Saturday, May 4, 2024

The Truth Will Set You Free

By Lisa Robinson - Pickering City Councillor In today's world, it often feels like questioning the narrative pushed by those in positions of power is like committing a cardinal sin. Many people are confused as they look at the truth being told it’s evil, while evil is being pushed down our throats to be looked at as truth. Many confused with this reality are afraid to speak out for fear of the repercussions of being labeled as conspiracy theorists, bigots, racists, you know the usual. It’s become very “normalized” to insult and call people names to whom you do not agree. Especially by those keyboard warriors over social media with fake accounts. Politics is no different. Whether it's city staff, politicians, developers, or consultants, there's a prevailing expectation that their version of events is beyond reproach, and anyone daring to challenge the status quo is swiftly labeled as being the problem. In my opinion, the real issue lies in the many different manipulation tactics employed by these individuals and entities. They are well-versed in the art of steering public opinion to serve their own interests, not the people’s. From meticulously crafted websites and carefully curated social media posts to surveys designed to yield predetermined outcomes, every tool in their arsenal tool kit is wielded to shape the narrative in their favour. And when faced with inconvenient truths or probing questions, they resort to tactics like half-truths or verbal diarrhea, all in an attempt to deflect attention away from the crux of the matter and make it all about you, the alleged perceived problem. It's a phenomenon reminiscent of the frog boiling method which I have written about in a previous op-ed about the gradual, imperceptible changes to the environment that lull the unsuspecting into complacency until it's too late to react. Many among us remain too busy or lazy to delve into the truth or even entertain a different perspective. It's this lack of critical thinking skills that allows authoritarian and/or dictatorial tendencies to seep into our everyday lives virtually going unnoticed. The irony is stark when we consider the tales of resistance that captivate us on the silver screen. Whether it's the dystopian worlds of "Divergent," "V for Vendetta," “Terminator” or "The Hunger Games," we readily identify with the brave souls who defy tyranny and champion freedom. Yet, when confronted with similar dynamics in reality, some choose to look the other way, their eyes firmly shut to the encroaching shadows of oppression. History has proven that when leaders exploit economic hardships, and societal grievances using propaganda to manipulate public opinion, it willlead to the rise of authoritarian regimes and the erosion of democratic principles. Mark my words, you are, this is, history in the making, and years from now they too will be wondering how did the people let this happen. But as Simon wrote, "A leader is someone who can see what everyone else can see, but can think differently." True leadership demands the courage to challenge the status quo, to question everything, and to employ critical thinking skills in the pursuit of truth and justice. It's high time we heed the lessons of our favorite fictional heroes and become the architects of our own destiny. Stop being a slave to your phones, stop relying on mainstream media, and politicians to tell you the tailored truth, and emerge yourself in research. It’s not a coincidence that what is happening here in Pickering is also happening across Canada, and other parts of the world. Stop blindly accepting the narratives handed down to us. One of the first things I was told as a Politician was “These people are not your friends.” It didn’t take me long to recognize the truth in that advice. But even more importantly, was when I realized that statement wasn’t solely for me, it was directed to all of us, the people. Don’t be afraid to speak the truth, for as the saying goes, “The truth will set you free.” "Strength Does Not Lie In The Absence Of Fear, But In The Courage To Face It Head-On And Rise Above It"

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