Showing posts with label Duher. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Duher. Show all posts

Saturday, January 6, 2024

Three Amigos

from Wayne & Tamara I feel rather foolish writing this letter, but I need help. I am a 67-year-old man living on social security. My wife and I divorced, but I never lost my love for her. One day we ran into each other and realized the magic is still there. I did not hesitate to go back to her. She told me, however, she was dating a widowed doctor, and because she is unable to find employment, he is giving her a weekly allowance. They see each other every Saturday evening. He takes her out to dinner, then they return to his home. They have a sexual relationship, though she doesn't love him. She feels compelled to sleep with him because of the help he gives her. I asked if she loved me. She said without question she still did. I've been back four months now, and I want her to find employment and break off this relationship. She's tried to get employment but failed. I asked, if nothing else, please give me some idea when you will end this affair. She said she couldn't do that. I asked how she could love me and do what she is doing. She couldn't reply. As I write this on Saturday evening, she is out with him for dinner and the sexual romp which follows. Wyatt Wyatt, your ex-wife has found a way of blending the world's two oldest professions, medicine and prostitution. This "affair" is her employment, and you have no power here. You can't give her a job, you are not supporting her, and you are not her husband. In addition, your emotional support may make it easier for her to do what she does. Now that you live together, you are benefiting from what she does. Perhaps circumstances led her into this. Perhaps time will change it. But the only power you have is to accept or not accept the situation. The second definition of her act is "devoting one's talents to an unworthy use." Until she believes that, things will continue as they are. Wayne & Tamara A Matter Of Degree I'm a stay-at-home dad, married with two children. Although things haven't always been great in our marriage, we've worked through them and been mostly happy. Recently a friend introduced me to online chatting. Over the past few months I've chatted with several people, male and female, and had personal chats with a few women in a flirting way. The women don't live anywhere near, and there was never a chance of this going further. I view my actions as harmless fantasy. My wife recently found out, and she feels I have been unfaithful. She is considering leaving me. The children are the only reason she hasn't. I agree it was wrong not to have told her, but I consider it harmless fun for my own enjoyment and think of it as my little white lie. I don't agree I have been unfaithful. She says we have different lines of what constitutes decency, and I have clearly crossed over hers. She is well-educated, a Christian, and a physician by trade. Henry Henry, your wife is hurt. Chatting with other women makes her feel less of a woman. She feels you are being intimate with these other women. As a medical person, she knows symptoms not dealt with only get worse. Pictures in a magazine are a fantasy, but it is not fantasy when you interact with real people. Calling what you did a white lie indicates you know it was wrong. You need to find something else to occupy your mind. We suggest using your computer to start a home-based business. You've been out of the workforce for a while and that may make it hard to find a job. Once your wife feels a nanny would cause her fewer problems, you may need a way to support yourself. Wayne & Tamara SEND LETTERS TO:

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Nothing and Nobody will erase “Christmas” from this holiday

by Maj (ret'd) CORNELIU. CHISU, CD, PMSC, FEC, CET, P. Eng. Former Member of Parliament Pickering-Scarborough East It’s Christmas time again! This year, with many of the stresses of COVID behind us, we should be able to enjoy a more convivial Christmas time, redolent of the spirit of Christmas. Unfortunately, economic hardships are on the rise, and they point to a challenging new year to come. In addition, the instability of the world today, with dangerous developments percolating, does not bode well for the future, either. However, none of this changes the importance or the meaning of Christmas, or its message of peace, love and goodwill. Christmas is Christmas, and people will find a way to celebrate it no matter what restrictions are imposed upon them. Not even The Canadian Human Rights Commission, which wields broad quasi-judicial powers, will be able to challenge the celebration of Christmas. They argued that an official day off to celebrate Christmas is 'discriminatory'. This quasi woke organization that is fully funded by the federal government, has declared that the celebration of Christmas is evidence of Canada’s “colonialist” religious intolerance. I cannot help wondering who these people are and who appointed them to wipe out our basic heritage on taxpayers’ money. This brazen attack on our history and traditions is an outrageous use of our own hard-earned tax dollars against us. “Discrimination against religious minorities in Canada is grounded in Canada’s history of colonialism,” reads a Discussion Paper on Religious Intolerance recently published by the agency. “An obvious example is statutory holidays in Canada,” it adds, noting that the Christian holidays of Christmas and Easter get days off, while non-Christians have to “request special accommodations to observe their holy days.” The essence of the paper is that Canada is replete with religious intolerance and always has been. “In order to move forward towards sustainable change, all Canadians must first acknowledge Canada’s history of religious intolerance,” it reads. It seems quite clear that in the agency’s view, we, as Canadians, need to be selective about our history and brainwashed into praising futuristic globalist values. Canada welcomes newcomers and cultures from around the world. Its reputation for stability and tolerance makes it a popular destination for those considering a fresh start in a new country. It would be nice to maintain this status in the years to come without denying our history and destroying our own heritage. Even with the growing number of immigrants in Canada, Canadians tend to observe holidays and traditions based on those of the founders of our country, who were mostly French and British settlers. These traditions are often rooted in Christian beliefs and Christmas day is arguably the most observed holiday of the year. Christmas began as, and for millions around the globe still is, a religious holiday in the Christian faith that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. For those who are not of the Christian faith, it is a time to enjoy a spirit of giving and good cheer as the community celebrates. Regardless of religious beliefs, over half of Canadians celebrate Christmas as a completely secular holiday; an occasion to spend time with friends and family. Whether religious observance is part of the day or not, there are many long-standing Christmas traditions that everyone can enjoy. That brings me once again to the need to remind people that it is Christmas time, not “Merry and Bright” season and not “Generic Happy Holiday Time.” It is Christmas, and the greeting during this season, if you want to acknowledge reality, should be “Merry Christmas”. The war on Christmas, which reached its zenith a few years ago, but continues to rage amongst those who have a self-hating compulsion against their own society and culture, has failed to erase Christmas and the beautiful greeting of “Merry Christmas.” It will continue to fail because Canadians know who they are, and understand that the Christmas season and “Merry Christmas” are part of being Canadian. A generic seasonal celebration will not now, or ever, replace that. In conclusion, current social trends, aimed at erasing historical realities and traditions, savour strongly of globalist socialist strategies and pseudo-Marxist philosophies. The bitterness some show toward the Christmas season is skewed and out of touch with the feelings of the majority of Canadians who love Christmas. Therefore, I wish you all, a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. May this be a happy, healthy and meaningful holiday season for everyone!

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Setting the Record Straight: The Importance of Expertise in Committee Selection

As a City Councillor, I must address a concerning issue that arose during our recent council meeting on Monday, December 11th. Our Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) referred to individuals volunteering on our committees, labeling them as experts. However, the truth is, sometimes decisions are made without receiving resumes, nor are we given the opportunity to meet these individuals. In my personal opinion, it is evident that many of them lack the necessary expertise and/or qualifications. We must acknowledge the gravity of this situation. Calling these individuals experts during the meeting is a great disservice to the truth and undermines the integrity of our decision-making process. During my tenure as your City Councillor, I have experienced first hand the pressure to select certain individuals based on recommendations from staff members and biased relationships of Council members. This undermines the fair and objective nature of committee selection. Transparency and accountability are fundamental principles guiding our actions as public servants and I believe we must work on establishing a more robust and unbiased process for committee selection. It is essential. We must ensure that the individuals we choose, possess the expertise and qualifications required to make informed decisions that benefit our community. The term "expert" holds significant weight, and it is imperative that we use it judiciously. An expert is someone who possesses specialized knowledge, skills, and experience in a particular field. Merely being a volunteer or having personal connections should not automatically grant someone the title of an expert. Moving forward, I would like to see Council reevaluate our committee selection process. Basing the process on merit, qualifications, and a thorough assessment of an individual's expertise in the relevant area. This will help restore the public's trust in our decision-making process and ensure that our committees are composed of individuals who can truly contribute their expertise. I urge the Mayor and my fellow City Councillors to join me in demanding a fair and transparent committee selection process. It’s time we prioritize the qualifications and expertise of potential committee members over personal biases or friendships. By doing so, we can uphold the integrity of our council and better serve the needs of our community. If not, then let’s be mindful of the importance of language and its impact on perception. By refraining from using the term “expert” loosely, then we can avoid misleading our constituents and maintain a clear understanding of the qualifications and expertise that committee members bring to the table. Let’s be accurate in our communication. "Strength Does Not Lie In The Absence Of Fear, But In The Courage To Face It Head-On And Rise Above It"


By Maurice Brenner Deputy Mayor/Regional Councillor Ward 1 Pickering Pickering is preparing its 2024 budget under the Strong Mayor’s Powers granted by the Provincial Government. Todays column will provide an inside look at how the Budget is being created and the why the Public’s input is so important. Before getting into the details, I want to make it very clear that I DO NOT SUPPORT THE GRANTING OF STRONG MAYORS POWERS as I see it as an erosion of the role of elected Councillors. That said, until the Province reverses the Legislation that granted it,( topic for another day) it is my role to do the best I can to find ways to ensure the voices of the Public are heard on all Municipal matters such as the setting of the Budget. NEW THIS YEAR This is the first year that the Pickering Budget will be prepared under the Strong Mayor's Power which is why Public input to the Mayor is so important. City Staff are currently working with the Mayor and will forward it to each member of Council the Mayor’s Budget both Capital and Operating for review. At that point I along with my colleagues will have the opportunity to challenge the Budget on a line by line basis and provide suggestions to the Mayor. These challenges however are not binding to the Mayor however it is an opportunity to try to convince the Mayor to re-consider. WHY IS COMMUNITY INPUT SO IMPORTANT Pickering is a thriving city thanks to the residents and businesses who choose to live, work, and invest here. A budget not only sets your Property Tax, but also puts in place the individual business plans of every department which translates into the services and new infrastructure you can expect for 2024. TIME LINES The commenting period closes at midnight, Thursday, January 4, 2024. Input received will be provided to the City's Director, Finance & Treasurer, and Mayor Ashe for consideration when presenting the Mayor’s 2024 Capital and Current Budgets by January 30, 2024. Councillors get the Budget at the same time the Public gets it. VIRTUAL PUBLIC INPUT Members of the Public can tune in for a virtual presentation and Q&A on the Recommended Draft 2024 Capital Budget highlights, with City of Pickering Director, Finance & Treasurer. Residents can tune in and leave their questions on the comments thread or email their questions in advance to Location: or Date/Time: Thursday, January 4, 2024 - 7 pm to 8 pm WARD 1 & 2 COMMUNITY TOWN HALL Ward 2 Councillors Linda Cook (Regional), Mara Nagy (City) along with myself are planning to host a joint Ward 1 and 2 Community Town Hall meeting Monday January 15th 7:00PM, at the Westshore Community Centre. This will be an opportunity for residents to learn more about the Capital Infrastructure being planned as part of the proposed Capital Budget as well as a dialog with residents on items that are important to them. (Watch for more details) CAPITAL BUDGET FORECAST; The Senior Staff Recommended Draft 2024 Capital Budget and 2025-2027 Capital Forecast is available for viewing online, with the option to reach the Finance Department directly through Residents can visit Let’ to view this document, get a better understanding of the cost of capital infrastructure and where property taxes go, watch a video overview of the City’s key infrastructure projects, and share budget priorities for Pickering’s future.

The rise of crime in Canada

by Maj (ret'd) CORNELIU. CHISU, CD, PMSC, FEC, CET, P. Eng. Former Member of Parliament Pickering-Scarborough East According to Statistics Canada, Canada's Crime Severity Index (CSI) increased by 4.3 percent in 2023. The violent CSI increased by 4.6 percent, and the non-violent CSI increased by 4.1 percent. These indices have been on the rise since 2014, except for a drop during the COVID-19 pandemic. In the first months of 2023, skyrocketing violent crime is the new reality in every Canadian time zone. In Saskatchewan, First Nations leaders are sounding the alarm on a “crisis” of on-reserve violence. Newfoundland and Labrador is coping with a 20 per cent increase in violent crime severity. In the Yukon Territory, politicians and RCMP officials are reporting crime that is both “more intense” and “increasing dramatically.” A new survey published recently by the Leger and the Association for Canadian Studies found that two thirds of Canadians believe violent crime is visibly worse than it was before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Of respondents, one fifth said they had feared for their safety in the last six months. One in every 20 said they had been personally assaulted. On top of this trend, according to a recent federal report, Crime groups are slowly gaining influence in government agencies. Recent information from the Toronto police says they have arrested seven people in connection with a suspected auto theft ring in which the accused were allegedly conspiring with Service Ontario employees. "As the project progressed, investigators learned that suspects were conspiring with employees at Service Ontario, who were trafficking in driving and vehicle data taken from the Ministry of Transportation database," police said in the release. Police also said that they seized about $1.5 million in proceeds of crime as part of the investigation by the service's major crime unit. The proceeds included numerous luxury vehicles and hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash. According to police, employees at Service Ontario would provide the accused with information about vehicles and drivers, including their addresses. Police alleged that the accused would then steal the vehicles. Service Ontario employees would also provide the accused with fraudulent vehicle registrations and vehicle identification numbers (VIN), police said. Investigators say the accused would place the fraudulent vehicle identification numbers on the stolen vehicles, in a process known as "re-vinning”, to appear legitimate. The fraudulent numbers were linked to the fraudulent registrations, police said. "The vehicles were then sold domestically, to unsuspecting buyers, as used vehicles, or were used to commit other crimes," a press release said. Officers executed 25 search warrants between July and October at residences, commercial garages, Service Ontario branches and vehicles. “Investigators located and recovered several stolen and re-vined vehicles in addition to equipment, tools and electronics utilized by the accused to facilitate the theft of motor vehicles. The search warrants also revealed that the number of people who had their data trafficked by the accused were in the hundreds," police said. However, this event is only the tip of the iceberg. In recent years, the weakening of the quality of public service has made it a fertile ground for various crime groups to profit. Organized crime groups are attempting to “infiltrate” government agencies and departments, a report obtained by Global News suggests. The Criminal Intelligence Service Canada (CISC) reported in 2022 that 29 organized crime groups reportedly have “influence and access” within the public sector, while at least 369 groups are believed to be trying to gain a toehold in government. The “infiltration” is primarily taking place within local and “regional” governments, the CISC suggests, and groups “may be using the benefits of this access for interprovincial or international criminal activities.” Last month, the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians (NSICOP) noted that criminal and extremist groups have attempted to join Canadian law enforcement and security agencies, and suggested some have been successful. The RCMP consider 14 organized crime groups operating in Canada to be a serious threat, the NSICOP report read, who commit a “range of serious crimes” including infiltrating “police and security agencies.” Those 14 “high-level threats” are operating in four provinces, the CISC report reveals: Ontario (6), Quebec (3), British Columbia (4) and Alberta (1). Moreover, where organized crime groups’ motivation is ultimately profit, extremist infiltration has more sinister intentions: access to training, tactics, equipment and weaponry. Despite these revelations, there seems to be little appetite, (or is it lack of interest?) on the part of the Canadian political establishment, to deal with this very dangerous trend. Instead of being tough on crime, it seems that the Canadian judicial system has become complacent. It is not rooting out the causes which are creating this rise in criminality or the intent of it, in Canadian society. The crime rise in our cities and towns is a concern that should not be ignored until it is too late. Otherwise, we will see a degradation in our quality of life that is already quite clear in our neighbor to the south. NOW is the time to act for the benefit of our citizens, so we can continue to enjoy a safe life with our families. Are the politicians listening? Make them do so.

Monday, December 4, 2023


The Hypocrisy of Elected Officials: Empty Words and Missed Opportunities In the realm of politics, it is not uncommon to witness a mismatch between rhetoric and action. It is disheartening to observe elected officials who passionately advocate for helping the homeless, feeding those in need, and prioritizing mental health and well-being, only to fall short when it comes time to vote on these critical issues. Instead, they seem more interested in allocating taxpayers' money towards extravagant artwork, leaving one feeling a sense of shame and witnessing blatant hypocrisy. The plight of the homeless, the hungry, and those struggling with mental health issues is a pressing concern that demands urgent attention. It requires lawmakers who are not only vocal about their commitment to addressing these issues but also exhibit a genuine dedication to finding tangible solutions. Yet, all too often, we see politicians who excel in delivering eloquent speeches, emphasizing the importance of these matters, only for their actions to contradict their words. Pickering’s diversion of funds towards artwork, while neglecting essential social welfare programs, is a clear example of this hypocrisy. Art has its place and value in society, but when elected officials prioritize it over initiatives that directly impact the lives of the less fortunate, it becomes a cause for concern. It begs the question: do these officials truly prioritize the needs of their constituents, or are they merely seeking to make superficial gestures for the sake of appearances? And secondly, Addressing homelessness, hunger, and mental health issues requires more than just lip service. It demands a commitment to allocating resources, implementing effective policies, and collaborating with community organizations and experts. Sadly, when elected officials fail to back their words with concrete actions, they undermine the trust and hope placed in them by the very people they are meant to serve. To overcome this hypocrisy, it is crucial for citizens to hold their elected officials accountable. We must actively engage in the political process, demand transparency, and advocate for policies that prioritize the well-being of all members of society. By electing individuals who genuinely demonstrate their commitment to these pressing issues, we can work towards building a more compassionate and equitable society. It is imperative that citizens, strive to elect representatives who align their words and actions seamlessly, rather than those who exhibit hypocrisy and shift responsibility to higher levels of government. We possess the capability to do what is morally right and allocate necessary funds at the municipal level to support those in need. This can be achieved through a simple, yet powerful act of voting. Let us seize this opportunity to elect leaders who exemplify integrity, embodying the values we hold dear, and actively work towards positive change within our communities. When we empower the people, we ignite change, and only then can we move towards a future where the needs of the vulnerable are finally prioritized over self-serving gestures.

Saturday, November 25, 2023

"Men's Health Matters: Let's Talk About It"

By Dale Jodoin In November, you might have noticed that men grow mustaches to show support for cancer awareness. This used to be a time for men to discuss what it means to survive cancer, have cancer, or face the harsh reality of being told there's no way to recover from it. However, it seems like men's health is sometimes forgotten amidst other important causes. Let's be clear; this isn't about ignoring other important health issues, including those affecting women. It's about emphasizing the importance of men's health, especially considering the world we live in today. It's tough out there—finding jobs, paying for expensive apartments, dealing with high mortgages, and often earning less than we deserve. But it's high time for men to take a moment to think about their own well-being. There are numerous organizations out there dedicated to men's health, including ones for men over 55. These places are willing to discuss what needs to be done and offer support. Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, cancer testing and surgeries have been delayed, making it even more critical to prioritize men's health. It's crucial to address another issue—the fear of finding out. Some men avoid seeking help because they're worried they won't be strong enough to face the truth. But being strong doesn't mean you can't ask for help or take a break when you're tired. It's okay to lean on others when you need it. So, let's encourage men to come together and talk about their problems. You don't have to follow a specific script or method; just have a beer, sit around a table, or play pool. The important thing is to start the conversation. It's my opinion, but I believe it's a valid one. Let's look at some statistics: men's suicide rates are alarming, and so is the cancer rate. We need to change this narrative. By talking openly about men's health, we can break down the stigma surrounding it and encourage more men to seek help when needed. In conclusion, men's health matters, and November should continue to be a time for us to reflect on it. We can make a difference by raising awareness, supporting one another, and prioritizing our well-being. It's not about ignoring other important issues; it's about ensuring that men's health isn't left behind. Let's take care of ourselves and each other because strong men are those who aren't afraid to ask for help when they need it. When a woman is seen being pushed around and hit by a man, people are more lik being ridiculed or not believed can be a significant barrier to seeking help, leading many men to suffer in silence. Addressing this stigma is crucial in creating a society where all victims of domestic violence and sexual assault, regardless of gender, feel safe and supported in seeking help. It involves changing the narrative and challenging the stereotypes that contribute to the underreporting and underrecognition of abuse against men. By acknowledging that men can be victims too and fostering an environment where their experiences are taken seriously, we can take significant steps towards providing better support and resources for all victims of domestic violence and sexual assault.

Saturday, November 18, 2023


As most of you. At the end of the day I like to sit back and unwind. Unfortunately, sitting in front of a television for a few minutes at the end of the day, just makes me wonder what has gone wrong with society. From the many wars to social unrest, not to mention the many political battles unfolding across the globe. It appears humanity is on a downward spin into self destruction. Now don’t get me wrong. There are many efforts by many people in making life great. Over all and far away from our shores. It appears we live in a fragile utopian glass world sheltered from the many global realities. Working in the community as your local ward 1 representative I come across all kinds of issues. All kind of people. People with real needs and issues. As a municipal representative I am always impartial and try to listen carefully and respectfully dispense resolve in the best manner possible, with the resources made available to me by the municipality. It appears even though you may have great intentions. Harmony, is something that is far from achievable, even though the facts are right before you and common sense should prevail. The concept of right and wrong becomes compromised by personal agenda and or tainted political opinion/thought/interests. In my term in office. I realized very quickly that it is not about me but about what is best for the constituents that elected me in. It is about bettering our community. Even though, I tend to favor the rational, logical reasonable approach towards problem solving. I am quickly learning that many of my colleagues dance to the beat of a different drum. As a politician it is easy to fall victim of lobbyist, special interest groups, developers and or political pressure from above. Others fall victim to popular thought, social norms and pressures. They fall in a spiral of attempting to pleasing everyone and serving no one. In part this is why council at times appear to be divided. Other times vindictive and united in persecution. By now everyone has heard about my sanctions for exercising my freedom of speech. Three months worth of pay cut. Is this municipal leadership. I think not... I feel persecuted and attacked by my own council. My own people. My own council. How can this be in these times. Times when we are supposed to be united and harmonized during tough economic times. I guess my economic situation does not matter. I shake my head at all that cry that we strive for ‘world peace’. World ‘PEACE’. Or is it a misprint... ‘PIECE’. This type of mentality is not only a Pickering problem. Look around and just about every municipality is suffering from the same pandemic of me, me, me. Funded by developers and special interest groups. Influenced by agenda and special interests. Hey, we are starting to sound global. Much like the wars across the planet influenced by agenda and special interest. Primarily wealth, oil cartels and not to mention the drug cartels. World Peace is much like the word LOVE. There is a lot of interpretation involved. I signed up for this job to make our community a better place. Not to be punished, ousted and persecuted by those I am to work with. We live in sad times where we must abide to the drum of agenda. To be forced to comply. Socially, politically or other and accept the fact that we are nothing short of “MODERN DAY SLAVES”. Yes, modern day slaves. A people that is forced to work for no money or little money. A people that have no real choice due to economic restrains. A people of all races that are pigeon hole to live through their daily routines without questioning authority or else. Or else, face the law, the policy, the regulation, the norms, the fellow confused agenda driven citizen. Nothing to do with historical ethnic slavery. But modern day, all races included. By definition: a person who is forced to work for and obey another and is considered to be their property; an enslaved person. Nothing to do with race. It is a system much like most corporations today. Most government. For anyone becoming offended by the word ‘slave’. First. educate yourself on the meaning. Second, look around if you are not being used to substantiate someone else's agenda. I am afraid to turn on the TV, as only the God’s know what else all this technology will bring. They talk about artificial intelligence. Another system based on stored data and the ability to recall it faster than any human brain. Could this be the new social control? Could this be the new oppressive regime that will govern all humanity. After all, think about it. Those elected are given the right by the democratic ideology to have access to information that most citizens would not even know where to look. Much like artificial intelligence. We are given predestine information and from that we are told to make choices on the selected information. Boy is this not starting to sound like the same type of oppressive regime as described above. This time prescribed by a machine. A machine that we deem intelligent to rendering to the fact that we the surrendering to the fact that we the common person are simpleton? "Strength Does Not Lie In The Absence Of Fear, But In The Courage To Face It Head-On And Rise Above It"


kEEPING YOU INFORMED By Maurice Brenner Deputy Mayor/Regional Councillor Ward 1 Pickering Many thought it was a joke when Frenchman’s Bay and abutting properties was listed for sale for $60 million dollars by the Pickering Harbour Company (PHC). Many asked, how can this be? And many were very vocal that Pickering needs to purchase it to stop development. In this weeks column I will share with you an in depth look at how we got to this point, and why I think there is little to NO risk that the Bay will end up as a floating development. In the early1800s Frenchman’s Bay was a busy port of Trade referred to as the Liverpool Port. During the reign of Queen Victoria, a Charter was granted to the Pickering Harbour Company giving them ownership of the Bay and lands along Lake Ontario on condition that they ensured the safe passage of vessels between Lake Ontario and into the Bay. It was this Charter that put into Private Ownership Pickering’s Jewel the Frenchman’s Bay. In the 1980s the then Town of Pickering attempted a Court challenge of the ownership which failed. For decades that followed, Pickering continued to work with the PHC as we began our journey to create the Frenchman’s Bay Waterfront Masterplan on the East and West Sides of the spit along with the nautical village. Flash forward to today, the PHC attempted to develop their lands into massive Highrise Towers, something neither the residents nor the City of Pickering and Council were prepared to support. The matter was referred to the Ontario Land Tribunal where it subsequently was later withdrawn by PHC. In preparing its case the City of Pickering noted that (a) a majority of PHC is situated with-in the Pickering Nuclear freeze zone which prevents the lands from being developed for any other use other than its current Marine use something that is not anticipated to change for at least another 30-50 years until the Nuclear plant is no longer operational and all radioactive materials no longer exist as well as environmental concerns and a lack of compatibility with Community character. . Add to that the Charter granted by the Crown is very specific and I believe is of National interest given its history. While Pickering Council had every desire to purchase this asset and place it in Public ownership, our offers were rejected as we were not prepared to offer what the PHC listed it for, which would have bankrupt the taxpayers. Let me be perfectly clear, that while unable to purchase the Bay, I am confident that my Council colleagues are not prepared to allow our Jewel to be destroyed regardless of who may own it. Lets continue to work together to ensure Frenchman’s Bay can be enjoyed for future generations.

Saturday, October 21, 2023

The Urgent Call to Support the Canadian Armed Forces

By Dale Jodoin In the heart of Canada, a nation celebrated for its kindness and breathtaking landscapes, an urgent matter has been quietly brewing: the treatment of the Canadian Armed Forces. Over recent years, decisions made by consecutive Canadian politicians have raised eyebrows and concerns about their dedication to the military. Canada, as a proud member of NATO, once committed to spending 2% of its GDP on defense. This wasn't just a casual promise but a solemn vow to ensure that the Canadian Armed Forces remained strong and ready for any challenge. However, in the past eight years, this commitment has seemed to waver, leaving many to question the government's priorities. Imagine being part of a team, and instead of getting the tools and support you need, you're asked to make do with less. That's how the Canadian Armed Forces might have felt when the government asked them to identify a billion dollars in cuts. For a force that's already stretched thin, this was more than just a setback; it was a blow to their morale. But the challenges didn't end there. When our soldiers were sent to Ukraine to train local forces, they faced an unexpected hurdle. They weren't given funds for their meals. These brave individuals, representing Canada on foreign soil, had to rely on the generosity of Ukrainian families or their own pockets. And even now, many are still waiting for reimbursement. It's essential to understand that this isn't just about funds. It's about respect, recognition, and gratitude. A telling moment that highlights the sentiment occurred during a town hall meeting. A veteran, representing many others, voiced concerns about the lack of support, only to hear, "You ask too much of us." This response, from a leader, was a stark reminder of the growing disconnect between the armed forces and the politicians. Many Canadians still remember the sacrifices made by the Armed Forces during their deployment in Afghanistan. The nation stood united, with the Highway of Heroes serving as a testament to the bravery and dedication of these soldiers. Canadians wore orange on Fridays, a symbol of their unwavering support. But where is that support now? As Remembrance Day nears, many will gather to honor the sacrifices of the Canadian Armed Forces. But amidst the ceremonies, a pressing question lingers: Are the politicians genuinely committed to the well-being of the armed forces? The Canadian Armed Forces are not just a group of individuals in uniforms. They are fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, and friends who have chosen to serve their country. They deserve proper housing, competitive salaries, and the best equipment. More importantly, they deserve the nation's unwavering support. In conclusion, the Canadian Armed Forces are the heart and soul of a nation that cherishes freedom and peace. It's high time for the citizens to voice their concerns, to overwhelm their politicians with demands for better treatment and support for these brave men and women. If politicians are not willing to prioritize the well-being of the armed forces, the people must remind them of their power and willingness to seek change. After all, a nation's strength is mirrored not just in its military might but in its commitment to those who stand ready to defend it.

Saturday, September 9, 2023

Ontario Greenbelt Controversy

by Maj (ret'd) CORNELIU. CHISU, CD, PMSC, FEC, CET, P. Eng. Former Member of Parliament Pickering-Scarborough East A new controversy is brewing in Ontario; this time it is regarding housing. It is due, again, to the incompetence of elected and public service officials in Ontario. It is clear that the process of removing land from the Greenbelt was amateurish and done in haste. Two independent, legislative watchdogs — in successive reports released just weeks apart from each other — found major flaws with the province's decision to remove land from the Greenbelt last December for the purpose of building housing. The Integrity Commissioner J. David Wake found that Housing Minister Steve Clark chose to "stick his head in the sand" rather than oversee the process of selecting which sites would be removed from the Greenbelt — a vast 810,000-hectare area of protected farmland, forest and wetland stretching from Niagara Falls to Peterborough meant to be permanently off-limits to development. Instead, Minister Clark left it to his chief of staff at the time, Ryan Amato, whose actions alerted some developers to a potential policy change and resulted in their private interests being improperly advanced, the integrity commissioner found. That report came just two weeks after Ontario Auditor General Bonnie Lysyk's report first revealed how a small group of well-connected developers suggested to Amato many of the sites that would ultimately be removed, providing the landowners with a potential windfall upwards of $8 billion. It is clear that the impact of the Greenbelt controversy has put pressure on the Ford government, and has ultimately resulted in the resignation of Minister Clark and a brief government reshuffle. Nevertheless, there are further ramifications that also smell of corruption. The file has been referred to the RCMP; and let us see what comes next. Indeed, the national police agency is assessing whether or not to conduct an investigation of its own into the Greenbelt land swap after receiving a referral from the Ontario Provincial Police. The Ford government is now in damage control mode. The province says it is willing to reinstate environmental protections on land removed from the Greenbelt if it believes landowners will not be able to meet the government's directive that developers show significant progress on approvals by the end of this year, with construction to begin in 2025. There was a time when Ontario premiers and cabinet ministers understood the concept of “ministerial responsibility” and acted accordingly — but that was long ago. This controversy raises a question in the Durham Region, especially in the city of Pickering, and that is: where is the MPP for Pickering Uxbridge and Minister of Finance Peter Bethlenfalvy? In this entire Greenbelt process, which has seen a significant amount of Greenbelt land located in his own riding given to developers, he has been missing in action. He has remained suspiciously silent on this entire issue, practically washing his hands of it. As a professional and senior member of the Ontario Provincial legislature, surely he should have had some input into the process. His constituents would expect nothing less. Preservation of the Greenbelt primarily refers to the preservation of prime agricultural land, but here are other controversies. No one raises the issue of the existence of many golf courses spread across this area, also taking away significant portions of prime farmland. This subject seems to be taboo, and no wonder, considering a certain elitist attitude surrounding the issue. There are environmental and community associations viscerally against development here such as the building of an airport in the Pickering area, however, they are suspiciously silent on the existence on the myriad of golf courses on the prime farmland. As the saga continues, let us see if the government will be able to strong arm its way to getting shovels in the ground and getting houses built in record time. They have three years to do so before Ontario voters get the final say at the ballot box. It is worth noting, that the entire Pickering City Council voted against developing the land in question, not for altruistic, but for practical reasons. In their estimation, it will take 10 to 25 years to build up the infrastructure that will support major development in the subject area. How well does that bode for the instant housing the Ford government is after? However, as these infrastructure concerns are not in the public consciousness, they may only need to tweak their actions to get away with it. Ford and his new housing minister may not need to cancel plans to develop small sections of the Greenbelt, or even embark on a permanent reversal. They just need to have them reviewed by a trusted, competent and non-partisan third party to ensure that decisions are made in the best interest of the people of the province. Here is hoping for the best!

Sunday, August 6, 2023


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. - ONE DAY AT A TIME - They say that a man is the king of his castle when it comes to family. That the Kings role is to supply for his courtship. Lead by example and always maintain the best interest of family. A natural understanding that has been with us since the beginning of time. Unfortunately in modern society, where men can be Queens and Queens can be men. We have become some what confused. But let’s not just blame modern norms on this one. We have to blame the church for failing to uphold moral values. Instead the church has been proven to be nothing short of a corporate entity pushing antiquated doctrine. This in contrast with science and technology. The church has failed to maintain the integrity of the family institution. So what do we have? Social chaos. No one respects no one. Everyone looking for an excuse to justify failure. Look at all the out of wed mothers. Look at all the divorce. Look at kids having kids. Look at the level of despair across society. Just this week it was announce in no other than a social media site that Justin Trudeau and his wife are separating. Wow, the social populist once again championed all that is wrong with Canada. Primarily the morality of a nation. The priorities of his personal life mirror that of the nation. How are we to trust a man that can’t even keep his home kingdom. How are we to trust that he is doing the right thing for the nation. Then again. He is following his fathers foot steps. Justin election win by many has been seen as nothing short as pay patronage by immigrants that were brought to this country during Trudeau father governance. If Justin’s last name would had been.... Smith. Would he have had the same opportunity to become Prime Minister? Many doubt it. History is repeating itself once again. Justin is following the Liberal play book by buying future votes. I was reading a report released by the Federal government stating that they project a major need for workers. That Canada has to many jobs and not enough workers. This giving justification to the opening the flood gates for people from all over the world. People that have their best interests at heart and not that of building a nation. Not only that. The jobs that the Feds claim to be so abundant are jobs that are minimum wage at best. How can the government go public with such false statement. First, those working those minimum wage jobs today. Can’t afford to live in most Canadian cities. Rents at an all time high. Property values through the roof. Food prices out of touch for many. And the feds want to bring more people. Justin, how do you go to bed at night knowing there are so many people in your country suffering. Going to bed without a home. Without proper food? But wait let’s worry about the suffering in the Ukraine. I think the priorities are confused. Politicians like to volley the responsibility by comparison to other places that are worst. The reality is simple. One get tough on drugs. Much like ‘NO’ means no. The same should apply to all illegal drugs. Including the cannabis market. We need to take back control. No more paying for a woman having 5 kids from 5 different men. No more million dollar shacks... No more rents beyond one third of anyone’s income. Stop the food giants from raking in billions from gouging prices. No, instead of fixing the problem at home. Justin, decides that the answer to a serious national problem is to bring more mouths to feed. Many that don’t speak the language and have no intention of learning it. What am I talking about. Justin fixing problems at home.... He can’t even fix his own personal family at home problems. It is not that we expect to much from someone that rode his daddy’s coat tails. It is that we the people are to blame for voting him in.

Saturday, July 15, 2023


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. - ONE DAY AT A TIME - The shocking truth of electric cars... Or at least my version. Remember the days of eight track tapes. When it first came out. The greatest thing since sliced bread. Remember when the power on hand attempted us to buy diesel fueled cars. They promised longer mileage and cheaper at the pump. All great ideas that quickly fell to the side. Today with all this save the environment crap. We the people are not only being forced to pay phantom carbon taxes but are forced to comply with all kinds of ridiculous sanction and or regulations. On the surface. Electric cars would seem to be the great Messiah in public transportation. The problem is like all that is rushed. It shows major drawbacks. The electric car run off a battery. All batteries operate on the principle that it has a shelf life. After all it works on the basis of constant expansion and contraction. Heat and drainage. The combustion engine works on similar fashion. The big difference is that the logistics of the combustion engine... has many parts that can be replaced. In the electric car. The battery goes down, depletes, dies. You are looking at replacing 50% of your car. On the average electric cars sell for 50,000. This means consumers will be facing at the least $15,000 battery replacement. Remember these new age batteries do not operate the way of the old. These batteries are normally one solid component and replacement is an undertaking. But let’s leave the battery aside for a moment. Normally, you can pull up to any gas station and within minutes you are good to go. With an electric car. It can take up to an hour to fully charge. Is this convenience? I believe that the science has not fully caught up with the electric car. Let’s look at the electric grid of some states. Many are running on full capacity. So much so that on peak usages. The utility companies ask consumer to scale back on usage. Then, what are we to do with all that purchased electric cars. Now remember. This is today. What will happen in 20 years. After the forced everyone to purchase an electric car? Personally. I believe that all electric cars should come with a lifetime battery warranty. If at any time the battery goes. You are covered. Hey... for any insurance buffs out there.... maybe I just gave you an idea for a new product to offer new electric driver purchasers. Second, I believe that more science needs to go into finding some sort of apparatus that goes over the electric charge intake... that produces through a dynamo type of device never ending energy fed directly to the batteries. This way. You would have an electric car that never runs out of power. Now that is an idea. That would make electric cars self sufficient when it came to producing energy for it’s contraptions. The other option is to develop some sort of paint that harness sun light so that as you drive your battery gets the proper energy boost to keep it always topped up. Now lets go Star Trek on this for a moment. If we could develop a device that could generate electricity and feed into the vehicles battery. We may in the future not need a battery but just a receptacle or storage unit in every vehicle that would feed the cars need. Imagine the savings on the battery per car. Now the biggest cost of the new electric cars is the battery. The world hold a bright future. The world has shown great potential in technology and it’s implication when it comes to transportation. Could we also be at the end of the automobile and finally be reaching the paramount age of 1010101 or one’s and zero’s in computing? Could it be that we one day all be digits to be coded and decoded in teleporting type of contraption? I am sure in the day. If you had told them pilgrims about cell phones, electric cars. They would have responded in a similar fashion as to my proposal of becoming truly digitalized. REMEMBER ALWAYS Hope for the Best. PREPARE FOR the worst.

Saturday, July 8, 2023

The Secret to Getting Hired: Tell Your Interviewer What They Want to Hear

By Nick Kossovan m frequently asked, "What do hiring managers want to hear?" Essentially hiring managers access candidates based on three things: 1.Are you capable of performing the duties of the position? 2.Are you interested in the type of work required by the job? 3.Do you fit their management style, team, and organization? Therefore, employers want to hear: 1.Your results 2.How you achieved your results (stories), and 3.How you work These are the basics you need to communicate at every interview, hence why having well-prepared STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) stories is crucial. Of all the job search strategies at your disposal, telling your interviewer what they want to hear is the most effective. I am not just talking about telling riveting STAR stories. I am talking about communication nuances that affect the level of engagement between you and your interviewer. Using their name. "A person's name is to him or her the sweetest and most important sound in any language." - Dale Carnegie Besides sounding "sweet," a person's most significant connection to their identity is their name. Using your interviewer's name, casually and naturally, creates a bond between you and your interviewer; hence I cannot overstate the importance of using your interviewer's name. Furthermore, by saying your interviewer's name, you create familiarity and subtly communicate that you are already part of the team. Enthusiasm Hiring managers do not hire candidates who do not appear to want the job. Enthusiasm—genuine enthusiasm—is a critical component of job search success, which you can display through the tone of your voice and your words. (It is not just what you say, it is how you say it.) Expressing your enthusiasm reassures your interviewer that you are genuinely interested in the job and not just looking for a paycheck. However, be careful not to be overly enthusiastic. Excessive enthusiasm will be taken as evidence that you cannot control your emotions and are unable to "manage stress in the moment." Hence, pay attention to another aspect of your communication, your nonverbal communication. If nonverbal communication (eye contact, posture, gestures, intensity, mannerisms) were not important, employers would not take the time to interview candidates in person. They would only select candidates by their resume and LinkedIn profile. The purpose of asking you "to come in" after your phone or Zoom interview is to assess your nonverbal communication skills; therefore, be cognizant of how you communicate non-verbally. Ask great questions. Hiring managers love great questions. You can ask cliché questions such as, "What would you want to see me accomplish in the first six months?", "What do you like about working here?", "Are there any growth opportunities?" or you can differentiate yourself by asking creative questions. Because they have been few and far between, I still remember many of the creative questions I have been asked and the candidate who asked the question. • "If you could travel back in time and give one piece of advice to the company's founders, what would it be?" This question demonstrated the candidate's curiosity about the company's history and invited me to reflect on the company's journey and what I thought of its values, and where there could be areas for improvement. • "If you could compare the current team to any group of fictional characters, who would they be and why?" I enjoyed answering this question—I thanked the candidate for asking it—because it made me pause to reflect on my team's current 'team dynamics.' My answer was M*A*S*H. Despite their dysfunctional relationships outside the operating room, the moment wounded soldiers arrived, the characters (Hawkeye, Margaret, Radar, BJ, et al.) immediately worked in unison to save the wounded. Working in unison to get the job done, despite differences in personalities, described my team perfectly. • "In my previous line of work, trust and confidentiality were paramount. How does [company name] prioritize customer confidentiality and data security, and what measures are in place to ensure the protection of customer information?" This question emphasized the candidate's understanding of the importance of trust and confidentiality. Also, it showed interest in the company's—a payment processor—approach to safeguarding customer data. • "If employees had a superpower related to their job here, what superpower would be most useful for my role?" I liked how the candidate used a creative question to gauge my expectations and what qualities and skills I value most. What impressed me more than their question was that, unlike most candidates, they used my answer, not simply acknowledged it, to discuss how their background aligned with my expectations. Ask for the job. One of the easiest ways to demonstrate you are serious about the job is to ask for it, or at the very least, tell your interviewer you are excited about the company and position. Is there a hiring manager who would not like to hear an interviewee say they want the job? Asking for a job shows interest in the position and your commitment to succeeding. Finally, and I believe I speak for all hiring managers, I want to hear the truth.

Saturday, June 24, 2023

Canadians and the access to life saving new medicine

by Maj (ret'd) CORNELIU. CHISU, CD, PMSC, FEC, CET, P. Eng. Former Member of Parliament Pickering-Scarborough East You may have noticed lately, that the federal Liberal Government is shoveling hard-earned taxpayers' dollars overseas by the billions, while at home, health situation of Canadians is grossly neglected. Canadians have access to fewer new drugs than Americans and Europeans, and consequently may endure undue suffering from ailments and disease. We also have to wait much longer for drugs that are approved and available here. This unfortunate situation is due to a complexity of factors, namely bureaucratic incompetence, and an open hostility towards new and advanced medicines, repeatedly demonstrated by various levels of governments and public agencies. Indeed, to obtain approval from Health Canada to market a new medicine, drug companies enter a similar process as in the United States (US) and the European Union (EU). However, for 215 drugs approved in both the United States and Canada between 2012/13 and 2018/19, it took 464 days (on average) longer to obtain approval in Canada than it did in the US. The delay for receiving approval in Canada compared to the European Union was 395 days (on average, for 191 drugs). It is a fact that Canada's market is relatively isolated and covers a huge area with low population density having widely-dispersed health professionals and care facilities, that pose unique marketing, delivery and distribution challenges in expense and time. However, this is not a valid excuse for federal, provincial and territorial governments to exacerbate this natural disadvantage by erecting impediments that make Canada's pharmaceutical environment less attractive. These impediments include the lack of a dedicated drug policy to incentivise manufacturers to develop drugs for rare disorders, few incentives to accelerate innovative medicines through the regulatory process, weaker intellectual property protection, and significant price evaluation hurdles. We have experienced these issues in the recent past. During the Covid-19 pandemic when we were unprepared to cope with the pressures put on the system due to a lack of professionalism on the part of the people in charge with public health and safety. It is well known that drug companies prioritize drug submissions to countries with favourable environments. These include incentives that shorten regulatory review times, strong intellectual property rights, policies and criteria put in place by public insurance providers for coverage that doesn't inhibit patient access to new medicines, and less burdensome cost-effectiveness assessment, price negotiation and price regulation processes. Canada does poorly in all these areas. Added to existing disincentives for submitting drugs for approval, the Liberal federal government made matters worse in 2017 with proposed revisions to the Patented Medicine Prices Review Board, the government's quasi-judicial tribunal tasked with preventing time-limited drug patents from being abused. The proposals caused an extraordinary degree of uncertainty among manufacturers, which resulted in even fewer new medicines submitted for approval in Canada. Between 2006 and 2014, 80 per cent of new drugs submitted for regulatory approval in the US and EU were submitted for approval in Canada. By 2020, that number dropped to 44 per cent. If the intention of the Liberal federal government is really and truly to reduce drug prices in Canada, then the government should spend more money on our own citizens instead of generously spending overseas on uncertain projects. Consequently, they should establish a healthy environment for manufacturers of medicines. Furthermore, if they are still intent on spending money on corporate welfare, maybe that should be a first priority, rather than fashionable politically correct EV batteries, for example. Again, the negative results of these actions will continue-perhaps even escalate-delays in medicines being submitted for marketing approval in Canada. When policymakers only see new medicines in terms of high prices and not the benefits they can bring to patients, our access to innovative medicines is definitively at risk. In conclusion, everyone would like the new drugs to be cheaper, but not at the expense of having pharmaceutical companies and their innovative medicines bypass Canada entirely. Several adversarial barriers to launching novel medicines already exist in this country. Canadians don't need further deterrents from their governments. Without a collaborative relationship between manufacturers and government, Canadians with unmet health-care needs will continue to suffer. Let's convince our elected officials that it is time to put the health of Canadian citizen first on the priority list. What do you think?

Saturday, June 17, 2023


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. - ONE DAY AT A TIME - With the introduction of Artificial Intelligence. Foreign call centers, customer service reps, human interaction will soon become a thing of the past. Just try calling any government office? What do you get? You are told to visit some web page. There you will be bombarded with all kinds of information that at the end of the day if you don’t understand the process.... Good luck getting anything done. Call a cable company, a utility company... Rogers, Bell... You get an automated system that is more frustrating than helpful. Only to after an hour of playing click here press this and that. You get some third world call center with an accent thicker than the IQ of he/she that answers. What is Artificial Intelligence: AI is a tool that will continue to grow to help with tasks, productivity and efficiency. We must invest early to up-skill AI learnings to reinvent new ways to bring unique value to the marketplace while becoming digitally mature. Expanding our AI navigation skillset in the early stages of development allows for humans to be a better equipped to be solution focused individuals. Artificial intelligence (AI) has been a buzzword for a while now, but there are still many who believe that it's a technology reserved for the future. However, the truth is that AI is already here and is being used in various industries. In fact, businesses that have already adopted AI are reaping the benefits. If you're thinking about leveraging AI, there's no better time than now, and I'll tell you why. 1. AI can help you increase the efficiency of your business processes. 2. AI can help you make more informed decisions. 3. AI can also improve your customer service. AI is constantly evolving. The sooner you adopt it, the better equipped you'll be to handle future developments. By leveraging AI now, you can gain a competitive advantage, which will set you apart from your peers in the future. What does this mean? Simple. Corporations will no longer need to farm out customer service. Instead when you dial in to any company. You will be subjected to the usual automated circus. Then based on the series of choices you make. You will be dealt to the particular area you are in need of. If this can’t be resolved by basic selection. An automated AI bot will answer your call as a human would. Only now you are fully interacting with a machine. This machine will not compromise, find common ground and or work within the gray scale of human reasoning. The machine will be employing policy and cut dry decisions. The human element will be so far gone. No, ability to talk to a human. Great saving for corporations and government. Major job losses and major customers dissatisfaction. The writing has been on the walls for years. Customer service costs money. Corporations have utilized all kinds of tactics in order to curve this expenditure. Look at the actual human employed in relations to calls. When calling most companies the wait can be as much as one hour... with the choice of having someone call you back if you do not want to wait. I say the future will bring the wrong kind of change. What do you think? REMEMBER ALWAYS Hope for the Best. PREPARE FOR the worst.

Canada and the money factory

by Maj (ret'd) CORNELIU. CHISU, CD, PMSC, FEC, CET, P. Eng. Former Member of Parliament Pickering-Scarborough East We are experiencing interesting times when taxpayers' money is spent recklessly by the Liberal government as never before seen in our country's history, and this spending is done without any accountability. The variety of taxes levied upon ordinary Canadians is increasing at an exponential rate at all levels of government. In case you haven't noticed, we are paying more taxes municipally, provincially and federally. And for what? The health care services are in shambles, the standard of education is at an all time low, and the infrastructure is a disaster. However, the federal, provincial and municipal governments are eager to spend on corporate welfare without thinking. It isn't their money so let's spend, spend, spend…. Just consider that by 2030, the current federal carbon taxes will cost the average Ontario family $1,820 more than they get in rebates, according to the Parliamentary Budget Officer (PBO). Starting this July, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is bringing in a second carbon tax through fuel regulations. When companies can't meet Trudeau's fuel requirements, they'll have to pay this second carbon tax. Naturally, those costs will be passed down to you, the consumer. The second carbon tax will cost the average Ontario family $495 by 2030, according to the PBO. Can your family afford to pay $2,315 for Trudeau's two carbon taxes? Never mind that right now, your federal taxes are spent by the Trudeau government in a hurry, without any consideration for you, the Canadian taxpayer. How can this be justified when we have severe problems in our country with poor people who need real assistance. Instead of considering them, the Trudeau government spends more than 12 billion dollars in foreign aid, basically to promote himself and obscure globalist driven objectives. And remember, this is only the federal government. When you take a look at how the provincial governments and municipal governments are spending their money, you'll have a very dark and depressing picture about how your hard earned taxes are spent. If only this were all. Recently the Trudeau government showered its under performing public service employees with 1.3 billion dollars. It is not new news, and certainly not fake news, that the Trudeau administration has been accused of abusing taxpayer funds ever since it took office, infuriating the average Canadian. However, the most recent information raises the stakes significantly by showing that $1.3 billion is being lavished on ineffective workers. Let's examine this costly purchase. Information received through an access-to-information request reveals how Canadian public monies have been misappropriated. Surprisingly, between 2015 and 2022, federal executives got astounding incentives totaling $1.3 billion. Taxpayers are perplexed and incensed by this enormous payment, especially in light of criticism over failures to meet performance goals. Executive-level staff received $147 million worth of incentives, with lower-level employees receiving the remaining funds. The Canadian Taxpayers Federation has received fresh records that indicate average yearly incentives for CEOs from 2015 to 2022 that range from $15,550 to $18,252. Yet, these people recently went on strike and got an unreasonably high settlement. What a wonderfully equitable world we live in! "Bonuses are for when you do a good job, they shouldn't be handed out like participation ribbons," said the federation's federal director Franco Terrazzano. "Taxpayers can't afford to bankroll big bonus cheques each and every year for highly paid government executives." The Canadian Taxpayers Federation claims that since 2015, the annual cost to taxpayers to pay for these bonuses has climbed by 46%. Examinations of departmental outcomes from across the public sector over the past four years show that, over that time, roughly a quarter of yearly performance targets weren't fulfilled, according to a study released in March and submitted by Canada's Parliamentary Budget Officer Yves Giroux. Less than half of internal performance targets are not fulfilled as a result. How can one reward incompetence with taxpayers' hard-earned capital? With a flick of his pen and a smile on his face, he decided to bestow bonuses upon the federal workforce, a move that left many in a disgruntled chase. So let us pause and question this lavish display, for it is the taxpayers' sweat that sustains the dismay. Well done Canada! However, this is something that precisely suits the persona of the Canadian Prime Minister. It is unfortunately impossible to talk about Trudeau's wasteful spending without bringing up his sky high travel expenses. It is clear that these luxuries come at a significant cost. Taxpayers can't forget Prime Minister Trudeau's Christmas holiday in Jamaica, which cost them almost $160,000. And that's not the only one. The list goes on and on. Trudeau's holiday spending adds to growing worries about how public money is being used. While most Canadians struggle to make ends meet, concerns about the prudent use of public monies are raised by the Prime Minister's exorbitant costing trips. The luxurious vacations and bonuses are a depressing reflection of taxpayers' reality. While industrious people fight to make every dollar count, the government appears to spend with a different mindset. As people see their money being wasted on dubious bills and bonuses for failed staff, Canadians' resentment is growing. The admission that $1.3 billion in bonuses was given to unproductive employees adds fuel to the fire as the Trudeau administration continues to draw criticism for squandering taxpayer funds. This, along with the Prime Minister's excessive travel expenses, presents a picture of financial irresponsibility and impending disaster for the country. The question now, is this: how long can we sustain this irresponsible attitude? It is up to you to find a solution before it is too late.

Saturday, June 10, 2023

Shame on all churches

By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. - ONE DAY AT A TIME - What are we becoming? Basic human decency is something that is slowly being erased from our conscious. I blame all faiths and all churches. Specially the Roman Catholic church. The dominant faith, that worked side by side with governments to sustain civility, law and order. To champion human basic decency. Sad, that we are becoming nothing short of animals in a modern day concrete jungle. The failure of the church... and don’t get me wrong...when i get on the Catholics... As, I use Catholics as the seed for all other faiths. I know you Protestants and others sect are screaming... How dare he include us.... Well, It is what it is. All variants of the Jesus Christ book of faith are to blame. Christianity as you want to believe... is what made the west the west. A civilized society that ruled the world. Sure they made mistakes on the way... but if you look at other religions of the world. The blatanly continue to make mistakes against humanity and never apologize in the name of their god. In modern society christianity has become nothing short of the last stop for those that have totally lost hope. Jesus, is the final stop. The Church is not about transforming the uncivilized to civilized. From shaping innocence into productive members of society. Today’s church is about keeping followers and compromising the integrity of the principles that championed decency. The family unit primarily. Tradition and culture. I am disgusted. Just recently a municipality had to introduce this despicable service. A slap in the face to all Christians. Where is the church that people can turn to? Clarington announced it is building Ontario’s first Hope’s Cradle, an anonymous infant surrender site. It will be located at Clarington Emergency and Fire Services station at 2430 Highway 2, and will be for parents to anonymously and safely surrender infants. How it will work: A parent or guardian can come to an unmonitored fire station entrance. Inside the door, they will find a bassinet to place the surrendered baby in, and an information package. The package contains a medical form for the baby’s history and an addressed prepaid envelope. The parent will also receive information about the local support available to them, how the process works, and their rights should they change their mind. Once they leave the child and close the door, it will not reopen. Firefighter will get an alert that a baby has been placed in the cradle and go to pick the infant up. Paramedics will be called to do a health evaluation of the child. Any guardian who surrenders an infant will be kept anonymous, provided the infant shows no signs of abuse. Then Durham Children’s Aid Society will be contacted to collect the infant and place it in care. On the surface...WOW. What a great idea. A place for people to drop off infants that they can’t care for. Then you give yourself a reality check. This service is a testament of the failure of the church. The failure for the church to promote and strictly enforce family values. The churches lowering of it’s standards and principles that make it OK for divorce, out of wed marriages, living together out of wed. Really, there should be no place in our modern society for ‘HOPE CRADLE’s’ That is what the church is there for. That is the purpose of community. Modern society has no standards. Everything and anything is accepted as normal. Sacrifice, commitment, honor, valor and responsibilities are nothing more than words such as love. They have meaning but no real purpose in our daily lives. REMEMBER ALWAYS Hope for the Best. PREPARE FOR the worst.

Saturday, May 27, 2023


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. - ONE DAY AT A TIME - They say not to judge a book by it’s cover. I think in this case we have to make a huge exception. This past week the news headlines read: Canada doesn’t need foreign interference inquiry, but public hearings warranted: Johnston David Johnston’s recommendation comes as part of an initial report about how the government should proceed with the allegations of foreign interference. Gee, what a surprise for Canada. No Inquiry... instead let’s have hearings that cost the tax payers dearly and at the end of the day file them for information. In my opinion Canada could not have picked a worst investigator. David Johnston for all that he may have accomplished in his life. At the point of retirement to me does not look like he could find his shoes in the morning. We are talking about the possible of some real heavy serious espionage. High tech intel gathering. What does Canada do. Hire a man that looks like he still uses dial up phones. Come on people. We are talking about some serious allegations against a nation that is supposed to be our enemy. No instead Justin appoint a Huckleberry Finn era character to decipher sophisticated computer technologies. The Chinese must be rolling and laughing.... Then again. Maybe that was Justin’s plan. Appoint someone that will fudge the investigator and instead of going after perpetrator. Call in the hearings. A bunch of grandstanders. Fooling the public to the assumption that they know what they are talking about. At the end of the day. Puff goes the magic wagon and China is given the green light to continue silently invading our country. Mark Twain had the right idea in his famous quote, “Never put off till tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow.” Justin, in his choosing of an investigator fall perfectly to that quote... Who benefited from any intervention? The Liberals, who is parading around with China’s leader. He who, assigns a stick in the mud to tell us the time of day. There was no interest nor emergency to start pointing finger at any Chinese tampering.... Yet, the signs of China’s tampering with Canadian economy are wide and spread. China’s phantom infiltration of immigrants to Canada is one that is shrouded in the deepest of government secrets. China’s ability to gather intel about the United States utilizing our networks is something that this Inspector Jacques Clouseau could not figure out. LIke really!!! What did Johnston look into? What did he investigate? Why is he so hung up on inquiry instead of presenting obvious facts that most Canadian citizens clearly see happening in their communities? The invasion has begun from many fronts. Canadians are to blind to see it. We have become to politicized to realize the danger we will soon face. I sure hope Twain was wrong... REMEMBER ALWAYS Hope for the Best. PREPARE FOR the worst.

Ageism: Does it Exist or Is It a Form of 'I'm a Victim!' Mentality?

By Nick Kossovan ]Understand the employer's side. This is the second of a 4-part series dealing with ageism while job hunting. There are two sides to every story and every issue. When it comes to hiring, there's the employer's side and the job seeker's side. " Employer's side: Find the best candidate with the least perceived risks, willing to accept the compensation package being offered. (Risk aversion is why long hiring processes and numerous vetting steps exist.) " Job seeker's side: Obtain a rewarding and satisfying job that pays well. As you can see, each party is looking out for their own interests, resulting in a contradictory situation. In John Hughes's 1985 film The Breakfast Club, Andrew Clark (played by Emilio Estevez), in the library scene, sums up the end goal I'd say most job seekers and employees have: "What would I do for a million bucks? Well, I guess I'd do as little as I had to." In recent years job seekers and employees have been creating unquantified narratives that attempt to justify doing the least amount of work-and to work on their terms-for the most money. (e.g., The current 'get paid what you're worth' movement.) I find employees today are promoting the view that employers are responsible for their well-being-they expect their employer to act as their nanny. Employee-employer relationships are rarely discussed in terms of finding a middle ground, which I believe exists, in which employees look out for their employers' interests and vice versa. Where's the brainstorming on how to form a healthy "you scratch my back, I scratch yours" employer-employee relationship? Until we reach a point of balanced co-dependency, the current, growing tug-of-war between employer and employee will continue. Often, this pulling in opposite directions results in workplaces that neither the employer nor the employee(s) is happy with. Employee-employer relationships will never be 100% equal because employers create jobs and sign the paychecks for those jobs; thus, employees are income dependent on their employer. In employee-employer relationships, this dependency gives employers more leverage. (I know, this truth hurts.) Consequently, it's in the job seeker's best interest to understand the many risks employers want to mitigate when hiring and how their biases were formed. Embracing the employer's perspective will help you succeed more efficiently in the job market. Business survival requires companies to primarily focus on creating and distributing products and/or services as profitably as possible. Profits, which are needed to survive, will always remain the ultimate objective of companies, despite their efforts to disguise the profit-seeking motive through less capitalistic language. No profits = No company. The more profits, generated with the least amount of friction (READ: headaches), the better. An employer's biggest headache is managing its employees, especially with employees' growing sense of entitlement, keeping them from focusing on profit creation. It's common knowledge that payroll is the largest expense employers face. Ironically, an employer's biggest expense is also its biggest headache. Profitability is an employer's ultimate goal, while minimizing headaches and risks. Hence, employers prefer candidates who can deliver the greatest ROI for their compensation and who'll not create "too many" headaches and risks. In my last column, I wrote that hiring is choosing, a process requiring discriminating against those not chosen. Regarding a candidate's age, a hiring manager may have many risk assumptions (READ: biases). - Older candidates: Set in their ways, overqualified (Yes, you can be overqualified, which makes you a flight risk.), won't fit with the current demographics of employees/customer base, don't possess the latest-technology skills, have health issues, expect a higher salary. - Younger candidates: Don't have a proven track record of achieving results, flight risk (Always seeking better opportunities.), lack a solid work ethic, will be demanding, have a sense of entitlement. Do the presumptions mentioned above have merit? In the eyes of the employer, yes. Human psychology explains how biases are formed: Our brains are trained by our experiences. A hiring manager may be more inclined to hire candidates over 40 if they've had several "bad experiences" hiring candidates under 40. If the hiring manager has had several bad experiences hiring candidates over 40, the reverse will probably be true. Truth bomb for all job seekers, regardless of age: Never think you're "the best," you're not. Instead, aim to be the least painful option, which is a much easier target to hit than claiming and trying to prove you're "the best." Contrary to conventional psychology, most of your biases don't come from what your parents, teachers, or friends have told you, taught you or adopting their biases. Your biases come from what you've personally experienced. By understanding how an employer's hiring experiences may negatively impact their view of your age, you can take proactive steps towards addressing how your age is irrelevant, even advantageous. How? __________________________________________________________________________ Nick Kossovan, a well-seasoned veteran of the corporate landscape, offers advice on searching for a job. You can send him your questions at