Saturday, May 25, 2024


~~~ THOUGHTS & COMMENTS ~~~ By D. Lynne, Associate Columnist ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` June is a month with Many Month Long Celebrations some of which are as follows: - Seniors Month - National Indigenous History Month - Italian Heritage Month - Filipino Heritage Month - Portuguese Heritage Month - I apologize if I missed some. Unfortunately we hear little of these celebrations, they tend to be forgotten to be overshadowed byPride Month or, as it is now referred to as, Pride Season, June - Sep. WHY? Hmmm ….. the majority of people I have spoken with or heard from over this past year, have a live and let live attitude. They have nothing against the LGBTQ. However, as parents, and as grandparents, as aunts & uncles, as brothers & sisters, they do resent the lies, the promotions, the campaigns which our governments, through schools, the children’s aide societies, medical associations etc. are subjecting our young children to. Some of these topics we wrote about previously and will most likely write about again at another time. For now, the concerns fall on the way, this past year especially, Pride Flags symbols and drawings are all over classrooms, on hallway bulletin boards, on driveways & crosswalks. Why is it that everyone is promoting the Rainbow Flag? Is it for fear of being called homophobic or transphobic etc? Clothing manufacturers, & other manufacturers, and retailers do it for the money. Hmmm ….. why is there such a big push on the Rainbow Flag? Ask yourself, what’s the end goal We were taught that the Rainbow was God’s promise never to bring the floods as a judgment. Part of the Pride movement being promoted is “Drag Queens’ and the “Pride Parade”. Why does the Children’s Aide Society promote Drag Queens Story Times in libraries? Most Drag Queens appear to present themselves as females in flashy make-up and sexy clothes. Drag Queens have always been adult entertainment and now they’re being promoted as proper entertainment for children, toddlers and babies? Hmmm ….. I have to ask, what are the people thinking that promote this, what is their reasoning and why? I heard that it was said by Pickering Councillor Cook, that “Drag Queens were no different than Mrs. Doubtfire” Hmmm … she thinks that Robin Williams character being a divorced man who dressed up as a gray-haired grandmotherly type to look after his children is the same as men dressing as overly sexual females to be around minors is the same thing? The Pride Parade some think it’s great fun others find it adult entertainment, what do you think? Before you answer let me ask you a few questions? • would you walk naked around your children (toddlers to 16 yr)? • would you take your children to a nudist colony with you? • would you take your children to a female or male strip show? • would you take your children to a porn show? All of the above is considered Adult entertainment and requires a proof of age to attend so why is it okay to subject your underage minor children to the nudity, to people in sex games attire, to people dressed in fake gross genitals, etc. you might deny that this happens but the proof is in the pictures many of which were taken each year at the pride Parade by professional photographers who posted on the internet Hmmm ….. If you walk down the street nude you would get arrested for indecent exposure, so why is it okay to be nude on the streets of Toronto because you are in the Pride Parade?? PRIDE MONTH - DOES IT MAKE YOU PROUD

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