Saturday, October 2, 2021
Minimum requirements
Q Every time a holiday rolls around, I get a knot in the pit of my stomach. Once again, I’m going to be face-to-face with all my aunts, uncles, married sisters, and everyone wondering why I’m not married yet. I know I shouldn’t care what other people think, but... I’ve been living with my boyfriend for almost four years, just like any married couple, and he won’t marry me.
We share a house and have pretty good jobs. Adam mows the grass and does other husband stuff. I’ve wallpapered and decorated the house, so it looks really nice. Adam can turn a room into a pigsty in 10 minutes or less, but that doesn’t bother me. We have no real disagreements.
But he’s got my life on hold. I love him and want to start a family. Sometimes I think about leaving him, but I’ve been with him this long and keep hoping time will change his mind. I’m afraid to start all over again.
When I talked to my Dad, he said, “Why would a guy want to buy the cow when he’s been getting the milk for free?” That hurt my feelings, but maybe Dad’s right.
I just can’t let go. I want to get married. I brought it up again yesterday, and this time Adam got really mad. He said getting married would just mess things up. He says once a couple ties the knot, they start acting like old married people and turn into roommates.
I don’t think it’s that big a deal. If he loved me, he would marry me.
A Eve, I can understand your frustration. Dad’s frustrated, too. He has no way to help you.
You want to marry and start a family, and there is nothing wrong with that. But at a minimum, you need a man who wants to be your husband and is ready to be a father. You are living with a man you want to marry. He is living with a woman he doesn’t want to marry.
Neither of you has the right to impose your decision on the other. Neither of you has a right to deprive the other of what they want.
Time won’t cure what ails this relationship. Allowing more time to pass will only frustrate you and make you feel used.
Hard as it is to face, bad as it feels, each day that goes by proves to Adam this relationship can continue without marriage. Time won’t turn you into this Adam’s Eve.
Wayne & Tamara
Calling Lloyd’s of London
Q I’ve been involved with a married woman for two years. My divorce was five years ago, and Pamela’s divorce will be final in a few weeks. We are committed to each other and plan to marry this fall.
My dilemma? I’m not the jealous type, but lately I have begun to feel insanely jealous. I never felt this way about my first wife or any of the women I’ve dated.
Is this common? Will it go away after the wedding? As insurance, should we get counseling?
A Ian, It’s not jealousy you feel but fear. You’re not worried about other men’s interest in Pamela so much as her interest in other men. For the first time, you’re able to put yourself in her husband’s shoes, and it feels like a nightmare.
You want insurance from being hurt, from going through another divorce, from what she might do to you. You were talking about insurance because you think you’re going to get burned, but not even Lloyd’s of London can ensure the success of this marriage.
If you have doubts now, why do you think marriage will change things? If you go down the aisle with doubts, on the way out of church, you’ll be wondering who she is looking at. Is she smiling at him, or him, or him…?
Wayne & Tamara write:
Prediabetes Is Common, and Importantly, Reversible
W. Gifford-Jones, M.D. and Diana Gifford-Jones
Prediabetes is like an alarm clock. You can hit the snooze button and go back to sleep. Or you can use it as a signal to get up and get active.
But what exactly is prediabetes, and how do you know if you have it? The condition occurs when blood sugar levels are consistently higher than normal, but not yet to the level for diagnosis as type 2 diabetes.
High blood sugar is caused when cells can’t respond normally to insulin, a hormone made by your pancreas that acts like a key to let blood sugar into cells for use as energy. Higher and higher demands to make more insulin overwhelm the pancreas, leading to prediabetes.
A 2019 study showed that “among Canadians 20-79 years of age, 12.4% had prediabetes, and 7.5% had diabetes. Among all diabetes cases, 37.3% were undiagnosed.”
In the U.S., the Centres for Disease Control reports that “approximately 88 million American adults—more than 1 in 3—have prediabetes. Of those with prediabetes, more than 84% don’t know they have it.”
A simple blood test is all that is needed to diagnose the problem.
Knowing you have prediabetes is critically important. It provides time to get serious about preventing full-blown disease with all the complications. Prediabetes signals risk of type 2 diabetes, but also heart disease and stroke. Prevention will always be better than cure, particularly when it’s possible to reverse circumstances with lifestyle changes.
Isn’t this better than facing a lifetime on insulin and prescription drugs that bring all kinds of unhealthy side effects?
Hearing the cold truth can be helpful. As one patient reported, “I was shocked. My doctor had been warning me for a while that my blood glucose was getting higher but now I had a sense of reality about it."
Nonetheless, be wary of the doctor. There’s a tendency for doctors to default to drug prescriptions when common sense changes to lifestyle would reverse the problem.
First, cut excess sugar from the diet. That means, no more soft drinks, candy, sweets and baked goods. Look at labels to identify sugars where you might not expect them. Reduce portions at mealtimes.
Second, commit to a regular exercise program and adopt a new mindset about everyday opportunities to be active -- like and walking instead of driving and taking the stairs instead of escalators and elevators.
Third, ask family members and friends to support you. Use one of the many apps freely available to help you monitor your progress.
Despite this simple formula for reversing the onset of type 2 diabetes, the news is not good. Studies show up to 30% don’t make lifestyle changes and eventually develop type 2 diabetes.
It is a huge mistake to do nothing. Calorie reduction and exercise can decrease the risk of type 2 diabetes by 59% over a three-year period, according to one study. People report that their knees, feet, and back feel better. Anxiety levels go down. Benefits also include a decreased risk of heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, blindness, foot damage and possibly Alzheimer’s Disease.
In the final two columns of this series, we’ll share information on “glycemic control”, another term for managing your blood sugar levels within a healthy range. New natural products are available that offer a complementary approach to diet and exercise – and research shows remarkable results.
Samuel Johnson once remarked, “Nothing sharpens the wit so much as the knowledge you’re going to be hanged in the morning.” So remember, if a doctor says, “Your blood sugar is borderline for diabetes,” it’s a stark pre-disease warning. You should do something about it before it’s too late.
For comments,
Follow us on Instagram @docgiff and @diana_gifford_jones
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Present Yourself as a 'No Brainer' to Hire
By Nick Kossovan
A few jobs back, HR had scheduled four interviews, throughout my day, for a position I had open. The first interview went "okay." The second candidate, however, impressed me so much I hired him on the spot. I instructed HR to cancel the remaining two interviews.
The second candidate did something I rarely see-they presented themselves as a 'no brainer' to hire.
- Their resume was result-oriented (Not a list of opinions - "I'm a team player," "detail-oriented," "hard-working," etc.).
- They dressed as if they were already employed with my company. (In this case, a global multi-brand tour operator.)
- They clearly articulated their value.
- They told me several STAR (Situation. Task. Action. Results.) stories I could envision and relate to.
If your resume (skills and experience) impressed the employer, and after reading your LinkedIn profile to determine if you're interview-worthy, you'll be invited to an interview-the first most likely being via Zoom or Skype.
Impressing someone on paper and via your LinkedIn profile has its challenges, especially since you're competing against many other candidates just as qualified as you. However, where the rubber meets the road is when you're sitting face-to-face with the hiring manager.
Presenting yourself in a way your interviewer can envision you fitting with the company's culture and the current team, as well as gives them confidence you'll hit the ground running, will substantially increase your odds of receiving a nod of approval.
Regardless of whether you're interviewing via video, sitting in a boardroom, a coffee shop or the interviewer's office, focus on the following:
1. Your attire
2. Your body language
3. Articulating how you meet the employer's needs and will solve the problems the position exists to solve
4. Being mindful of your interviewer's time.
1. Attire.
As I've mentioned in a previous column, being deemed "a fit" supersedes your experience and qualifications. Your image is paramount in giving the impression you're "one of them."
Make sure your attire is in line with the company culture. Obviously, this will differ from company to company, as well as between industries. If you're interviewing for a position in a bank or insurance company, formal attire, even in 2021, is appropriate, such as a business suit, shirt, and tie. On the opposite end of the spectrum, casual clothing, even jeans and sneakers, can be acceptable if you're interviewing with a design studio or tech start-up. The key is to dress as if you already work for the employer.
2. Body language.
Your body language, along with your words, greatly influences the first impressions someone has about you.
If you're seated, say in the reception area, stand to greet your interviewer. Firmly shake your interviewer's hand, or each member of your interview panel, while maintaining a broad smile and steady eye contact. Say something along the lines of, "Nice to meet you, Alice." Remember your interviewer's name and use it naturally throughout your interview. Maintain eye contact during the interview. This shows your interviewer(s) you're engaged in the conversation. Speak in a clear and audible voice. Your posture can portray you as arrogant, so be conscious of the way you sit or stand. During the interview, display a natural body language with relaxed shoulders and open arms by your side.
3. Articulate how you meet the employer's needs.
This is where you solidify, you're a 'no brainer' to hire.
If you're interviewing with the person you'd be reporting to, keep this piece of human psychology in mind: A person is more likely to want to build a relationship with you if you understand their situation, problems, and goals.
Start with the job description. Now that you've landed an interview, refer to the job description, paying close attention to job qualifications and duties.
Have STAR stories ready regarding specific situations in which you used each of these skills. Try to keep your STARs short and vivid. The best STAR ever said to me: "I sold Corvettes in Las Vegas." (Yes, I hired the person.)
4. Be mindful of the time.
Always be punctual for your scheduled interview time! Being punctual is a sign of being a professional, as well as respect for the other person. Stick within the time frame your interview was scheduled for. (usually 45 minutes to 1 hour)
In 2021 employers are looking for candidates who'll mesh with their workplace culture. Showing you belong will go a long way in making yourself a 'no brainer' to hire.
Nick Kossovan, a well-seasoned veteran of the corporate landscape, offers unconventional real-world advice on searching for a job. You can send him your questions at
Saturday, September 25, 2021
By Joe Ingino
“I live a dream in a nightmare world”
In my 26 years in the publishing business I seen all kinds of publications come and go. From the Oshawa Times that served Durham for over 123 years to the many smaller attempts such as Oshawa life an attempt by a former City Councillor that was doomed to fail from the get go. No real business model. To the Courtice News, Oshawa News and The Oshawa Express. All three owned by the same people with the same fate.
Reason: No readership. NO REAL DISTRIBUTION NETWORK, Very few paid advertisers, other than City ad given as token for brown nosing City elect. No paper can survive like that. The EXPRESS blame it on COVID. That is shameful to blame their failure on Covid. Another sad example of a publishing company was the SNAP concept. The SNAP was the brain child of in my opinion true charlatans. They went from town to town hitting all the socialites. Hitting the social clubs like the Rotary and Lions. Places where has been and wonna be’s are normally found. These lost souls made the perfect sucker base to pitch something that most candidates had no real qualification. Doomed from the beginning. Offering them a magazine that would be community based. A vehicle to publish all that would normally not make it in any reputable newspaper. On the way. The SNAP group would charge these new editors a franchise fee. Editors that had no vision and no experience in direct publishing.
The glamour and empty promises suckered in many. To the tune I heard of 50 million dollars before they SNAP’D.
When SNAP’D hit the market place it was a disaster. As all these suckers that had bought into the original SNAP. Now faced the reality of having to run their own show. Many folded. As did the Oshawa outfit. Only to now resurface with an even worst publication called ‘NEIGBUR’. I received their first issue the other day. And that old saying same turd from a different cow. It is the SNAP’D repackaged. Now my question is. If it failed as the Snap’d. What makes them think it will work as the NEIGBUR? It is a matter of time before they go.
Why do they fail? The answer is very simple. A newspaper is a machine. You must have it well tuned to the needs of the community and constantly balanced between content and advertisers.
Many newspapers fail to maintain this equilibrium as they fail to realize that the key to keeping balance is highly dependent on readership.
If you have no one reading your paper. Your advertisers do not get their money worth and they won’t return. If you have to many advertisers and not enough content. You will loose your readers.
How do you the consumer determine if you are reading a reputable and recognized within the industry publication. Number one indicator. Is the publication a FREE or paid distribution.
Any publication that is FREE to the public by their own admittance have no readership. These are the publication you see littering entrance ways to banks and public places.
In this business you must constantly stay one step ahead of time. The Central in 1995 was one of the first companies in Durham that offered internet to homes. The Oshawa Durham Central made history by being the first newspaper to be publishing online. No other newspaper in the world had an online image. The Oshawa Durham Central through THE WAVE RADIO was the first commercial internet radio. Making a global mark and putting Oshawa on the tech map. The Oshawa Durham Central has given back millions in contributions to the community at large. The Central has the longest standing SHOP LOCAL campaign in the history of Oshawa. The “INGINO SHOP DOWNTOWN INITIATIVE”. The Central is not a fly by nite company like these so calls social butterflies that come and go. We are dedicated to bringing results to our advertisers. We are committed to keeping our community informed. We will not be compromised, bought, persuaded, persecuted nor pressured.
Canada's chosen way 2021
by Maj (ret'd) CORNELIU E. CHISU, CD, PMSC,
FEC, CET, P. Eng.
Former Member of Parliament
Pickering-Scarborough East
As we are winding down from a costly election, after more than 600 million spent, the result is the same as where we started on August 15.
The Liberals under the leadership of Justin Trudeau aiming to form a majority government failed in their quest. The Conservatives under the leadership of Erin O'Toole failed in their quest to gain power for the second time in a row. The NDP under the leadership of Jagmeet Singh failed in their attempt to gain more seats and become more relevant on the Canadian political scene. So in conclusion the three amigos failed in their objective but will dance together in ruling Canadian lives for more months or years to come. They have plenty of time to continue to impose their agenda.
On the other hand, the Bloc Quebecois under the leadership of Yves Francois Blanchet obtained some moderate gains in promoting the issues that matter for the Province of Quebec on the federal scene. The Green Party under the leadership of Annamie Paul, faced with internal problems, failed to improve voters' support but managed to get two seats in the House of Commons.
The Peoples Party of Canada under the leadership of Maxime Bernier gained sizable support nationwide getting more than 820.000 votes, quite tripling their previous support of 2019, but did not elect a member in the House of Commons. It is to be noted that the PPC was largely ignored by the media, being a party with very different ideas from those pushed by the main political parties. However, they have demonstrated that with 5.1% of the vote of Canadians, they cannot be ignored any more, despite attempts by a biased academia and media to try paint them as something very different from what they actually are.
It is interesting to note the ignorant and biased comments from political science professors with regard to the PPC. Living most of their academic lives in an ivory tower, they neglect or are unaware of the sentiments and feelings of most ordinary Canadians. They would do better to test their theories by running for office and then talk. It would be quite an experience for them to meet Canadians and understand their views before talking nonsense.
So we have, after a short and pandemic ridden election, progressed from real pandemic to political pandemic. Time to look forward to what is in store for the future Canadians. Not too, bright yet with the hype of Covid 19 still on the horizon and economic hardship menacing.
With the world changing drastically, rapidly drifting toward a society dominated by more government control on your own life, be prepared for a fractured society. Vaccine passports will be the first step in the government telling you what you can or cannot do, where you can and cannot go, all under the guise of protecting you.
This concept is quite interesting and reminiscent of methods used in the last century by politicians all under the pretence of protecting you and your life. Not to mention that it all ended very badly with a devastating war and the moral enslavement of millions of people that followed.
So here we go again, but this time it's happening in Canada, not somewhere else. We will be facing some real societal problems if the leading political establishment does not pay attention. They should be concentrating on what they were elected for by the people and not only their personal ambitions. This election substantially demonstrated a fractured society with no end of problems, with more problems for the ordinary life of citizens to come.
On the political scene the knives will be out, Party members judging how their leaders performed in the election, recriminations flying for not having achieved their objectives. Are there will be many waiting in the wings to challenge the leaders.
The game has already started in the Conservative Party with an unprecedented move from a National Party Councillor to start an on-line petition to oust the leader.
"Erin O'Toole has BETRAYED the principles that the Conservative Party is founded on," states the petition initiated by Bert Chen, a two-term member of the national council. "Erin O'Toole has BROKEN THE TRUST of the members of the Conservative Party. Erin O'Toole's campaign in the 2021 Federal Election FAILED in electing enough Conservative MPs to form a government. We, the undersigned, request that the National Council of the Conservative Party of Canada commence a referendum to Recall Erin O'Toole as the Leader of the Conservative Party."
There is some truth in this, as Erin O'Toole was more like a weather-vane than a leader, repeatedly changing his position on issues according to the latest public opinion polls. He listened more faithfully to public opinion polls than his party or his own election platform.
It will be interesting to see what the Liberal Party's plan is for their leader in the near future. Only time will tell. For the moment the voices are quiet because a win is a win even if it was a costly one. Embarking on leading the country, the Liberals will need to find a dancing partner. That will quite obvious be the NDP, and that will drag the Liberals even further to the left.
The official opposition, the Conservatives, will be in turmoil, trying desperately to score political points. After two consecutive losses, and having strayed so far from conservative principles, the Party starts to be fractured. Their desperate veer to the left has brought them no success.
In conclusion, it will be interesting to watch the politics evolving in this country and what the immediate future holds for Canadians. Certainly by now the new identity card, the vaccine passport, will be implemented, which will segregate you.
Be prepared for the new realities of life. Are you ready?
Hey where are we going with this!
By Rosaldo Russo
Allow me to begin this column by thanking the newspaper for allowing me the opportunity and access to the press. Not to many if any allow an average person like me to tell the world what I see and think.
My name is Rosaldo Russo. I came to this great country to make a better life for myself and my family. I thank Canada for everything it has allowed me to do.
I worked construction all my life. I know the value of hard work and honesty. I remember as a boy my father always telling me to work hard and buy land.
I remember days when I did not have enough to eat or go to work... but I did not wait for hand outs. I rounded up my pride my skill and my determination to succeed and went to work.
In those days the only benefits we received was the fact we were employed.
Before retiring I was the owner and operator of local material supply company that allowed me to retired without worry.
Now that I have time to enjoy life. I look around me and have some concern for future generations.
I see that the world is finished.
Not to sound cold. Are we doing the right thing by bringing all those Afghanastan refugees over?
Canada has their priorities all backwards. How can we bring people from another land that do not even speak English in some cases and expect them to integrate and or contribute to the Canadian way of living.
And don’t go telling me that bull of that Canada is about all the different people. Canada is about all the different people working hard to becoming Canadian.
I am Italian. I love Italy but have my true love in Canada. The land that gave me a life. A future. That gave my children the opportunity to live free and without the worry of where their next meal may come from.
I worked hard to become Canadian. I want a taste of my past I go to the Italian club. Once I step out the doors of that club I am Canadian and devoted to Canadian ways and culture.
Come on people wake up. I can’t stand watching people from other lands dressed in their cultural attire. I think that is a slap in Canadians face. It is an open act of social defiance. You are in Canada dress like the rest of us Canadians.
I love all people and strongly believe everyone has the right to opportunity. People have to make the effort. They have to put their ways, cultures on the back burner and practice them in their privacy or at a club. We need to stand together as Canadians and not as people of many nations living in Canada. What do you think?
The Other Pandemic A Challenge to News Media
W. Gifford-Jones, M.D. and Diana Gifford-Jones
Last week’s column claimed, “Wars are too important to be left to generals.” And “the type 2 diabetes pandemic is too important to be left to doctors.” We asked whether there was a difference between millions of North Americans dying quickly of COVID-19 and millions of people dying slowly of diabetes. In this week’s column, we challenge media outlets to help doctors fight this other pandemic that is having a disastrous effect on our health care system.
Consider what’s happened for 20 months now. Broadcasters in North America could hardly wait to tell us night after night about the daily number of deaths from COVID-19.
But what they have not mentioned is that 1 in 10 North Americans now have type 2 diabetes – in effect, that people are sick and many more are on soon to follow. Unfortunately, the majority are not aware of the terrible future they face as diabetes takes its toll.
We should not need to spoon feed the overwhelming mountains of data to journalists. The evidence is in plain sight to all. A visit to any supermarket quickly shows what’s happening to society. Overweight and morbidly obese shoppers are buying cheaper, easier, poor-quality food heavily marketed by powerful producers.
Obesity has been setting the stage for type 2 diabetes for decades. The blunt fact is that 65 years ago 95 percent of diabetes was due to being born with defective genes and just 5 percent to obesity and lifestyle factors. Today, what a reversal! Just 5 percent of diabetes is due to defective genes and 95 percent to obesity.
This is not an act of God. Defective genes do not proliferate so speedily. But human behaviour and faulty diets have changed over the years. Few people are getting enough exercise.
Why ask for media’s help? Doctors have been successful finding cures for diseases in the past. But this current challenge goes well beyond the capabilities of the medical profession. Despite a wealth of medical literature, hundreds of books and weight loss programs, and the tragic consequences of obesity, still the problem escalates.
Some predict that by 2050, rather than 1 in 10 people with type 2 diabetes, it will be 1 in 3! Since the cost of care is now $230 billion annually, this will trigger the most devastating economic and health wreck the world has ever witnessed.
Can it be solved? The medical profession cannot do it alone. But if the media issued an urgent alert, even a fraction of the magnitude of the COVID coverage, there might be hope.
Since COVID struck, the media has been unrelenting in hammering out news of the more than 600,000 U.S. citizens alone who have died. But according to the Centers for Disease Control in the U.S., there are 34 million diabetics in the U.S. and another 88 million have pre-diabetes. The World Heath Organization reports that diabetes is three times more deadly than COVID-19. Worldwide 463 million people have diabetes and about 4.2 million die of it every year.
Media giants in the U.S and Canada are all shooting at the wrong target. There’s a larger killer in our midst. Unlike the COVID-19 virus which will eventually fade away or be managed, type 2 diabetes will continue to creep forward, causing millions to suffer from amputations, blindness, kidney failure and other severe complications day after day, gradually killing far more and costing all of us dearly.
Will big media houses accept the challenge to cover this other pandemic? We want to know.
For comments,
Follow us on Instagram @docgiff and @diana_gifford_jones
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You Believing Hiring Should Be Fair is the Problem
By Nick Kossovan
Unless you're getting job offers, you probably perceive how employers hire to be unfair.
Every job seeker has a list of why they're the most deserving over all the other job seekers-they're:
- qualified, skilled, educated...
- beautiful, charismatic, authentic...
- a cum laude graduate.
You'd benefit greatly by changing what you tell yourself when your application to the "perfect job" doesn't get a response or you weren't hired after multiple interviews. Reframing your concept of "fairness" will prevent you from playing the most unproductive game there is: "I'm a victim!"
Accepting the following two hiring realities is key to stacking the odds of getting hired in your favour, which is really all you can control. You'll also be creating some semblance of hiring fairness for your psyche, which is a mental state that'll give you a competitive advantage.
First hiring reality: Employers own their hiring process.
Employers design their hiring process to serve their self-interest, not the job seeker's. This is why those with a sense of entitlement, when not hired, feel employers hiring processes to be unfair-their self-interest wasn't served. (The person hired serves the employer's self-interest.) On the other hand, when our self-interest is served, then we feel we've been treated fairly.
TIP: Through every step of the hiring process, clearly communicate how you can serve the employer's self-interests.
Second hiring reality: Applying online is the equivalent of playing the lottery. (You're hoping a stranger will hire you.)
I hear this all the time: "I applied to 100 jobs online and haven't heard back from one employer."
When you purchase a lottery ticket, you accept the fact lottery odds favour the ticket seller. The same principle applies to when you apply to an online job posting. This is why those who network land the plumb jobs. Those connected have access to the hidden job market, which has much less competition and thus better odds of landing a job.
Say 350 people answer an online job posting. (In today's job market, this is on the low side.) Only one person will be hired. To soothe themselves why they weren't chosen, the 349 rejected candidates will lean on an 'ism' (e.g., ageism, racism, nepotism), or my favourite; they were "overqualified." Okay, maybe 217 rejected candidates will lean on a false narrative; the other 132 will quickly move on. Your odds were 1 in 350! (0.28%) Was the hiring process unfair to the 349 applicants not selected? Would you bet on a horse with 1 to 350 odds?
Why would you expect the outcome to be fair when you choose to play a game where the odds are stacked against you? Now suppose you view rejection (READ: not winning) as altering your path but not blocking it. With such an outlook, you'll eventually realize you arrive at most of your endpoints by sheer luck. I believe luck (for the most part) can be created.
Believing you can create "job search luck" is a huge step to achieving the frame of mind you need to succeed in your job search.
Four ways (there are many more) you can create job search luck:
- Make networking a priority. Go out and meet with people who can help you in your job search.
- Have a results-oriented resume and LinkedIn profile. The majority of resumes and LinkedIn profiles are a list of opinions. For your resume and LinkedIn profile to be competitive, you need to clearly communicate how you created value for your employers, not that you just put in time.
- Be in constant professional development mode. Know what skills are in demand within your industry/field and learn them.
- Be flexible. Be open-minded to all opportunities which come on your radar, not just those that fit your wish list. You can surprise yourself by taking a less than ideal job, making the best of it, and finding you enjoy your new employment.
Of course, life being what it is, you can do all the above and more and still get rejected. Move on! Don't dwell on "Why nots." Instead, focus on creating luck throughout your job search by stacking the odds of getting a "Yes!" in your favour. Such focus will create job search luck, and you'll feel how employers hire to be a bit fairer.
Nick Kossovan, a well-seasoned veteran of the corporate landscape, offers unconventional real-world advice on searching for a job. You can send him your questions at
Friday, September 24, 2021
By Joe Ingino
“I live a dream in a nightmare world”
In this era of COVID we sure are getting a wake up call on the realities of ‘isms’. Socialism, Communism, Capitalism and so on. One by one the “Ism’s” appear to become exposed for what they are. No matter the ‘Ism’. The means to the end appears to always be the same.
The control and manipulation of the masses has been a real concern in order to maintain civility in a society.
This compounded with misinformation. The birth of the ‘ism’s’ is born.
Choice is a perception left to personal interpretation. Freedom is highly mandated by wealth/power and social stature.
National pride is the bond that unifies an ‘ism’s’ purpose and intensity. The bottom line is that no matter the “Ism’. Me and you the average person is subjected to oppression and economic control.
Under the COVID attack we the people are becoming more aware of the fact that our governments are made of people just like you and me that for circumstances have had the opportunity to be exposed to privileges reserved for those in particular social economic position within our civic society.
The bottom line is we are lead by people that in many cases have less mental, physical integrity than the average person. But to the fact that they have been elected, appointed, or otherwise. Now sit in a position of power over our futures.
In reality they know as much as you and m e. The only big difference is that they rely on the opinion of others that call them selves experts in a particular discipline.
We now have concluded and election. The question is will it make a real difference in the average life of citizens. The rule of thumb is blame the previous administration for al the reasons the new administration will increase our taxes and make as many internal changes as one can legally make in order to fill their pockets while in office.
No matter the ‘ism’. If you for a moment think it is about the people you are dead wrong. Politicians today are about power and money.
You have four years in most cases to fill your pocket in order to retire early on the government pension and live off what you skimmed off the top out of favors while in office.
You think I am kidding. Ask yourself how many former Prime Ministers after office all of a sudden have millions in the bank?
Leaving the obvious aside.
Canada and the world need to restructure politics. Personally, I believe that in Canada at the least we need to get rid of municipal government. It has stop serving the intended purpose.
I think for municipally related items. Regional governments are more than appropriate. The question is how do we elect qualified people? I say have standards.
Much like any other job. You have to have qualification and education to serve. The way we are doing it now... any show maker can run was great when we had a small population per town, city.
Today we need people that know what they are doing. We need to decide based on solid information not a collective brew of confusion. Why do you think we have such an issue with COVID. They all think they know but in reality they do not. DOES THE VACCINE WORK OR DOES IT NOT... IF IT DOES THEN WHY DO WE NEED BOOSTERS. WHY DO PEOPLE STILL GET SICK AND END UP IN HOSPITAL. The answer is simple. Those representing us and those that call themselves experts do not know. Why? Because we are treating this as a simple virus and not as a designed weapon of mass destruction.
Thursday, September 16, 2021
A King for the People
by Alex King
I submit, for the peoples' ire and amusement, my unabashed take on Governor Jim Justice's Ascend, WV program. In case you haven't heard, that program will use our tax dollars to pay remote workers from other states to relocate here. By offering $12,000 dollars distributed over a period of two years, the goal is to get those who already work from home in other states to instead call West Virginia home. That's $12,000 dollars per relocated family unit, I assume, and those bribes will add up quickly.
This action is very similar to Justice's vaccine lottery, in which countless amounts of our freshly printed tax dollars were spent bribing people to take a medical procedure they may not have otherwise taken. Millions were spent on prizes and incentives, all while many West Virginians were just beginning to feel the harmful financial burdens caused by shutdowns across the country and world.
To underline the clear contempt Comrade Justice has for those who already live here, the transplants he's baiting to our neck of the woods already have jobs. It's not as if they'll be inquiring about all the HELP WANTED signs we're beginning to see in storefront windows.
While I see the need to do something about the decline of population in West Virginia, I find it thoroughly laughable that we are not addressing the core problem of why people are leaving the state in the first place. So rather than pumping our tax dollars into a silly little program like Ascend, WV-a bureaucratic gimmick that could arguably become a sly tactic for gerrymandering-perhaps we should explore some better ideas for the wellbeing of West Virginians.
There are many ways in which our state could invest that funding to improve the lives of the people already here. In fact, using that funding to revitalize our smaller communities would in turn accomplish the same goals of keeping people here while drawing new people to the state. It would not be difficult to distribute those tax dollars back to county and municipal governments for several necessary infrastructure projects that may increase the appeal of living in West Virginia. Perhaps he could also invest that money in a lucrative way, then use the proceeds to offset and lower our tax rates.
Justice, however, has chosen to back a lazy and unethical strategy… one that merely conflates the population of our state, as if the number of people living here is the only determination of success. The sheer political abuse behind Ascend, WV should be called immediately into question by both branches of our legislature, and by officials at many levels, regardless of party affiliation. They should ask themselves for whom those newest West Virginia residents coaxed into living here will be most likely to vote. That's assuming there is a combined enough set among West Virginia officials to stand up against Boss Hogg's most recent abuses.
The approach of our theatrically simple governor is to throw monetary incentives at an upper echelon that likely has the means already to build or buy homes in several potential states. He is all the while disregarding the little communities occupied by the working class that generated those tax incentives in the first place.
If Justice feels it is so awful living in West Virginia that he must bribe people to call our state home, then why does he not use the funding allocated to Ascend, WV to fix the problems driving people out of our state in the first place?
Oh, here's another idea…instead of offering out-of-staters money to move here, he could just ask them to do it for his ugly dog. That argument seemed to work with the vaccine.
Then again, I am asking for accountability from a state government that recently approved tens of millions in funding for "woke" private colleges. And from what I've read, some college officials had the nerve to express how upset they were with how little funding they received this go-around. Meanwhile, I'm still scratching my head as to why we finance those indoctrination centers at all.
Can the state return our tax dollars to local governments to deal with decaying buildings and rundown neighborhoods? Sure it can. Can the state allocate more of that funding toward necessary economic infrastructure rather than making us bear the brunt through continuously increasing fees? Sure it can. Can it spend that funding to make it appear effective while secretly benefiting the friends and family members of those in state? Sure it can.
1: Justice could seek to distribute funding to county commissions, who can then divide that funding among small towns for the purpose of buying and destroying unsalvageable structures. I'm not normally one who believes that governments should make it a priority to be in the real estate game. However, if handled correctly by local officials, there will be a multitude of benefits.
Properties can be cleared and then sold to break even and maybe even make a profit for the municipality. Those who purchase the properties from the towns and build there will likely pay a building permit fee, funds which can be allocated to further community cleanup efforts. Nicer communities without visible decay around every corner will ultimately keep people here and attract new residents as well.
2: Justice could push for stronger protections against eminent domain. Neither the government, nor a corporation operating under government authority, should have the ability to decide at which price they can seize a tax-paying citizen's private property. There must be mutual consent and a financial agreement on both sides. (Whether or not tax delinquency is itself a form of eminent domain is a debate in which I would be happy to entertain.) Having stronger property rights may draw freedom-loving citizens and industries to the state of West Virginia.
3: Justice could advocate for the West Virginia Ethics Commission (WVEC) to place a larger focus on investigating corruption in our smaller community governments. As it stands, if a citizen believes a government official or employee has violated the West Virginia Ethics Code, he or she may submit a complaint with the commission regarding that official's actions.
If that state agency decides after an investigation that an official has violated the code, the official may be required to step down and pay a fine, along with other potential stipulations. That all sounds aboveboard. Except… it's not. The WVEC will only release its findings about an ethics complaint if they determine that the public official is guilty.
Why is that a bad thing? That's because it should not be up to the West Virginia Ethics Commission to be the sole arbiter in deciding what behavior is acceptable to our local communities. All findings, whether determined "ethical" or "unethical" by the agency's board, should be permitted to any members of the public who ask. While the enforcement of state law is necessary, it should ultimately be up to the voters of a local community to assess the findings of that agency and make their own determinations at the ballot box. We're paying for the salaries of that state agency's employees, after all, so should we not be entitled to review the work they have done?
This suggestion may sound arbitrary, but I personally know of people who have moved as the result of government corruption that is never handled. They did not want to live in fear that government officials would utilize their authority to grind axes with them. Countless others remain in yet are afraid to speak up at risk of being targeted. It's a problem, one that could be better solved with the type of transparency I'm suggesting.
4: Justice could stop his carrot-and-stick strategy of showering us with gifts one day and then threatening us with mandates the next. More people than he suspects see through it. Sadly, most Republicans in West Virginia who admire Governors Noem (SD) and DeSantis (FL) for their bravery against tyranny are afraid to call out our utmost state despot for his blatant shilling for Big Pharma and WVU Hospitals.
Seriously, it's gotten creepy. How many of his residents did those pharmaceutical companies already murder through the highly profitable opioid epidemic? How many WVU doctors likely acted as kickback accomplices by overprescribing those medicines in the first place?
And despite all of that, our governor is telling us that we should utterly trust those profiteers of tragedy and inject ourselves with their latest concoctions. Or maybe he thinks we should forget reason altogether and simply take the jab in the name of his ugly little dog.
4: Justice can legalize it, already. Considering the amount of THC and hemp-derived alternatives flying off the shelves at our local gas stations, a few things have become clear. Firstly, the populous of the area is not upset enough by the sale of such items to ban their sales; secondly, there are likely a lot more closet smokers in West Virginia than anyone would have previously anticipated.
When our so-called vice president admits to toking it up even though she previously facilitated many, many imprisonments on marijuana charges, we should all begin to question the eerie prohibition that has gone on for too long.
I have a feeling we would see a gracious uptick in population.
Oh, here's another idea. He can tell people to move here for his ugly dog.
That argument seems to work on some people.
Friday, September 10, 2021
By Joe Ingino
“I live a dream in a nightmare world”
I think Curly, Larry and Moe could have done a better job at the latest Federal Canadian debate. Thank God they only host 2 or else no one would vote. What a Canadian shame. I could not help but to feel disgusted that these are our choices. It is as if we do not have a choice. Justin, zigging and zagging. Ducking and jumping through the issues. You can tell he is full throttle doing the best he can do with his limited understanding of politics. You can almost feel the strings as they are being pulled by the party master minds.
Erin O’Toole attempting to smile his way through it. Tossing pie in the sky answers. Doing the usual say this do that politics. You could almost hear him clicking his heels ‘One of the most famous lines from The Wizard of Oz is "Click your heels together three times and say 'There's no place like home' and you'll be there."
Yes you ruby slippered politician... NO PLACE LIKE BACK HOME IN DURHAM... As he will do anything to move to Oshawa. During the debate he filled his mouth on how much he will be doing for Canadian businesses... yet he fails to give business to his local businesses.
He is all that the conservatives are supposed to be against. We do not need another opportunist in office.
Then we have NDP leader Jagmeet Singh. He attempted to attack anyone and everyone. He surely had it out for Trudeau. Unfortunately his attacks at times seem to resemble that of a de-railed train. Great power and presentation. But kept being derailed on the delivery of his resolutions. If we are one nation. Should we all not be doing all we can to be one people. Personally his wearing of the turban is an open defiance of unification. His individuality, his religion is no place in Canadian politics. His reluctance to recognize something as basic as that. Makes me wonder about his true alliances to Canada. Green Party leader Annamie Paul only mission was to show her bias and prejudice towards the Quebecois. Annamie was rude and off topic. In order to unite a nation you must keep under control your personal bias and prejudice towards a people a culture that is one of the founding Canadian institutions.
Then comes Quebecois leader Yves-Froncois Blanchet. I have a question for Quebecers... Do you not have anyone you can elect that does not look like he has a chip on his shoulder and just finished drinking at 1am? Man this guy as hard as he tried he looked like he was way out of his league. He make a better Soprano character then a party leader.... The highlight of the evening I think was when they asked about RECONCILIATION. Personally I think that was an unfair question and a loaded question. As obvious all the candidates failed to recognize the loaded question and jumped on the tear jerking wave and attempted to care. I say that the question was loaded because. First and foremost. We are one people. Canadians. The indigineous people are by division attempting to gain special recognition. This in my eyes is wrong. The problem of the native Canadians is not a problem of the native or isolated. It is a problem we share as a nation. The recent finding of bodies at schools. Is not a us against them problem. It is a Canadian problem. A problem that is not to point at the Federal government and shame. But one of acknowledgment that we as Canadians allowed this to happen. We as Canadians should not be apologizing. It was a dark event in Canadian history as many others that we will never fix with shame and blame. But instead by learning from our mistakes so that they will never happen again. We not need to devide a nation but to build is as one people for the people. A peoples problem is a Canadian problem. Let’s stop dividing Canada by labeling and demanding special rights based on perceived false entitlement rooted on historical bashing of events that benefit the agendas cause.
Canada's election 2021
Canada's election 2021
by Maj (ret'd) CORNELIU E. CHISU, CD, PMSC,
FEC, CET, P. Eng.
Former Member of Parliament .
Pickering-Scarborough East
In the middle of the election campaign Canadians are thinking about electing a party to form the government which will best serve their interest. It is a strange election in a lingering pandemic with many unknowns for the future.
The party leaders are desperately trying to emphasize why their party should win the election. The incumbent liberals are trying to convince the electorate that they have done the best for Canadians in the challenging times of the Covid-19 pandemic and for that they would deserve to be left to govern.
The conservatives are trying hard to convince the people that they are the best to deserve to govern, pointing out that they would be better at handling the post pandemic recovery. In their quest to achieve power they are trying new tricks; even abandoning some basic conservative principles. They are acting like a real weather-vane on public policy, with their leader saying one thing one day and the exact opposite the next, as public opinion shifts according to the polls.
The liberals and the conservatives, traditionally the alternate ruling parties in Canadian history, are becoming prisoners of their own rusty ways. They are trying to lead an ever changing country without sensing the need to really work for the people, rather than this eternal quest for power at any cost, just for personal satisfaction.
The NDP on the other hand, has the old socialist agenda anchored in a fantasy world with no real interest in the wellbeing of the people. They continue to preach only that the rich need to be taxed out of their businesses, which would put many people out of jobs. They have a very contorted idea of how the Canadian society should run. They are eternally calling for handouts of monetary resources that they do not have and hard working taxpayers should provide.
There is a strange and daunting world ahead of us Canadians with these elitist parties, who seem completely detached from the reality of life for ordinary Canadians, seeking power.
They have campaign platforms full of spending more money that they do not have, making promises of a paradise to come with no real foundation. They make phantasmagoric promises in their quest to buy votes to gain power.
A subservient media with opinion articles written by journalist in support of these elitist parties give the public a distorted reality. They generally ignore and dismiss new ideas and continue to sing to the tune of the party they support.
The time has come for real change with new political forces slowly awakening in support of ordinary Canadians. We need to strive for unity in this country rather than disbanding it. We have a great country. Let's keep it like that and continue to build it as our forefathers did.
At this point, the only party really looking out for Canadians, for our individual freedom, which is under threat as enshrined in our Constitution, is the Peoples Party of Canada. Grossly ignored by the main official media, and marginalized as much as possible, is the only new party which does not make empty promises to people and is not there only to buy votes with taxpayers' money.
As we near the conclusion of this strange and pandemic election we will need to see if the Canadian electorate is ready for a radical change. Otherwise the new old will prevail.
If we take a close look at the liberal, conservative and NDP campaign platforms we find many similarities. The liberals and NDP are making the usual, eternal promises to which we are generally accustomed. The conservatives are a surprise with their definite shift to the left in their quest to acquire votes at all cost.
The Conservatives' spending plan pitches an eye-watering set of deficits: A slightly-inflated $168 billion this year, $57 billion next year, $44 billion the year after, $26 billion the year after that, and $25 billion up to 2026.
Interestingly enough the leader of the conservatives, O'Toole, doesn't seem terribly afraid of spending more. His platform costing does suggest that the budget will balance itself, thanks to a growing economy, so long as he can get spending under control in the long-term. The budget balancing itself is not new on the Canadian political scene, but it is a quite new concept for the conservatives. Some people will ask then, what is the difference between the liberals and conservatives.
With that said, let's hope that the last few days till the election date of 20th of September will bring some new excitement that will result in a Great Canadian Awakening.
There will be some exciting days ahead and hope that people will be able to vote for what they believe in.
Remember. With your vote, you will elect the government which you deserve!
Consider your vote, make an informed decision, but do please vote!
It’s Dangerous to Ignore Vitamin K2
W. Gifford-Jones, M.D. and Diana Gifford-Jones
Some vitamins don’t get the attention they deserve. Ask anyone about vitamin K2 and few people can give an answer. In Vitamin K2: The Missing Nutrient for Heart and Bone Health, Dr. Dennis Goodman says ignoring vitamin K2 can be dangerous. So here are some important points to help you understand why K2 needs more attention.
In 1929, Dr. Hendrik Dam, a Danish scientist, discovered vitamin K. Now we know there are two types of K: K1 and K2. Most people get sufficient amounts of K1 by eating leafy green vegetables, rich in this vitamin. If you’re cut, K1 plays a role in blood clotting.
K2 supports bone density. Bones, although solid structures, are not inert. Rather, they are constantly changing. Cells called osteoblasts build up bone, while other cells, osteoclasts, are breaking it down. Until around 30 years of age, osteoblasts win. But then osteoclasts take over in mid-life and we begin to lose one percent of bone mass each year.
There is a good solution. Bone must be built up early in life to ensure that it does not become like Swiss cheese later on, a condition called osteoporosis. These bones can snap like a dry twig, resulting in broken hips, which may mean ending life in a wheelchair or death.
Vitamin K2 serves the important role of helping direct calcium into bone where it belongs. A Japanese study showed that vitamin K2 decreases the risk of spinal fractures by 60 percent and hip fractures by 80 percent.
A combination of calcium and K2 is like building up money in the bank early in life. Later on, there will be enough calcium for some of it to be withdrawn from bones without causing a fracture.
K2 also supports cardiovascular health. If you have been reading this column for years, you know the benefits of vitamin C in decreasing the risk of coronary attack. But vitamin K2 also plays a role in fighting cardiovascular disease.
We all need calcium for strong bones. But too much calcium can be deposited into coronary and other arteries if there is a deficiency of vitamin K2. For instance, calcium can be deposited into the aorta, the largest artery in the body, that carries blood to all our organs. Calcium deposits in this location weaken the wall of the aorta increasing the risk of rupture and sudden death.
A Dutch study of 4,600 men aged 53 and older showed that a high intake of vitamin K2 decreased the risk of aorta calcification by 52 percent. Another study reported that K2 decreased the risk of coronary attack by 41 percent. In a study of 16,057 women, those on high doses of vitamin K2 lived 9 percent longer.
K2 can help with other health problems too. K2 acts like a traffic cop. It helps direct calcium traffic into tooth enamel decreasing the risk of dental decay. Some researchers report that K2 increases insulin sensitivity making it more effective in the fight against Type 2 diabetes.
There is no easy test to measure K2 levels. But if suffering from osteoporosis, heart disease or diabetes, you are most likely deficient in vitamin K2. Statin drugs to lower blood cholesterol inhibit K2 synthesis.
People who are taking blood thinners should not take vitamin K as it decreases the effectiveness of these drugs.
Vitamin K2 is an especially important partner to vitamin D, which controls the absorption of calcium. Various brands of K2, including in combination with D, are available, so check with a health food store and your doctor for guidance.
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As a Job Seeker Look for Your Tribe
By Nick Kossovan
If you're having a tough time with your job search, I guarantee it's because you're trying to fit yourself into companies where you don't belong.
The advice I give most often to jobseekers: "Search for your tribe!"
Years ago, my wife was working for a printing company. A colleague was describing a party he had attended during the weekend. The people in attendance didn't feel right, thus he didn't stay long. He then said, "I always go where I'm celebrated, not merely tolerated." What a great mindset to have!
I believe much of our mental anguish, frustrations, unhappiness, and failures stem from trying to "fit in."
We're desperate to hear:
-"We want you."
-"Please join us."
-"We like you."
-"You're who we need."
- "We love you." (the ultimate heart-tugger)
Seeking employers who'll most likely accept you, where you'll feel you belong, will expedite your job search; you may even hear the above-mentioned words.
Making finding where you belong a priority is the best compass a job seeker can use. Don't look for a job. Instead, look for where you'll be accepted. Think: "I'm not looking for a job; I'm looking for my tribe!"
Envision you're joining a group that makes you feel you're one of them (e.g., community theatre, professional organization, church, car club, soccer team). Being part of a group of people who share your values and interests, who welcome you into their circle, who when they say "we" mean you also is a good feeling.
Joining a company is the equivalent of joining a group.
Work takes up a significant chunk of your time. It makes sense to ensure your workplace embraces your individualism, age, gender, values, and beliefs-that it's a place where you can be yourself rather than always trying to belong.
From personal experience, the extra mental load of trying to "fit in" created stressors resulting in anxiousness when arriving at work, coming home frustrated and angry, and having trouble sleeping. Sound familiar? It wasn't the job, but the atmosphere and conditions I was trying to mold myself into that were causing these mental torments. During my working hours, my internal dialogue revolved around trying to convince myself that my experience was typical of all employees. After all, I wasn't at work to have fun-I was there to work.
Eventually, I started to realize my approach wasn't working for me. So, I asked myself: What do I want to be accepted for? (age, gender, affiliations, values, beliefs, skills). Answering this question required soul searching.
If you're more comfortable working for a female boss, so be it. If you want to be surrounded by Millennials because you feed off their energy, so be it. Who has the right to judge you if you get along better with people who are politically conservative? Are you more at ease dealing with people of your cultural background-who isn't?
The difference between feeling like you're the only freak show at the circus versus feeling like you're sitting right at the heartbeat of where you're meant to be is the people you surround yourself with.
There's an enormous benefit that comes with searching for workplaces where you won't need to constantly spend your energy trying to fit in; you're job-hunting with a purpose beyond simply trying to secure a steady paycheck.
Being a fit is at the core of every hiring process. When you get to the formal interview stage, it's because you have the qualifications to do the job; otherwise, you wouldn't be interviewed. The hiring manager is interviewing you to gauge if you'll be a fit. Since being a fit, is a 2-way street, use the discussion to gauge if you're a fit. At the end of the day, only you know you and what works for you.
Finding your tribe boils down to being honest with yourself about the kind of people, conversations, connections, and social interactions that feed your soul and, therefore, where you'll do your best work.
On a parting note, not being a fit, either early in your employment or down the road, is the number one reason employees are fired. Don't underestimate the correlation between being a fit and your employment longevity.
Nick Kossovan, a well-seasoned veteran of the corporate landscape, offers unconventional real-world advice on searching for a job. You can send him your questions at
Oshawa, ON, Canada
Saturday, September 4, 2021
By Joe Ingino
“I live a dream in a nightmare world”
The other day I cam across this very interesting news item:
U.S. helps bring refugees to Canada, but 1,250 Canadians remain in Afghanistan. Canada evacuated roughly 3,700 people from Afghanistan during its efforts and expanded its humanitarian program to welcome 20,000 refugees.
How do you like them apples. The Americans pull out and we get dumped on. To boot 1,250 Canadians remain in Afghanistan.
Who is going to get them? Canada equivalent of the Seal team? Canada Walrus force 12? OK stop laughing....
I am so disgusted by what Biden has done that I can’t even put in words. If it was that important for the U.S to be out by a particular date. Would it not have made sense to get their people out while the U.S. had the troops in control and power? No instead they pull back and Taliban go to town killing anyone that even looks at them wrong. But wait we don’t see that being reported in the news. What Biden should have done is said. We the world are not going to take it and send back in the troops. Use the same rule of thumb the Taliban used to take over a country in 10 days. You have a gun. The American’s shoot first ask questions later. This pull out was so messed up that no one in the military had the thought of destroying the 80 billion worth of equipment before leaving? Personally I think someone within the military ranks made 40 billion easy. How can you justify leaving so much equipment behind? We do not need excuses we need resolve.
What will become of the 1,250 Canadians left behind? What will happen to all the American supporters left behind?
The answer is obvious. They will all be killed. Some may make it out.
I like for Trudeau to explain this out in public. What our magnificent leader/negotiator is going to sit down with the Taliban and have a talk. Hell Trudeau surely can’t threaten... as the Taliban just come off a win against the world military super power. If Trudeau is not nice.. the taliban may threaten him with invading Canada by sending over more refugees (wink, wink). All Trudeau can do is click his heels and wish it was not Kanasas. How is it that the American government can’t be held responsible? The worst is if the Americans actually decide to go back in. They will not find a soul that would help, as the people of Afghanistan have lost all confidence. In Canada what are we doing bringing in 5,000 refugees? Our own people are wondering our streets homeless and without food and we bring in 5,000 that in most cases do not even speak the language? How are we to know that these so called refugees are not Taliban. As it stands we should think that they are all Taliban as how else do you explain for the country to fall so quick. Come on Trudeau. You have it in the bag. This only impacts your chances of winning the federal election, unless Trudeau is giving the refugees voting rights right off the mark. I walk downtown Oshawa and the poverty is overwhelming. No matter the time of the day and there are 100’s of people wondering our city without a home or food. I think that this election is nothing short of a sham. Trudeau continues to miss the mark when it comes to Canada first on anything. If O’toole was to win. We would be set back as O'toole would grand stand on the waste of the previous government only to find a way to tax the average citizen to pay for it. Nothing would be accomplished and the changes in policy would mean little or nothing to the average Canadian. Now if the NDP for some miraculous reason won. God help us. The policy changes would be so radical that it would have us begging for Trudeau to come back. So who is left. The PPC. They have as much of a chance of getting in as the Bloc. 1,250 Canadians need us. Not 5,000 refugees. Why then did we get the refugees? Why are we allowing the Taliban to sliently invade our society, culture, country disguised as refugees?
Comrade Ford
and the New deal for Ontario
by Maj (ret'd) CORNELIU E. CHISU, CD, PMSC,
FEC, CET, P. Eng.
Former Member of Parliament
Pickering-Scarborough East
By now it is well known that the weather vane syndrome is working more efficiently that the Covid-19 pandemic, as the so called conservatives waver in the wind, conservative in name only, far to the left of conservative in their actions.
Premier Ford's recent announcement of the vaccine passport is a striking example of just that. At first he was fiercely opposed to the idea of vaccine passports, yet now he is fully endorsing them. What a turn around in a few months and again, hiding behind questionable scientific advice. Never mind. It is all about controlling you, the humble Canadian. Controlling what you do, where you go, who you associate with, maybe even extending to where you sleep, in the not too distant future.
All of this is for retaining power at all costs; there is definitely no thought for your children's and grandchildren's future. The mask is off for now.
Soon Ontario residents will have to show proof they've been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 even to dine indoors at restaurants or go to gyms and theatres - but not necessarily to enter retail locations - the province announced Wednesday.
The "enhanced COVID-19 vaccine certificate" system, as the Ontario government is calling it, will come into effect on Sept. 22, interestingly enough, after few days of the conclusion of the federal election.
Premier Doug Ford said the new system came from "in-depth conversations" with experts based on "evidence and best advice."
"We need to protect our hospitals; we need to avoid lockdowns at all costs. We want our kids in schools, and our businesses to stay open," he said.
If you notice, he speaks first of protecting the hospitals and not of protecting you. Lockdowns work in favor of large companies, but against small business. He has already used lockdowns to put many small businesses out of business. He is silent, however, on large companies.
At first, fully vaccinated Ontarians will need their current vaccination receipt with a valid photo identification to enter premises covered under the new system.
Let's go over this proposal and analyse it briefly.
The receipts of proof of vaccination can be printed or downloaded from the provincial government website. "Fully vaccinated" here means having had two doses, with the most recent at least 14 days prior.
At first, fully vaccinated Ontarians will need their current vaccination receipt with a valid photo identification to enter premises covered under the new system.
So already "show me your ID", sounds very familiar for people who experienced communism!
What about people vaccinated overseas with two same vaccines and not the cocktail ones?
Ontario officials quickly pointed out that the enhanced certificate system is meant to be temporary, though how long it remains in place will depend on how the fourth wave of the pandemic unfolds in coming months.
We all know by now what temporary means in government speak. Read permanent.
The government says that on Oct. 22, it will shift to certificates that include QR codes containing much of the same information included on the vaccination receipts that are already available. That shift will be accompanied by the release of a "verification app" that can be used to validate the QR codes and provide the vaccination status of an individual.
Nice, where is privacy for now? Big Brother will control you.
Ontario officials said the purpose of the app is to relieve businesses and facilities from having to determine whether a patron has been vaccinated or not. The intention is that the enhanced certificates be usable in other provinces with vaccine passport systems in place, and eventually for them to be integrated with the federal passport for international travel.
"We need to be proactive to avoid reactive closures," said Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Kieran Moore Wednesday. He said this will also be an incentive for more people to get vaccinated. Nice again, the question in how you apply it in the field. Read it to mean more bureaucracy and more useless work for well paid government workers for hire.
Finally, enforcement measures for the certificate system will fall under the Reopening Ontario Act, the same officials said. Businesses, facilities and individuals who refuse to comply can face fines.
We do not yet know the details, but this most certainly means further limitations on the freedom of movement and individual rights.
No reactions from the major and elitist parties involved in the federal elections. Notable exception is the People's Party of Canada. They are standing fast for freedom, fairness, respect and individual responsibility. They are the only ones who oppose this blatant assault on your right to control your own body.
The Conservatives are conspicuously silent on the matter, their comment will come after a polling taken to see where they can harvest more votes.
In conclusion, dear readers, be prepared for a new politics of fear and division in our society with comrades like Ford shaping your future.
It is time for a Great Canadian Awakening!
Hey where are we going with this! Trudeau I loved you but no more
By Rosaldo Russo
Allow me to begin this column by thanking the newspaper for allowing me the opportunity and access to the press. Not to many if any allow an average person like me to tell the world what I see and think.
My name is Rosaldo Russo. I came to this great country to make a better life for myself and my family. I thank Canada for everything it has allowed me to do.
I worked construction all my life. I know the value of hard work and honesty. I remember as a boy my father always telling me to work hard and buy land.
I remember days when I did not have enough to eat or go to work... but I did not wait for hand outs. I rounded up my pride my skill and my determination to succeed and went to work.
In those days the only benefits we received was the fact we were employed.
Before retiring I was the owner and operator of local material supply company that allowed me to retired without worry.
Now that I have time to enjoy life. I look around me and have some concern for future generations.
I see that the world is finished. I once held a relatively high position within the Liberal government riding of Oshawa.
I left because I became disgusted on the way the party was running things.
Today, Trudeau is destroying Canada. From his 90 million dollar scandal I ask where the money the way he treats seniors, the military and the poor.
On the one hand he says he cares and on the other he does the opposite. My pension got cut cause I made more than 59,000. That is money I made and paid into and because I am blessed with being able to make more I get penalized. That is not fair. Imagine all the seniors out there...that need more than 59k a year to live.
That is not fair. Yet he gives free housing, welfare and pay per child benefits to anyone crying refugee. NO MY FRIENDS. THAT IS NOT MY CANADA.
Trudeau and h is cronies have the balls to call me and ask for donation. Normally I would be happy to contribute my share as I have in the past.
This time around. You take from my table I forget who you are. To ad insult to injury just recently Trudeau gave seniors $500. What did he expect, for seniors to turn around and hand him back the cheque in appreciation. No, buddy screw you. Our country is ruined and there is no real change in the horizon. We need a new party. A new type of leadership that values it’s citizens. Oh my Canada it’s finished.
The Great Pretender
from Wayne & Tamara
The Great Pretender
Q I identify as a self-sufficient, independent person. I consider myself a beautiful woman, not in a conceited way, but I’ve been told this my entire life.
I am an empath. I’ve dedicated my life to working in social services. I am a free spirit, yet an entrepreneur at heart. I love empowering women, and I’m working on becoming a certified self-love coach.
I am 35; my partner is 38. He cheated on me during our entire relationship. He never admitted to the timeline, but he claims it wasn’t years. Still, the other woman has photos dating back to 2016.
He said the pictures were old, and she was an ex who was obsessed with him. Honestly, the way she presented herself, I believed him. I also believed he worshipped the ground I walked on.
From late 2016, he was living a double life. He stayed with her during the week, and we saw each other on weekends, vacations, and on random days off. We looked at houses, but he would never commit. The same with engagement rings.
He got caught when I was 20 weeks pregnant, a pregnancy that was planned. On the day he was caught, I told him I would be sharing our pregnancy. I sent him a message saying so. He messaged me, saying he had been told I was cheating on him.
I was distraught. I said, “No. I’d never do that to you. I love you. Who is saying this?” He said, “People you don’t know.” I said, “People I don’t know, know me and know I’m cheating on you?”
I realize now he said this to use against me, because an hour after I posted our pregnancy announcement, his other girlfriend contacted me. When I confronted him, he said, “See, you never believe me! People are saying you are cheating on me, and I believe you. But you can’t do the same for me!”
I feel sick thinking back to this. The next day, he eventually admitted he was cheating. For a while, he seemed remorseful. He cried. He was depressed. He lost weight. He begged and apologized all the time.
I also found out he lied about his career. He had been fired from his job in 2016, but he told me he was still working as a pharmacist. I actually think he was a pharmacy tech.
I now believe he was fired for stealing narcotics and selling them. A couple of days ago, I went through his computer and found an apology letter he wrote to the court saying he was sorry for stealing.
On his laptop, I found a video. It was really dark, but I could hear two people having sex. I believe he had sex with a woman while he was visiting his grandparents in 2017. It was a trip I paid for.
A Belinda, in 1994, a boy went missing in San Antonio, Texas. He was last seen playing basketball with friends. Three years later, a French serial imposter assumed the missing boy’s identity. He was flown to the United States and, for five months, accepted as authentic by some of the boy’s family.
This was despite the fact he spoke with a French accent and had brown eyes and dark hair, while the missing boy was a blue-eyed blond. Released from prison in the U.S., this imposter repeated the deception in Spain and again in France.
Your boyfriend is a serial imposter, but he doesn’t pose as an orphan. He poses as a man who loves women he does not love, like you.
Men like him are without mercy and without remorse.
An empath can feel things. A social worker knows to verify everything she is told. That is why she does home visits and verifies employment. But you turned all of that off because your need for someone was so great.
You never met his friends or family. You never confirmed he had a job. You accepted everything at face value.
When it comes to love, we cannot toss out everything we know about life. You followed a recipe for tuna casserole and continued on, even when you saw no tuna in the list of ingredients.
All you can do now is learn a bitter lesson and be the best parent you can be.
Wayne & Tamara write:
Summer’s Last Hurrah the Most Dangerous
W. Gifford-Jones, M.D. and Diana Gifford-Jones
Are you gearing up to have some fun? It’s the stick-in-the-mud who dulls the sense of adventure, suggesting you think twice. But the dullard may be the wise one as the summer closes out with the traditional long weekend.
Labour Day Weekend originated in North America in the early 1880s to recognize workers. The holiday marked the establishment of the 40-hour work week, or 8 hours of work daily for 5 days and then two days of rest.
Labour unions of the day had it right. They advocated each day should have a balance of 8 hours of work, 8 hours of recreation, and 8 hours of rest – and the 2-day weekend offered a healthy break to refresh. But the extra day of celebration marking the 3-day weekend at the end of summer is a mixed story. For all the fun and games of the last summer hurrah, there is a higher-than-average rate of injury and death.
Water is a common theme to many of the saddest tragedies. Drownings occur from boating accidents, misfortune at beaches, and the heart-crushing incidents of negligence involving the family swimming pool. It is an awful statistic that 350 children under the age of 5 drown in pools every year in the U.S. In Canada, with a population only a tenth of the size, a similar number of people drown in the country’s beautiful natural bodies of water each year. Inevitably, in both countries, news following Labour Day Weekend laments these kinds of tragedies.
But the greatest risk comes from traffic accidents. From the Friday evening start of the long Labour Day weekend, through the end of the day on Monday, we can expect about 500 people to die on North American roads. More than 54,000 people injured in traffic accidents will require medical assistance.
We know why. The trendline in holiday-period, alcohol-impaired driving fatalities has been gradually moving down from 60% in 1983 to 38% in 2019. But still, too many people are drinking and driving, especially on Labour Day weekend.
The advice is clear. Don’t let loved ones drink and drive. Take action if you see anyone who has been drinking or using drugs get behind the wheel.
Distracted driving increases the risk of accident by 500%, so leave the phone alone. Put it in the trunk if you struggle to comply. Don’t let inexperienced young drivers transport their friends, who unwittingly can be the most dangerous of all distractions.
If driving is a necessity, then slow down. It’s a long weekend; there’s lots of time. High speed is the direct cause of 27% of traffic fatalities in Canada. Above all, wear the seatbelt. The evidence is overwhelming that seatbelts save lives.
There are other sources of tragedy when the focus should be on good times with friends and family. Motorcycles, ATVs, jet skis, and even the common bicycle are all associated with fun. But just as the last run down the ski mountain at the end of a winter day claims a higher rate of falls, these activities yield more accidents during the last weekend of the summer.
The holiday weekend sees more dog bites than usual too.
Fires are yet another major concern, whether from grills, campfires, or fireworks. When cautions are abandoned, people will be harmed and property damaged. Absent, broken or poorly maintained smoke alarms will mean the difference between preventable deaths and disaster.
So take it easy this weekend ahead, and look out for the ones you love.
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Will Social Media Companies Ever Make Fighting Online Abuse a priority?
By Nick Kossovan
Is it just me who believes we've lost our ability to have civil discourse? Every day, we rely on social media platforms to engage with like-minded people, promote ourselves, our work, and/or business. Unfortunately, the downside of increasing your visibility, especially when you wade into an online discussion with an unpopular opinion, is you become a lightning rod for online abuse. Online abuse can be especially relentless if you are a woman, identified as a member of a race, religion, ethnicity, or part of the LGBTQ+ community. I believe social media companies can reduce, even come close to, eliminating, online abuse. The first step: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, et al. becoming more serious and urgent about addressing the toxicity they're permitting on their respective platform. The second step: Give users more control over their privacy, identity, and account history.
Here are five features social media companies could introduce to mitigate online abuse.
1. Educate users on how to protect themselves online.
I'll admit social media companies have been improving their anti-harassment features. However, many of these features are hard to find and not user-friendly. Platforms should have a section within their help center that deals specifically with online abuse, showing how to access internal features along with links to external tools and resources.
2 Make it easy to tighten privacy and security settings.
Platforms need to make it easier for users to fine-tune their privacy and security settings and inform how these adjustments impact visibility and reach. Users should be able to save configurations of settings into personalized "safety modes," which they can toggle between. When they alternate between safety modes, a "visibility snapshot" should show them in real-time who'll see their content.
3. Distinguishing between the personal and professional
Currently, social media accounts are all-encompassing of your professional life and personal life. If you want to distinguish between your professional and personal life, you must create two accounts. Why not be able to make one social media account that toggles between your personal and professional identities as well as migrate or share audiences between them?
4. Managing account histories.
It's common for people to switch jobs and careers and their views over time. Being able to pull up a user's social media history, which can date back more than a decade, is a goldmine for abuse. Platforms should make it easy for users to easily search old posts and make them private, archive, or delete.
5. Credit cards and/or phone number authentication.
All social media platforms allow the creation of anonymous accounts. Ironically, much of the toxicity permeating social media stems from people hiding cowardly behind anonymous accounts.
Anonymity enables toxic behavior by facilitating and backhandedly encouraging "uncivil discourse." Eliminating the ability to create an anonymous account would literally end online abuse. Anonymity allows people to act out their anger, frustrations, and their need to make others feel bad, so they feel good. (I'm unhappy, so I want everyone else to be unhappy.). Being anonymous allows someone to say things they wouldn't even think of or have the courage to, speak publicly, let alone face-to-face. All credit cards and telephone numbers are associated with a billing address. Social media platforms could prevent anonymous accounts by asking new joiners to input their credit card information, to be verified but not charged, or a telephone number to which a link, or code, can be sent to authenticate. (Email authentication is useless since email addresses can be created without identity verification.) Undeniable fact: When people know they can easily be traced they're unlikely to exhibit uncivil behaviour. Yeah, I know-for many, handing over more data to social media giants isn't appetizing, even if it eliminates the toxic behavior hurting our collective psyche. Having to go through a credit card or telephone authentication will be pause for many to ask themselves why the feel they must be on social media. Such reflection is not a bad exercise. Online attacks have a negative impact on mental and physical health, stops free expression, and silences voices already underrepresented in the creative and media sectors and in public discourse. Respective platform user guidelines (aka. Community Standards) are open to interpretation and therefore not enforced equitably. Content moderators (human eyes) and AI crawling (searching for offensive words and content) aren't cutting it. Social media companies can't deny they could be doing a much better job creating a safer online environment. Unfortunately, a safer online environment will only evolve when social media companies begin taking online abuse seriously.
Nick Kossovan writes the column 'Digitized Koffee With Nick' which appears in several newspapers and is the Customer Service Professionals Network's Director of Social Media (Executive Board Member). On Twitter and Instagram follow @NKossovan.
Nick Kossovan, a well-seasoned veteran of the corporate landscape, offers advice on searching for a job. You can send him your questions at
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