Saturday, May 25, 2024

Words... I LoveYou!!!

By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. - ONE DAY AT A TIME - What is it about words... that make communication so difficult. They say that we are the supreme being due to our ability to use language and communicate. Our ability to discuss and rationalize things through. Then again you look around and you wonder sometimes if some of us are not better not being able to communicate. I say this with such liberty as words interpretation and usage in many cases are highly dependable on emotion, context and content. Take for example the word ‘LOVE’. Love entices a particular emotion that can be communicated in various ways as it can be interpreted. Then if we have such issues with such a simple word. Imagine the composition of a series of words. Or the interpretation of words like “Democracy”. Just about every individual has a notion of the word. A personal interpretation and an emotional trigger for the use of such word....Much like ‘LOVE’. People will fight tooth and nail on Democracy but they are truly meaning Civil Rights or Human Rights. Freedom of speech and so on. In part this is why world peace may never be achieved. Language is a tool and a weapon. Language is rooted in culture, customs and traditions. Therefore, to purely express intent, direction and or interest. The many fundamental in the rooted language makes it impossible to reach an accord. Even within the same language an accord may not be reached and the message is debated with inadequate communication. I remember my days at the University, taking a fourth year linguistics course. I remember the professor taking each student a side and asking. Do you really want to take this course? I answered him with the obvious, YES. He looked at me and said, “This is not about languages. This is about communicating. In this class your life will change for ever. Are you sure you want to be here? He stirred my interest and I replied. “YES”. He then told me that when humans communicate. Only 40% of what is said. Is actually what was intended to be communicated. I asked what happened to the other 60%? He said “ask me that at the end of the course.” I will never forget that professor. He truly changed my life. His course helped me with this newspaper. My adult life as an editor is to get in people’s minds. Some call it propaganda. Others call it sublime interference. Either way. As a communications expert. Your primary job is to get people to do what they would normally not do. All while maintaining integrity and utilizing the journalistic tool box. I sometimes sit back and smile as life is not what we think it is. It is a never ending journey of interpretation, understanding and learning. I love democracy...or do I? Who is this democracy?

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