Saturday, May 4, 2024

Council Highlights - April 2024

Mayor Elizabeth Roy Council highlights gives an overview of important decisions, discussions, and agenda items from Whitby Council meetings. The goal is to give residents a snapshot of the meetings. More information, including Council meeting minutes, can be found at New scholarship partnership between Whitby Fire, Durham College - Council has approved a partnership between Durham College and Whitby Fire and Emergency Services for a new Inclusive Excellence Scholarship Award. Durham College will fund two scholarships per year of approximately $7,500 each, in exchange for the use of a Whitby fire vehicle in its Fire Pre-service Program. The agreement is in place for three years, with the option for Durham College to renew for an additional three years. The scholarship is for racialized and/or economically challenged high school students from the Town of Whitby, who have been accepted into either the Fire Fighter Pre-Service Education and Training or Fire Prevention and Technology program at Durham College. Council approves traffic calming measures for Port Whitby area In response to community concerns about speeding, aggressive driving, and noisy vehicles, Council has voted to introduce new traffic calming measures in the Port Whitby area including: a Community Safety Zone from Charles Street to Dufferin Street, crosswalk pavement markings at stop signs to delineate pedestrian crossings, an area-specific speed limit of 40 km/hr and installation of signage to advise of the speed limit, and a request for additional enforcement from Town of Whitby By-law services and Durham Regional Police Service. The Port Whitby area is one of several areas in Whitby where increased residential density, infilling, and intensification are expected to create a compact neighbourhood. 2024 Downtown BIA budget approved, includes increase to special tax levy Council has approved the 2024 budget for the Downtown Whitby Business Improvement Area (BIA). The 2024 budget totals $282,283, which is $93,159 lower than the previous year's budget. Despite the decrease in the overall BIA budget, the special tax levy that funds the majority of the BIA’s operations will be increasing by five per cent (or $10,500). The special tax levy applies to business properties within the Downtown Whitby BIA boundary. As recommended by the BIA board, the 2024 budget includes the continuation of the flower and planter program and the Christmas Market event, however the annual Beer Fest event has been removed from the budget and will be cancelled for 2024. Council also received for information the BIA’s 2024 Beautification Report, which outlines beautification plans for this year. These include floral planters and baskets in the downtown, an annual on-street patio on the northeast corner of Brock Street and Colborne Street, art activations in four storefront windows, and a downtown clean-up on Earth Day. Dredging work will impact use of Gordon Fields Work is moving forward on plans for the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) Canada to remove contaminated sediment from the Whitby Harbour through a multi-year dredging program. In exchange for the use of Town land to facilitate remediation, DFO will increase the scope of the dredging work to include two Town-owned water lot areas. Recent studies indicate that the Town would otherwise be liable for $1,064,000 in estimated remedial dredging costs. Whitby Council has given approval for DFO to use a portion of Gordon Fields adjacent to the Gordon Street Boat Ramp from July 15, 2024 to October 31, 2026 in exchange for the in-kind remediation work. Council also approved giving DFO access to Town lands adjacent to Promenade Lake Park to allow loading and unloading of barges from the Federally owned portions of the promenade and pier. Removal of harbour sediment will require a period of containment and drying followed by trucking to an approved landfill site. The project is anticipated to begin in mid-July 2024 and take 27 months to complete. The remediation project as well as restoration of Town lands will be entirely funded by DFO. Use of the Gordon Fields by DFO will impact Town of Whitby events and community events held in that space such as the Town’s annual Canada Day event, Ribfest and India Day. A Town report says events will be reviewed to determine whether they can be relocated.

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