Showing posts with label Football. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Football. Show all posts

Sunday, March 5, 2023

The Chinese Are Not Our Enemy - We Are

By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. - ONE DAY AT A TIME - What is wrong with modern society. We want to appear as we are so advanced. Yet, by our own design we are becoming a civilization of ignoramus. One would think that with the overwhelming amount of information circulation online that we all be geniuses by now. In reality this proves a the theory that we all profess to know everything and in fact know nothing. That we the masses are nothing but sheep to a habitual go around that is controlled by misinformation, too much information and or information overload. The media plays us like a social fiddle. Just this week it hit the news.... The headline read, “Was there foreign interference in the 2021 election? What a new report says”. Followed by, “Overall, the system in place to alert Canadians of foreign interference threats to the 2021 election worked well but there are areas for improvements.” In other words they know something is up, but the power in the clouds can’t prove a thing. It appears that we go from one war right in to another. Covid kept us in fear for almost 3 years. Then came the Russians. Now the Chinese. I am sure that the Chinese are laughing about us. Saying things like, “Ha, they worry about balloons. Those are just distractions.” Think about it for a moment. Without knowing it we have slowly been invaded for the past 40 years. From our industry, to our commerce not to mention our manufacturing to our financial economies. China, owns a large part of Canada. Both in hard assets and finance. Then why worry about balloons, electronic tampering when they are basically already running the show. To boot we have a Federal government that admires the communist regime. Why should the Chinese waste a bullet. They have won the war without a single fight. Now deaths are a different thing as their negligence in the release of the COVID virus took out people all across the world. If it had been an oil spill would we the world not wanted retribution, some sort of compensation. Why should we not demand retribution for the COVID spread? Well, the Chinese are obviously smarter than we are and know how to push our social buttons. How are we Canadians with more social hang ups then the Chinese have grains of rice compete with a regime that is calculative, organized and focused on winning at all cost. We the Canadian people that would gave up our lives during world wars to protect the integrity of Canada are already dead. They hit us with vaccines that till today are truly unproven and unknown. They hit us with the control of our internet and our media. They control our financial institutions and buy lands at large. We the people are our own worst enemy. We have to awaken to the reality that China is our master and there is nothing we can do. Or can we. I would say. We need to devaluate their currency. Stop depending on their goods. And make Canada first and once in for all bring back what worked in Canada. What am I saying. This is Canada. REMEMBER ALWAYS Hope for the Best. PREPARE FOR the worst.

Saturday, February 25, 2023

The Next Elections will likely occur under a new Election Boundary Map

by Maj (ret'd) CORNELIU. CHISU, CD, PMSC, FEC, CET, P. Eng. Former Member of Parliament Pickering-Scarborough East It is well known that every 10 years the federal election map of Canada is updated to reflect growth and shift in the population. The number of seats in the House of Commons is also modified accordingly. As the country moves from 338 electoral districts to 343, new seats are created. Overall, of the existing 338 ridings, 271 will see their boundaries changed. Three of the next electoral map's five new seats are going to be in Alberta. British Columbia is getting one more seat; a seat carved out of southern B.C.'s interior. Ontario gets one more seat but Toronto itself loses a seat, dropping from 25 to 24. It is worth noting that the system of independent provincial commissions re-drawing riding maps has been in place in Canada since 1964. After each decennial census, Elections Canada makes a recommendation on the adjustment of the number of seats to be added to the House of Commons, a recommendation which must be approved by the House of Commons. After that, though, it is up to three-person commissions in each province to re-draw existing maps to account for those new seats or redistribute existing seats based on population shifts. The head of each provincial commission is a judge appointed by the chief justice of each provincial court. The other two members of each provincial commission are appointed by the Speaker of the House of Commons and tend to be academics or retired civil servants. So far, at least, the Canadian system of re-drawing electoral districts has avoided the gerrymandering controversies of the United States where state legislatures get to re-draw electoral maps and often do so to obtain a partisan advantage for the party in control of that legislature. The "final reports" of each provincial commission are put forward after public consultations and after an initial report is tabled with a first draft of new riding boundaries. At this stage, the discussion on the boundary changes in many ridings continues in the various provinces and territories, carried on by the respective election commissions with input from the public, parliamentarians and other communities of interest. 'Communities of interest' refers to concerns that are relevant to the people of the particular region. It could be urban versus rural, it could be linguistic minorities, or even racialized minorities. The commissions are supposed to take those factors into account in trying to keep communities together, or at least avoiding the division of their voting power in a way that's harmful to those groups." Trying to keep communities of interest together when re-drawing riding boundaries is a concept that may appear sound, but can be quite tricky to implement. The commissions have to consider all factors and to make many tough choices. It is clear that we will see some changes in the future and the political parties are fully engaged in examining and defending their future election chances. It is a fact that realignment of the electoral boundaries creates new issues for both sitting MPs and future candidates. A new reality is being established. The commissions are expected to make their final decisions in April. By law, the new boundaries would then be in effect for any general election that occurs seven months after the finalization of boundaries. As things slowly develop across the country, it is interesting to see how the Province of Ontario deals with electoral boundary realignment. Not only because we live in Ontario, but because the sheer number of MPs elected in this province, represent a sizable portion of the House of Commons. The Ontario commission had a tendency to make changes in the electoral boundaries based on many factors, but essentially taking into consideration an argument based on urban-rural splits and communities of interest. Proposed changes in the Durham region are especially interesting, and the riding of Pickering Uxbridge, where I was a candidate in the past, stands out in particular. The Ontario commission took the Toronto-area riding of Pickering-Uxbridge and divided it up along urban-rural lines. The southern half of Pickering-Uxbridge, currently held by Liberal Jennifer O'Connell, becomes the riding of Pickering-Brooklin, picking up some polls from the northern part of the riding of Whitby. While those northern Whitby polls tended to vote Conservative, Pickering-Brooklin, because it is now more urban, should be more favourable to O'Connell's chances of re-election. The rest of the former riding of Pickering-Uxbridge, the northern, rural half, moves to a new riding to be called York-Durham that contains a much higher proportion of rural areas than urban or suburban areas and, as a result, would likely lean Conservative based on previous voting patterns. In conclusion, I ask you to follow these changes in the electoral boundaries, especially here in the Durham region. As the situation stands today, the next election will operate based on these new electoral boundaries. Be aware and be informed!

Monday, January 23, 2023

Turbocharge Your LinkedIn Profile to Generate Job Opportunities

By Nick Kossovan "The power of visibility can never be underestimated." - Margaret Cho (American comedian) Welcome to 2023! I hope this is the year you find an employer where you feel accepted and at home. A job seeker's best compass is to prioritize finding where they belong. Think: "I'm not looking for a job; I'm looking for my tribe!" Imagine how much more efficient (NOTE: I didn't say "easier") your job search would be if employers were contacting you about their open positions-asking if you'd like to join their tribe. (Throughout the hiring process, you can determine whether you'll fit in well with the employer and feel welcomed.) Your LinkedIn profile plays a crucial role in achieving this aforementioned efficiency. It's common knowledge that a well-thought-out, complete LinkedIn profile attracts attention. Truism: Visibility is essential to success. Ask yourself: "Am I missing out on opportunities because I'm not visible enough?" Odds are the answer is "Yes." Here's how to turbocharge your LinkedIn profile to generate job leads. 1. Upgrade your profile picture. Fair or unfair, your profile picture forms the first impressions of you. Hence, make it a good one! - Upload your profile picture to - Analyze the feedback. -Based on the data, reshoot/edit your picture. Not having a LinkedIn profile photo is "damaging" and will likely prolong your job search and hinder your employment prospects. Lack of a LinkedIn profile photo can result in the following adverse effects: - It'll seem you lack a basic understanding of how LinkedIn works. There's even a possibility some viewers will presume you're incapable of uploading a photo. - Fake LinkedIn profiles abound. Most people will assume, rightfully so, a profile without a photo is fake. - Your profile is incomplete without a photo. In search results, complete profiles appear higher. According to LinkedIn Help: "Members with profile photos can receive up to 21 times more profile views than those without profile photos." - When a LinkedIn profile doesn't have a profile picture, it suggests that the person isn't committed to professional networking. If you're going to a networking event, you can't hide your face, so why are you hiding it on LinkedIn? 2. Take advantage of keywords. Recruiters and employers use keywords to find candidates. By using the right keywords, you'll appear in more searches. You can find keywords that'll help you appear in searches by following these steps: - Find 10+ job descriptions for target roles. - Paste them into Cultivated Culture's job description scanner. - Save the top 15 skills. (These are your keywords.) - Integrate these skills (keywords) throughout your profile. 3. Create a compelling headline. Your LinkedIn headline is a public one-sentence resume that tells the viewer who you are, what you do, and what you bring to the table. Using the following formula, you can write a compelling headline: [Keywords] | [Skills] | [Results-Focused Value Proposition] For example, a medical device salesperson's LinkedIn headline might look like this: Medical Device Salesperson | B2B, Cold Calling, Capital Equipment | I cultivate high-value prospective clients, thus having increased my territory's sales by 28% 4. Write an 'About' section that makes the reader say, "I must meet this person!" A great 'About' section has three parts: 1. A short paragraph that speaks to your job, years of experience, and value proposition. (Include your keywords!) 2. Five bullets that showcase specific (READ: qualified, measurable) achievements. 3. Your email address so the reader can contact you. 5. Leverage your 'Featured' section. It's hard to convey your value on a resume or LinkedIn profile, thus why LinkedIn provides a 'Featured' section where you can upload your work and demonstrate your expertise. Showing your work to employers is the best way to convey your worth. Hence in your 'Featured' section, share examples of your work, upload certificates, awards, links to your content etc. Speaking of content, create it! Content (e.g., articles, eBooks, videos, polls, charts and infographics, memes, podcasts) is networking en masse. It's possible to reach more people through one post than through your entire network of connections. Posting content, instead of simply uploading it to your 'Featured' section, illustrates what you can offer employers and your communication style and personality. Yes, it's uncomfortable and frightening to put yourself out there, which is why only 2 to 5% of people do it. However, when done strategically, the return on creating and posting is substantial. 6. Skills have an impact. LinkedIn uses a profile's 'Skills' section to rank profiles. Boost your ranking by: - Add every keyword from your Cultivated Culture scan. - Pick the five most relevant skills. - Ask colleagues, friends, family, & classmates for endorsements regarding your five most relevant skills. 7. Support and engage. The more comments you leave, the more views you get! Try this: - Find ten thought leaders in your area of focus. - Bookmark their post feed. - Every day, check their feeds. - Leave a supportive, insightful comment on new posts. If you need an additional reason why you should give your LinkedIn profile lots of love, besides turbocharging it to attract job opportunities, keep in mind that employers will review your LinkedIn profile to determine whether you're interview-worthy. _______________________________________________________ Nick Kossovan, a well-seasoned veteran of the corporate landscape, offers advice on searching for a job. You can send him your questions at

Friday, December 23, 2022

Canada and Christmas 2022

by Maj (ret'd) CORNELIU. CHISU, CD, PMSC, FEC, CET, P. Eng. Former Member of Parliament Pickering-Scarborough East Barely out of the Corona virus pandemic, Canada has entered into a dangerous area of high inflation. The politicians and the Bank of Canada are trying to resolve the problem but there is only a faint hope that they will succeed. So, here we are, trying to celebrate Christmas in an optimistic way and hoping for the best for the New Year, 2023. The World, including Canada, has finished 2022 grasping for some kind of relief in view of the war in Europe and a worsening economy. The year 2023 will be decisive in giving us the highly desired optimism for finding the road that will get us back to a new palatable normal. By now most countries' economies are in shatters. Such an insecure global outlook hardly makes for a secure context for economies to make a quick recovery. However, let us hope that the strongest economies will continue to show a resilience in the midst of the worsening geopolitical environment as government relief programs continue to offer some kind of support. How long this support will be in place is hard to predict. On the positive side, financial markets have done better than expected despite the earlier doom and gloom pronouncements prophesied nine months ago. Certainly, some things in the present world have clearly changed, and perhaps permanently. The global job market has been ravaged by COVID, especially in the service and tourism sectors, where typically low wages left millions vulnerable and highly dependent on government stimulus measures to survive. The prospects in this area are not very optimistic at present, with the war in Ukraine entering a new and more dangerous phase. The chances of small to medium sized businesses having to close their operations for good are strong and worrisome, as this is bound to create unprecedented hardship for many people and their families. The future doesn't look good, as the World Bank contends that Covid-19's wide-ranging effects will result in an increase of the poorest by up to 150 million people. The success of the past 30 years, where the numbers of the world's poorest declined from 36% of the 1990 global population to 8% just prior to the pandemic, has now been devastated. This is a tragedy of significant proportions. Yet we are still optimistic that the Western economies, including Canada's, are capable of rebounding despite a new insecure world which is devastating much of their productivity, just as we looked for recovery to commence. Unlike the Great Recession of 2008-2009, when economists felt they understood the ground and how to rebuild, our current predicament has left these same financial experts scratching their heads. They are aware the unemployment numbers will remain stagnant for perhaps decades. Our present economic challenges are on a global scale and the reverberating effects will remain unknown for years to come. Health concerns and the recent war in Ukraine have paralyzed us and have transcended everything as civilization seeks to survive something it can't even see. Our recovery will take much more than we actually think. Just when trust and cohesion are required at the societal level to wade through this calamity, increasing numbers of citizens and businesses are deeply concerned about where the economy is going. The wobbly decisions made by governments both provincially and federally add ferment to a badly deteriorating situation. The societal unease and fragmentation arising from this uncertainty could become an element for endless partisan divisions in upcoming provincial and federal elections. There will certainly be positive global changes on the societal scene and new trade opportunities with Canada's traditional allies in America, Asia and Europe. Let us hope we will have a new vision with the ability to focus on Main Street, not only on Wall Street. Canadians will look forward to effective and fair societal changes in line with their values and traditions and a more collaborative form of politics at all levels of government. This will be our life in 2023 - more uncertainty, slow economic recovery, rising divisions within the temporary hegemony caused by COVID, increased tensions with Russia and China, and the ever-present politically motivated climate change challenge. But for now, let's focus on enjoying the holiday season, look forward to the traditional Christmas festivities with our families, and hope for a better and more optimistic future. Will Canada remain a reasonable and reasoning country? The answer to that question is within our control, although much of our fate in 2023 will be determined elsewhere. How it will unfold and how drastically these external forces will influence us remains to be seen. So shall it be 'Bah, humbug!' or 'Merry Christmas!' Your choice.

Saturday, November 19, 2022

The Innocent Party

Ten years ago, I am ashamed to say, I had an affair with my husband's best friend. My husband and I stuck it out, and I am happy to say we are still together. The problem is this. A few months ago my husband went to this former friend's house to have a beer with some men from work. When I found out, I was very upset. After talking it over, my husband said he understood why I was upset and promised not to do it again. Tonight, on the way home from picking up our son at daycare, I drove past this friend's house. Who did I see sitting at the picnic bench in his yard? My husband, the former best friend, and another man. I am upset all over again. I told my husband I do not want this man in our lives, and that he is pouring salt in the wounds. He said he won't do it again, but that is what he said last time. I don't get it. Isn't this weird behavior on his part? I should mention about six years after the affair, this friend took it upon himself to "clear his conscience" and tell my husband. That is how my husband found out. However, his best friend did not feel compelled to tell his wife at the time about our liaison. Viveca Viveca, there is nothing weird about your husband's behavior. His best friend was forcibly expelled from his life. He wants things back as they were before. This man's presence reminds you of the affair, but his absence from your husband's life reminds your husband about the affair. You want to punish your former lover for telling, but paybacks don't work when you are the one in the wrong. It is your husband's choice. You are trying to turn the tables on him for the very thing you benefited from, staying in a relationship. Are you afraid the bond between the two men is stronger than your marriage? Two terms are being used loosely here. A "wife" doesn't sleep with her husband's friend, and a "friend" doesn't sleep with his best friend's wife. Wayne & Tamara Still In Love I am dating Bud, a 52-year-old widower. His wife, Bianca, dropped dead of a heart attack on the ski slopes 18 months ago. He told me psychologically he is ready to move on, but the house has been left exactly the same. Her clothes are still hanging in the closet, her perfumes and brushes still on the dresser, her sunglasses still on her desk. Pictures of them abound, and the urn with her ashes is somewhere in the house. I didn't ask where. I haven't said a word about any of this, but I think it is a little bit strange. Recently we went boating, and the inside of the boat is the same as the house. I met Bianca's best friend Ava. In 48 hours she mentioned Bianca at least ten times, and even asked Bud to bring out pictures of one of their last vacations together. I thought this insensitive and thoughtless on Ava's part. Am I overly sensitive? Is Bud still grieving? I am not sure I want to meet any more of Bud's friends if they are going to spend the entire time talking about a man's dead wife. I don't know what to say except that I have lost loved ones too. Laura Laura, if I lost Tamara the opening would not be there for another woman. Our lives are that tightly interwoven. Bud's house is a testament to his love. It may take years or decades for him to move on. Or Bud may never love another woman as he loved Bianca. The connection he lost was his alone. It is not for you to set a timetable for him or for his friends. Wayne Wayne & Tamara are also the authors of Cheating in a Nutshell, What Infidelity Does to the Victim, available from Amazon, Apple and most booksellers. Wayne & Tamara write:

Saturday, November 12, 2022

When in oshawa please don’t drink the water

By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. When in Oshawa, please don’t drink the water. How else do you explain the recent municipal election results? Can there be that many stupid people in one city? The City is offered a golden opportunity to improve the quality of life for everyone and the people appear to be happy with people living on our streets. With people over dosing and dieying on our streets at an alarming rate. People are ok with our parks and ravines being turned into make shift home for the homeless. Or that our parks and ravines are not safe to go for a walk. It appears that people are ok with being harassed when visiting the core. Or that the quality of service keep going down while taxes keep going up. How do you justify the huge number of homes being built and the tax that they bring to expenditure, waste and relation to any tax increase? There is none. Tax increases are money that municipal officials use to grease palms. To solidify support during elections. How else do you explain the results? The status quo is acceptable? First only 18% actually cared enough to turn out and vote. This means that like in most global democracies. The majority is made up of a minority. A minority that has proven to lack any sense of knowledge of what is taking place in our city. Out of the 11 municipal positions in Oshawa. The people only changed 1. I blame the other 82% that did not even bother to turn out. It has to be the water... Please explain it to me. Could it be that the same people keep coming out every election? Think about it. Last election it was a 22% turn out. Are voters that care about democracy actually dieying? In the downtown core alone. The same two councillors win!!! Councillors that are directly responsible for the homeless and the poor safety/health condition of our core. We reward failure with another term and thank them by forking over taxpayers money for them to continue doing nothing positive for the core? People always wonder. Why is it that we do not have more professionals put their name forward during municipal elections. Well, these results make it obvious why. Why would anyone want to put their name forward when people do not vote on credentials. The vote on name recognition. Look at what took place in the Mayoral race. On the eleventh hour. A nobody, clerk looking to up her pay and job title puts her name forward as the vote by sex vote. She came second. A person with no real accomplishments. Limited education. No real business life experience. No real interest or understanding of the issues of the City. Did we not learn from voting Carter in... that the pity vote is not in our best interest? Don’t get me wrong. I am not bitter, but disapointed that society is failing and we are on course to self destruct. Look at the COVID situation. Were we ready for disaster? Socially we are heading towards dangerous times. Democracy led by a majority made up of minority is not democracy. Everyone is quick to complain about tax increase and the cost of living. Yet, no one is prepared to make the right changes to bring positive change. Please when in Oshawa. Don’t drink the water. Better safe than one of the 18%

Monday, October 10, 2022


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Always Remember That The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Decode Your Life By Living It Without Regret or Sorrow. Talk about 50 shades of gray... this was more like 50 shades of red. Ok let me back it up. This past week the Chamber of Commerce in its attempt to save face as the traditional debate failed with great style and grace. Originally it was to take place at a local restaurant at 7:30am at a cost of $27. This was met with opposition. One to early on a week day the other people did not want to pay $27 dollars for a breakfast. Instead the Chamber pulled a 180 and opted for no debate. No public. Just the Mayoral candidates. Mayoral candidates were invited to attend Rogers community TV studio for a live on air Q&A. The recording can be viewed if you go to and scroll down. The Q&A was an early morning turkey shoot. The question loaded and the mayor spewing statistics like a champ. He attempted to take credit for natural growth. Meanwhile not acknowledging all the opportunities he missed. Not to mention addressing the serious and in peril condition our downtown is in. According to Carter the City has never done better. Quality of life according to him could not be better. At one point I had to wake up Sara as she sat to my left. A question was asked and she just sat there. I had to call her name so that she realized that a question was pending. Sara’s priority for the city appeared to revolve around a dog park downtown and nature path. She clearly showed that she lacks the experience of running a business. By her own admittance on the broadcast she admits not to have answers to some issues. She goes on as stating that Sara has approached city many times and the City has ignored every request. She clearly has not been effective as a civilian she will surely not be effective as a mayor with no real life experience. Near the end of the broadcast... Carter goes on how he is law abiding citizen... blah, blah only to be questioned on why he broke his own bylaws by posting his election signs prior to the allotted time. Some law abiding person. Some leader. Great example. Not to mention a police investigation. During Carter break of the law. He was filmed by a citizen. In the film. You can clearly see Carter walking up and attempt to push back the camera man. Subsequently the camera man suffered injury and has filed a complaint with Durham Regional Police. The question I ask is... Would you hire Sara or Carter to run any corporation? Have they ever had a business or filled the role they seek election for? Sara a clerk at an electrical contractor. Carter a careered free loader. Is this what I am running against? Should I even have to campaign. Proven leadership. Proven successful business. PEOPLE IT IS TIME. LET’S TAKE OUR CITY BACK.

Saturday, July 23, 2022

For Your Cover Letter to Do Its Job Don't Commit These Faux Pas

For Your Cover Letter to Do Its Job Don't Commit These Faux Pas By Nick Kossovan Not including a cover letter is lazy-employers don't hire lazy. (I certainly don't.) Regardless of how you apply for a job, whether through a referral or online, you must show how your skills, experiences, and personality set you apart from other applicants. It's for this reason, you should always include a cover letter. Including a well-written cover letter tailored to the job, and addressed to the hiring manager, offers several competitive advantages: - It shows your enthusiasm and that you researched the job requirements and the company. (You're not lazy.) - You're addressing the hiring manager directly and therefore bringing your relevant skills and experiences directly to their attention. - You're selling how you can add value to the company. - Your personality is conveyed to the hiring manager. - Your cover letter shows off your writing skills. (Employers value above-average writing skills.) Your cover letter has one job; to get the reader to read your resume. (It's your resume's job to get you an interview.) Imagine how much more likely you'd get an interview invite if you applied for jobs with a great cover letter and a resume that WOWs. Therefore, you don't want to make the following mistakes that'll hinder your cover letter from doing its job. 1. Attaching your cover letter to your email. To ensure your cover letter is read, don't send it as an attachment. Instead, write it within the email body. When the recipient opens your email, your cover letter will be immediately visible, increasing the likelihood that they'll read it. 2. Providing irrelevant information. Cover letters should be concise. Only offer details directly relevant to the job or that illustrates you have the skills and experience the employer is looking for. When I'm looking for a sales-oriented call center agent, I'm not looking for someone who's been providing "world-class" customer service or who's, in their opinion, "detail-oriented." These things don't matter in terms of reaching sales goals. A person who knows how to ask a prospect discovery questions to uncover their wants and needs and then offer them the appropriate product or service is whom I'm looking for. I'll lose interest if someone goes on and on about their customer service skills. I want them to tell me about the biggest sale they ever made, along with their passion and methodology (e.g., discovery questions they usually ask) for making sales. Hiring managers aren't responsible for connecting the dots regarding why you're a great fit for the position or how your skills are transferrable. Connect the dots in your cover letter. "Having sold life insurance for the past 15 years, I'm comfortable selling an intangible product, and therefore, I don't anticipate not being successful selling registered RESPs." (Registered Education Savings Plan) Think about what the reader of your cover letter would like to see and what'll convince them you're worth interviewing. Sentences like, "I see you need someone who's available to work nights and weekends. I enjoy working these hours and I'm available to do so," or, "Along with my resume, I've attached several samples of my writing." goes a long way. 3. Not including requested information. The most common application mistake I see is not following instructions. Based on my experience I'd estimate 7 out of 10 applicants fail to address every stipulation listed in a job posting, which indicates an inability, or unwillingness, to follow instructions. Name an employer who'd hire someone who can't follow instructions. Be sure to read the job posting in its entirety! It's common for employers to ask candidates to submit examples of their work or portfolio, link to their LinkedIn profile, their availability, a video, or their salary requirements. In your cover letter, include anything you've been asked to include or mention that it's attached (e.g., portfolio, writing sample, video, certificates). Failure to follow instructions is a sure way to get rejected. 4. Closing with a cliche statement. "Thank you for taking the time to review my resume. I look forward to hearing from you," shows a lack of creativity and hustle. (Name an employer who dislikes employees who hustle.) Conclude your cover letter with something like, "I look forward to discussing what I can bring to the Social Media Manager role at Pendant Publishing. I'll call you Thursday morning to schedule a time/date for us to meet." This shows initiative, that you want the job and aren't afraid to go after what you want. (Be sure to make the call.) I once received a cover letter that closed with, "Call today, don't delay." The closing was aggressive, which I tend to gravitate towards. It grabbed my attention. Additionally, her cover letter outlined everything she could bring to the table as an employee. Her boldness impressed me, so I called her. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nick Kossovan, a well-seasoned veteran of the corporate landscape, offers advice on searching for a job. You can send him your questions at

Saturday, May 7, 2022


IT IS OFFICIAL AND I DID IT FOR OUR CHILDREN By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” Dear People of Oshawa. allow me to take this time and explain my recent decision to run for the office of Mayor. I am a hard working local business man raising a family like most of you. I work hard for what I have and know the true value of a dollar. I drive through our downtown and my heart aches. How can we live in such a rich nation and have our own country folk living on our streets. Many call the homeless a ‘problem’. When in reality it is more a circumstance. A circumstance that we are all having to deal with. Many blame it on social services. Others on drug/alcohol addictions. Some point the the lack of affordable mental health services for Canadians, not to mention the lack of affordable housing. To me these are all parts of a bigger picture. Many wise men have said that the solution to a problem lies in the problem. Well this is not a problem but circumstance of various factors. I say this because in order to deal with the homeless we must understand it’s parts and create a clear path/vision that we can follow. As it stands many of the services available are fragmented. They are scattered and restrictive. In part this is why even though making an impact are not effective. We have the services but not the vision to align them to the needs of those in need. We can drive by those in need and snub our noses up. Just remember we at any given time for an array of reason can become homeless or substance dependent. Not to mention suffer from mental illness that may causes us to become homeless. With this said. I can’t beyond me come to terms to on how our elected officials can go to sleep at night knowing people in need are sleeping out in the cold. On our downtown businesses doorways and our alleys. How can in good consciousness our municipal elect collect their pay when there are so many in dire need. You would think that the city elect would make it priority one to find a solution. Four years have passed and the problem has been getting worst. We are now to the point that the drug trafficking and sales are an all time high. Prostitution has shot up by 60%. People are dying of overdose at an alarming rate. Our parks and ravines are full of disposed needles. The real worrisome thing is that there are no real plans on how to deal with it. DO WE WANT OR NEED ANOTHER FOUR YEARS OF THIS? My decision to run in this election is one to clean up our city. I don’t need the job nor the money. I am doing it out of civic duty. I can write about it. My staff can report on it... at the end of the day. Nothing changes. For this reason I decided that I must put my words, my expertise and my knowledge to good use and do something about it before it gets worst. I pledge to fix our city homelessness and related issues. I am a man of my word. To prove it I will not take a penny of reenumeration until I achieve this objective immediately as it needs the outmost attention. I promise that I will work with the mind set that the tax dollars you entrust me to work with, as if they were my own. I will cut expenses. I will assure to freeze taxes for at least the four years I will serve in office. I will negotiate with major investors/industry/trade and the like to bring Oshawa opportunity and good paying jobs. This will help offset to pay for any increase in cost for services rendered. My four year forecast will be one that will transform downtown Oshawa to world standards. Bring developers and investors to offset the population expansion from Toronto. Stop allowing the use of prime farm lands for ‘stick and drywall’ type of developments as we see to the North of Oshawa. Other municipalities have done it why not Oshawa. Use the Mississauga model to tailor our own path forward. We need leadership not managers. Carter he did what he could with his limitations. Now it is time to make the right changes and take Oshawa back from the dark cloud of despair it has been under for the past four years and make it shine across the region, the province and Canada. Working with the Regional Chair to bring prosperity and opportunity to Oshawa. The Regional Chair has had many milestones and is doing exceptional work to attract business to Durham. We must align ourselves and our future growth with the efforts put forth by the Region. My administration with the help of staff and council will work to assure that no opportunity is overlooked. That all citizens have a voice and that all ideas and consultations are not brushed off to committee. I will dissolve many committee that are only a layer of red tape. I promise to make myself available to all citizens much like I am now as your editor and publisher of the Central newspapers. People of Oshawa should feel as if they can walk into my office any time and vent their ideas, concerns and opinion... Something that the current administration has failed to do. People in Oshawa feel marginalized, discriminated against and made to feel as second class citizens. THIS WILL STOP. Soon I will have a full detailed platform available for view. My 2022 plan of action. You may visit At the current moment my 2018 platform stands.... and if you take the time to read it. Many of the issues presented are still applicable today. As the current administration has done nothing to improve our quality of life. Soon you will be able to read in full. We need to operate the City of Oshawa as the corporation that it is. We must stop relying on tax dollars and look for investment and partners to create revenue to infuse into programs and service for the people of Oshawa. TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE IT HAPPEN. Oshawa is for us to take back. It is for us to really elect real leadership. Now is the time to make a difference. Don’t make the same mistakes we have made in the past. We, our children can’t afford to pay for our mistakes. Use your vote wisely this election. 2022 Hopefully will be remembered as the year for change in Oshawa. If you like to volunteer or donate please call me at any time 905-441-2657 or sent cheques to 136 Simcoe St. N. #4 L1G 4S7.

Saturday, April 30, 2022


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” GREAT NEWS!!! As of May 2nd, 2022 we the people can do something about the marginalization practiced by City of Oshawa elect. ((of a person, group, or concept) treated as insignificant or peripheral). Marginalized groups include women, people with disabilities, people of color, LGBTQ+ folks, Indigenous peoples, people of a lower socio-economic status and so on. These groups have been historically disempowered and oppressed by influential and discriminatory groups such as those elected to represent us in Oshawa. The culture at the City of Oshawa is one of hypocritical nature. Pretend you are doing something when in reality very little gets done. The Mayor boasted on 1Billion in development, but failed to point out the poor planning by the City in allowing ‘sticks and cardboard’ subdivisions to be built on prime farm lands to the north of Oshawa. A mistake that will cost the city billions in the future in policing, public health and standard of living in the area. The City is very unfair and bias. If you are not to directly benefit someone on council or follow the City political arrogant and pretentious ways. You are black balled as an outsider and nothing you suggest even gets consideration. For example during the height of COVID a local downtown business owner offered the city $100,000. in subsidy. The businessman was refused at committee and at council. The City elect including the Mayor showed poor judgement and lack of professionalism as not even a notice was sent back to the businessman with a reason of why the very generous offer was declined. Only that through the mouth of some council, stated that they just did not approve or like the particular business person. More recently. C.A.M.P - Community Assisted Meal Program. A volunteer based program that fed hundreds every day were denied a permit to continue it’s services. Once again. The denial was never explained nor any formal reason was given to the organizer. According to the organizer. Once again. The City has a prejudice/bias towards him as it was not a City or city councillor initiative. THIS HAS TO STOP. How can anyone on council go to bed at night knowing that hundreds of people are sleeping in tents and on our s treets. How can any council member with a good conscious cash their pay cheque knowing the need of our city and the poor state that it is by their reluctance to get things done. People are constantly asking me to run for the office of Mayor. Many state that the people of Oshawa can’t afford to make the same mistakes again. If I was to run for office. I would pledge that until I find a solution to the homeless problem in Oshawa. I would not collect one penny in renumeration. The money that would have come to me I would donate it to a worthy cause and or set up a program funded with those dollars. I could not in good conscious and rooted morals take the people’s money when the people of Oshawa are suffering. As your Mayor, I would cut back all wasteful expenditures. I would personally work with developers, business people and those of like minds to create a real development plan of action. Not one that would take year to accomplish. Instead one that would be implemented right of way and come to fruition before my term in office was up. This would entail a very aggressive and decisive plan that can be done and has been done in other municipalities. I would address the assessment values of properties, restructure the property tax system. To give special incentives to those that have owned their properties for a long time vs those that are just purchasers. We need to find a balance so that the core of our system is maintained while the developing aspect of Oshawa contributes for a better future for all. This will include an aggressive campaign in the quest of bringing good paying jobs. Oshawa is for us to take back. It is for us to really elect real leadership. Now is the time to make a difference. Don’t make the same mistakes we have made in the past. We, our children can’t afford to pay for our mistakes. Use your vote wisely this election. 2022 Hopefully will be remembered as the year for change in Oshawa.

Thursday, March 17, 2022

The Media Should Stay Out Of War

By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher ACCOMPLISHED WRITER/AUTHOR OF OVER 800,000 Published Columns in Canada and The United States “I live a dream in a nightmare world” As a member of the media I strongly believe that the role of the media is to report on the facts and not to influence outcomes by swaying public opinion to a political agenda. I remember a time in history when the media out of respect for the dead and those suffering would limit what they would report when it came to human suffering. Today’s media seems to go out of their way to wait for something horrific to happen to someone so that they may splash their photos all over. This is not right. War is not a place anyone wants to be in. As media it is our duty to keep people informed of what is happening... Not to mind control our audiences through pictures and words. Sure people are going to die in a war. Sure, there are going to be crimes committed. Sure there is going to be bombings, refugees and chaos. It is a given. I feel for the people of the Ukraine. As I feel for those left behind in Afghanistan. What has come of them. You never hear about living conditions there. It appears that our attention has gone from COVID - Afghanistan to the Ukraine and the threat of a world war. Why is it that we are always combating something or someone? How can global peace be achieved when in our eyes, minds and heart all we hear is chaos. I feel that the war in the Ukraine is not (the west) war. I further think that by the west sending billions to fight Russia only makes it worst. Suckering us into a conflict that could end up in a world war. Don’t think for a moment that the Chinese will not become involved and take the side of the Russians. I truly hope that I am wrong. As it stands the U.S. is seen as weak and without might. The perfect time to finally achieve world dominance by communist regime. Even within our own democratic borders we have swayed more to the left then ever before. The media is not doing any service by taking sides. Report the facts. Report the real news not opinioned parts of it in order to justify and entice further action towards extinction. Think about it.

Thursday, February 10, 2022

A King for the People --my criticisms

A King for the People by Alex King I submit, for the people,
of recently passed West Virginia House Bill 335. For those who don't know, HB 335 was crafted with the intent of allowing medical and religious exemptions in this state when it comes to Biden's vax mandate. Although the federal supreme court's decision eventually nixed the need for that piece of state legislation (except for healthcare employees the U.S. government still believes it owns), I had several issues with the so-called "exemption bill" from the moment it was proposed. Critique #1: rather than outright defying the federal mandate, our legislators quickly passed a law that met Biden's mandate partway. They had every opportunity to send a strong message that they will defend the medical autonomy of ALL West Virginia residents, but they instead legitimized the authoritarian decree by choosing to recognize SOME exemptions and not others. Also, while I have no way of knowing if stronger defiance would have influenced the supreme court to protect the bodily autonomy of healthcare staff, I honestly believe it would have helped. Critique #2: as I recall, Biden had already included a few exemptions in his mandate. Employees who didn't want to receive the vax would be required to wear face coverings and submit themselves to regular virus testing. A quick read-through of HB 335 does nothing to cast those imposing requirements aside following the filing of a person's religious or medical status, so I don't understand how it is even considered an exemption. Critique #3: without any expressed limitations of Biden's federal rule, HB 335 does relatively nothing to protect the freedoms of its residents. In fact, by enforcing a layer of bureaucracy that makes people reveal private information to private corporations and government, many residents will be handing over financially lucrative data about themselves. The bill makes no limitations on the sharing of that information at large, for profit, and potentially to insurance companies. Critique #4: the bill states the following: a covered employer shall not be permitted to penalize or discriminate against current or prospective employees for exercising exemption rights provided in this section by practices including, but not limited to, benefits decisions, hiring, firing, or withholding bonuses, pay raises, or promotions. However, this is still an at-will work state, meaning that an employer can fire anyone for no expressed reason. The protection HB 335 pretends to offer is therefore toothless. It's not as if we can place faith in the state government to investigate, adequately and thoroughly, each claim of vax-hesitant discrimination. Much of it will go unproven. Critique #5: religion should not be a narrative for who has a right to medical autonomy and who doesn't. I think, in that regard, HB 335 is as unconstitutional as Biden's initial order. Those who do not want to identify with any religion should be equally protected under the First Amendment and not subjected to the discrimination which our state government has now imposed. Likewise, those who practice a particular religion should not be compelled to label themselves for companies and government. I want to make it clear that I'm not suggesting that those currently in charge have malice toward any specific group of people. Nor do I wish anger toward those in leadership positions. I only want those who seek responsibility over us to be more aware of the abuses that some laws may create at the detriment of overall public wellbeing, the individuals who make up that public, and the constitutional guarantees that are increasingly threatened by fascistic trends. I think HB 335 was nothing more than a hollow virtue signal to placate the masses of our primarily Christian state. As someone who has grown closer to God these last few years, I think more people of faith should be outraged by the bill, which will inspire some people to pose as false Christians merely for the sake of avoiding a "treatment." The bill is therefore not only a reckless disregard of those who don't practice any religion, but it is just as much an afront to any religion abused as a shield in that way. The West Virginia Legislature should have fought harder against Biden's vax mandate and refuted it entirely. Instead-at our doddering governor's request-they created a law that does more harm than good, a law that surrenders your private information and medical decisions to corporations and government while creating a second class of citizens simply because they are in good health and don't practice a religion. And if you still think I'm wrong about how utterly useless the bill is when it comes to protecting the individual, maybe you should consider the fact that the National Guard recently had to assist West Virginia hospitals who were short staffed. While the official narrative seems to be that too many workers were out sick with the virus, Governor Justice joined with other governors to request-from the Biden administration-an appeal of the healthcare vax requirement. If HB 335 was an effective piece of legislation on its own, why is the figurehead of our state seeking permission from the federal government? Even with the supreme court's decision, will people of this state still have to comply with surrendering their religious or medical information should a private employer want to mandate the vax? There are too many questions left unanswered by HB 335, and I'd rather not beat a dead horse. So, I'll conclude by encouraging anyone who agrees with my points to reach out to West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey. Call his office (304-558-2021) and encourage him to release an official statement explaining the constitutionality of House Bill 335…assuming he can.

Monday, January 24, 2022

When Interviewing via Videoconference, Think Hollywood

By Nick Kossovan Even after the pandemic is declared over, interviewing candidates via Zoom, Skype, Slack, Microsoft Teams, Google Hangouts et al. will, because of its convenience, remain popular. You should expect your first interview to take place via video teleconferencing. Therefore, mastering, or at least becoming comfortable with, "Zoom meetings" and appearing interesting and professional on camera is a skill set you'd greatly benefit from. After all, image, whether face-to-face or via videotelephony, is everything. If you want to improve your videotelephony skills, avoid making the following mistakes, which I'm sure you've seen being made on video conference calls you've sat in on. Mistake #1: Not making eye contact with your interviewer(s). Look directly at the lens of your camera, not your screen. Eye contact influences your interviewer's perception of your credibility and trustworthiness. Additionally, your interviewer will be more likely to pay attention to you if you appear expressive and are looking at them. Mistake #2: Winging it or reading from notes. Before appearing in front of the camera, actors practice their lines several times-so should you. Prepare, and rehearse, answers to common interview questions (e.g., "Tell me about yourself.", "What is your greatest strength?", "Why do you want this job?") in advance. Mistake #3: Inviting your interviewer to read the titles on your bookshelf. For some reason most candidates I interview via video teleconference choose to sit in front of their bookshelves. Maybe they think it makes them look scholarly, or projects they're into self-improvement. Since I'm a voracious reader, I find myself tilting my head sideways attempting to read the titles of the books behind the candidate. During one interview, I noticed a book by Truman Capote, Other Voices, Other Rooms, which is a favourite of mine. I ended up asking the candidate about their reading habits. For 15 minutes, we talked about our mutual love for American Southern gothic literature, thus eating up interview time. (Yes, I hired the candidate, but not because of their reading diet.) Your goal is to keep your interviewer(s) engaged and focused. Therefore, avoid having a distracting background. Instead, select a location that doesn't have many details and is still. (e.g., avoid a window overlooking a busy city street). Better yet, use the video conferencing platform's virtual background feature that allows you to substitute a photo as your background. Mistake #4: Too much lighting, not enough lighting. "I think too many film students in America are losing the artistry and not learning lighting in the right way." - Vimos Zsigmond (1930 - 2016, Hungarian-American cinematographer) A significant factor in creating a professional look during a video chat is lighting. Lighting compliments video imagery by helping to deliver a crystal-clear image, making your interviewer feel like they're in the same room with you. Cameras need the right lighting to deliver a good image. Your video camera will render a poor-quality image of there's not enough light, too much light, or light that's pointed in the wrong direction. Straight-on lighting is best. The key is for your primary light source to be directly behind your camera, throwing light on your face. This ensures your face is well illuminated and clearly visible. For the best result use natural light coming in through a window, which will create accurate skin tones and colours. Before your next videotelephony interview, schedule a video conference with a friend and use the self-view feature to experiment with lighting and virtual backgrounds. Place yourself in front of a window, lamp, or both and have your friend give you feedback on how you appear. A few last-minute tips: - Make certain you're not going to be disturbed during your videotelephony interview and that your environment will be quiet. ("Quiet on the set!") The last thing you want is your spouse calling out, "What do you want for dinner!" - Call into the conference at least 10 minutes early. You want to be sure your technology is working (audio, visual), and you don't want to keep your interviewer waiting. (The equivalent of being late.) -Turn off your smartphone and close all tabs on your computer. (You don't want the pinging of emails coming in or chat messages.) - Just like a face-to-face interview, dress for the job you're interviewing for. Guys, between you and me, it's okay to use some makeup-Christian Bale, Samuel L. Jackson, Brad Pitt, Tim Hiddleston sit in a makeup chair before walking onto a film set. - When you're not talking, mute yourself. - Record the interview! (review afterwards) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nick Kossovan, a well-seasoned veteran of the corporate landscape, offers advice on searching for a job. You can send him your questions at

Friday, November 26, 2021

As an Employee Will You Be High Maintenance?

As an Employee Will You Be High Maintenance? By Nick Kossovan There are two types of interviews I conduct: 1. Interv
iews where I'm post-vetting, and giving my approval, a candidate a member of my team has interviewed and would like to hire. I'm part of the check and balance aspect of the hiring process. 2. Interviews where the candidate will be reporting directly to me. When conducting such interviews, my goal is to determine whether the candidate fits me, my team and will be viewed by my boss as a good hire. Whichever interview I'm conducting I have a question in the back of my head: Will this person be high maintenance? Regarding job hunting and your career trajectory, here's something to keep in mind: Being likeable supersedes your skills and experience. Equally important is coming across as someone who's not difficult to work with, who won't upset the current team dynamics and who won't take up too much of management's time. Reflect on the interviews you thought you "nailed" yet didn't get hired. While there are infinite possible reasons why you didn't get hired, the two most likely are (a) you weren't deemed a fit, or (b) you were seen as someone who'd be high maintenance-you were judged to be someone who'd bring issues, such as absenteeism, lateness, drama, into the workplace. Besides selling your skills and experience during an interview pay attention to presenting yourself as someone your interviewer can see themselves working with, with as few issues as possible. Candidates will tell me all kinds of things, which I assume is their attempt at being personable. Unfortunately, many times, even though they have the skills and experience I'm looking for and would be a good fit, they tell me things that make me think they'll be high maintenance, the most common being: 1. "I hate my job," or "I dislike my boss." An interview is not a venting session! Bad-mouthing your ex-employer, or current, makes you come across as being immature. In several instances, after some probing, I determined it was a sense of entitlement (The biggest turn-off of all.) that was skewing the candidate's judgement of their job and/or boss. You know you'll be asked why you're looking for a new job or why you applied job, therefore have a brief answer ready. "Now that I have my CPA, I'm ready to take on more accounting responsibilities with a larger company such as MomCorp," or "The pandemic hit the hospitality industry extremely hard. Understandably Kellerman's Resort had to lay off over 80% of its staff, which I was part of." 2. "What's the salary?" or "'What do your perks and benefits look like?" When you ask questions regarding salary, perks ("Will I get a discount in Leftorium's stores?), benefits or how many paid sick days, and vacation days you'll get, your interviewer will rightfully assume your priority is what you can get from the company, not what you can contribute to the company's success, and you'll max out your sick days. Focus on selling yourself and the skills you'd bring to the role. Let your interviewer bring up compensation. 3. Offering unnecessary personal details. It never ceases to amaze me the unsolicited personal details candidates will tell me. It's my experience such candidates tend to cause drama. Once I conducted a "formality vetting" interview, in which my team leader sat in. On the candidate's resume, I noticed they lived in a part of Toronto I was familiar with and asked, "Do you ever go to Sneaky Dees?" It turned out the candidate was a musician who often played Sneaky Dees upstairs venue. For 20 minutes, he told me his "Sneaky Dees" stories, offering TMI (Too Much Information), which was to his detriment. Afterwards, I turned to my team leader, who'd interviewed this candidate for 45 minutes. I said, "You'd be surprised at what people will say to an interested stranger." Never offer personal details that are irrelevant to your ability to perform the job you're interviewing for. I don't need to know about your messy divorce or financial struggles, or medical history. (Unless you need medical accommodation.) Likewise, avoid sharing your personal views on politics or religion. Getting hired today requires more than selling your skills, experience and being judged you'll be a fit. You need to show that you're easy to work with and will not upset the current work environment. You'll not be doing your job search any favours if you appear to be someone who'll be high maintenance.

Friday, November 19, 2021


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher “I live a dream in a nightmare world” I have a very serious concern. News reports have been hitting the airwaves with intensity over the problems ports in North America are experiencing. It appears that we have a shortage of drivers to get goods from point A to B. That somehow after almost two years. Truckers are in short supply. Really? To boot the government blames it on COVID of course. Just last month I had an interesting running with the trucking industry. I cross the border every month as an essential service provider. I use the trucking lanes. As I was approaching the border. The line up was five miles out of trucks waiting. I thought, “Oh my it will take hours to cross”. I decided to use the non commercial lane to see what the hold up was. Well, I was shocked to see that trucks space themselves out five truck lengths and at times 10 truck lengths crossing over the Peace bridge. I thought why are they doing that. These trucker are slowing down the flow. After crossing I stopped at a local truck stop and began a conversation with some truckers and they explained that it was part of a national protest. That the trucking industry was under direction to slow down the flow of goods in and across North America. I was floored. Just recently The Regional Municipality of Durham announced yard waste collection delays in the Ajax, Brock, Clarington, Pickering, Scugog and Uxbridge. Collection delays are expected to continue on a weekly basis until the last seasonal collection date on Friday, December 17. Why: There is an industry-wide labour shortage of truck drivers across Canada, which has impacted the region’s contractors who provide waste collection. This is in addition to other factors causing delays, such as the seasonal increase in yard waste materials set-out in the fall. Really!!!! The trucking industry is purposely crippeling the supply chain. WOW. For what gain? Could it be to force the government to invest in that particular industry? It is beyond words on how we are impacted. Did we not have garbage pick up last month? The month before that? Then why is it that now we experiencing contractors driver issues? DOES IT MAKE SENSE TO YOU? Will they attempt to rationalize that all of a sudden garbage truck drivers have contracted COVID? That for some unexplained reason they are not showing up for work. How is it that the Region and it’s contractors not prepare of such unexpected situation? Then you begin to look at the bigger picture. As it stands we are holding strong in Ontario to 500 cases per day. The so called experts predict another surge to over 1,000 per day. They are pushing people to get vaccinated in order to offset the burden from ICU’s. People should we not be getting ready now by opening more ICU’s? Why is it that we as human are so slow at the draw? Why must humanity suffer before we get it right and put forth all the safeguards to prevent suffering. Personally I think this trucking shortage is nothing short than a political message to government to invest taxpayers money in an industry that is widely used. Political, organized crime based, Covid related. We the people will never know. In a society that prides itself on freedoms and rights. We sure dropped the ball on the truth. How are we to have world peace when we still employ modern day slavery. We the slaves are kept ignorant and only attended to when our services to society are compromised.

Monday, November 8, 2021

The Life Of A Double Agent

from Wayne & Tamara
Okay, I know what I’m about to say sounds bad, but I could really use a nonjudgmental opinion, so please be gentle on me. Here’s the deal: I’m 24 and have been married for a year to a great guy. Problem is, I am having an affair. This is not the first time I have cheated on him. I dated someone seriously while he was working overseas. I thought after we got married my infidelity would cease, but I recently met someone and it started all over again. I love my husband, but I just can’t help thinking if I really loved him, I wouldn’t do such things. The guy I am seeing is a lot like my husband: smart, handsome, ambitious, with a great sense of humor. He tells me he is falling in love with me. I have very strong feelings for him too, although I can’t quite put a label on them yet. My husband doesn’t know about the last affair, and of course he doesn’t know yet about this one. What is wrong with me? Why do I do such relationship-risking things? My husband and I do not have a bad marriage. We get along great and he loves me very much. Somehow, it just isn’t enough. I would sincerely appreciate your advice. I can’t talk to anyone I know about this so I’m turning to you. What should I do? Veronica Veronica, of course you can’t talk to anyone. You’re a double agent. Deception, schemes, subterfuge, and covert action are part of your daily life. No one knows who you really are. To be a successful double agent you can’t be loyal to anyone, not even yourself. How else could you live this life? It’s time to get out of the espionage business and find a country you can love and be loyal to. Your letter is not only a letter of resignation, but a request for help to make the transition to a better life. Two lies are holding you where you are. You say you and your husband don’t have a bad marriage, and you say your husband loves you very much. Your husband doesn’t know who you are. He loves who you pretend to be when you are with him, the lies you tell him, and the secrets you keep. He doesn’t know you married him with only a hope marriage would make you faithful. Without truth, trust, fidelity, and love there is no marriage. Marriage is for two people who bind themselves to each other, excluding all others, for the rest of their lives. How is this possible? Because each knows this is the person I am absolutely myself with, the person who puts all others out of mind. With the right person, you don’t lose yourself, you become fully yourself. With this person you can accomplish miracles. When you feel these feelings for another, when another has these feelings for you, that is love. That is the basis for marriage. Veronica, it doesn’t matter what your parents did, what your childhood was like, or what you are trying to reenact. You can’t change the past but you can let the past ruin your future. You know what you are doing is wrong, and no excuse will overcome that knowledge. This sense of what is right and what is wrong is your beginning. It is what will keep you from making the same mistake again and again. It is your ticket to a new life. To stop living this life of lies, you must take whatever comes from telling the truth. You cannot make excuses, minimize, or try to deflect any of what may come because of what you have done. It sounds like bitter medicine. But continuing the life you are leading now is far more painful. Wayne & Tamara Wayne & Tamara write:

Saturday, October 23, 2021


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher “I live a dream in a nightmare world” This week I came across a story I just had to share. It read: Haiti gang demands US$17M for kidnapped Canadian, American missionaries: reports A wave of kidnapping prompted a protest strike that shuttered businesses, schools and public transportation in a new blow to Haiti’s anemic economy. How dare they attack innocent people in their country doing good for the people of Haiti. They want 17 million. Here is what I would give them in exchange. I would pull all foreign aid and workers from that country. See how quickly those kidnappers be found by the local militia. No instead we are there to do good and we get played. This has to stop. I really don’t care the reason. The thinking or the excuse. How dare any Haiti national stand for this. What kind of people are these that they can’t run their own country and are at the hands of generosity from other nations and they allow this to happen. Disgraceful. Despicable and we the rest of the world should not tolerate it. An island that has 90% of the population infected with Aids. 95% of the population living in poverty. 60% living in filth with no running water and or electricity. A population that has rationed power systems. Why should the rest of the world help them. It is obvious that the people of Haiti do not appreciate it and or recognize the gesture of foreign aid. Cut them out. Do not send a penny to them and let see how long they will survive on their own? We the west have to stop thinking that the world likes us... that they are like us... that they hold the same moral code we do. The don’t. Look at the fiasco with the Haitian's crossing the Mexico/U.S. borders. We must say enough is enough. We have people on our own streets that need help. Walk downtown Oshawa and see. If the people of Haiti do not appreciate all the aid they have in a collapsing economy. I say cut them off. I bet Haiti president does not live in a shack? I bet the top government official are all frequent flyer to Florida and New York. FREE OUR PEOPLE YOU UNDESERVING PIGS.

Canada the start of the obvious

by Maj (ret'd) CORNELIU E. CHISU, CD, PMSC, FEC, CET, P. Eng. Former Member of Parliament Pickering-Scarborough East As the Covid-19 pandemic still plagues us, and all levels of government, particularly the Federal Government, with the hearty cooperation of the Bank of Canada in printing more money, engage in the liberal spending of taxpayers' money, we can expect to see tough economic times in the very near future. With pundits and experts looking in your pocket and spinning (il)logical explanations and surrealistic futuristic visions, the reality is that the inflation last month was 4.4 per cent - the fastest annual increase since February 2003. Statistics Canada had predicted the annual inflation rate would be 3.5 per cent, but had excluded gasoline prices from its calculation. How brilliantly accurate. Since Canada is a vast country and people and goods need to be moved across it, what could we possibly need gasoline for? In fact, much of the driving force behind the overall rise in the consumer price index were prices at the pumps. Consumers paid 32.8 per cent more last month for gasoline than they did in September 2020. We are not set up to move by solar or wind power. So the recent tendency of politicians to cancel oil and gas pipelines, can only push prices higher and higher, as supplies are eliminated. Wait and see what happens when significant portion of the population who now work from home have start to commute to work again. Food prices have also risen by 3.9 per cent year-over-year, compared to the 2.7 per cent recorded in August, mostly due to higher prices at the store. Meat prices rose at their fastest annual pace since April 2015, pushed higher by double-digit increases in the cost of chicken and beef. Bacon prices were up 20 per cent. An obvious source of price increases has been global supply-chain bottlenecks that have driven up transport costs, which are being passed on to buyers. Could this be another connection to oil and gas prices increases? Just wait until the cozy Canadian winter, a well known commodity, increases our demand for heating gas and oil. I wonder what the pundits will find to say then? Apparently September marked the sixth consecutive month that headline inflation clocked in above the Bank of Canada's target range of between one- and three-per-cent, something that hasn't happened since a six-month stretch that ended in March 2003. So will the Bank of Canada print more money? Aren't they running out of ink yet? Bank of Canada governor Tiff Macklem said from his ivory tower, that recently bottlenecks have proven more persistent than first believed, but recent inflation readings are "transitory," or a temporary issue. Wait till the inflation tsunami crashes on our shores. Will the spin they spew then still be in line with their masters, the reining Liberal Federal Government? Still thinking that they can spend more money than they have, on phantasmagoric projects under the guise of response to the Covid 19 pandemic? As we sink further and further into debt, it seems that nobody is looking to the future. Sooner or later the interest rates will have to increase significantly, and then both foreseeable and unforeseeable crashes will occur as everything spins out of control. Some people will then be playing the fiddle while the economy crashes and burns. Can you imagine who that might possibly be? As the turmoil continues the leadership vacillates, asking a false Shakespearian Hamlet kind of question; 'to keep or not to keep the generous and often abused economic subsidies?' Meanwhile, the real economic situation of ordinary people is becoming more and more uncertain. Let's take the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS), the $111-billion pandemic benefit that is scheduled to expire this coming week, but which may yet get a reprieve and extension by the Liberal government. The savvy Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland will soon announce what comes next, after CEWS, the Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy, the Canada Recovery Benefit, the Canada Recovery Caregiving Benefit and the Canada Recovery Sickness Benefit all wind down on October 23. She told the government mouth piece, the CBC, that significant uncertainties remain, thus implying that some benefits will be extended. More money wasted in principle. Few people begrudge temporary, targeted relief to fellow citizens in need. But, according to an attentive examination of CEWS, the wage subsidy program was a big failure and would likely not pass the most desultory cost-benefit analysis. CEWS was introduced in late April 2020, with the aim of maintaining the ties between workers and employers. According to budget 2021, it has since accounted for nearly 40 percent of the $286 billion in pandemic relief. The gurus of the program's designers, the science quoting, scientifically illiterate public service servants, ignored three fundamental economic lessons - CEWS did not address fixed costs like rents, that actually determine whether a business closes; it did not recognize that a subsidy directed towards payroll can be shifted to other purposes; and, it was not targeted at the margins where it would have been most effective. On top of this they were inflexible, sticking to an initial plan without a realty check. That does not explain, however, why CEWS criteria were not tightened when abuses emerged. As the Financial Post revealed, 68 publicly traded companies continued to pay out dividends to shareholders while receiving CEWS. With all this said, I need to conclude that if the Liberal Government continues to spend like a drunken sailor, we have very little hope of a brighter future. This will soon become clear, as the winners of the 44th Canadian election make further announcements on the post pandemic economy. Do not be surprised if your taxes increase significantly. Best of luck, we will need it.

Saturday, October 9, 2021

Three Ways to Use Social Media to Impress Employers and Recruiters

By Nick Kossovan Like it or not, and out of your control, before inviting you for an interview employers will scrutinize your digital footprint to see what you leave on social media platforms, online communities, and forums. Digital footprints are double-edged swords. Not having any social media presence or what can be considered a "bare minimum," or "static" presence is a red flag. On the other hand, having an overly robust social media presence can appear to be flamboyant and narcissistic. The standard advice is to not overshare on social media. However, what you share, particularly while actively looking for a new job, can impress, and therefore positively influence, employers and recruiters. According to the research, the top three items' employers and recruiters like to see when researching a candidate's social media presence are: - Written and/or design work - Engagement in volunteering, mentoring and non-profits - Mutual connections The overarching theme: Is the candidate sharing to brag, or are they sharing to inform, educate and teach? In other words, is the candidate using social media to present themselves as an SME (Subject Matter Expert) within their field or industry? The key, which is an art, is to share content that will likely have the viewer judge you positively. (Human nature being what it is, there's no guarantee how you'll be judged.) Since social norms are constantly shifting, how a person's social media is judged also changes. An example of ever-changing social media taboos is selfies. Not long ago, selfies were viewed as being self-centred; today, they're not viewed that way. Expect employers to search your social media for: - Posts about your workplace and your achievements. - Posts about your personal life. - Post regarding topics do you seem to have a passion for. - Comments you're leaving. - What you're sharing, retweeting, and liking. - Blogs, articles, and posts you've written. The key is to really believe in what you are saying (posting) and doing (pictures, videos). Avoid using profanity, name-calling, insulting, being deliberately offensive or controversial. (Being authentic is controversial enough.) I admit that there are things I post that may turn off potential employers and recruiters. However, I accept the consequences of my believing in something and possibly offending a prospective employer, which is never my intention. If that's the case, then that company isn't likely to be a fit for me. My recommendation is, to be honest, respectful and show a glass-half-full, optimistic approach. Let's look at the three items I mentioned employers and recruiters like to see and how you can incorporate them into your social media. Written and/or design work In 2021 successful job hunting requires having a LinkedIn profile that's current and optimized. On your LinkedIn profile, park and share documents, reports, presentations, links to articles you've written and awards you've received. Keep in mind: Employers will read through your LinkedIn profile before deciding whether to schedule an interview with you. Engaged in volunteering and mentoring On Instagram and Facebook, share photos of yourself volunteering at the local food bank, doing fundraising work or participating in a 'run for a cure' marathon. This shows you're community-minded and which causes are close to your heart. Mutual connections Who you know and who knows you greatly influences your job search and career progression success. As much as it may offend some, human beings are much more comfortable being around people they have a direct or mutual connection with. Commonalities ease the creation of and are the foundation of solid relationships. Therefore, the advice I give most often to job seekers: "Search for your tribe!" Making finding where you belong a priority is the best compass a job seeker can use. Use LinkedIn to reach out and connect with people within your city, region, field and industry. Connect with people whom you've worked with or went to school with. Engage (e.g., comment on posts, ask questions) with people who can help you in your job search and career. Once you connect with someone on LinkedIn, be sure to do so on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. (Assuming they have accounts on these platforms.) Yes, I'm advising you to get in people's faces letting them know you exist and what you can offer as an employee. Your social media activity can significantly positively impact your job search, including shorting its length. When job hunting, you want to use your digital footprint to your advantage. Therefore, remain focused on communicating your attributes to create a confident and employer-appealing digital footprint. _____________________________________________________________ Nick Kossovan, a well-seasoned veteran of the corporate landscape, offers unconventional real-world advice on searching for a job. You can send him your questions at:

Saturday, September 4, 2021


By Joe Ingino Editor/Publisher “I live a dream in a nightmare world” The other day I cam across this very interesting news item: U.S. helps bring refugees to Canada, but 1,250 Canadians remain in Afghanistan. Canada evacuated roughly 3,700 people from Afghanistan during its efforts and expanded its humanitarian program to welcome 20,000 refugees. How do you like them apples. The Americans pull out and we get dumped on. To boot 1,250 Canadians remain in Afghanistan. Who is going to get them? Canada equivalent of the Seal team? Canada Walrus force 12? OK stop laughing.... I am so disgusted by what Biden has done that I can’t even put in words. If it was that important for the U.S to be out by a particular date. Would it not have made sense to get their people out while the U.S. had the troops in control and power? No instead they pull back and Taliban go to town killing anyone that even looks at them wrong. But wait we don’t see that being reported in the news. What Biden should have done is said. We the world are not going to take it and send back in the troops. Use the same rule of thumb the Taliban used to take over a country in 10 days. You have a gun. The American’s shoot first ask questions later. This pull out was so messed up that no one in the military had the thought of destroying the 80 billion worth of equipment before leaving? Personally I think someone within the military ranks made 40 billion easy. How can you justify leaving so much equipment behind? We do not need excuses we need resolve. What will become of the 1,250 Canadians left behind? What will happen to all the American supporters left behind? The answer is obvious. They will all be killed. Some may make it out. I like for Trudeau to explain this out in public. What our magnificent leader/negotiator is going to sit down with the Taliban and have a talk. Hell Trudeau surely can’t threaten... as the Taliban just come off a win against the world military super power. If Trudeau is not nice.. the taliban may threaten him with invading Canada by sending over more refugees (wink, wink). All Trudeau can do is click his heels and wish it was not Kanasas. How is it that the American government can’t be held responsible? The worst is if the Americans actually decide to go back in. They will not find a soul that would help, as the people of Afghanistan have lost all confidence. In Canada what are we doing bringing in 5,000 refugees? Our own people are wondering our streets homeless and without food and we bring in 5,000 that in most cases do not even speak the language? How are we to know that these so called refugees are not Taliban. As it stands we should think that they are all Taliban as how else do you explain for the country to fall so quick. Come on Trudeau. You have it in the bag. This only impacts your chances of winning the federal election, unless Trudeau is giving the refugees voting rights right off the mark. I walk downtown Oshawa and the poverty is overwhelming. No matter the time of the day and there are 100’s of people wondering our city without a home or food. I think that this election is nothing short of a sham. Trudeau continues to miss the mark when it comes to Canada first on anything. If O’toole was to win. We would be set back as O'toole would grand stand on the waste of the previous government only to find a way to tax the average citizen to pay for it. Nothing would be accomplished and the changes in policy would mean little or nothing to the average Canadian. Now if the NDP for some miraculous reason won. God help us. The policy changes would be so radical that it would have us begging for Trudeau to come back. So who is left. The PPC. They have as much of a chance of getting in as the Bloc. 1,250 Canadians need us. Not 5,000 refugees. Why then did we get the refugees? Why are we allowing the Taliban to sliently invade our society, culture, country disguised as refugees?