Saturday, May 18, 2024

1 billion reasons you voted wrong..

. By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. - ONE DAY AT A TIME - Oshawa has tracked $1 billion in commercial, industrial and institutional development over the past five years, with major industrial companies bringing their global operations and thousands of new jobs. This was announced at the recent Economic Outlook Breakfast presented by the city’s Economic Development Services Branch with TD Commercial Banking and the Greater Oshawa Chamber of Commerce. TD Deputy Chief Economist, Derek Burleton delivered the 20th annual economic forecast. But, still we the people of Oshawa face 8% tax hike? Maybe it is me. But someone explain this to me. The more the people is it not the more tax collected? If so, then one would think that the City of Oshawa should not have to hike taxes every year. Instead, they would at the least have a tax freeze. Maybe we should consult with the TD Deputy Chief Economist, Derek Burleton. He can possibly explain it to the Mayor and his merry men. Sure more people more resources needed to accommodate. But 5 billion!!! That is not an extra five hundred bucks. What benefit has the average taxpayer gained? More traffic, more crime. House values compromised. All this development and no planning. Who is going to pay for additional policing? Since DRPS is a regional service. But wait. The Region sits on 2 Billion surplus. Am I of such low intellect that I do not question tax hikes... Something is wrong with this picture. Can you spot Waldo? I can... and you keep electing them in. We have politicians that lack the intellectual capability to make multi million dollar decisions. So, the rely on staff. Staff that does not really give a dam other than to keep their job and every year ask for an increase. There is no explanation to the poor management of the city. The Mayor is the CEO. He should take the responsibility to improve the quality of life for all citizens. He should not depend on what staff tells him to do. He should be using staff to better the life of all citizens across Oshawa. This is why we have the homeless at a all time high. Drugs widely available downtown, prostitution run wild. Downtown business opening and closing right left and center. People, much like we require a doctor to have a medial license. Should we not require at the least 5 year business experience from either councilor Mayoral candidates. 5Billion and they dare tax increase of 8%. Shameful.

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