Saturday, September 28, 2024

The True Bullies of Pickering: How the Mayor and Council are Abusing Power, Silencing Dissent, and Wasting Your Tax Dollars

By Lisa Robinson For over a year now, the mayor and fellow councillor’s of Pickering have relentlessly attacked me—not because I’m failing the people who elected me, but because I refuse to bow down to their political games and pander to their special interest groups. I’ve been sanctioned, stripped of my pay yet again for daring to speak up for the people of Pickering, for exercising my right to free expression under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. This latest sanction—another three months without pay—marks a total of six months of financial punishment. This isn’t about accountability; it’s about intimidation. They want me to fall in line, but I refuse. The truth is, they’ve weaponized the Integrity Commissioner as their personal attack dog, pushing a one-sided narrative designed to discredit me. They twist my words, manipulate my actions, and suppress the voices of my constituents. Let me be absolutely clear: There was no legitimate investigation. This is a political hit job—a calculated attempt to silence me, to paint me as the problem, when the real bullies are sitting in council chambers. Think about it: if I didn’t care, don’t you think I’d just shut up and fall in line? Why would I keep working for free while they drag my name through the mud? I have nothing to gain from this fight, but they have everything to lose. I’m standing up for common sense for common people, while they cling to power and their self-serving interests, while catering to developers and special interest groups. The mayor himself has abused his power, using city staff on your dime—paid by Pickering’s taxpayers—to craft his 75 page witch hunt of manufactured complaints against me. And his bias is no longer just behind closed doors. On September 3, he openly stated he is biased towards me and that he doesn’t want to hear anything I have to say. What does that tell you? He is not just dismissing me—he’s also dismissing every voter who believes I have the right to be heard on their behalf. While they’re busy orchestrating this smear campaign, I’m out there doing the job I was elected to do. The day after they voted to strip me of my pay, I was the only member of council to show up at the “Pickering Forward” meeting, an important forum to hear what the people had to say about our city’s future. And where were the rest of them? They didn’t show because they don’t care about what you, the voters, have to say, and it wasn’t a photo opportunity. They’re more interested in silencing dissent and consolidating power than in listening to the people. What kind of leadership sanctions a single mother’s pay, knowing full well I have bills to pay, a mortgage to cover, and a family to support? They don’t care. Just imagine someone taking away your ability to pay for the roof over your head or to feed your family because they don’t like what you have to say. They would rather see me suffer, hoping to break me down so I’ll finally cave to their demands. This is not just an abuse of power; it’s vindictive harassment. They are unfit to lead—not just for their bullying and intimidation, but for their brazen attempt to lobby the Provincial government to change the Municipal Act. They want the power to remove elected officials who disagree with them—an assault on democracy. Worse still, they want to ensure that anyone they oust is banned from running in future elections, silencing the people’s choice even further. Their actions are not just authoritarian; they’re downright dangerous. They don’t want a council of diverse voices; they want an echo chamber where only their views reign supreme. Each of their characters should be seriously questioned, not just for what they’re doing to me, but for what they’re doing to you—the people of Pickering. The draconian measures they are putting in place is to stifle public input and are designed to rig future elections, to ensure only those who agree with their power-hungry agenda get a seat at the table. They don’t care about democracy or free speech—they care about control. And let’s not forget the staggering misuse of taxpayer dollars in this vendetta. Instead of returning my rightful salary—just $15,000+ for three months of lost pay—they’ve decided to burn up to $200,000 of your money fighting me in a judicial review. $200,000 of your hard-earned tax dollars that could be better spent on the community is being flushed down the drain to prop up their lies. And if you think it stops there, think again. When I take them to court again for another judicial review, I bet they’ll be more than willing to waste another $200,000, bringing the total to a disgraceful $400,000 of your hard earned tax payers money just to silence one voice. Do they care? Of course not—it’s not their money. It’s yours. Through all of this, I have never stopped fighting for the people of Pickering. I show up. I listen. I push back against corruption and collusion, even when they come after me with everything they’ve got. The mayor and his council have shown that they are not fit to serve—they are power-hungry, vindictive, and have zero regard for the voices of the people. And let me be clear, this isn’t just happening in Pickering – it’s happening in Municipalities across the Country. So it needs to stop immediately. Personally, I won’t back down. I will continue to stand with you—because that’s what real leadership looks like. Even when they try to silence me, I will not be bullied. The people of Pickering deserve better, and I will fight to give them the representation they elected me for. It’s time to hold these bullies accountable.


By Dean Hickey At its first scheduled meeting following the summer recess, council heard from Janice Atwood of Principles Integrity on the matter of councillor Derek Giberson having been found in breach of the Code of Conduct. A report received by council was critical of a Facebook post Giberson made earlier this year in which he commented on a police media release about a private individual. To make matters worse, he ignored the report and chose not to delete his comments, allowing them to remain active for the better part of a month afterwards. In an unexpected twist of events, the Integrity Commissioner proceeded to cast blame for Giberson’s defiance directly upon the individual who laid the original complaint. As many of our readers will know, I am that person. A complete transcript of the presentation to council will be made public by The Central in the days to come, however it is important to look closely at a few key comments that were made. “Council is…receiving the Recommendation Report, sitting in a disciplinary function” Although no sanctions against Giberson were recommended, members of council have the ability under the Municipal Act to undertake measures that would punish one of their colleagues, and show the residents of Oshawa that certain behaviour will not be tolerated or simply ignored. In this instance, Giberson remained non-compliant, even in the face of a report that recognized the influence his comments could have on a matter that is before the courts. “It is somewhat unfortunate that the complainant would not have, promptly, communicated with us in regard to the Facebook post remaining in place.” Following a brief outline of the facts, the Commissioner was asked by Ward 4 councillor Rick Kerr if sanctions against Giberson were in fact warranted, due to his not having removed his Facebook post immediately after receiving her report. The response was nothing less than disturbing to anyone who has at one time or other sought accountability on the part of elected officials. I advised the Commissioner of Giberson’s Facebook post remaining active between May 3 and September 20. When pressed by councillor Kerr, the Commissioner said no form of sanction was recommended, as the post had been “removed” days before. She then proceeded to lay the blame for this squarely at my feet for not having forwarded my concerns much earlier. “But still, it is…unfortunate that it wasn’t brought to our attention more promptly, as we would have promptly reached out to (Giberson) and it would have been down 23 days earlier” There’s a lot to unpack based on the Commissioner’s remarks. One has to wonder if I am now the gatekeeper of councillor Giberson’s Facebook page, and whether I am expected to bear responsibility for his having refused to take down the offending post. If the Commissioner laments the fact Giberson acted as he did, then why did she persist in not recommending any form of sanction? Is the Code of Conduct being applied only partially, and if so, is that a clear signal that this form of oversight is being compromised? Important questions, to be sure. At one point during her presentation, the Commissioner indicated that input from private individuals, including a complainant, is “irrelevant” once a report is issued. She then went on to suggest I somehow failed in my civic duty to keep her office informed. For someone in such a position of authority to willingly turn the tables of responsibility away from an elected official, only to throw that burden onto the shoulders of a private citizen, is nothing less than unprofessional and seriously misguided. Throughout the transcript of the presentation, one can easily discern repeated efforts by the Commissioner to prop up Giberson’s character to the point of seeming to advocate on his behalf. She went on to say, “…we accept the explanation that we received from (Giberson) with regard to the ‘lag’ in time for removing the post.” What that explanation was, and how it negated his defiance in the face of the report, remains unknown. Councillors subsequently voted on this issue without full knowledge of the facts. Ward 2 councillor Jim Lee suggested that Paragraph 79 of the Commissioner’s report was evidence enough to show why no sanction should be imposed. The Paragraph states, “The Respondent has acknowledged that, in hindsight, he would be more circumspect in his actions, and would likely refrain from making any similar such comment.” Perhaps councillor Lee can explain to the citizens of Oshawa exactly how he feels his colleague from Ward 4 has shown any semblance of having got the message. Quite the opposite, in that councillor Giberson’s refusal to take down his Facebook post demonstrated a clear attempt at non-compliance, and a further attack on a private citizen. To add to council’s seemingly inept stance, Ward 5 councillor Rosemary McConkey declared a conflict, advising the Mayor, “I believe I have too much of a bias” to be able to vote on the matter. One has to seriously ask how anyone could be seen as biased when trying to uphold the key principles of Council’s Code of Conduct. Councillor McConkey showed nothing less than political and moral cowardice on this issue. In last week’s edition of The Central, a Page 3 article took a look at what appears to be an unwritten rule of cooperation among those in power to seek advantage over others. Choosing not to exercise their right to sanction a fellow member of council who breached the Code of Conduct and openly defied the Integrity Commissioner’s report, shows council to have circled the wagons in an effort to shield one of their own from punishment, and that is not only disappointing, it is reprehensible. THIS WEEK IN COUNCIL HISTORY September 29, 1991 The Oshawa This Week Sunday Edition included a lengthy letter to the editor by councillor Brian Nicholson on the future of the city’s waterfront. He told readers, “It (is) evident that the residents of Oshawa want a better future for their community than dusty, noisy, obnoxious, polluting heavy industry.” He would go on to say, “Jobs-at-any-cost thinking has resulted in environmental damage that will take decades, if not centuries to repair.” The marina would eventually cease to operate, however the development and enhancement of parks and amenities would take place in the years since.

Friday, September 27, 2024

What exactly is a Renoviction?

By Theresa Grant Real Estate Columnist What exactly is a Renoviction? A renoviction is a process that a landlord undertakes to evict a tenant from their unit by telling them that there needs to be work completed in the unit or on the property. Renovictions are perfectly legal in the province of Ontario, however they need to be carried out in the proper manor. This is a process that is governed by the Landlord and Tenant board. There are certain forms and procedures that must be followed. If these procedures are not followed to the letter, they are considered bad faith renovictions and that is illegal in Ontario. Renovictions can be carried out to ensure the viability and stability of older buildings. Sometimes renovictions need to be carried out to update buildings and bring in new services. If something catastrophic has happened in a building, there may be a period of time that is required for major repairs. An N13 notice is what needs to be given to the tenant to start the procedure. This notice is a notice to end tenancy because the landlord wants to demolish the rental unit, repair it, or convert it into another use. It is very important for tenants to realize and understand that they have the legal right to return to their unit once the renovations are complete, at the same rental rate that they paid prior to the renovation. It is so important for tenants to know and exercise their rights in this situation. There are steps that need to be taken and if the tenant does not take them, they could be out in the cold. Tenants have what is known as the first right of refusal. In order to reoccupy the unit when renovations are complete, the tenant must notify the landlord in writing that it is their intention to move back in when the unit is ready for occupancy and provide the landlord with an up-to-date mailing address. Units that are being demolished do not offer the option of returning. If the tenant decides not to reoccupy the unit, they are entitled to compensation from the landlord. Three months’ rent if they live in a complex with more than five units, and one months’ rent for buildings with less than five units, or the landlord can offer the tenant another acceptable unit. With the explosion of the housing market in the last few years, bad faith renovictions have become a real problem in Ontario and an absolute nightmare for some tenants. Some unscrupulous landlords try to evict tenants by saying they need to perform renovations for various reasons and need the tenant to vacate. Often after vacating the unit, it would come back on the rental market, updated, at a much higher rent than the previous tenant was paying. This practice prompted The City of Hamilton to pass the province’s first and only anti-renoviction Bylaw that would require a landlord that wants to renovict a tenant to obtain a license from the city ($715) and provide proof from an engineer that the property must be vacated in order to perform the renovations. Enforcement of this Bylaw starts in January of 2025. Here are a few indicators that may point to an upcoming renoviction. A change in ownership can often signal that a renoviction may be on the way. If your neighbourhood has changed, you notice more condos going up, store fronts changing to new businesses. Often your rent is much lower than market rents due to the fact that you’ve lived there for a long time. Sometimes, a landlord will simply ask a tenant to voluntarily pay more rent. If the tenant refuses to pay an increase, the landlord will take measures to get more money for the unit. If your landlord has informed you that you need to leave your home in order for him to perform renovations, call the Landlord and Tenant Board to get a copy of what your rights are in this situation. Always arm yourself with the facts in order to make an informed decision. Questions? Column ideas? You can email me at

Jesus Was a Tradesperson

By Murray Strong Compulsory certification is the answer By Murray Strong 7200 hours , 4 years of your life, to become a skilled carpenter and receive a piece of paper to hang on your wall. According to Skilled Trades Ontario a carpenter constructs, renovates and repairs structures made of wood, steel, concrete and other materials in the residential, commercial and industrial construction sectors and in related industries. Specifically a carpenter establishes building procedures and prepares work sites- lays out, constructs and installs formwork and concrete foundations-frames floors, walls, ceilings and roofs- finishes interiors and exteriors- constructs heavy framing- builds stairs, posts and handrails- lays out, constructs and installs door and window systems- performs renovations. The real world of carpentry duties would expand this list another 1000. Time for Skilled Trades Ontario to visit an actual job site. If you want to work in the nuclear industry a welding ticket plus a carpentry certificate plus an extensive criminal background check by every law enforcement in Canada is required. Carpenters are taught some welding as part of the in school training. A actual welding license is very different from other trades because if you cannot pass a bend test your fired before your hired. Two pieces of beveled pipe on a 45 degree angle. The test gives you all position welding overhead, vertical, horizontal and flat. Clean the weld, cut into lengthwise pieces and bend them. There is no second chance. If the weld breaks from improper methods its crying time. I remember my first test. Durham College instructor shaking my hand when he passed my weld was the best feeling in the world. He said everyone needs a project to complete as part of the training for this welding course. Some of the guys built stoves, trailers but I really didn’t need a stove so he told me a group of people were trying to raise a actual jet at the Oshawa airport. The instructor asked if I would take this on as my project. The next day a giant piece of pipe arrived in the college shop. I was given a set of drawings showing the angle they wanted the plane to be mounted. The escape hatch on the underbelly was the method to hold the plane. Lots of welding underground buried in concrete. If you visit the Oshawa airport check out the jet and see my welding project. Durham College is so important to the trade’s community. Why is carpentry, not a compulsory trade? I know the reason, but I do not want to start a war. One has to be careful sometimes but nothing will change if nobody is willing to take the heat. Thank you Denny Crane

The Rise of Cancel Culture: A Threat to Free Speech and Open Debate

By Dale Jodoin Nuclear War and Durham Region: Why We're Not Prepared In today’s world, the threat of nuclear war, though distant to some, is a reality that cannot be ignored. If a global conflict were to erupt, Durham Region in Ontario could be one of the first areas to face devastating consequences. It’s a chilling thought, but one we must confront, as Durham hosts not one, but two nuclear power plants: Pickering and Darlington. These plants, strategically located on Lake Ontario, also sit in close proximity to major U.S. cities like New York, placing the region on the radar of hostile nations like Russia or North Korea. First and foremost, the presence of these two nuclear facilities makes Durham a prime target in the event of an international conflict. The sheer power these plants generate is vital, but it also poses an undeniable risk. Should any nation attempt to cripple Canadian infrastructure, these plants would be obvious targets. And that’s only the beginning of Durham’s potential problems. The Dire Statistics The numbers don’t lie. According to Natural Resources Canada, Pickering and Darlington nuclear stations combined generate nearly 7,500 megawatts of electricity, enough to power millions of homes. These plants also sit just 56 kilometers (35 miles) from Toronto, a city with a population of over 6.7 million people in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). An attack on these facilities would not only disrupt Canada’s energy grid but could also lead to catastrophic radioactive fallout affecting millions across southern Ontario. The Canadian government estimates that in the event of a serious nuclear disaster, more than 500,000 people would need to be evacuated from the Durham and GTA regions alone. But the evacuation infrastructure in place is inadequate. There are only a handful of major highways and arterial roads connecting the region to the north, and these would quickly become clogged with panicked residents. In a simulation conducted by Public Safety Canada, it was estimated that the roads out of the GTA could become impassable within 2-3 hours of an emergency, leaving thousands trapped with nowhere to go. On the American side, reports from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security show that fallout from a nuclear strike on a facility like Pickering or Darlington could travel across Lake Ontario, impacting major U.S. cities like Buffalo and Rochester. The population in these cities totals around 2 million people, adding to the overall devastation. The fallout could spread across multiple states, affecting tens of millions of Americans in densely populated areas. According to the Union of Concerned Scientists, a nuclear explosion would release radioactive materials that could remain hazardous for several weeks, contaminating water supplies, crops, and infrastructure. Lack of Preparation Two major state highways, essential routes between Toronto and areas to the east, run through the region. In the event of an attack, these highways would be shut down instantly. This would leave civilians in Durham with no way to evacuate and leave Toronto effectively trapped, unable to move eastward. The chaos that would ensue as people tried to escape would be unimaginable, especially without any formal evacuation or defense plans in place. Disturbingly, there is no clear, widely disseminated plan on what residents of Durham—or Canada in general—should do in case of a nuclear attack. In 2018, a survey by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) found that 60% of Canadians living near nuclear facilities were unaware of the emergency protocols in the event of a nuclear disaster. Despite the proximity to Pickering and Darlington, iodine pills—which help reduce radiation exposure—are not provided to all residents in the region, and most people are unaware they should have them on hand. When compared to the U.S., where citizens near nuclear plants are regularly given such pills and have access to clear emergency plans, Canada falls woefully short. Underfunded Military What makes this situation even more alarming is the state of our military defenses. Over the past decade, Canada’s military has been hollowed out, with the government neglecting to invest in necessary equipment, training, and defense infrastructure. The Liberal and NDP governments have spent vast amounts of taxpayer money on international causes while overlooking our military at home. Our soldiers are under-equipped, and our air and naval defenses are near non-existent compared to other global powers. We depend heavily on the United States for our defense, which leaves us vulnerable. If war were declared tomorrow, there are no guarantees that we could defend our own territory effectively, let alone coordinate with our allies. There is no visible military presence in Durham, and should a threat arise, we would be unprepared to protect critical assets like our nuclear plants. For a region so vital to the country’s energy grid and positioned near a major population center, this is a glaring failure of government. We should have air defenses and military personnel stationed in key locations, ready to respond in the event of an emergency. Yet, right now, nothing is in place to prevent or respond to a nuclear strike on our soil. Inadequate Healthcare Response Another critical issue is the lack of reliable infrastructure for evacuation. The roads leading north from Durham are few and far between, and in the event of a large-scale evacuation, the region would descend into chaos. Without proper routes and coordinated evacuation plans, people would be left to fend for themselves, with little hope of escape. In addition, our hospitals, already struggling with routine care, would be completely overwhelmed by an influx of radiation victims. If our healthcare system is barely coping now, how could it possibly handle the catastrophic fallout of a nuclear attack? According to a 2019 report by the Canadian Medical Association, hospitals in the Durham region are already operating at over 90% capacity, leaving very little room to accommodate mass casualties in the event of a disaster. In the worst-case scenario, a nuclear strike could result in thousands of injuries from both the blast and radiation exposure, pushing hospitals far beyond their limits. Medical professionals warn that the region’s healthcare infrastructure would collapse under the strain, leading to a humanitarian crisis on top of the physical devastation. The Government's Neglect The sad truth is that Canada is woefully unprepared for a nuclear disaster, and this is largely due to the government’s misplaced priorities. Over the last eight years, we have seen our military underfunded and neglected while the government focuses on external issues. Meanwhile, our soldiers lack even the most basic equipment, including proper winter gear. Recently, a scandal emerged in which our military was provided with sleeping bags that were entirely unsuitable for the harsh Canadian winter—this is the level of incompetence we’re dealing with. Heads should have rolled for this, but instead, the situation persists, and our armed forces continue to suffer. The government’s failure to invest in our defense infrastructure leaves all Canadians vulnerable, but especially those in critical areas like Durham. It’s not an exaggeration to say that lives are at risk. A nuclear attack, while perhaps unlikely, is not impossible. And when you consider the strategic importance of Durham and its nuclear plants, it becomes all the more concerning that no real defense measures are in place. At the end of the day, I’m not suggesting that nuclear war is inevitable. But I am saying that we are not even close to being prepared. And while our government continues to make excuses and divert funds to international causes, the reality is that Canadians—particularly those in Durham Region—are being left unprotected. This is not just a political issue; it’s a matter of national security. We need a government that prioritizes the safety of its people and invests in the military and emergency preparedness plans necessary to defend our country. The time to act is now, before it’s too late. We need to demand better from our leaders and ensure that, should the unthinkable happen, we have the resources and plans in place to protect our homes and families. The alternative is simply too grim to imagine.


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. - ONE DAY AT A TIME - Picture this.... You are at home on Saturday, sitting around watching TV, doing what you normally do. Your family are all around you. Life is good. All a sudden you hear a ruckus outside. You shake it off as some sort of accident. Without much care you go about your day. Then out of no place. Your front door is breached. Men rush in to your house. Before you can get up from your chair. They have grabbed you and dragged you outside. Your family is in a panic. They get rushed out. You have no clue what is going on. You start to ask for explanations only to be roughed up. You look across your lawn to your neighbours property. They are all outside on their knees by force. You can hear women crying and calling for help. You witness your neighbours family shot right where the kneeled. They take your wife and daighter and proceed to rape them right in front of you. On your property. You can’t do a thing. After they rape them they shoot them. Then they come for you. What can you do? What will you do? If you answer is nothing. You are correct. It will be to late to do anything. They say it could never happen. This was the sentiment by many nations people. Unfortunately, for many victims of this type of new warfare. It was to late. We seen this in many world ward, civil wars, in history and in present day. Village, Towns, Cities attacked in the worst and most barbaric way. You must be wondering. Why am I bringig this up in this column, today? Great question. We live in a society that is primarily made of falsehoods. Our opinion ewe and flow freely without much challenge. This is where the evil lurks. Look at what is happening at the municipal level. A bunch of incompetents use policy, bylaw to persecute anyone that questions and challenges them. Those elected control access to the system. They control your speach and your behaviour in a public place. They go as far as attack citizens that are outspoken as in the case of Pickering councillor Lisa Robinson. A citizen make a complain before an integrity commissioner, only on the eleventh hour after the complaintants pleas wer found to show an infractiong by a city council member. The so called integrity commissioner finds the complainant in guilt and lets the councillor waslk without any disciplinary action. If we do not stand up now against this type of colusion through a coalition in the protection of their best interests.... Don’t wait for that door on the door. It will be to late. I make this correlation as the two examples shown are both injustices that due to procedure, policy written by those that supposed to be looking for our best interest. They failed us. Now, travel with me 20 years in the future. When those immigrants with foreign culture and religion infiltrate our municipal, Provincial and Federal governments and using our laws, our acts the mandate equality of incorporating their home countries laws, religions and culture. Who will come to liberate us. Who came to liberate the many that died in Israel. Or all the people killed daily in parts of Africa. All for trusting government. We must all stand tall today to assure that government works in the best interest of those that elected them in. What has happened to Lisa Robinson and Dean Hickey are knocks on a door you don’t want to open. As if you wait. You will one day will never have the opportunity to open that door. This may be the last door you open. Get involved. Demand justice and retribution.

Canada Federal Elections Rumor

by Maj (ret'd) CORNELIU. CHISU, CD, PMSC, FEC, CET, P. Eng. Former Member of Parliament Pickering-Scarborough East The House of Commons returned to work in a hectic and emotional atmosphere as the parties align themselves for a potential snap election, with the Conservatives being the most excited. Over the past year, the Liberal government has been racing against time, being on the defensive most of the time; undertaking damage control. If they do not correct the trend, Canada’s “Natural Governing Party” is on the brink of one of its most significant electoral defeats in history; probably worse than their defeat in 2011. However, most Canadians are not actively calling for an early election, and many are currently satisfied with the political maneuvering by the Bloc Québécois (BQ) and the New Democratic Party (NDP) to delay it. Canadians are more preoccupied with their everyday lives and less interested in an election, which might not bring anything new; just spend more of the taxpayers’ money. The Conservatives with Pierre Poilievre are ready to issue more non confidence motions but they have yet to present a compelling argument that the immediate election they are pushing for will result in a change in government. Political analysts often remind us of the uncertainty inherent in elections, citing the famous words of former British prime minister. Harold Wilson once said, “A week is a long time in politics,” These observations serve as a reminder that nothing in politics is ever guaranteed. For the last year, the Liberal polling numbers have been overwhelmingly bad—and consistently so, regardless of the Liberals’ attempts to reverse the tide. In addition to polling, political forecaster Philippe Fournier’s 338Canada model analysis gives the Conservatives if an election is called today a 99 percent probability of winning a majority government. Projections show a landslide victory: 219 seats for the Conservatives and just 69 for the Liberals. If these numbers hold, it will be a crushing defeat for Trudeau’s party. Recent electoral results provide further evidence of the Liberals’ precarious position. In the last three federal by-elections, the party lost previously secure Liberal strongholds. St. Paul’s in Toronto and LaSalle-Émard-Verdun in Quebec, both considered safe Liberal seats, slipped from their grasp. In Winnipeg’s Elmwood-Transcona, the party suffered a particularly humiliating defeat, finishing in fourth place with less than 5 percent of the vote.However, these are still by-elections and until an election is called, these presumptions are just speculation. Yet, despite these overwhelming odds, Trudeau remains steadfast in his decision to lead the Liberals into the next election. It almost seems like a political re-enactment of The Battle of Agincourt, fought between the French and the English on October 25, 1415; only one of many battles in the Hundred Year War. In the political analogy, this Hundred Year War is fought between the Liberals and Conservatives. Trudeau is positioning himself as a Liberal Henry V, who with less forces that the enemy has prepared to lead his Liberal Army to electoral victory, in a final effort to halt the Conservative onslaught. Well…, it might succeed, even though the outlook at the moment, seems bleak. October 2025 might see the day as did the Battle of Agincourt…… Many political observers point to a well-known rule in Canadian politics: after ten years in power, a party’s time is up. While this principle has some historical basis, it fails to capture the deeper undercurrents driving the present demand for change. Canadians are not just tired of the Trudeau Liberals; they are frustrated, even angry, as the polling numbers reflect. This growing dissatisfaction stems from the way the Liberal government has failed to communicate with voters, its persistent misalignment with their priorities, and lingering questions about the party’s trustworthiness and integrity. Furthermore, despite the significant advantages that Poilievre and the Conservatives have in this political climate, they have not yet capitalized on their lead. While the numbers are favourable, the Conservatives have failed to convincingly argue that an election is urgently needed. Positioning the campaign around specific policies, such as eliminating the carbon tax, an old slogan from 2011, no longer resonates strongly with voters. A more powerful message is needed, one, offering voters a clear path to a new government with new ideas and more oriented towards real life as Canadians see it. This inability of the Conservatives to provide certainty of real change was a major factor in Erin O’Toole’s defeat in the last federal election. Unfortunately, the trend seems to continue. Taking stock of the political entourage surrounding Pierre Poilievre, one can only shake one’s head, seeing the same old, same old, misguided and listless crew. Voters need a clear assurance that supporting the Conservatives will indeed bring about a positive change in government. The only choice available to the Conservatives is a clear a majority government, because they do not have any other political party with which to form an alliance. In conclusion we will have to wait and see how this battle of the political war of the roses will play out. The red rose against the blue rose. What is your take?

The start of construction for a Whitby hospice

Mayor Elizabeth Roy Today marks a significant milestone for Whitby with the announcement that construction is set to start on a project close to my heart and vital for our community—a much-needed hospice. Hospice Whitby - Roger Anderson House will allow those in our community with a palliative diagnosis to die with comfort, care, compassion, dignity, and privacy. Our region currently has one 10-bed hospice located in north Durham, while data shows 37 hospice beds are needed to support the needs of our growing community. As someone who worked in healthcare for more than 30 years, I believe deeply in the importance of end-of-life care. I have been involved with the Hospice Whitby project for many years and I am profoundly grateful to the many residents, businesses, corporations, and community organizations that have stepped up to support the capital campaign. I also want to acknowledge the Hospice Whitby board of directors, VON Durham Region Community Corporation as the owner and builder of the hospice, the Town of Whitby, which donated the land for the hospice, and the group of 16 developers that donated $2 million towards the capital campaign. Hospice Whitby represents the power of community and our collective desire to ensure everyone has access to compassionate end-of-life care.


Pickering City Council Unanimously Voted to Immediately Suspend Council Robinson’s Pay for 90 days. This is the 3rd pay suspension Mayor Kevin Ashe, Regional Councillors, Maurice Brenner, David Pickles, Linda Cook, and city councillors Shaheen Butt and Mara Nagy have unanimously forced on Councillor Robinson. The 1st was Sept 25th, 2023 for 30 days, the 2nd, October 23rd, 2023 for 60 days Why? Because, in spring of 2023 parents met with Councillor Robinson to present their numerous concerns regarding their children and asked for Robinson’s help. As a result of this meeting Councillor Robinson wrote three motions for discussion by council. In-order to bring a motion forward to council it must first be seconded, but unfortunately none of the other councillors wanted the motions brought forward. Apparently, this Pickering Council conducts your city business and concerns based on their personal opinions. The current concerns and issues of Pickering residents don’t matter when they are in conflict with councils opinions and therefore shouldn’t be discussed. They don’t want to hear you. Councilor Robinson continues to fight for the residents in spite of the attacks and bullying she receives from Mayor Ashe and the rest of council. It is disgusting to watch how the Mayor continually cuts off Robinson’s mike and the way he yells at her when she questions things being voted on or when defending the accusations made against her, what is he afraid of? Why don’t the other councillors ask questions? Why do they allow his behavior? How come the Mayor never treats men the way he treats Robinson and other women as we’ve seen. Regional Councillor Linda Cook attacked Robinson calling her behavior disgraceful to women when in fact it was and is shameful the way she, Regional Councillor Linda Cook, a woman, does nothing when Robinson was, and has been sexually harassed and is continually being bullied by these men. City Councilor Mara Nagy also sides with the abuse being directed at Councillor Robinson and try's to pile on more accusations saying that Robinson went to the AMO conference in Ottawa at taxpayers expense while failing to admit that all their trips here and abroad, that most of them have taken are paid by taxpayers while conveniently failing to mention that in these past two years Robinson has only taken this one business trip. Regional Councillor David Pickles brought the motion forward to bar you, the residents of Pickering from delegating to speaking on a subject of your concern which is not on the agenda unless you get 2/3rds of council to agree to allow you. Is that what he considers being working for the residents? We are aware of what Regional Councillor Maurice Brenner has been up to and done. And well, as for Shaheen Butt, as far as we see it appears he just does what ever the mayor wants. Council also voted against other Durham residents being allowed to delegate to subjects on the agendas or delegate on other concerns. Those residents do have an interest in what happens in Pickering as it affects Durham of which they are a part of. The Mayor Ashe and the CAO give “No Tress Pass Orders” to Pickering residents and others banning them from Public Buildings for a period of time, if they don’t like what the resident says or posts etc. Mayor Kevin Ashe posts and promotes many false things in his comments, yes he does, mostly because he can’t seem to read into or fully understand things, one for example is, Robinson’s statement a few months after having been twice deprived of her pay, “I felt like a Modern Day Slave” referencing the new Modern Day Slave Act passed May 3rd, 2023 which refers to forced labour and child labour. But Mayor Ashe uses Robinson’s statement to reference the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade of the 1860’s to in site hard feelings and anger in the black community. Don’t you wonder why a number of topics get passed with a 6-to-1 vote,? Is City Councillor Robinson the only one working in the residents interest? Who is the Mayor and other 5 members of council working for if it’s not for you the Pickering residents? Council is banning you from your involvement in your city. Time to be seen and show your support for Councilor Robinson as she is supporting you.

The #1 Skill I Look For When Hiring

By Nick Kossovan "Communication is one of the most important skills you require for a successful life." — Catherine Pulsifer, author. I'm one hundred percent in agreement with Pulsifer, which is why my evaluation of candidates begins with their writing skills. If a candidate's writing skills and verbal communication skills, which I'll assess when interviewing, aren't well above average, I'll pass on them regardless of their skills and experience. Why? Because business is fundamentally about getting other people to do things—getting employees to be productive, getting customers to buy your products or services, and getting vendors to agree to a counteroffer price. In business, as in life in general, you can't make anything happen without effective communication; this is especially true when job searching when your writing is often an employer's first impression of you. Think of all the writing you engage in during a job search (resumes, cover letters, emails, texts) and all your other writing (LinkedIn profile, as well as posts and comments, blogs, articles, tweets, etc.) employers will read when they Google you to determine if you're interview-worthy. With so much of our communication today taking place via writing (email, text, collaboration platforms such as Microsoft Teams, Slack, ClickUp, WhatsApp and Rocket.Chat), the importance of proficient writing skills can't be overstated. When assessing a candidate's writing skills, you probably think I'm looking for grammar and spelling errors. Although error-free writing is important—it shows professionalism and attention to detail—it's not the primary reason I look at a candidate's writing skills. The way someone writes reveals how they think. • Clear writing = Clear thinking • Structured paragraphs = Structured mind • Impactful sentences = Impactful ideas Effective writing isn't about using sophisticated vocabulary. Hemingway demonstrated that deceptively simple, stripped-down prose can captivate readers. Effective writing takes intricate thoughts and presents them in a way that makes the reader think, "Damn! Why didn't I see it that way?" A good writer is a dead giveaway for a good thinker. More than ever, the business world needs "good thinkers." Therefore, when I come across a candidate who's a good writer, hence a good thinker, I know they’re likely to be able to write: • Emails that don't get deleted immediately and are responded to • Simple, concise, and unambiguous instructions • Pitches that are likely to get read • Social media content that stops thumbs • Human-sounding website copy • Persuasively, while attuned to the reader’s possible sensitivities Now, let's talk about the elephant in the room: AI, which job seekers are using en masse. Earlier this year, I wrote that AI's ability to hyper-increase an employee's productivity—AI is still in its infancy; we've seen nothing yet—in certain professions, such as writing, sales and marketing, computer programming, office and admin, and customer service, makes it a "fewer employees needed" tool, which understandably greatly appeals to employers. In my opinion, the recent layoffs aren't related to the economy; they're due to employers adopting AI. Additionally, companies are trying to balance investing in AI with cost-cutting measures. CEOs who've previously said, "Our people are everything," have arguably created today's job market by obsessively focusing on AI to gain competitive advantages and reduce their largest expense, their payroll. It wouldn't be a stretch to assume that most AI usage involves generating written content, content that's obvious to me, and likely to you as well, to have been written by AI. However, here's the twist: I don't particularly care. Why? Because the fundamental skill I'm looking for is the ability to organize thoughts and communicate effectively. What I care about is whether the candidate can take AI-generated content and transform it into something uniquely valuable. If they can, they're demonstrating the skills of being a good thinker and communicator. It's like being a great DJ; anyone can push play, but it takes skill to read a room and mix music that gets people pumped. Using AI requires prompting effectively, which requires good writing skills to write clear and precise instructions that guide the AI to produce desired outcomes. Prompting AI effectively requires understanding structure, flow and impact. You need to know how to shape raw information, such as milestones throughout your career when you achieved quantitative results, into a compelling narrative. So, what's the best way to gain and enhance your writing skills? As with any skill, you've got to work at it. Two rules guide my writing: • Use strong verbs and nouns instead of relying on adverbs, such as "She dashed to the store." instead of "She ran quickly to the store." or "He whispered to the child." instead of "He spoke softly to the child." • Avoid using long words when a shorter one will do, such as "use" instead of "utilize" or "ask" instead of "inquire." As attention spans get shorter, I aim for clarity, simplicity and, most importantly, brevity in my writing. Don't just string words together; learn to organize your thoughts, think critically, and communicate clearly. Solid writing skills will significantly set you apart from your competition, giving you an advantage in your job search and career. __________________________________________________________________________ Nick Kossovan, a well-seasoned veteran of the corporate landscape, offers advice on searching for a job. You can send him your questions at

Fake Populism is RealPolitik

by Thomas L. Knapp If there's a single global through line to the politics of the last decade, that through line is the continuing fight over something called, by both its supporters and opponents, "populism." Donald Trump (the US). Narendra Modi (India). Viktor Orban (Hungary). Giorgia Meloni (Italy). Jair Bolsonaro (Brazil). Boris Johnson (the United Kingdom). A cast of thousands, a few still enjoying their 15 minutes and then some, many others at least temporarily out of the limelight. The negative reactions, usually postured as defenses of "liberalism and democracy" against "illiberalism and authoritarianism," are just as plentiful and, in places, at least marginally as successful ... but not quite so big on cults of personality. Rather odd, don't you think? The "populists" pose as "the voice of the people" but center their efforts on backing individual leader figures, while their supposedly "elitist" opponents emphasize "the people" over particular representatives of same. In reality, both sides are fake versions of "populism." The core underlying claim of populism is this: There are two classes of people, the "exploitative elites" and the "righteous masses." That claim is true as far as it goes. The falsehood -- or, being generous, error -- is in identification of those two classes. Today's self-described populists identify the exploitative elites as those who either belong to, or pretend to support, particular easily scapegoated "out-groups" like racial, ethnic, religious, or sexual minorities. They identify the righteous masses as whoever falls for the scapegoating and flocks to Dear Leader's banner. Today's self-described anti-populists identify the exploitative elites as the populists, whom they also identify with easily scapegoated "out-groups," especially anyone who has more money than you. They identify the righteous masses as whoever falls for the scapegoating and flocks to the Leader Party's banner. In reality the two classes -- as identified in Charles Comte and Charles Dunoyer's "libertarian class theory" in the 19th century -- are the productive class (everyone who earns a living by producing and exchanging valuable goods and services -- the righteous masses) and the political class (the exploitative elite who use government to exercise power and parasitically rake off a portion of the wealth the righteous masses produce). Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, as members of the US political class, have a lot more in common with each other than either has in common with the average American. Narendra Modi and Rahul Gandhi, as members of India's political class, have a lot more in common with each other than either has in common with the average Indian. And so on, and so forth. So why the fake "populist" versus fake populist "anti-populist" posturing? Because it WORKS. Any given political class faction may be on top or in waiting to get back on top at any given time, but those factions cooperate to ensure that the productive class remains in thrall to their various schemes and scams. Politics is about power. Realpolitik is about acting to maintain power, moral and ethical considerations be damned. Real populism -- libertarianism -- rejects political power, not just one political class faction.

Takeout Meals Are Rarely Healthy

By W. Gifford-Jones MD and Diana Gifford Picking up an order of takeout food is a convenient way to get a meal without doing the cooking. Although there are more options all the time, even in the best of circumstances, meals-to-go have never been considered a nutritional boon. But with the changing lifestyles of each generation, a clear trend continues toward convenience. Sadly, convenience does not go hand in hand with mindfulness about healthy eating by either producers or consumers. With healthcare systems starved for resources to cover so much illness, everyone should be motivated to take a few steps towards better health. That means we need to have a closer look at those takeout menus. Tufts University reported on a large study involving 35,000 adults that found about 70 percent of fast-food meals and 50 percent of meals at full-service restaurants were “of poor dietary quality”. What’s worse? Only that “less that 0.1 percent – nearly none – were of all the restaurant meals consumed over the study period were of ideal quality.” What do the experts suggest considering this problem? One consistent message is, “Go for plants.” Plant food that can be eaten in its natural state is particularly good! Think fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and whole grains. Next best are plant foods that are minimally processed, meaning the food has been prepared for sale in a manner that does not fundamentally alter it. Like applesauce that has not been sweetened. Fresh and dried pasta qualify. Frozen vegetables. Milk and plain yogurt. Coffee too. Plant foods are rich in potassium, which amounts to another benefit. Potassium helps counter the effect of excessive sodium in other foods. Excessive dietary sodium is associated with high blood pressure, stroke, and heart disease. Today, most sodium that people consume comes from added salt during commercial food processing. Full-service restaurants and fast-food outlets are often using high amounts of salt. According to the Tufts report, a single full-service meal contained more than twice the daily limit recommendation of 2,300 milligrams of sodium. Keep in mind that sodium is often found in soups, bread, sauces, dressings, and processed meats, like frozen beef and sausage products. When eating in restaurants, ask if they have a low-sodium selection on the menu. If ordering a pizza, ask about a whole wheat crust option. And don’t be hesitant to enquire if you can swap French fries for a healthy fruit cup or cottage cheese. Few people have the fortitude to turn away from meats that have been processed by skilled craftspeople over centuries to taste perfection. Examples are pepperoni, bacon, sausage, and even deli meats like sliced turkey and ham. But these foods are linked to cancer, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and premature death. Congratulations to those who can resist them. For the rest of us, we need to practice moderation. And practice it a little harder. Try to order sustainably harvested fish. Eat it baked, not fried. That goes for chicken too. Avoid breaded and deep fried chicken that is served with butter and sauces. But it’s difficult to limit calories when eating out. One study showed that meals in some restaurants, even without the drinks, appetizers, or desserts, contained more calories than recommended for an entire day for an average adult. Studies have also shown that when people are presented with more food than they require, they eat it. Human nature is hard to change. And restaurants are going to continue to serve unhealthy meals. So for your next meal out, divide the portions and put half in a takeaway container at the outset. Bon appétit, at a better bargain. Sign-up at to receive our weekly e-newsletter. For comments, Follow us Instagram @docgiff and @diana_gifford_jones

Man's Best Friend

from Wayne & Tamara My mother-in-law has lived with us four years. She baby-sits our son, 4, and takes him back and forth to school three days a week. She also helps getting our 8-year-old ready in the morning. We pay her for her services. She pays no rent or bills and buys no groceries. My problem is she has no motivation, no goals, and doesn't want anything in life. She has nothing of her own, nor does she want anything. I suggested a part-time job so she could have extra money and do something with her life. She doesn't want to. She is happy having nothing and doing nothing. It bothers me to come home from a long day at work and see her watching television day and night. If she weren't in my house it wouldn't matter, but I don't understand how she could be happy making $100 a week. My wife acts like she can't live without her mother and doesn't mind that we take care of her. All I want her to do is get out in the world, better herself, and maybe after she gets on her feet, help us out a little. All she does is watch the kids, and by that I mean they do anything they want except hurt themselves. When we get home from work, she has plenty of time to go to bingo or visit her friends. If she has time to do all that, why doesn't she have time to help herself? Stan Stan, your arguments contradict one another. In the opening of your letter you are concerned your mother-in-law is a recluse and possibly depressed. Then you are angry at supporting her. Finally you hope she can get out in the world and help you out. You go on to mention she has no life, but complain she has time for bingo and friends. What's the essence of what's going on? Having your mother-in-law live with you is like owning a dog. She plays with the kids, she's a drain on your income, and your wife is really attached to her. But you don't especially like dogs. If she was a working breed, it would be another matter. Do you think you can teach this old dog new tricks? Not likely. You can't change a lapdog into a working breed, and you can't turn your mother-in-law, at her age, into what you wish her to be. She could get a job and help you out. But she won't. Stop thinking that way. She's not her son-in-law's best friend.This issue could drive a wedge between you and your wife, but is it worth it? The only real power you have is the power to frame what you see. You won't get positive attention from your wife by focusing on her mother. But if you focus on your wife and children, can you see the benefits you will reap? Your mother-in-law is taking your focus from where it should be. If you can't stop focusing on her, you will be the one in the doghouse. Wayne & Tamara From The Heart In the name of love please do one thing for me, and I promise never to bother you again. If you publish the following letter in the newspaper, I would be most grateful. Dear Karen, This day, now and forever, I would tell you how I feel. I love you beyond all limits. I love you more than I can express. Never will I leave you. Never will there be anyone besides you. Always, Joseph Joseph, only one thing endures: love. In a famous poem Leigh Hunt wrote, "Jenny kissed me when we met, Jumping from the chair she sat in…. Say I'm weary, say I'm sad, Say that health and wealth have missed me, Say I'm growing old, but add, Jenny kissed me." Tamara SEND LETTERS TO: Wayne & Tamara are the authors of Cheating in a Nutshell and The Young Woman’s Guide to Older Men—available from Amazon, Apple, and booksellers everywhere.

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Fact Or Fiction

from Wayne & Tamara My husband ran away from home, cavorted with a younger woman he knew for three weeks, moved to another city, cashed in all his retirement money, and ended up in a psychiatric hospital in the rubber room. All this madness was diagnosed as bipolar disorder with psychosis. Recommendation: medication for life and the diligent care of a headshrinker. I have the urge to get even. I feel this was intentional even though the doctor tells me he was manic with impaired distorted thinking and delusions. He is responding well to medication. Have you any input from other people enduring affairs as a result of mental incompetence? Elise Elise, you are angry at your husband's betrayal, so it's perfectly normal to feel the urge to get even. But on a scale of one to 10, that response would be a zero. Having sex with another man, or doing something else to hurt your husband, only degrades you. If you cheat back on a cheater, all it does is vindicate them and what they have done. We suggest you look into the question of whether your husband has a mental illness. There are three areas to explore: firsthand accounts, specific advice about this disorder, and general advice for families. Let us suggest a book in each category. Kay Redfield Jamison, a psychologist, suffers from bipolar illness. In "An Unquiet Mind" she describes how wonderful the manic phase feels: you feel you can do anything, shyness vanishes, the right words and gestures are suddenly there. When she was manic, Jamison maxed out her credit cards and jumped from moving cars, but when her rage subsided, she fell into the blackest holes of the mind. In "The Bipolar Disorder Survival Guide" David Miklowitz offers specific advice to patients and their families, while “Understanding Mental Illness” by Carlin Barnes and Marketa Wills offers help in understanding your husband's bizarre behavior. They also explore that sense of injustice you feel. Decide for yourself if your husband's actions are the actions of someone genuinely ill. If you believe he is not ill, you can decide to leave. If you believe he is ill, you must decide how to manage his illness while protecting yourself. Wayne & Tamara SEND LETTERS TO: Wayne & Tamara are the authors of Cheating in a Nutshell and The Young Woman’s Guide to Older Men—available from Amazon, Apple, and booksellers everywhere.

High-Dose Vitamin C and Lysine

By W. Gifford-Jones MD and Diana Gifford It’s an uncommon gift to reach 100 years of age – and be healthy. But apart from good genes and good luck, there are steps you can take to increase your chances for healthy longevity. Long time readers will know what I’ve said over and over again. Too many people gain excessive weight, eat poorly, neglect exercise, and fall victim to other lifestyle problems. They experience chronic diseases too early in life, including diabetes and cardiovascular disease. My message has been, to prevent the onset of heart disease, a top killer, high doses of vitamin C taken over the long term can make a difference. If you hear contrary views, ask about the dose. What doses are used in clinical trials? Peewee doses. And peewee doses of vitamin C won’t stop heart attacks. Here’s what you need to know. There are few nutrients as dynamic as high-dose vitamin C and lysine. While they are often praised individually, they have synergistic effects when combined. Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, has long been celebrated for its role in supporting a strong immune system and its potent antioxidant properties. It plays a pivotal role in collagen production, wound healing, and the absorption of iron from plant-based foods. But it is high-dose vitamin C that helps combat viral infections, reduce inflammation, and even improve cancer outcomes. Moreover, it serves as a potent antioxidant, neutralizing harmful free radicals and protecting cells from oxidative damage. Lysine is an essential amino acid important to protein synthesis and tissue repair. Our bodies cannot produce it, so we get it through diet or supplementation. Lysine and vitamin C work in tandem to fight cardiovascular disease and stroke. Atherosclerosis, the hardening and narrowing of arteries, is a significant contributor to heart disease. Lysine plays a pivotal role in preventing the buildup of arterial plaque, while vitamin C helps maintain blood vessel walls and repair damage. Dr. Linus Pauling, a two-time Nobel laureate, championed this combination to combat cardiovascular disease. Two interviews with him convinced me to bet my life on vitamin C and lysine after my heart attack 27 years ago. Hopefully you won’t have to make that decision. But my experience is evidence that there is an alternative to statins. One of the most immediate and relatable benefits of high-dose vitamin C and Lysine is their ability to ward off the common cold. The combination of these two nutrients can reduce the severity and duration of colds. Their immune-enhancing properties bolster the body's defense mechanisms, making it more resilient against viral invaders. When taken regularly, colds are infrequent. Environmental toxins and stressors mean chronic inflammation and oxidative damage. High-dose vitamin C and lysine act as a potent antioxidant shield, neutralizing free radicals and reducing inflammation. This protective effect extends to conditions like arthritis, where inflammation and joint damage are prominent features. When used in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle and appropriate medical treatment, this duo can offer relief to those suffering from chronic joint pain. While high-dose vitamin C should not be considered a standalone treatment for cancer, it has shown promise as an adjunctive therapy. Intravenous vitamin C can enhance the effectiveness of certain chemotherapy drugs while reducing their side effects. Furthermore, the combination of high-dose vitamin C and lysine can boost the body's resilience during cancer treatment by mitigating the weakening effects of chemotherapy and radiation, allowing patients to better tolerate their treatments. Final message. If it’s your intention to supplement with vitamin C and lysine for only a few months, it won’t work. It is a lifetime habit you need to follow. Sign-up at to receive our weekly e-newsletter. For comments, Follow us Instagram @docgiff and @diana_gifford_jones


ANSWERS TO WHY ? WHY, WAS THE QUESTION - ARE THESE THE ANSWERS ? 1. Could it be that we the people who elect these others into power have neglected our duty. We voted and then fail to follow what they do until it’s too late. Then we vote them back in. 2-5. Could it be that the happening across many municipalities of the reducing of car lanes, the creating of bus lanes which are unused the better part of the day, the increase of bike lanes, the set up of these rental stations for bike and scooters are part of the planned 15 minute cities also known as smart cities. 6. Babies are born with blank brains ready to learn. Babies first learn pain by means of hunger & gas. Discomfort is learned by wet and dirty diapers. Babies learn comfort and love by being fed, burped, cleaned, hugged, and comforting voices. As babies grow they absorb and copy everything, they investigate everything around them and we as parents watch over them, encouraging their learning while protecting them from potential dangers. 7. We are careful to only provide our children topics and objects that are age appropriate to learning. e.g. we would not give and expect a toddler to safely balance and ride a bicycle 8. Teaching a child, suggesting to that child that he or she is in the wrong body simply because of things they like, or like to do, is nothing more than manipulation and should be considered child abuse. Remember these are children, their young brains have not yet developed fully and they tend to believe what they are told as these children have not yet learned to question why or what they are being told. It’s no wonder there is a rise in children and teens are having mental problems and suicide attempts. 9. It is not okay to provide children puberty blockers and then when a teenager, mutilate that child? A teenager is still a child in the eyes of the law till the age of majority. When a child, who’s young brain has not fully developed, is encouraged and manipulated by teachers, doctors and other adults into making a life adulterating decision that could also mean a lifetime of medications, then those teachers, doctors etc should be criminally charged with bodily harm and indignity to an underage living person. 10. Governments did not give birth to our children. The government says, we the parents are responsible for our children until they reach adulthood. We, the parents, pay the government to educate our children, reading, writing, arithmetic, history, geography and science, NEVER did we the parents, give the government the right to confuse our children about their gender, about their sex or the how to of various sexual activities. 11. People are either a male (boy, man, father, brother, he, him) or a female (girl, woman, lady, mother, sister, she, her). How a person feels internally is not to be confused with what they were born. 12. Death by drug overdoses has increased since so called “safe drug sites” were provided. What we should be providing is help to overcome addiction. 13. Common sense, we, or most of us, have it, common sense and need to get back to using it instead of standing by and letting these things happen. 14. When the opposition doesn’t have answers to your questions and can’t have a civil conversation with you they attack you as being racist, homophobic, transphobic etc. 15. When the your opposition doesn’t have an answer to your question they label it as hate? 16. Electricity is not sole salvation of this world, ask anyone who has been in a two or more day blackout and having no other means then electricity for cooking, heating, communicating & transportation 17.– 20. We seem to have lost our ability of critical thinking and have been conditioned to believe the media and government tells us the truth. When if fact if we had paid attention we would know that the world is and has been slowly governed by non-elected parties who have no part in Canada, the UN (united nations) the WHO (world health organizations) and the WEF (world economic forum) who want to control us. Check out Bill C-63, C-293 for starters. Remember, Silence Solves Nothing, you’re not alone, speak up and others will too. Stand Up, Speak Up For Your Rights, Keep Democracy Alive

Durham Region Priorities Fall 2024

By Maurice Brenner Regional Councillor Ward 1 Pickering Regional Priorities Part 2 It’s easy to set priorities when Communities and Councillors work together. As I have said many times, I am very fortunate to have strong Community Groups that keep the pulse of what’s important, and through them I am able to set priorities. This week I am focusing on YOUTH as a priority. As we are very aware, homelessness in our Region has escalated. What we do know is that homelessness is a symptom of bigger problem. While Durham Region continues to expand its shelter programs it is equally important to recognize that when dealing with youth, shelters are not the solution, which is why addressing Youth is an important priority that was the focus of a recent Town-hall meeting I jointly hosted with the Pickering Westshore Community Association. One of the key discussions was a presentation from Durham Youth Services about the launch of a new program that provides emergency respite housing as an alternative to exposing youth to a shelter. “Night Stop”offers a safe place for vulnerable youth without entering the shelter cycle where they are exposed to increasing victimization further putting them at risk. The program matches a young person with a trained volunteer host while family reconciliation and or more settled accommodation can be found. Durham Region is one of 2 such programs in Canada (York Region is the other) which is modelled after its success in Europe. The program offers safe alternatives from ending up in a shelter. It works on long term solutions. Youth homelessness, is increasing at an alarming rate across the Region of Durham, and we must make it a priority by understanding the complexities that cause youth to become homeless while recognizing that in many instances it is circumstances beyond their control. For “Night Stop” to succeed it needs Communities across Durham to recognize they have a collective responsibility to address Youth Homelessness in an effort to ensure a positive future. Make combatting Youth Homelessness your priority and consider acting as a host to accommodate a youth in your home or a driver to provide safe transportation. Contact : or 905-239-9477.

You Can Minimize the Odds of Being Ghosted

By Nick Kossovan When job seekers complain about being ghosted—a form of silent rejection where candidates hear nothing after submitting an application or having been interviewed—I wonder if they're unaware of the changes in social norms and mannerisms. Do they not know that social norms and the workplace are intertwined? Since the advent of social media, manners, courtesy, and empathy have significantly diminished. If there's one thing job seekers can be certain about, they'll be ghosted multiple times throughout their job search. It wouldn't be a stretch to say ghosting candidates has become a norm. It's worth pointing out that companies don't ghost candidates; the company's employees ghost candidates. When the recruiter or hiring manager is of a generation that finds ghosting an acceptable way to terminate a relationship, romantic or otherwise, it shouldn't come as a surprise when they ghost candidates. Bad News: You can't change or control other people's behaviour. Good News: You can take proactive steps to minimize—as with all human interactions, there are no guarantees—the chances of being ghosted. Build a strong relationship. Focus on being likeable. Understandably, hiring managers—recruiters less so since they won't be working with the candidate—look to hire candidates they can envision getting along with; hence, most job seekers would significantly boost their chance of job search success by focusing more on being likable. By likable, I mean being pleasant, respectful, and expressing genuine interest in the company and the role. I've yet to meet a hiring manager who hires candidates they don't like. As I've mentioned in previous columns, likeability supersedes your skills and experience. Most job seekers don't focus enough on being likeable. The stronger the relationship (read: bond) you establish with the recruiter or hiring manager, the more likely they won't ghost you. From your first interaction, focus on creating a rapport beyond just transactional communication. Personalizing your correspondence can make a significant difference. Use the hiring manager's name instead of a generic 'To Whom It May Concern.' Find commonalities such as place of birth, hobbies, schools attended, associations you belong to, favourite restaurants, and people you know. Avoid appearing confrontational. Anyone reading this can relate to the number one reason why people ghost: to avoid confrontation. Today, many people feel entitled, resulting in job seekers being frustrated and angry. You only need to scroll through LinkedIn posts and comments to see that bashing employers has become an unproductive trend. Hence, it's likely that a candidate will become confrontational if told they don't get the job. Smile throughout your interview! Avoid appearing desperate! My best interviews have been those in which I was nonchalant; I was indifferent to whether or not I got the job. In addition to being a turn-off, showing signs of desperation will raise questions about how you'll react if told you don't get hired. Lastly, tell your interviewer how much you enjoyed talking with them and that you look forward to hearing back. · "I really enjoyed our conversation, Khloe. Thank you for taking the time to meet with me. I look forward to hearing your hiring decision." · "Either way, please call or email me to let me know about my application status." You're more likely to receive a response by asking explicitly for communication. Earn your interviewer's respect. People tend not to ghost someone they respect. Respect must be earned, starting with one of life's golden rules: Treat others how you want to be treated. In other words, give respect to get respect. Throughout your job search, be professional and courteous. Respond promptly to emails and calls and thank people for their time. Approaching recruiters and hiring managers politely and professionally improves your chances of being treated similarly. Ask for advice, not feedback. Asking for advice encourages communication. As your interviewer is wrapping up the interview, mention that you'd welcome their advice. "Given your extensive background in project management, any advice you may have for me wanting to advance my career would be greatly appreciated." Why ask for advice and not feedback? The first problem with asking for feedback is it puts the other person on the spot. The second problem is feedback can lead to disagreement, hurt feelings, or defensiveness, a common reaction resulting in confrontation. On the other hand, asking for advice is asking for guidance and suggestions to achieve a better result. Essentially, you're acknowledging the other person's experience and massaging their ego. Do you know anyone who doesn't like being asked for advice? Send a thank you note. Sending a thank you note expressing appreciation for the interview and the insights you gained reinforces your interest and keeps the lines of communication open. Conclude with a forward-looking statement, encouraging the recipient to respond. · "I look forward to hearing from you regarding the next steps." · "I look forward to staying in touch." Job searching aside, direct, open, and honest communication—say what you mean, mean what you say—which I highly value, has become rare, which explains the prevalence of ghosting. When you're ghosted, assume the company isn't enthusiastic about hiring you. Silence may be golden in some things, but ghosting is not one of them __________________________________________________________________________ Nick Kossovan, a well-seasoned veteran of the corporate landscape, offers advice on searching for a job. You can send him your questions at

The Dirty Game

By Lisa Robinson In Pickering, the Integrity Commissioner (IC) is paid by the very city whose officials they are tasked with overseeing, creating an inherent conflict of interest. How could the IC not be biased when they are employed by the same people they’re supposed to hold accountable? The recent report, sanctioning me for things that they feel, in their opinion, I should or should not do, without a shred of evidence of actually breaching any code of conduct, is just the latest example of a deeply flawed and biased system. Mayor Ashe openly declared his bias against me during the September 3rd Executive Meeting, stating he didn’t want to hear anything I had to say. This sets a dangerous precedent. It was the Mayor himself who ordered city staff to comb through my social media, op-eds, and videos in search of anything they could use to manufacture a complaint against me. This is not governance; it’s a witch hunt in which he is using city resources and employees to do his dirty work—an abuse of power to silence dissent. The IC’s dismissal of multiple valid complaints brought by me and others against council members—including sexual harassment, psychological harassment, threats of violence, bullying, and more—further demonstrates their bias. These are serious issues, yet the IC turns a blind eye while clamping down on my right to speak for the people and my right to free expression under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. I’ve also raised legitimate concerns about council members receiving gifts and benefits, but the IC has told me outright that they don’t want to draw more attention to the city. Instead of investigating corruption, they’ve chosen to sweep it under the rug, labeling my complaints as “retaliatory.” This is utter nonsense. If there’s any retaliation happening, it’s from Mayor Ashe and his council. I called him out for traveling during the height of COVID and have made claims of council and staff’s corruption, collusion, and perceived bribery, and ever since, they have been vindictive and determined to silence me. It’s not just me they’re targeting. They’ve gone so far as to request changes to the Municipal Act, seeking the authority to remove any elected official who doesn’t fall in line with their narrative. This is the most undemocratic move I have ever witnessed from those who claim to uphold democracy. By twisting the truth and misrepresenting facts, they’re not just coming for me—they’re attacking the very foundation of our democratic process. The hypocrisy here is staggering. Mayor Ashe claims that it is a great privilege to share his opinion as an elected official, yet I, as someone elected by the people to represent their interests, am being punished for speaking mine. They sanctioned me last year, a single mother with mortgage payments, car payments, bills, and a child to feed, taking away my salary for three months right before Christmas, knowing I have no other sources of income. Now, they’re trying to do it again. What kind of leaders would put someone at risk of losing their home or not being able to feed their family, just for doing their job and standing up for the people? This is not leadership; it’s cruelty, plain and simple. These individuals have shown who they really are—vindictive, power-hungry, and willing to destroy anyone who dares to challenge their authority. They are unfit to lead our community. The Integrity Commissioner has failed to uphold their duty with procedural fairness. Their so-called "findings" are based on personal interpretations and feelings, not on facts or evidence. This entire system is corrupt. In other municipalities, ICs have been fired for similar failures, and Pickering’s IC should meet the same fate. The people of Pickering deserve leaders who work for them, not those who twist the law to serve their own interests. It’s time for Mayor Ashe and his council to step down. They have proven, through their actions, that they are not leaders—they are oppressors. It’s time to restore true democracy in Pickering, where all voices are heard, not silenced for convenience. As I have barely scratched the surface of what’s happening behind closed doors, with perceived bribery, collusion, and the way reports by third parties are labeled as confidential whenever the outcome is unfavorable, the truth remains hidden from the people. How about the Mayor sending texts directing how he wants us to vote on certain agenda items? Or the fact that he wanted to see our Freedom of Information requests before we submitted them to the city clerk? This is all indicative of a corrupted system. It’s even more disheartening that during council meetings, the Mayor is often too busy watching the big game, while many councillor’s are preoccupied with their phones or other electronics, ignoring the very voices of the people they are supposed to represent. Yet, I am the one who will now have to suffer at the hands of these corrupt individuals, unable to support my family or pay my bills for another three months. This is pure evil for doing the right thing—being honest and having integrity and morals. The City of Pickering is constantly breaking its own rules when special interest groups are involved or when they receive money, incentives, or when big companies spend money in our city. It’s a disheartening reality that those who should be held accountable are instead manipulating the system to target those of us who dare to speak the truth. We need leaders who are committed to ethical governance, not a regime that punishes honesty and integrity. As I have said many times, I always knew that politics was a dirty game. I just didn’t know how dirty


By Dean Hickey As reports of violent crimes in and around Memorial Park continue, with no less than two stabbings and two violent assaults having been reported since the start of the summer months, councillors voted last week to send in a platoon of maintenance staff, each one of them armed with weed trimmers, to remove low-lying vegetation along the edges of the Oshawa Creek in their effort to make neighbourhoods safer. A report presented to council made no less than five references to environmental concerns in doing this work, leading even the most casual observer to rightfully question the City’s priorities when it comes to the safety of its citizens. All of this comes at a time when residents and businesses downtown are expressing extreme frustration with city hall. One property owner who reached out to me last week offered a rather frank assessment, “It’s just exhausting to have to continually complain and hound and beg to be heard… but nobody at city hall seems to care." One person who does care is Dave Thompson, a long time union representative and local activist who ran in the last municipal election for Ward 4, the area that includes the downtown. He is adamant more can be done. “You have to arrest people who are breaking the law, and for too long we have seen a reactionary approach to policing without an actual plan to combat crime.” Thompson brought forward a plan he refers to as “Cops on Blocks” which lays out a three phased approach to better community policing. “We also need every service agency to come together to develop a cooperative approach at handing the homeless issue, and that should not include the distribution of needles that end up in stairwells and people’s backyards.” On the matter of improved safety and enforcement, councillor Brian Nicholson described the creekside walking paths that run through the city’s downtown as “a disaster” and went on to say that “Too much naturalization has created areas for individuals to literally hide out, with residents saying they no longer feel safe using the pathways, even in the middle of the day.” I reached out to Ward 4 regional councilor Rick Kerr, who has played an active role in trying to make the downtown a better place, whether on the issue of homelessness or the creation of a long hoped for Entertainment District. “I can tell you a lot has been done by way of security cameras and community policing in the last few years, and we even have a team of people who regularly clean up our parks and streets in the city’s downtown. This year we have seen the arrest of over 100 people, including 10 significant drug trafficking suspects, and this involved multiple police divisions who continue to work hard at making our streets safe. We also added a new fire rescue vehicle for the purpose of attending medical calls, which make up a significant portion of incidents in our downtown.” It is known that Council has a ‘no encampment’ policy, which many see as an attempt at simply pushing people along, causing disruption with little compassion, however this is countered by councillor Kerr. “We have a Primary Care Outreach program where a nurse and a paramedic will approach a person deemed to be in need of food, clothing or shelter, and they will be offered as much assistance as can be provided.” No-one could be blamed for suggesting that those with mental health issues, and the many thousands now dealing with drug addictions among the homeless community, should be afforded refuge in a well-organized full service facility, manifestly designed to offer treatment and eventual re-integration into the community. In a recent article in the Canadian Firefighter Magazine, Mayor Dan Carter was quoted as saying “98 percent of the individuals we’re dealing with on the streets of Oshawa have both a mental health and drug issue.” While this may be true in terms of calls involving first responders, it would seem to ignore the men and women who, through economic hardship and plain old-fashioned bad luck, find themselves sleeping under a bridge or in a tent well hidden from the public gaze. The City and the Region share the responsibility of allocating funding, resources, and staffing, therefore the buck stops at city hall when dealing with crime and the safety concerns related to homelessness. One of the options presented to council included the installation of lighting at dead-end streets next to the Oshawa Creek. One has to ask, where are the light standards that should be located along the entire walking path? Why has this aspect of community safety been ignored, or simply pushed aside for so long? Until a new mindset is established within the corridors of power, taxpayer dollars will continue to be put towards make-work projects like clearing bushes in an effort to avoid the real solutions that can actually make a difference. Perhaps it’s time for the Provincial government to turn off the funding tap and take control of priority investments that will truly increase safety and reduce crime. Meanwhile, those who live adjacent to the Oshawa Creek can look forward to the sounds of property maintenance equipment this autumn as city crews attempt to clear some of what they see as an impediment to safety. Let us hope their efforts prove successful. THIS WEEK IN COUNCIL HISTORY 1989 The Oshawa This Week reported on Sept 27 that Councillor Irv Harrell accused Mayor Allan Pilkey of withholding information on the proposed Regional Headquarters development in downtown Oshawa. The issue split council into separate camps, with Councillor Margaret Shaw saying “I’ve never seen anything like this… There are personal attacks… I think it’s very sad.” Hillstone Canada would eventually sign a letter of intent to develop a $250 million city centre on vacant GM land, however the proposal would ultimately die at the Region, where councillors would vote 17-15 to oppose the project. Hillstone pulled out of any existing agreements and the site would eventually become home to two residential towers and a Regional courthouse.