Saturday, May 4, 2024


By Dale Jodoin In our town and across our country, there used to be one flag that everyone knew and respected. It was our flag, the one that stood for our whole nation. It reminded us of freedom—the freedom to speak, to think, and to follow any religion. When we heard stories about our brave soldiers fighting to protect these freedoms, we would look up at our flag and feel proud. But things have changed. Now, it seems like every month there's a new flag or a new cause that we're supposed to learn about and remember. Our old flag, the one that used to fly high above everything else, doesn’t get the same attention anymore. It feels like it's just given one day to shine, while other flags and causes get a whole month or more. Our flag used to be everywhere—above schools, city halls, and public squares. But now, other flags stand tall in those places, and our flag looks lonely and forgotten. Fewer people seem to care about it. Some even protest against it or burn it, which makes those of us who remember its importance really sad. These days, everyone talks about freedom using different flags. But it seems like our old flag, the one that actually represents the freedom of our whole country, gets lost in the mix. It's like it's no longer just about our country; it's about everything else. I wish our flag could be the one that everyone looks at again with pride. I hope it doesn’t just end up forgotten in a drawer somewhere. It would be great if we could all remember what it stood for—bringing us together as one nation. I hope we can find a way to make our flag mean something special to everyone again, just like it used to.

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