly expanding network of mostly men but some women too who appreciate getting together to do woodworking. These Men’s Sheds, now numbering over 1,200 groups in Australia, are basically a social club in disguise. On the surface, members get together and make things out of wood. But the role these groups play in helping otherwise lonely people connect with peers for a common purpose is not to be underestimated. Other similar groups exist. MensGroup, for example, has podcasts, a YouTube channel, self-improvement courses, and even adventure retreats. Makings new friends at any point in life can be challenging. A study published in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships estimated it takes about 90 hours with someone to make them a real friend, and 200 to become “close”. For some men, making friends can be tough. Josh Glancy, a British journalist, wrote in Men’s Health, “Many of us find it easier to talk about football or politics than to admit to suffering from a low sex drive or feeling undervalued at work. We don't know who to tell these things, or how to say them.” He made the apt comparison of loneliness to hunger. “It's a lack of emotional sustenance, the physical pleasure of being in the company of someone who cares about you.” Getting older inevitably means losing the hard-earned friends made over a lifetime. It’s a sad irony that the older one gets, the fewer friends remain who share the same memories and interests. A study in the American Journal of Men’s Health offers good advice. Have a purpose in life. In this regard, researchers have good news. People can, they say, develop a sense of purpose even when faced with significant adversity. And more good news, one’s life purpose can change. It doesn’t have to be the same purpose from start to finish. Grandfathers have been known to counsel their grandchildren, “Go sit on the beach until you know what you want to do with your life.” Maybe it’s time for the old fellows to take their own advice. If the beach is distant, then there might be a Men’s Shed around. Better still, start up another one. Sign-up at to receive our weekly e-newsletter. For comments, Follow us Instagram @docgiff and @diana_gifford_jones

5 Mistakes I Often See Candidates Make in Interviews

By Nick Kossovan Interview mistakes are inevitable; what matters is the extent of the mistake. Being judged by a stranger is never comfortable. You act desperate when you have less than $700 in the bank. The number of mistakes you can make during an interview are endless, from showing up five minutes late to not asking questions. (TIP: Engage your interviewer in a conversation by asking questions throughout the interview.) In this column, I'll focus on five interview mistakes I often see candidates make. 1. Over-inquiring about company culture. I get it; you want to ensure the company's culture will not tax your well-being. Here's the thing, do you really expect your interviewer to tell you the "real" truth about their company's culture? You'll get answers like, "We're a family around here," or "We value our employees. For example, we have monthly BBQs." You'll never hear: - "Well, there's Kevin. He's been with us for 32 years, well past his prime, but to get rid of him would be costly. So, we keep him around, and his colleagues pick up his slack." - "Veronica in purchasing is great at her job but watch your back if you're not in her good book." - "We haven't given out raises in 3 years. The pandemic has had a huge impact on our revenue." When discussing the company's culture with your interviewer keep human dynamics in mind. Your interviewer might enjoy working for the company, but that doesn't mean you will. Moreover, your interviewer isn't going to bad-mouth their employer. Furthermore, "culture" is never uniform from department to department, especially within a large company. Yes, culture is critically important. However, focus on showing your interviewer that you're a good fit for the job. I've had candidates who spent 50% of the interview asking me questions about the company's culture and little time telling me why they're a fit for the position. If you want the truth-and you should- regarding a company's culture speak to current and past employees. (LinkedIn's your friend.) 2. Selling your education and upskilling accomplishments. I don't have high regard for diplomas and certificates. I have high regard for a candidate's real-world experience. We're constantly offered degrees, certifications, programs, and workshops that promise career success. Considering all the education candidates have, why do I have trouble finding candidates with: - Clear, concise writing skills. - Above-average verbal communication skills. - Analytical skills and the ability to think critically. Educational institutions are in the business of churning out students. Therefore, obtaining an "I completed" piece of paper without having learned and demonstrated fundamental skills is common. Hyping your "accreditations" makes it hard for your interviewer to determine your actual skills. Do your interviewer and yourself a big favour; concentrate on emphasizing your relevant, tangible experiences that prove you have the skills you claim to have. 3. Overusing "I." "Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country." - John F. Kennedy, January 20, 1961 Often, candidates put too much focus on themselves. (READ: self-centred) Candidates talk about their expectations, career plans, and how the job will help them gain valuable experience and skills. Employers aren't responsible for your career; only you are. Instead, explain how you can bring unique value to the company and how hiring you would be a win-win partnership. 4. Not showing confidence. The number one reason I reject a candidate is a lack of confidence. Why should I believe in you if you don't? I can only speak for myself; therefore, take what I'm about to tell you with a grain of salt. My preference is for candidates with a high level of confidence, often bordering on arrogance. I understand candidates fear they'll come off as egotistical. You'll greatly benefit your job search and career by finding that sweet spot where you can sell yourself without sounding too good to be true. Boasting is never well received. On the other hand, underselling yourself will hinder your interview success. 5. Assuming you must know every answer. Candidates struggle with the notion of saying, "I don't know." However, it's possible to express this sentiment more authentically. When you're being questioned, speak to whatever sounds familiar to you. As for the parts that aren't familiar, say something along the lines of: - "I'm not familiar with what you're referring to. However, it sounds like X, which I used in my last company." (Then talk about X.) -"I imagine it works like X, which I used while working at Grafton Inc. I'll make it a priority to familiarize myself with it before my start date." Whatever you do, don't attempt to pretend something, be it software, a process, machinery, knowledge of government regulations, etc. is familiar to you. Hiring managers, especially those of us who've been around for a while, have a keen sense of detecting when someone is "exaggerating." Remember the golden rule of interviewing: Be honest. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nick Kossovan, a well-seasoned veteran of the corporate landscape, offers advice on searching for a job. You can send him your questions at

The Chief of Defence Staff and the Status of the Canadian Forces

I am disappointed in the leadership of the Canadian Armed Forces. This disappointment is particularly poignant as we approach Remembrance Day, a time when we remember the great sacrifices made by our soldiers in the wars fought to safeguard our country and ensure that today we can live in one of the best countries in the world to raise a family. Recently the Canadian Forces have been plagued by scandals and controversies at the highest level. I will not go into details because it is already a matter of public record. As a retired military myself, I am dismayed that the morale in the forces is at the lowest ebb, ever largely due to a lack of leadership and an unnecessary bending to undue political influences. This effect was evident in the decisions made by the acting, and subsequently appointed Chief of Defence Staff, General Wayne Eyre during the Covid 19 pandemic. In a recent article, Lee Berthiaume outlines an interesting and concerning situation in the Canadian Press, which does a credible job of outlining the current situation in the Canadian Forces decision-making process. The commander of the Canadian Armed Forces was warned by his senior legal and medical advisers last year that requiring all troops to be vaccinated against COVID-19 was unnecessary; ?and that doing so "may not constitute a legal order." The message was delivered to Chief of Defence Staff General Wayne Eyre in an August 2021 briefing note, two months before then defence minister Harjit Sajjan directed him to impose a vaccine requirement for all troops. It is well understood that when soldiers are deployed in overseas missions it is necessary for the fighting troops to have their vaccination approved by Health Canada in order to maintain fighting capability. But not everybody in the army should be subject to this. The Aug. 27, 2021, briefing note was presented to Eyre by then Maj.-Gen. Trevor Cadieu, who was one of the defence chief's strategic advisers at the time. As background, he was slated to become army commander, but retired after allegations of sexual misconduct. In 2022, he travelled to Ukraine to join the fight against the 2022 Russian war in Ukraine. The briefing note was prepared "in close collaboration" with senior medical, legal, political and public affairs officers and it incorporated legal analysis from the Department of Justice. The memo suggested a universal mandate was unnecessary to protect the health of the Canadian Armed Forces, given that more than 90 per cent of Armed Forces personnel were already vaccinated at that time. The advisers also warned that Armed Forces members could try to push back against the vaccine mandate on safety grounds. At that time, Health Canada had authorized COVID-19 inoculations under a special interim order due to the emergency nature of the pandemic. "Prior to full approval of the vaccines under Canada's Food and Drug Regulations, CAF members ordered to receive COVID-19 vaccination might argue that they are being ordered to accept a new and potentially dangerous medical substance into their body," the note said. In their note, Eyre's advisers cited the case of former Sgt. Mike Kipling, who was charged in 1998 under Section 126 of the National Defence Act, which allows the military to charge members who "wilfully and without reasonable excuse" refuse an order to get a vaccine. Kipling had been ordered to take an anthrax vaccine while serving in Kuwait, but refused because he considered the drug unsafe. The vaccine was unlicensed for use in Canada. A military judge eventually ruled in favour of Kipling, agreeing that his Charter rights were infringed. The Forces appealed and a new court martial was ordered, but the military decided to drop the proceedings. Eyre was told military personnel who refused a vaccination order could be similarly charged under military law, but "there is a significant risk in ordering CAF members to accept COVID-19 vaccination, as it may not constitute a legal order." The memo also said a mandate for the Armed Forces "would not only be punitive in nature, but would also be counter to the successful efforts made to date to encourage maximum voluntary uptake of the COVID-19 vaccine." The advisers suggested the military share its voluntary approach with other federal departments as a "best practice." The advisers concluded by expressing support for the federal government's intent to bring in a proof-of-vaccination policy, but again cautioned that the rollout would need "prudent planning" that kept in mind the challenges they described. It should be mentioned that on Aug. 13, 2021, the Liberal government had announced a vaccine mandate for federal public servants, as well as workers and travellers in federally regulated transportation sectors. It is also well known that Canadian Forces members are not federal public servants. Anyway, Eyre first ordered all Armed Forces members to attest they had been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 on Oct. 6, 2021. Afterwards, rather than charging those who refused to comply, the military forced about 300 non-compliant Armed Forces members out of uniform using an administrative process called a 5F release that declares them unfit for service. About 100 troops have left voluntarily. Hundreds more had permanent censures put on their files. Outside the military, however, most federal employees were allowed to go on leave without pay and returned to their positions after the mandate was suspended in June this year. The Armed Forces' vaccination policy does allow exemptions for medical reasons, religious beliefs or any other grounds of discrimination under the Canadian Human Rights Act, to be determined on a case-by-case basis. In late April, a parliamentary committee heard that more than 1,300 members had requested exemptions, but nearly 1,000 had been denied. So Eyre had the power "to order everyone to be vaccinated. Full stop. Then if they did not want to be vaccinated, they had to come up with a reasonable excuse at court martial but the senior leadership including the Chief of Defence Staff Gen Wayne Eyre wanted to avoid that at all cost, in order to look good to their patrons. These latest facts illustrate that today, the military is trying to punish soldiers without involving the courts, so there are legitimate questions about the legality of the vaccine order. Eyre and his office have not said exactly why that decision was made. His office said in a statement that "administrative measures and the administrative review process was considered the most appropriate approach." Asked if the decision to avoid the courts was the result of concerns about the legality of his order, General Wayne Eyre said that while Minister Sajjan directed him to include the Armed Forces in the broader federal government's mandate, "I was in agreement at that time, I issued the order. … Make no mistake, it's my order." Nice attitude… Just wondering why, we have a recruiting crisis in the military now, and a record number of soldiers retiring, while the world is becoming more and more dangerous? Let's have real leadership restored to the Canadian Forces.

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

It is what it is

By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. I like to begin this column by thanking all the people of Oshawa that believed in me and supported the chance at a new Oshawa. Unfortunately, not everyone shared our wishes and our concerns. As a responsible member of society we must abide and support the decision of the majority. In this case it appears by the numbers at the polls that the people of Oshawa are o.k. with having a never ending problem with people living out on our streets, on our ravines and parks. With people over dosing at an all time high and passing on our streets. I must assume by the results that people are ok with yearly tax increases and wasteful spending like that of the Broadbent Park at a cost of 10 million of your tax dollars. Not to mention that this is an outright waste just before the 2022 municipal election and one that is most notable. How about all the other wasteful spending that no taxpayer ever hears about. The people have spoken and the suffering will continue for another four years. I hope and wish all the people of Oshawa luck in the next four years as we prepare for economic hardship and increase in crime not to mention the ongoing decline in the quality of life of our city. Einstein famous words include, "We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." This is a powerful statement on society over all. Then why the results before us today? Einstein went as far as stating “Insanity Is Doing the Same Thing Over and Over Again and Expecting Different Results”. Could our city be in a worst mental health condition than those walking our streets on drugs? That is a scary thought. To think that the population at large with the exception of those that did vote for change have some sort of neurosis or psychological compromise scares me. Sadly, failure can be rationalized but sourly accepted. Great men like John Wooden "Failure isn't fatal, but failure to change might be". This appears to be so true for Oshawa. Specially for those on our streets. Robert F. Kennedy - “Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.” Sadly in the meantime... Our citizens are passing away from drug overdose. Our children can’t afford to purchase new homes. Crime is at an all time high. The homeless are living on our streets. Failure has a price and Oshawa voters will have to live with this on their conscious. Henry Ford - “The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing.” It appears that Oshawa has not learned... and I hope that is not the case and that Oshawa does not care. To all across the region that put their names forward. Successful or not. You should all be proud of the effort for having the guts to put your name forward and at the least try. In my opinion this is the ultimate license to opinion. As it is up to all of us to become involved in the governance process. Without involvement we become numbers in a machine. Much like what is taking place in Oshawa. Citizens are treated like a number and far from with respect. The more we shy from asking questions the more we surrender our rights and the more they are abused against us. Policy, procedure, convenience all tools that are set forth to benefit that of which set them. As a people we need to stop being a number and ask for more accountability. We need to instill and demand that standards be set. The minimum requirements be set in the customer service realm. Congratulation to all that achieved their goals. To all that have come up short. Be proud that you did not fear the challenge and hopefully you learned from the experience.

The Public Service and taxpayers' money

by Maj (ret'd) CORNELIU. CHISU, CD, PMSC, FEC, CET, P. Eng. Former Member of Parliament Pickering-Scarborough East It is well known that in Canada we have three level of government: municipal, provincial and federal. It is also well known that we only have one taxpayer to pay taxes for all of them. As a matter of common sense, one would expect that public money be spent responsibly in the interest of the citizens and the country to improve life. Then we would expect the Public Service at all levels of government to employ qualified people who apply the highest ethical standards to the managing of the public purse. Unfortunately, lately it has become increasingly obvious that this is not the case. In fact, employment in the Public Service is ballooning at all levels of governments at an unprecedented rate, while care of the taxpayer, aka the judicious spending of public money for our benefit, is more and more diminished. Take for example, the federal Public Service. It is estimated that $15 billion was spent on outsourcing last year alone, yet the federal Public Service is also growing in leaps and bounds. One must realistically ask, where the expertise and the work of the public service is, if they cannot do more of the work in house? As it always happens when some dirt is unveiled, apparently a parliamentary committee is trying to unpack the $15-billion black hole of spending that federal departments spent on outsource contracting. Based on my experience of parliamentary committees, I am not sure how much progress MPs will make with four hearings of two hours each, in uncovering and untangling the web of a well protected mismanagement and obvious incompetence. Here is the big question for MPs on the government operations and estimates committee: why is the public service growing in leaps and bounds while outsourcing is exploding right alongside that growth in the bureaucracy? Common sense eh…. MPs want to know if taxpayers are getting value for money using all these contractors. They have become a "shadow" or ghost public service that can dodge the staffing rules bureaucrats have to follow. My prediction is that the MPs will not get any satisfactory answers to their questions, only a lot of rhetoric to justify the expense…. A Carleton University research team has been digging into contracts to get a handle on how many billions are spent and on what. Last year, it estimated the government spent $15 billion, of which $4.7 billion was on IT contracts. They also found that a big part of costs are amendments to contracts, which clearly points to a hidden incompetence. About 272,075 contracts have been active since 2017-18. About 16 per cent of them have been amended at least once. These amendments added $25.6 billion to the original cost. Was anybody held to account???…. Here are some interesting findings: On average: Contract duration is about 10 months and is worth $423,000 (for contracts over $10,000). Longest: 34.8 years (June 2015 to March 2050 for the consortium to replace the Champlain Bridge in Montreal). Really????? The Confederation bridge was build in 4 years……. Biggest: $5.7 billion to Brookfield Global Integrated Solutions for office building management. ArriveCAN: A head-scratching revelation that the cost of the much-reviled ArriveCAN app is on track to hit $54 million. Stunned, app developers say it could have been done for about $1 million. One should ask why there is a shortage of app developers in government and why there is a shortage of the right skills despite the increased hiring of personnel. Is the Public Service hiring the wrong skills? There is definitively a question of value for money when both contracting and hiring is increasing but services don't seem to be getting any better. We saw a summer of delays for processing passports, immigration applications and throughput at airports. One should ask the government: What steps are being taken to ensure that the quality of the service to the public and to other government departments is at the forefront? Although the Treasury Board is the employer and rule-maker, the actual authority for contracting and human resources has been turned over to deputy ministers, the public servants who manage their departments. The question is: Does Treasury Board have any role apart from setting a general framework? And as guardian of the public purse does it ever follow up on any of the contracts that are sent out? Another question that arises from these issues: When will the auditor-general audit Treasury Board's guide for cost estimation and "make or buy" decisions? What goes on at the provincial as well as the municipal level should also be investigated. We need to make the people handling our money realize, that it is important that public money be spent responsibly. I conclude that outsourcing means higher costs and lower quality services for Canadians. It erodes transparency, accountability and the institutional knowledge of the Public Service. What do you think?

Playing House

My wife and I are newlyweds, and we have had our first fight. We were out of town on vacation. To make a long story short, we got on each other's nerves due to the flight delays. After a huge argument, we came home separately. She wants a divorce after only three months of marriage. She is a dominant person, a spoiled brat, a daddy's girl, and a Leo by zodiac. By nature, I am an impatient person and a Taurus. I am not now in our home and desperately want to reconcile. I suggested counseling, but does that really help? She is stubborn, difficult to talk to, and easily annoyed. For the last week, all I have been doing is annoying her. I decided to give her some time alone. Am I doing the right thing? She has these inner demons when she gets angry, and I don't know how to approach her. Reuben Reuben, years ago Wayne had a landlady named Margaret Richter. Margaret was a spry 90 when he first knew her. One day she looked Wayne square in the eye and said, "I don't believe in divorce. I believe in a fight to the finish!" It looks like your bride kayoed you in the first round. Don't look to the stars for a solution. The reasons for your problems are earth-bound. This separation allows her to resume being a spoiled girl, not a woman interested in going 15 rounds with you. The party is over. She wasn't looking for marriage. She wanted the excitement of the proposal, engagement, wedding, honeymoon, and vacation. Three months later, with little provocation, she wants a divorce. Has she already calculated it's been long enough to keep the wedding gifts? An honest confrontation is the only thing likely to lead to an honest conclusion. My guess is she would rather be Daddy's little girl than your wife. Tamara Another Man's Wife For three years, I have worked with a woman, and we have been great friends. There were more feelings discussed earlier, but she was betrothed to another and followed through on that commitment. Since then, she says, although there are fleeting moments of happiness, her overall marriage is not happy. She does not get the treatment any woman deserves from a husband, though I admit my viewpoint is biased. Since she married, I have pursued other relationships. All ended in disaster. Each time I fall back on the feelings I have for her, and even now, she admits she has feelings for me. It appears she is afraid to leave her husband and is waiting for yet another hurtful thing from him before making any move. I don't want to take on the appearance of a marriage breaker, but this man is certainly not her other half. She knows how deep my feelings run, and that I'd wait for her if I knew she would be there in the end. I'm not sure what her intentions are. Will she get fed up and leave him? What do I do, be the passive friend or aggressive pursuer? Edward Edward, the comedienne Carol Burnett once played a woman waiting for her married lover to divorce his wife. After each rendezvous, Burnett grows older. Finally, the man divorces his wife and rushes to her apartment. As usual, she is waiting by the door for him. He thrusts the door open, knocking her through an open window. When he looks around, he doesn't see her, so he rushes out and marries another woman. In the last scene, the man returns to Burnett, his old lover, expecting to cheat on his new wife with her. This woman at work enjoys your interest, pursuit, and shared confidences. She enjoys receiving foreplay from you, but she is married to another. You are allowing your life to be held hostage by another man's wife. Wayne & Tamara Wayne & Tamara are also the authors of Cheating in a Nutshell, What Infidelity Does to the Victim, available from Amazon, Apple and most booksellers. Wayne & Tamara write:

Have a Little Laugh When Angry

W. Gifford-Jones, M.D. and Diana Gifford-Jones The iconic Marvin The Martian from Looney Tunes, frustrated by Bugs Bunny in his efforts to blow up Earth, would quickly walk away declaring, “You make me very, very angry.” He offered kids an entertaining lesson in how to handle heated confrontations. A refresher course for adults would be a good prescription. How people manage anger can make a big difference for personal health and much more. Anger, itself, is not always a negative thing. Anger can be a natural and useful emotional response to perceived wrongs. For example, getting angry can be highly motivational. Individuals can deploy anger to break a bad habit and groups can work together in the same way. The #MeToo movement rallied collective anger against injustice to achieve social change. But poorly managed anger is decidedly not good for one’s health – and probably not good for the well-being of everyone else around. Teaching children the tools for anger control is not only about hushing up their outbursts. Researchers have found that kids lacking the ability to cope with frustrations tend to have more problem relationships in their adult lives. They also have more physical and mental health issues. Studies have also shown that people who are chronically angry suffer greater rates of high blood pressure, heart disease, headaches, skin disorders and digestive problems. Dr. Chris Aiken of Wake Forest University School of Medicine is an expert on natural and lifestyle approaches to health promotion. “In the two hours after an angry outburst, the chance of having a heart attack doubles,” he says. Anger increases the likelihood of stroke. If you are unlucky enough to have aneurysms in the arteries of the brain, it’s best to “keep calm and carry on”. One study found six times higher risk of rupture following an angry outburst. Research has also shown that angry people get sick more frequently due to negative impacts of stress on their immune systems. What can you do when you find yourself furious? First, take a clue from Marvin The Martian and leave the scene. Calming down needs to take precedence. Second, figure out what is causing the anger. Get to the root of the matter. It’s recommended that you talk with someone – a trusted friend or a trained professional – to validate your thinking. Third, develop an action plan that either fixes the issues or builds coping mechanisms. Incorporating comedy into anger management is a strategy deserving mention. The evidence shows it works. Another children’s program, Sesame Street, was shaped by psychologists intent on applying research to skits performed by puppeteers. Kermit the Frog had children laughing with his outrageous tirade on Cookie Monster for devouring a happy face. Kids shows are, by design, intended to be entertaining. But the fact that laughing, happy children learn better than disengaged kids has got others thinking about how to use laughter with adults needing to learn about more serious issues. Climate change scientists angry by the slow pace of action have adopted comedy as a tactic. A group of comedians have come together to form the Climate Comedy Cohort. They acknowledge research linking anger with comedy to motivate change. “Comedy is uniquely persuasive and attention-getting when it comes to serious issues like the climate crisis,” they note. Their work offers audiences levity – in itself a good thing. But their ultimate goal, they say, is “to leverage humor as a strategy to change the climate narrative from doom and gloom to ‘we’ve got this!’—and shift how people see their role in clean energy.” Next time your anger flares up, it’s good to know you have options. Sign-up at to receive our weekly e-newsletter. For comments, Follow us Instagram @docgiff and @diana_gifford_jones

Friday, October 14, 2022

OSHAWA -EINSTEIN SAID IT BEST “Insanity Is Doing the Same Thing Over and Over Again and Expecting Different Results”

By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. With less than one week. The big question before us will the people of Oshawa make the same thing over and over again and expecting different results? When you speak of the realities of our City. People jump to concussions and assume it is negativity. NO IT IS REALITY. The reality of things is that people keep electing that had already served in council on a name recognition basis. Not on achievements, accomplishments and contributions to the community they want to serve. Many of the incumbents are careered politicians that in some cases are nothing but fluffing pensions on your dime and other could not get equivalent paid position in any other corporation. So it is put on your best suit on. Brush them pearlies and do a lot of praying that someone in your family has a recognizable name. I remember the Aker family name. The sitting councillor partially retired and his daughter put her name ran on the Aker name and won. Not till after the election did the electoral realized they been fooled. People please stop making the same thing time and time again and expect a different outcome. The future of our City is on the line. The future of your children. The safety and health of our community and that of our families is on the line. I can stand at any given corner and yell caution. But will that do any good? Then how do we get through? Einstein famous words include, "We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." Think about this for a moment. Our current Mayor had his chance to do something for the city. Natural growth is not of his design but on natural over population. Much like in Carter's word during the recent debate. The proof is in the pudding. Then if so. Take a walk downtown Oshawa. Do you feel safe? Talk to any merchant of the core and ask them two questions. 1. When was the last time you seen the Mayor walk in to your shop and ask you how your business was doing? 2. Do you feel safe in your place of business? We live in one of the world richest countries. Our people are over dosing at a rate of 1 every two nights. People are living on the streets, along ravines. In Einstein's words... we cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used to create them. Then should Carter even be considered? He made the problem he was elected to solve worst. What would give anyone the idea that he can accomplish anything different in another four years. The future of Oshawa is on the line. They say we can’t move forward until we respect and appreciate our history. Einstein was not a stupid man. He knew better. Would Einstein have voted for Carter? Would he have voted him for another term? You know the answer. Then why should you prove Einstein theories true? NO TO CARTER.

The Bank of Canada and the Canadian Economy

by Maj (ret'd) CORNELIU. CHISU, CD, PMSC, FEC, CET, P. Eng. Former Member of Parliament Pickering-Scarborough East In today's high finance driven western world, it is time to take an attentive look at the relationship and influence of the Bank of Canada on the Canadian economy and the wellbeing of Canadians. This institution has a major influence on our lives and we certainly need to update it so that it suits our contemporary needs and has a major responsibility to the elected Parliament. To give a historical perspective, the bank was chartered by and under the Bank of Canada Act on 3 July 1934 and the Bank of Canada began operations on 11 March 1935, following the granting of royal assent to the act The preamble to the act set out bank's purpose: WHEREAS it is desirable to establish a central bank in Canada to regulate credit and currency in the best interests of the economic life of the nation, to control and protect the external value of the national monetary unit and to mitigate by its influence fluctuations in the general level of production, trade, prices and employment, so far as may be possible within the scope of monetary action, and generally to promote the economic and financial welfare of Canada In practice, however, it has a more narrow and specific internal definition of that mandate: to keep the rate of inflation (as measured by the Consumer Price Index) between 1% and 3% Currently The Bank of Canada is structured as a Crown corporation rather than a government department, with shares held in the name of the minister of finance on behalf of the government. While the Bank of Canada Act provides the minister of finance with the final authority on matters of monetary policy through the power to issue a directive no such directive has ever been issued. The governor and senior deputy governor are appointed by the bank's board of directors. The deputy minister of finance sits on the board of directors but does not have a vote. The bank submits its spending to the board of directors, while departmental spending is overseen by the Treasury Board with their spending estimates submitted to Parliament. The head of the Bank of Canada is the governor. While the law provides the board of directors with the power to appoint the governor, in practice they approve the choice of the government. So the question is, where is the so called independence of the Bank? The governor serves a fixed seven-year term which may be renewed. With the exception of matters of personal conduct ("good behaviour") the Bank of Canada Act does not provide the government with the direct ability to remove a governor during his or her term in office. Certainly this should be changed! In the case of profound disagreement between the government and the Bank, the minister of finance can issue written instructions for the bank to change its policies. To date, this has not happened in the history of the bank. In practice, the governor sets monetary policy independent of the government. From the above we see an institution which acts independently and is not responsible to the elected government or parliament Rather, I need to assume that it follows instructions from an intricate web of similarly created banks such as the Bank of England, the Federal Reserve Bank in the US, and the European Bank etc. with the head of the dragon being the Bank of International Settlement (BIS) owned privately by historically well established financial families. BIS is really the bank which tells national banks what to do and in fact is a super national organization which dictates governments. But nobody of the elites seems to bother… Let us now look at the latest Bank of Canada decisions. With the exception of the Conservative opposition leader, no attention was paid to the Bank of Canada's latest actions and its failed duties to Canadians. Inflation is high because there are too many dollars and too few goods to buy. The Trudeau government kept spending galore on pandemic related "relief" programs, and the Bank of Canada kept pumping out more and more new money to cover this orgy of government expenditure with no accountability. This rapid, reckless and massive expansion of Canada's money supply has had a profound impact on inflation in this country. According to Bank of Canada numbers, the money supply grew by more than 22% between the start of the pandemic and spring this year. That means more than one in five dollars currently in circulation in Canada didn't exist in pre-pandemic life. When you think about it, that's a staggering amount and all produced electronically…. Considering the responsibility of the government in this matter, and that of the Minister of Finance, we can see that they worked in tandem and in gross incompetence. And who has to pay for it? You and me. International supply chain issues also contributed but not as much as domestic blunders. While the Trudeau government and the Bank of Canada have spent more than a year denying any blame for inflation, the truth of the matter is that the single biggest cause of Canada's inflation is the tsunami of extra cash the government and the bank pumped into the economy. That money is still sloshing around out there. It's also one of the biggest reasons housing prices have skyrocketed: There are hundreds of billions of dollars on the market and a limited supply of housing. The Trudeau Liberals spent almost $400 billion on pandemic subsidies - by far the most, per capita, in the developed world. They didn't have an extra $400 billion to spend. They didn't tax an extra $400 billion from Canadians. What they did was issue bonds in that amount and because there weren't enough private or institutional investors interested, the Bank of Canada chipped in and created enough new money to cover Justin Trudeau's massive overspending. Even though the bank has repeatedly claimed that it wasn't responsible for inflation, its staff had to know that all this extra money flooding the economy would lead to way too much money chasing goods. While Bank of Canada Governor Tiff Macklem has been reluctant to accept his institution's complicity in the worst inflation in 40 years, at least he is now finally admitting that our inflation is homegrown. One has to ask where the Minister of Finance was in this concerning situation. Wasn't it her duty to oversee the Bank and show leadership? Apparently not, as the Minister is more interested in globalist issues led by World Economic Forum (WEF) where she is on the Board of Directors, than national interests. Of course, rather than pointing the finger at his own bank, Governor Macklem blames businesses. Not the bank but those foolish entrepreneurs and greedy workers are responsible for the high inflation! Let's face it. The bank and the government created this inflation and now they are expecting ordinary Canadians to pay for it with higher interest rates, higher prices, lower growth, lower wages, a devalued currency, eroding savings and a general decline in the standard of living. Don't you think it's time to reform the Bank of Canada?

Job Searches Are Full of Uncontrollable Factors

By Nick Kossovan "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." - Serenity Prayer, by Reinhold Niebuhr. The following scenario is probably familiar to you. Several years ago, I interviewed for what I believed was my dream job, overseeing a well-known consumer goods company's contact center. My preparation for the interview was intense. Even though I was nervous on the morning of the big day, I felt prepared. I was at ease with my interviewer. My charismatic personality helped me establish a strong relationship with him. For 10 minutes, we talked about our mutual love for golf. All the signals pointed to me being in. I left the interview feeling confident I'd be getting a call back or better yet a job offer. Instead, the next day I got an e-mail thanking me for my time... you know the rest. I was crushed and disappointed beyond words. Years later, now that I've made 1,000s of hires, I realize I wasn't selected because I lacked the experience or skills. I wasn't chosen because I wasn't a fit. When job searching-looking for a new employer-it's tempting to compare your job search to shopping for a new car or booking a vacation. You envision researching all the jobs available, picking the best, and it'll be yours. However, job hunting involves many variables beyond your control, including the positions currently available, your competition, and even your interviewer's mood. Focusing on the parts you can control will produce much better job search results. (READ: Getting more "Yes!") As for everything outside your control, admit they're uncontrollable and don't take rejections personally. Here are three things you can't control during your job search: 1. Who's hiring is beyond your control. When the job search gods are smiling, your network or a job board presents you with a perfect job, employer, and location. However, most of the time, you're constantly refreshing job boards and contacting your network, hoping to see or hear of a suitable opportunity. You conjure up the right job and employer to suddenly become available. However, you have control over your efforts. Your job search will only progress if you devote enough time to it, which is no less than 6 hours daily if you're unemployed. Yes, some people seem to have jobs land in their lap. Such people have embraced the value of cultivating, and maintaining, an extensive professional network. They are active on LinkedIn and regularly update their profile. Personal branding is something they take seriously. Consistent effort pays off! Instead of envying those you think have it easier than you or have the success you wish you had, ask yourself what they're doing that you're not. 2.You can't control the job market. The job market has always been in flux, but the World Health Organization declaring the COVID pandemic on March 11, 2020, has thrown it into even greater turmoil. Technology, AI, robotics, offshoring, wars, supply chain problems, and pandemics are all out of your control. All these activities and numerous others create economic shifts that directly impact your job search. However, you can control how you react to the current job market. Understanding the forces influencing the job market can help you target your job search and anticipate which industry is expanding and which are contracting. Additionally, you can better determine if and how your skills are transferrable to a new, growing industry. 3. You can't control whom you're competing against. Regardless of your age, you'll always have to contend with someone younger, more skilled, and hungrier than you. (I know that truisms hurt.) Often your competition is more qualified, charismatic, and articulate than you. A few months after my heartbreaking rejection, using LinkedIn, I looked up who'd been hired. After reading her profile, I thought to myself, "I would've hired her." She had 5 years more experience than me and a better pedigree of past employers. (Yes, the employers you have worked for do influence hiring managers.) However, you have control over your preparation. Stressing about your competition is counterproductive. Instead, focus on being well-prepared. Practice, practice, practice! Interviews are essentially sales meetings. Speaking about yourself, your past achievements, and your strengths, in other words selling yourself, can feel unnatural. Practice, either by yourself or with a friend, talking about yourself as if you're a product employers must have to improve their business, whether it be increasing revenue, efficiency, or savings. Another thing that's beyond your control, the hiring manager's final decision. However, you can control how you react and respond to rejection. I believe that for every "No" you receive, you're closer to a "Yes." View your job search as a competition. (Believe me, it is.) Identify what you have control over and maximize them to give yourself every advantage, and that "Yes" you're after isn't far off. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nick Kossovan, a well-seasoned veteran of the corporate landscape, offers advice on searching for a job. You can send him your questions at

Monday, October 10, 2022


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. Talk about 50 shades of gray... this was more like 50 shades of red. Ok let me back it up. This past week the Chamber of Commerce in its attempt to save face as the traditional debate failed with great style and grace. Originally it was to take place at a local restaurant at 7:30am at a cost of $27. This was met with opposition. One to early on a week day the other people did not want to pay $27 dollars for a breakfast. Instead the Chamber pulled a 180 and opted for no debate. No public. Just the Mayoral candidates. Mayoral candidates were invited to attend Rogers community TV studio for a live on air Q&A. The recording can be viewed if you go to and scroll down. The Q&A was an early morning turkey shoot. The question loaded and the mayor spewing statistics like a champ. He attempted to take credit for natural growth. Meanwhile not acknowledging all the opportunities he missed. Not to mention addressing the serious and in peril condition our downtown is in. According to Carter the City has never done better. Quality of life according to him could not be better. At one point I had to wake up Sara as she sat to my left. A question was asked and she just sat there. I had to call her name so that she realized that a question was pending. Sara’s priority for the city appeared to revolve around a dog park downtown and nature path. She clearly showed that she lacks the experience of running a business. By her own admittance on the broadcast she admits not to have answers to some issues. She goes on as stating that Sara has approached city many times and the City has ignored every request. She clearly has not been effective as a civilian she will surely not be effective as a mayor with no real life experience. Near the end of the broadcast... Carter goes on how he is law abiding citizen... blah, blah only to be questioned on why he broke his own bylaws by posting his election signs prior to the allotted time. Some law abiding person. Some leader. Great example. Not to mention a police investigation. During Carter break of the law. He was filmed by a citizen. In the film. You can clearly see Carter walking up and attempt to push back the camera man. Subsequently the camera man suffered injury and has filed a complaint with Durham Regional Police. The question I ask is... Would you hire Sara or Carter to run any corporation? Have they ever had a business or filled the role they seek election for? Sara a clerk at an electrical contractor. Carter a careered free loader. Is this what I am running against? Should I even have to campaign. Proven leadership. Proven successful business. PEOPLE IT IS TIME. LET’S TAKE OUR CITY BACK.

Canada on the way to recession

by Maj (ret'd) CORNELIU. CHISU, CD, PMSC, FEC, CET, P. Eng. Former Member of Parliament Pickering-Scarborough East The fall is upon us; the trees are changing colors as the landscape gets ready for the upcoming winter. We are moving towards the winter blues as a dark cloud rises on the horizon; the certainly an upcoming recession. Canada faces growing economic headwinds as key trading partners teeter on the brink of recession, piling worries about trade and commodity prices on top of concerns about the domestic economy. Global growth is being hit on multiple fronts. Central banks around the world, led by the U.S. Federal Reserve, are raising interest rates at the fastest pace in decades - intentionally slowing their economies, ostensibly, to fight inflation. The European energy crisis escalated this week, with the apparent sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines that ship gas from Russia to Europe. Meanwhile, Britain is in the midst of a currency and bond market meltdown, which pushed the Bank of England to intervene in markets and warn of a "material risk to U.K. financial stability. The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development said earlier this week it expects the world economy to be US$ 2.8-trillion smaller in 2023 than it projected a year ago. And things could get a lot worse, the OECD warned, if a cold winter in Europe leads to energy rationing and new gas supplies fail to materialize. Increasing taxes, skyrocketing government debt, expanding regulations, soaring inflation and rising interest rates. Does that sound like Canada today? In fact these were the practices that defined Pierre Trudeau's tenure as prime minister in the 1970s and early 1980s, eventually culminating in a near crisis. Today, we are heading for a similar situation with accelerated speed, as well as facing an international crisis. Without any fresh ideas, the current Trudeau, Justin, as Prime Minister, is taking a similar approach to the economy. The worsening of the economic situation internally added to the global trade chain disruptions will certainly have a disastrous effect on our economy. At the end who will be impacted in Canada? Certainly not the elite or the inefficient and overblown civil service. It is the ordinary Canadians who will suffer, with no relief in sight. Despite repeated assurances from the governing Liberals I predict that the recession will be severe and will take place once the new year, 2023, starts. According to new data from Statistics Canada, the Canadian economy grew by a modest 0.1 per cent in July. Their estimates, however, show economic growth stagnating in August, when the annual inflation rate reached 7.0 per cent, down from a high of 8.1 per cent in June. The signs are there and Canada's cooling housing market will play a significant role in that slowing. The latest Statistics Canada figures show output from real estate agents and brokers dropping 3.4 per cent in July, down for the fifth consecutive month and this trend will certainly continue. Since peaking in February of this year, home sales across the country have declined 31% and prices have fallen 17%. With its itchy fingers on the panic button and claiming to fight inflation, the Bank of Canada raised interest rates to 3.25 per cent on Sept. 7, which has contributed to the cooling of the housing market. The increase followed a full percentage point hike in July, which was the largest single rate increase in Canada since August 1998. The Bank of Canada began hiking interest rates in March, after they fell to 0.25 per cent during the COVID-19 pandemic. Some economists predict the next interest rate hike will come on Oct. 26 and it will likely be six, nine, or even 12 months before we start to see the Bank cutting rates again because they'll want to be certain that they brought inflation under control. In these circumstances, it is the Bank of Canada, an independent entity from the Government of Canada, that will dictate economic policy, rather than the government. Connected to a web of international banking interests led by the Bank of International Settlement (BIS) it is difficult to predict their future actions. With economic growth slowing, the job market across Canada will weaken, likely raising the unemployment rate. Slowing growth in the United States will also weigh on Canada's economy in the months ahead based on our close economic relations. Eventually the crucial variable for Canada is what will happen in the United States. There, the outlook has darkened over the past weeks as the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank (Fed) doubled down on its efforts to curb demand in the U.S. economy and get prices under control. The Fed raised its benchmark interest rate by 0.75 percentage points last week, to a range of 3 per cent to 3.25 per cent. The rate hike was expected. But updated projections showed policy makers expect to push the Fed Funds rate to between 4 per cent and 4.5 per cent by the end of the year - considerably higher than previously forecast. "That (in fact) materially raises the risks that the U.S. economy has a hard landing. And if the U.S. has a hard landing, I think it's very hard for Canada not to have one as well," said Craig Alexander, chief economist at Deloitte Canada. Beyond the U.S., the growth picture is even more dire. China's economy is expected to grow at the slowest pace in decades this year (excluding 2020 and the COVID-19 shock), as the country struggles with strict pandemic-control measures and a real estate crash. In Europe, the war in Ukraine and Russian sanctions have sent natural gas and electricity prices soaring. That's squeezing consumers and making energy-intensive businesses unprofitable, pushing many European Union countries, as well as Britain, toward a period of stagflation: the painful combination of low growth and high inflation. The OECD now expects the euro area to grow just 0.3 per cent in 2023, down from a projection of 1.6-per-cent growth in June. The German economy is expected to contract 0.7 per cent next year, while the British economy is expected to post no growth. So in conclusion, with a Liberal government at the helm, that seems to have no real sense of the economy and seems oblivious to these other complicated issues, we can expect to face hard times ahead. So keep your chin up, and take care of your families as best you can.


By Karrie Lynn Dymond ward 5 City Councillor Hello everyone, my name is Karrie Lynn Dymond. As a new face in municipal politics. I hope to bring you people based type of representation. Well folks it is a couple of weeks before we find out how the people voted. Everyone I meet I tell them to get out and vote... of course with a little bias in my voice as I hope they vote for me. People are funny sometimes as they may say sure, sure and then they don’t even turn out to vote. I understand the frustration of casting a single vote and time and time again your candidate does not get in. After a bit it can get frustrating and discouraging. But people this time around it is different. We all have to make a difference. Our future depends on it. From the Mayor’s position right down the line. We need change. We need real people representing real people. I like to think that I fill that bill to a tee. I am a hard working individual. I value every dollar I make and promise to carry over the same spending principles. I want to bring municipal government back to the people. People like you and m e. Is that not a refreshing idea. Plus I like to assure that every tax dollar is wisely spent. I want to review where we can cut on waste and reinvest back into the community in a positive and constructive way. Everyone seems to have an issue with the condition of our downtown. There is no question that something needs to be done. We can’t continue with the rampant use of drugs. People sleeping on our sidewalks. We need leadership in this City that will address this very serious problem. I like to think I can contribute to the process and alleviate the problem. I can’t wait. A couple of more weeks and we will have the results. Please remember to vote. With your vote we can free ourselves from the current situation. Thank You.

Employers and Your Ego Are Constantly at Odds Over Your Value

By Nick Kossovan When considering the value of an item from a holistic perspective and through the philosophical lenses of existentialism, you realize an item has no value until someone is willing to pay for it, whether it's a Porsche 911 GT3, a 26th floor condo in Vancouver, a cup of Starbucks coffee or pair of Levi's jeans. Have you ever bought an item, a leather jacket, for example, for $400 and then a month later, it was on sale for $250? The retailer reduced the price of the leather jacket because the number of customers willing to pay $400 had dwindled to the point where it wasn't selling. Taking this analogy further, the jackets that ended up not selling had no value. Value doesn't simply exist. Value is assigned by supply and demand-demand being the keyword. The value of your skills and experience on the job market is determined by how much employers are willing to pay for them, which constantly fluctuates. It's no secret most employees feel underpaid. The perception is mostly personal, based on: - Your assessment of your worth, which is highly subjective, and - The amount of money you need for the lifestyle you created. Neither is relevant. In general, compensation isn't arbitrary. A job's value is determined by: - Job-specific educational requirements - Skillset required - Experience level - Responsibilities - Location Additionally, those who criticize what employers are offering them never think about the scenario that the employer may have ten employees currently earning $65,000, whereas you want $75,000. It would cause turmoil to hire you at your asking salary. "Getting paid what you're worth!" has become a popular sentiment. In reality, though, the value you place on yourself and the value employers in your region are willing to pay you are two entirely different perspectives. Recently, someone asked me if I felt underpaid. "Nope," I replied, "I'm getting paid the amount I agreed to when I joined my employer." I have never understood nor empathized with people who accept jobs and then complain about the pay. Your ego and sense of entitlement may have convinced you that you deserve $75,000, but you may find that employers disagree with your value assessment. Anyone with a slight sense of business acumen understands an employee's compensation needs to correlate with the value they bring to their employer. Hiring involves taking a candidate's words at face value, especially regarding their work ethic, past results, and ability to work well with others. Gut feel plays a significant role during interviews. Skills and aptitude can be tested, but only to a certain extent. A hiring manager can only do so much due diligence (multiple interviews, testing, reference checks). Work ethic, ability to achieve results, having the skills they claimed, and being a team player are only proven or disproven after a new hire starts. Most of the tension between job seekers and employers results from job seekers expecting employers to pay them "their value" for abilities that they haven't actually proven. In contrast, an employer's best interest is to mitigate hiring risks by starting new hires at the low end of their budgeted salary range. There're 2 types of candidates: 1. Unemployed 2. Employed Those employed should not accept a starting salary less than 20% higher than their current salary. Unless your motivation is other than money, it's not worth the stress of starting a new job and reproving yourself for your current salary. On the other hand, if you're jobless, your income is $0. Unless the compensation offered is insultingly low, I don't suggest you try and negotiate for the starting salary (WARNING: Brutal truth ahead.) you made up based on what you think of yourself. Financially and emotionally, having no job and, therefore, no income is a worst-case scenario for many. I know you're now asking, "But Nick, how will I get the compensation I feel I deserve if I accept what I'm offered?" Whether employed or not, you need to prove your worth, which requires the following: 1. Getting the job (Proving your worth is impossible without a job.), and 2. Negotiate and get in writing that upon achieving specific metrics, milestones, revenue targets, or whatever else you can think of, within your first six months, you'll get a 15% salary increase or whatever percentage you feel appropriate. IMPORTANT: I can't stress enough to be sure your employment offer letter includes everything you and the hiring manager discussed and agreed to. Number two makes it much easier for an employer to say "Yes" to you since they aren't taking all the risks of hiring you at a salary you want and then finding out you can't deliver. Offering this option demonstrates you're confident in your skills and abilities and aren't afraid to prove them. Who would you choose if you had two more-or-less equally qualified candidates to choose from and one of the candidates offered you the option of proving their worth before getting the salary they feel they deserve? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nick Kossovan, a well-seasoned veteran of the corporate landscape, offers advice on searching for a job. You can send him your questions at