Saturday, May 25, 2024


By Lisa Robinson - Pickering City Councillor This week I received this email. I am appalled at what is going on in our City. As your representative I vow to make things right and bring back dignity, respect and accountability. Please have a read: The Pickering Council Controversy: Undermining Democracy, Public Feedback, and Engaging in Bullying Introduction The City of Pickering’s council has recently been thrust into the spotlight for all the wrong reasons. Controversies surrounding the conduct of its members, including the mayor, have brought to light issues that undermine democratic principles, stifle public feedback, and foster an environment of discrimination and bullying. This article aims to unpack the detailed findings of a report that reveals the systemic problems within the council, highlighting the importance of open debate, respectful conduct, and transparent governance. The Importance of Debate in Democracy Debate is the lifeblood of democracy. It ensures that diverse viewpoints are considered and that decisions reflect the collective will of the people. Robust debate in municipal councils is essential as it allows for the thorough examination of policies, encourages transparency, and holds elected officials accountable. More importantly, it provides a platform for council members to represent their constituents’ interests effectively. In Pickering, however, this democratic ideal seems to be under threat. The council’s recent behavior shows a disturbing trend of shutting down dissenting voices and dismissing legitimate concerns, leading to a toxic and unproductive political environment. Council Conduct: A Case Study in Inappropriate Behavior Numerous reports highlight instances of bullying, inappropriate behavior, and unprofessionalism within the Pickering council. The mayor’s conduct has been particularly troubling, with instances of name-calling and derogatory remarks directed at both council members and the public. Example 1: During a council meeting, the mayor referred to Councilor Robinson’s supporters as “nut cases.” This unprofessional language not only disrespects differing viewpoints but also undermines the decorum expected of public officials. Example 2: The mayor has a history of inflammatory comments, calling individuals “Nazi supporters” and “conspiracy theorists,” both during public forums and on social media. Such behavior polarizes the community and stifles constructive dialogue. Example 3: Councilor Lisa Robinson has faced repeated interruptions and unjustified reprimands from the mayor whenever she attempts to discuss critical issues like the World Economic Forum (WEF) or smart cities, hindering her ability to represent her constituents effectively. Inappropriate Social Media Conduct The mayor’s use of social media as a platform to belittle and insult critics further exacerbates the toxic political climate in Pickering. Instance 1: On multiple occasions, the mayor has posted derogatory comments about Councilor Robinson, implying her motions were not worth considering. This public shaming undermines her credibility and deters other council members from voicing dissenting opinions. Instance 2: In response to a constituent’s criticism, the mayor told them to “go have another drink,” insinuating they were drunk. Such responses are dismissive and unprofessional, discouraging public engagement. Instance 3: Labeling critics as “conspiracy theorists” and “Nazi supporters” on social media not only dismisses their concerns but also creates a hostile environment for anyone who disagrees with the mayor’s views. Discrimination and Bullying: Targeting Councilors The treatment of Councilor Lisa Robinson exemplifies the discriminatory and bullying behavior within the council. Her motions, which aimed to promote neutrality and inclusivity, were met with unwarranted backlash and accusations of transphobia and homophobia. Motion 1: Robinson proposed a motion to prohibit the flying of non-governmental flags on city flagpoles, intending to maintain governmental neutrality. Despite not targeting any specific group, she was accused of transphobia and homophobia. Motion 2: A motion to ensure inclusive washroom policies was twisted to portray Robinson as transphobic, despite her clear intent to offer more options and inclusivity. Motion 3: Robinson’s motion to impose an age restriction on certain events, such as Pride and drag queen story time, was met with severe backlash and led to the council suspending her pay for three months, a punitive measure that disproportionately affected her as a single mother. Financial Hardship and Community Support The council’s decision to suspend Robinson’s pay left her in a precarious financial situation. Community members had to pool resources to help her cover basic expenses, underscoring the severity of the council’s punitive actions and the lack of internal support she received. Trespass Orders: Silencing Dissent The council has also used trespass orders as a tool to silence dissent and control public participation. Incident 1: A resident was issued a trespass order for refusing to stop talking during a meeting. This response was disproportionate and highlights the council’s intolerance for dissenting voices. Incident 2: A videographer was trespassed after his equipment was damaged by members of the LGBT community. Instead of addressing the perpetrators, the council targeted the videographer, silencing his efforts to document and share council proceedings. Integrity Commissioner Complaints: Bias and Selective Enforcement Over 27 reports have been filed against various council members, yet only two complaints against Councilor Robinson have been addressed. This selective enforcement raises serious questions about the Integrity Commissioner’s impartiality and effectiveness. Psychological Harassment: A Toxic Environment Psychological harassment, including exclusion, public humiliation, and gaslighting, is pervasive within the Pickering council. Example 1: Robinson’s photo was deliberately cropped out of official event pictures, marginalizing her and diminishing her presence within the council. Example 2: Public meetings and social media platforms are used to humiliate and demean Robinson, further stifling her ability to represent her constituents. Example 3: Gaslighting tactics, such as dismissing her complaints and twisting her intentions, undermine her credibility and confidence. Undermining Public Debate and Feedback The council has made several procedural changes that limit public participation and transparency. New bylaws restrict non-Pickering residents from speaking on agenda items and limit the ability of residents to introduce new topics for discussion. Exacerbating Problems: Shutting Down Debate and Bullying Instead of addressing concerns through open debate, the council has shut down dissenting voices and bullied those who speak out. This approach alienates a significant portion of the community, fostering resentment and distrust. "Strength Does Not Lie In The Absence Of Fear, But In The Courage To Face It Head-On And Rise Above It"

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