Saturday, May 4, 2024

Logic newsprint is dead not!!!

By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. - ONE DAY AT A TIME - In the newspaper industry there are three types of publishers. The incoming - the outgoing and those that have no clue what they are doing. The latter are the ones responsible for damaging the integrity of the industry. Companies like SNAP, SNAP’ed, Oshawa Life, Neighbour and the many other fly by niters. A bunch of socialite editors that have no clue on the industry and rely on brown nosing photo opt politicians, promise the world and deliver empty promises. This tarnishing the integrity of real publications of actually giving clients value for their invested dollar in advertising. The incoming think they can take the world by storm and in many cases fail to establish a solid vision for their publication. You, must have solid direction and a timeline for when to accomplish goals. At the Central we always respected those established before us and made sure we never competed. Instead we created our own market and assured customer satisfaction was our prime goal. This philosophy has made us number one today and a leader in our industry. Many incoming do not do this. Many incoming just attempt to copy the outgoing’s papers style and hope for the best. Normally these publications are free to the public. Mistake one. Normally these publications are monthly or bi-weekly as they can’t establish a solid client base. Any publication that does not charge, by it’s own admittance has no readership. This is why it has to be given for free. Many of these free publications are the first to go out of business and in Durham we have had our share of publishing failures. The outgoing publishers or publications (Metroland) are those that have been entrenched in the community they served for so long that they really do not care. Their primary goal is to maintain the status quo and use the political influence in those communities to benefit financially. The outgoing publishers are more prone to fall for fads like online publishing. It is cheap to advertise online.... Unfortunately you get what you paid for. Who is really online? Today internet has become nothing short of a public toilet. The promise of millions of viewers when in reality on any given post if your lucky you get 10 viewers. Why is this you may be asking. Well, the sea of millions is made up for a particular niche. The average person is far from that niche. The niche is made up of teams of online tech support that know how to manipulate and influence trends and fad online. For the average entity. This is way out of their budgets.... This in part is why public notices by municipalities online are failing. No one is getting their notices. The municipalities and the Region all made the same mistake. Making the assumption that all taxpayers have internet, computers and or smart phones. Road side signs don’t work. Road side signs work on the 3 second rule. If you audience does not grasp the message in 3 seconds. That billboard is a waste of time and money. Going to public building to read boards is not working out as people are busy enough to go to building to find out what is happening in their communities. Then what is the answer? Simple. People by the thousands are demanding that municipalities publish in their local newspapers, I know so because we get all the new subscribers. Local newspaper are superior to national papers as the local papers are published by a local small business doing a big job. Also local papers are time proven and trusted to be true. Online is proving to not work. Even for the debunked Metroland. Their online version is seriously failing. In print newspaper is making a huge come back. So much so that The Central is exploring taking over markets right across the GTA. Support your local small business making a huge difference in the way you stay informed. READ THE CENTRAL YOUR NUMBER ONE SOURCE FOR NEWS IN DURHAM

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