Saturday, May 18, 2024


TORONTO MAYOR CHOW - wants to Legalizing Hard Drugs in Toronto Premier Doug Ford - Is so Against Trudeau on Legalizing Hard Drugs Where Does the NDP Stand? Will They Back Trudeau & Mayor Chow ? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jan. 31, 2023, B.C. became the first Canadian province to legalize hard drugs Life Saver or Failure ??? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The British Columbia government pledged that legalizing hard drugs would help save lives. One year into the three-year pilot project to decriminalize possession of 2.5 grams or less of heroin, fentanyl, cocaine, methamphetamine and MDMA, B.C.’s toxic drug deaths have reached record levels with an average of seven people a day dying in 2023. (reported by the Vancouver Sun) It’s prompted B.C. United and B.C. Conservative MLAs to call for decriminalization to be scrapped, citing waning public support, frustration with rampant drug use in parks and public spaces, and an about-face from Oregon three years into their trial. “We’ve had three years of this law that has not delivered on the promise that voters thought they were getting,” Washington County district attorney Kevin Barton told CBS News. Overdose deaths in Oregon have continued to rise since 2020. However, a Hmmm ….. Where’s the Common Sense? Parents everywhere know that if a child gets ill by eating a certain food they can’t fix the illness by giving the child more of that same food. Likewise giving drugs to people who have drug problems does not cure their problem. In both these situations help is needed to teach the user how to live without the illness causing food or drugs. Hmmm … It seems our politicians have no common sense. • October 17, 2018 Justin Trudeau legalized cannabis (also known as weed, pot, mj or marijuana), he said it would save children Did it or did it just make more kids, who wouldn’t normally think of trying it, try it and get hooked on it • Now in 2024 Toronto’s Mayor Olivia Chow requests for an even broader exemption than B.C. had, that would apply even to teenagers and asks Trudeau to support her bid to Legalize hard drugs. DON’T BE PART OF THE SILENT MAJORITY THAT WAKES UP ONLY TO FIND IT’S TOO LATE. ~ AS THE SONG SAYS “CHILDREN ARE OUR FUTURE” MAKE SURE THEY HAVE ONE ~ It’s Time, Write your MP, say enough is enough. To find your MP just ask the internet, enter Find my MP, a screen will come up enter your postal code and you’ll get all the contact info for your MP. Email Mayor Olivia Chow how you feel about legalized drugs ….. STOP THE SILENCE ~ START THE CONVERSATION ~ SPEAK UP FOR WHAT IS RIGHT “OH CANADA, WE STAND ON GUARD FOR THEE”

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