Saturday, May 18, 2024

Meeting Trump JR

By Lisa Robinson - Pickering City Councillor The other day, I attended an event where I came face to face with none other than Donald Trump Jr. Yes, Trump's right-hand man. He seemed like just another man, yet he had style and poise. His charismatic attitude resembled that of John F. Kennedy—very relaxed and very sure of himself. A true Trump. As I stood before him, I understood why lesser men might resent him and look for fault and shame. He truly is a chip off the old block. I can understand why men like that are successful, yet persecuted and constantly attacked by envious and lesser types. Men like his father, who stand for what is right, not for what benefits them personally. Sure, Trump Sr. has his battle scars and has made mistakes, but these experiences make him a political powerhouse today. Trump knows the game; he knows how and where the loops are played. He is a renegade who does not play by the rules. Now in power, he exposes the corruption in democracy, the lies, and deceit—something that Democrats hate. I can understand the feeling of persecution by those who are supposed to be assisting and helping the betterment of all taxpayers. I am in no way near the level of play of either Trump Jr. or Trump Sr. These men lived lives of social privilege and saw corruption at work. As a first-time councillor, I am getting a bitter taste of the political game. I entered this profession with a clear and clean heart. I wanted to serve and achieve better for my community. I did not enter to just collect my pay, as some elected officials do. I did not seek office because I had no other employment offers. In today’s municipal government, many in it should resign. For them, the money is nothing but a pension fluff. For others, where else would they get paid for the job they are entrusted to do? They form groups of incompetence and denounce anyone actually working for the betterment of the general taxpayer. Look at our Mayor of Pickering. In my opinion, he constantly attacks me for speaking on behalf of you, the taxpayers of Pickering. My pay was cut for three months for speaking my mind, with no real chance to defend myself. Council meeting after council meeting, our Mayor has belittled me and called many of you names over public recordings. What makes this Mayor so insecure? Could it be because I am a woman? In his misogynist way, he has used every municipal resource to silence me, even passing by-laws on conduct that verge on violating Human Rights and Freedom of Speech. Who is this man that can verbally abuse a woman like this during a public meeting? I write a column or make an open statement and am not allowed to defend myself. I am then put before a biased ‘integrity commissioner’ who, in my opinion, has no integrity. Councillors should also have no right to remove another member's salary for representing constituents with dissenting voices. The ability to speak freely and represent all viewpoints is a cornerstone of democratic governance. Removing a councillor's salary as a punitive measure undermines this principle, effectively silencing dissent and discouraging the representation of minority or unpopular opinions. This kind of punitive action can create a chilling effect, where councillors fear advocating for their constituents if those views do not align with the majority. I wish Trump Jr. would come to Pickering and give a two-minute speech on democracy and what it takes to be a good political icon. What am I saying? The Mayor would do as he has done in the past with important delegations: snub his nose and instruct staff to shelf it. Look at what is happening with the way the City sends out information. They pass one by-law after another to avoid doing business with this newspaper. Why? The newspaper has been serving all of Durham for the past 29 years. Metroland closed, and the only in-print newspaper is this one. Why has the city not jumped all over this opportunity? You guessed it. Because, like other newspapers, The Central makes the opportunity of writing in the paper available to all elected officials. Since I take advantage of this generous offer to the community, The Central is blackballed. Instead, the City has chosen to publish online. This is a huge mistake, as it is proving to be a failure. Many in the City of Pickering do not use online resources or visit our overly complicated web page. People want to have the news delivered to them, in their hands, to read when they want. I wonder what Trump would think of blackballing people. I am sure he would say something like, “If you think you are on the right track, don’t let anyone derail you.” "Strength Does Not Lie In The Absence Of Fear, But In The Courage To Face It Head-On And Rise Above It"

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