Monday, July 23, 2018


   Well folks it appears that Oshawa is bankrupt!!!   Yes, you read it right.  Oshawa is bankrupt of leaders and true leadership.
Oshawa municipal government for the last 10 years has lost it’s service to taxpayers.  It has become nothing  but another corporation looking for ways to dig into your pocket.
An institution that was set forth for the people and elected by the people.  Today’s administration is broken.   Our taxes keep going up and no one seems to care. 
Look at what is happening in the race for Mayor of Oshawa.  So far the only candidate is Dan Carter.  A careered ‘YES MAN’.  Someone that until not to long ago lived in Whitby.
Since his election as councillor... what has he done for the city of Oshawa?    How has he better the life of tax payers?   The assumption he did nothing and now we are not only going to give him a pay raise but the responsibility of leadership?
Well, what is wrong with Oshawa voters.   We kept Diamond in office for years.  We kept Henry for two terms... and what do we have to show for it.
Are we the voters that ignorant of the facts?   Have we subliminally surrendered to popular thought.   We do not vote on merit or credentials.  Instead we vote on name recognition and a smile.
Has democracy failed.  Has it changed.  Is democracy broken?   How do you explain that no one is running against a candidate that clearly stand for the establishment and not the people of Oshawa at large?
I can’t stop shaking my head and hope that the God’s are looking down on us and send us a messiah.   We need a leader with a vision.  A leader with a back bone that is not afraid to take on the issue.  A leader  that will bring Oshawa back to the glory days.  A time when Oshawa proud meant something.   With the likes of Carter.  The City ‘GOOD OLD BOYS’ circle is complete.   Between the Chamber, Oshawa Golf Club, Durham Realtor Board and others of the same stature... run the city much like the many families in the U.S. ran New York.
Is it not time for real change.  Is it not time to take Oshawa back and assure that your children have a future.   For the past years administration after administration have dug us into debt.
Is it not time to dig out?   What do you think?


As we head into the cut off for municipal election candidates, I just have to comment about the quality of candidates running across Durham. I am so pleased that the majority of them are running for the right reasons, to better their communities.

I have personally met with many of the candidates, not just the incumbents and we have a remarkable cultural and ethnic diverse group. This is just what Durham needs, but people from all walks of life together debating and making the decisions that will shape our communities for years to come.

While I am a 5th generation Durhamite, I welcome and love to hear why 1st generation Durhamite's choose our communities to call home. The same reason we live here as multi-generational is the reason they are building a
foundation here and wanting to preserve and protect their chosen home. To all the candidates, I truly say thank you for putting your name on the ballot to shape our Durham together.

This election we find many residents wanting a change mandate, indeed years of perpetual tax increases, 17 percent rise in violent crime calls, poor commuter service, areas of Durham being ignored will do that.

I implore the new candidates to stick to your beliefs and remember why you are running, for the betterment of your community. Indeed municipal staff are the experts, but you as a potential councillor will make the policy that directs the staff for years to come.

Saturday, July 14, 2018

The Establishment vs The People By Joe Ingino

LogicBy Joe Ingino b.a.

“I live a dream in a nightmare world”
The Establishment vs The People
   It appears that the municipal race for mayor of the City of Oshawa may come down to the establishment vs the people scenario.
As it stand there is only one candidate for the office of Mayor.  The candidate is Dan Carter an incumbent councillor.  If no one steps up.  Carter would win by default.   Is this what the city needs?   If anyone shows up of credible integrity.   The vote would be ‘The Establishment’ - meaning nothing will get done for another four years and you can bet your bottom dollar your property taxes will go up another 3 - 6% to pay off for the incompetence of true leadership.   Versus whom ever pops up to bring in new and innovative ideas to the table.
Can Oshawa afford another four years of nothing... I have a question for Dan Carter... What have you done to make this city a better place.  Did you do anything to lower taxes?  Did you do anything for the airport?  Did you do anything for the harbor?   Did you do anything for the struggling business of the downtown?   Did you do anything to attract new business and industry to Oshawa?  Did you do anything to improve the infrastructure of Oshawa?  Did you do anything to improve relationship between the public and city hall?  Did you do anything to improve our roads and highways?  But most importantly.  Did you do anything?  If so what?
The answer to the above questions are as obvious as the fact that under this administration has increased it’s over all debt by 100 million to close to 300 million.    They are as obvious as the fact that we keep loosing business every month in our core.    It is as obvious as the fact that the harbor still sits empty even after the Federal government gave the land to the city to develop... and now are possibly facing a fine for doing nothing to the tune of 10 million dollars.  And yes, their incompetence has you on the hook for the cash.   And Dan wants to be Mayor.
Really.  Are you deservant of a promotion for doing nothing?   Do we need another pretty boy in office as a token of leadership?  Or do we need someone with conviction.  Proven track record in the City and Durham Region.   Someone with a vision. Someone that knows the value of a hard earned dollar.  Someone that is one of you (us).  Do we  not need change.  Do we not need true leadership.  Do we not need to protect our future through the investments of industry and trade that want to come to Oshawa but Oshawa elect fail to see or seek the opportunities that other municipalities are benefiting from?
Is it not time for change.  NO TO THE ESTABLISHMENT.  YES TO THE PEOPLE.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018


By John Mutton
I would like to recap the recent findings of the Durham Regional Police Association survey with respect to why things must change at the Police Service and administration....
Pollara Survey
Survey response rate was 36% which is considered by Pollara to be "a very good, above average response rate for a membership survey" and is the same, or higher, than DRPA election turnout rates.
Paul Martin
- 52% of DRPA members believe that Chief Paul Martin should be removed from his current position as soon as possible
- 77% of members believe that Chief Paul Martin should not be re-appointed for another term, including 57% who strongly feel that way
- Only 10% believe Paul Martin should be reappointed
- 30% Favouritism/promotion of inner circle/preferential treatment of senior officers/not held accountable/issues are covered up/nepotism
- 28% lacks skills/experience/incompetent/poor judgement/bad decisions/unprofessional/irresponsible -20% no connection/not engaged/out of touch/removed from membership/lost touch with membership
Stan MacLellan
- 80% of DRPA members feel that Stan MacLellan should be removed from his current position, and be replaced with a new CAO, as soon as possible. 67% strongly feel this way.
- Only 7% believe he should continue
- 43% lack of leadership/inexperienced/incompetent/no knowledge of policing/not qualified/bad decisions/poor judgement/irresponsible/mismanagement
- 35% favouritism/preferential treatment/unfair promotions/people are not held accountable/hides abusive behaviour of friends/decisions are based on personal connections
- 24% has too much power & influence/interferes in issues that do not involve him/thinks he is 'untouchable'/sense of entitlement/abuses position
Police Services Board
- 66% of DRPA members express dissatisfaction with the Board's job performance overall
Overall Culture
Three-quarters of DRPA members believe that senior management exercises a culture of favouritism, were promotions are based on who you know rather than merit.
Just 3 in 10 believe that senior management treats them with respect and fairness.
Over the last three years, fully 70% of DRPA members report experiencing at least one instance of bullying or harassment.
- Only 21% filed a complaint; and just 13% of those who filed a complaint say it was addressed fairly within a reasonable timeframe
- 69% say that speaking up negatively affected their career, that the complaint was not addressed fairly nor within a reasonable time frame.


   On June 28th, 2018 City of Oshawa council held a special meeting to nominate a candidate for the vacant spot left by Bob Chapman.   A sham of an attempt to appear that the process was fair and open to all.  In reality the decision had been made long before the nomination process was opened to the public.   I say this with liberty as the votes were overwhelmingly in favor of a former ‘GOOD OLD BOY’ Joe Kolodzie.   Joe Kolodzie served the city of Oshawa for years as  a councillor.  Logically he would be the logical candidate as he knows the system and has served in that position.... Then why have all these other candidates come forth and present before council when the decision had been already made behind closed doors?
More importantly why does City council need to fill the position for only 5 months to the next municipal election.  
The press release by the region read:
New member sworn in for Durham Regional Council
Whitby, Ontario – Today, City of Oshawa Regional Councillor Joe Kolodzie completed his Declaration of Office and became a member of Durham Regional Council.
Councillor Kolodzie fills the vacancy left by the resignation of City of Oshawa Regional Councillor Bob Chapman. Councillor Kolodzie was appointed to this role, by members of Oshawa City Council, during their June 28 meeting.
All this formality for what?   Is Joe really going to make such a big difference?   The answer is obvious.   Then why the waste of tax payers money?   Why have other possible candidate present before council?
Mind you.  Out of all the ones that came forth.  None showed any real qualifications to fill the vacant seat.
But that is not the point.  Why mislead the public to think that there is fairness and openness when in reality there is not?
Is this the democratic process?  Is this leadership?   I feel for all those that made a public presentation with interest.... their time was wasted.
I know some of you are chanting... Process Joe, Process.   Well, I personally am tired of policy, process and regulations.   All tools to keep us away  from the reality of governance.   All tools that keep us believing the system works when it fails us.
Oshawa is governed by the ‘Good Old Boys Club’.   Groups of men that are so insecure that bound together to watch each others back and group to stomp on any one that opposes them.
The rule of thumb, much like the former administration dealings with the former city auditor. ‘YOU ARE EITHER ON THE BUS... OR YOU GET RUN OVER BY IT’.
The good old boys is made up of members of the Oshawa Golf Club executive,  City council, Chamber of commerce and various local service groups.   Through the years this ban of untouchables have controlled from politics to who gets city contracts.
These socialites go around with their noses in the air in the shadows of collusion.    They call upon each other to manipulate agenda.   You dare oppose them.  They take up arms to denounce and persecute.
Joe Kolodzie nomination is a classic example of the ‘GOOD OLD BOYS CLUB’.   Joe was in before the meeting was held.   You doubt my word.  Look at what took place during the 2014Mayoral election in Oshawa.   The Chamber of commerce backed John Henry and when the chamber held their mayoral debate.  They only invited John Henry the incumbent and John Gray another ‘GOOD OLD BOY’ all others were not invited.   You still don’t believe me. 
Call the Chamber and ask who they are supporting for mayor in this election and you will note that they are in support of Dan Carter, another ‘GOOD OLD BOYS CLUB MEMBER’.  The real question here is... HAVE WE HAD ENOUGH OF THE GOOD OLD BOYS CLUB?  

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

ARE YOU RUNNING? By Joe Ingino b.a.

   The other day I was asked... Are you running for mayor this election?
  The only candidate so far is Dan Carter.    Dan Carter represents everything the establishment stand for.
Mr. Carter is the classic ‘YES MAN’ with an ability to go about making it look like he is doing a thousand things when in reality he is just afloat.
I posed a question to him on social media.  I asked.  What has he done for the people of Oshawa in his term in office?   He has yet to give me an answer that is not a bunch of pie in the sky rainbow and unicorns.
One thing I must give him credit for is the 3% property tax increase that we are all burdening.  He sat on his hands and did nothing to oppose it.    He must be given praise for also sitting back and doing nothing to pressure GM to bring more jobs to Oshawa.  Instead he jumped on the band wagon with Mayor Henry and ran around praising Costcos for bringing minimum wage jobs to Oshawa.  While the downtown core is forgotten.
I know one thing... that if I was to run.  I would run to improve the way the City of Oshawa does business.
Take for example.  Events come and go and no one at the City informs any of the local media.
One would think that would be priority one.    The City of Oshawa without the knowledge of tax payers keeps spending with little or no regret money they do not have.  On new equipment, consultants and much more.   
Did you know that the City of Oshawa owes the region close to 200 million dollars...
What is Carter planning on doing about that... the same thing he did as a councillor!!! NOTHING.
I know that if I was to be your new mayor.  I would make sure that GM bring back the jobs we have lost over the years.  I would work hard with GM the province and the federal government, not to mention the union to bring back the jobs lost.
I would assure that we develop our harbor.   That we finally take our harbor front back and turn it into a major tourist attraction.  That we put in there a world class marina and all at no cost to the taxpayers.   It can be done... It is being done in other municipalities... Why do we lack the vision and know how in Oshawa.  I tell you why.  Because we keep electing the wrong people. YES MEN were great during the small town mentality municipal government era.   Today, we need fresh thinkers.  Visionaries and people that are not afraid to take a chance.
The money for projects is out there.   The people wanting to come are there.   We just don’t have a City corporation that has a clue on how to attract them.
I know if I was elected.  I would turn around Oshawa’s downtown.  I personally have for the past four years been doing my part with the DOWNTOWN OSHAWA INGINO INITIATIVE.  I am sure most of you by know have seen the black signs with yellow letter proudly promoting our downtown core.  I know first hand what the needs of those merchants are.
1st.  I would any business owner that owns the building they are running their business from a 40% off property taxes.  This does not mean landlords that lease out units to businesses.
I would give each business owner in the core a 50% off their OPUC rates.   These discounts would be absorbed by the deduction of waste both at City Hall and the OPUC. 
Can it be done?  You better believe it.
For all the local service clubs I would put aside $50,000.   This money would go to any local service group that showed the most fundraising over a period of a year.  What this would do is bring back the community spirit.   It would get more members of the community involved in events that are taking place all across Oshawa.
To the Legion, Navy club, Wing 420 and other groups I would award $50,000 to the leading group that could show the most advancement over a year.   No one would be able to win it two consecutive years.
As your new mayor I would finally bring life to Oshawa’s airport.   For the past 20 years the airport has been under used.   In my new Oshawa I would turn our airport into a major training center.  From virtual reality environments.   To hands on.   I would encourage for executives to utilize our airport by giving special fuel discounts. 
You ask.. Oh yea.  Who is going to pay for the discounts.   The more you sell the more the price becomes negotiable.   The City of Oshawa spends 100 of thousands on legal matter if not millions and we can’t subsidize fuel at the airport to increase jobs and businesses.
What we have running our municipal government is not leadership but YESMANSHIP.  A bunch of good old boys that make it a  point to fly under the radar and do nothing in the hope of re-election.
As a City leader.  You can’t look at one or two aspects of your community.  You must address the whole.   We need to improve the way we do business.   We need to improve the way we treat our people and those interested in coming to Oshawa.
If I had a penny every time someone has complained about how Oshawa deal with tenders and permits.  I would have millions.
Yet, the people of Oshawa keeps voting the same time and time again.
Our Oshawa will incorporate all of us.  It will be an Oshawa as it should be. An inclusive Oshawa that is free and open to all.  Anyone with a concern or thought should be able to walk into the Mayors office and speak his/her mind.  Results should not be filtered through countless committees only to be shelved and ignored.
Our new Oshawa starts with your vote.


By John Mutton      
  This week I found out that the Clarington Council bought the Bowmanville Zoo. While the transaction only cost them 2 dollars, the process is quite concerning, let me elaborate:

The Bowmanville Zoo has nitrate levels from 110 years of animal feces all over the property and many buried animal carcasses. I remember my grandfather told me about working there in the late 1920's/30's and the amount of environmental contamination on the property.

Now let's keep in mind that this property has the Soper Creek running through it and is floodplain with no development potential other than the park/botanical gardens that Council want.

I also give you the facts that the quantified costs of 2 full time parks staff was not part of any business case as there was not a business case and why in hell did they not get a Phase 1 Environmental study for the approx 500k in clean up on these lands.

I am truly at a loss on this one. A park would be wonderful, but Clarington Council have once again not done due diligence that any possible homeowner would do. The cost of this park will never be totally quantified until the environmental and the staff are factored in as well as demolition of the buildings.

Clarington, do yourself a favour and hire an auditor general asap.

The Greatest Threat to Your Life

The Greatest Threat to Your Life
          Ask anyone, “What’s the greatest medical risk of dying?” and they’ll answer “Heart attack.” The correct answer is a blood clot (Thrombosis) that occurs in the heart, brain or legs.  Now, a shocking report in the health publication, “LifeExtension”, shows what can happen to our legs when we’re flying at 35,000 feet. So with an aging population, and increased air travel, what can be done to decrease the risk of a blood clot?
          Thrombosis can happen anytime and anywhere. But the greatest risk is a long air flight. This is when venous blood pools in the lower leg due to inactivity. But the extent of this threat has surprised researchers. Using ultrasound imaging they detected venous thrombosis in the lower legs in 5 to 7 percent of passengers, whose flights lasted 7 to 8 hours. But without symptoms, passengers were totally unaware of the presence of the thrombosis, or that it could kill them!
          Later, another study was done on a similar group of passengers. But they had been advised to use two natural remedies, nattokinase and pcynogenol, prior to and during the flight. In this case, ultrasound studies showed no evidence of thrombosis, and less swelling of the lower legs.
          Nattokinase is an enzyme made from the Japanese food, natto, prepared from fermented soybeans. It helps to thin the blood and prevent blood clots. Pcynogenol is extracted from the bark of a pine tree and helps to improve circulation.
          Patients who develop a thrombosis in the lower leg complain of pain in the calf, swelling, increased warmth, and possibly redness of the skin. If the clot travels to the lungs, or if there’s coronary thrombosis, there will be chest pain, shortness of breath and a rapid heart rate.
          So why do over one million North Americans develop thrombosis and pulmonary embolism every year? In 25 percent of cases the first symptom is death!
          Researchers say that inflammation plays a major role and that blood tests can help measure this risk. For instance, high homocysteine in the blood, obtained primarily from meat, can signal potential trouble. So can high C -reactive protein, a substance produced by the liver and immune cells. 
          So can patients decrease the risk of thrombosis during a flight and at other times? High homocysteine can be decreased by taking vitamin B 6 and B 12.
          But increased C-reactive protein requires a change in lifestyle. The first priority is to lose weight, if you’ve put on extra pounds. It also means following a daily exercise routine, tossing away cigarettes if you’re still smoking, purchasing fewer packaged foods loaded with sugar and salt, and consuming more fruits and vegetables.
          Researchers at the University of California and several other studies show that those taking just 1,000 milligrams (mg) of vitamin C daily lowers C-reactive protein by 25 percent. It’s not surprising this decreases the risk of thrombosis as studies also show that 2,000 mg of C with breakfast and at dinner decreases the risk of atherosclerosis (hardening of arteries).
          Clinical studies also prove a safe natural remedy, Neo40, is essential for keeping endothelium (the inner most lining of blood vessels) healthy.  Endothelium produces nitric oxide (NO) which dilates arteries and lowers blood pressure. It also keeps tiny blood platelets from sticking together to form a thrombus. A daily tablet of Neo40 dissolved slowly in the mouth, produces NO, keeps the endothelium functioning well, blood flowing, and decreases the risk of thrombosis. (Neo40, Medi-C Plus, various brands of high dose vitamin C powder, and Assured Naturals Pcynogenol are all available in Health Food Stores).
          Nattokinase has been used for 1000 years in Japan. Several authorities I talked to consider it a safer natural remedy than other blood thinners. It can be obtained at Amazon. Nattokinase and Assured Pcynogenol should not be used by those using Aspirin and other blood thinners as this combination could cause serious bleeding.
       Since preventing a thrombosis can at times be a complicated matter, always ask your own doctor for advice. This is always the safest course since family doctors are aware of other medication that you are taking.
Online Comments

The Gut-Brain Connection

The Gut-Brain Connection 

how good affects mood
Pay attention to how you feel after eating a meal. What is your body telling you? Listen carefully. Are you in a good mood or are you in a bad mood? Are you bloated, unmotivated, in pain, experiencing low energy? Well guess what, that’s your enteric nervous system talking. Your gut is actually referred to as your second brain because your enteric nervous system connects your gut to your brain, and provides feedback based on stress, (ie food intolerances, toxins, viruses, and bacteria. It does this through the ~100 million neurones it contains. (That’s more than the spinal cord!) Major neurotransmitters like serotonin**, dopamine, and norepinephrine are also made in the gut as well as endorphins which affect mood. The gut and brain are constantly sending and receiving impulses to each other.

So how can you improve mood with food choices? Obviously by eating foods that support gut health. This means eat foods that make you feel good (not just temporarily or in the moment), and choose foods that allow you to thrive and give you lasting energy. What does this look like? Gut supporting foods include fermented foods, like kombucha, kimchi, and sauerkraut which contain gut supporting bacteria, as well as eating an abundance of fruits and veggies containing prebiotic fibers that feed our probiotics. Lastly, ensuring you’re getting enough protein is essential because proteins provide amino acids necessary for serotonin production (our feel good neurotransmitter).

If you love these digestive tips and want to get your hands on more, head over to and subscribe! I’m launching a FREE Digestive Healing Bible very soon and I’d love for you to enjoy!
Until next time,
Stay well.

Final Goodbye

 Final Goodbye
   I have been friends with someone for five years. I always felt she was more attached to me than I was to her, but it never bothered me much. She is a sweet person, and we got along great.
Twenty months ago, her fiancé died suddenly. It was devastating for her and difficult for me. I was friends with both of them. For a long time, I was at her beck and call. If she needed to talk, come over or whatever, I was there for her.

Then about a year ago, two separate times, I overheard someone ask her if we were sisters. She said we were. I also heard someone ask her if we were roommates. Again, she said we were. Each time I set the record straight.
I took this as a sign she was feeling too close to me and decided to distance myself from her. I hoped once the year anniversary of his death passed, she would find some closure and wouldn’t need to lean on me for support.

As you may have guessed, that has not been the case. By being there for her so much, I feel I discouraged her from standing on her own two feet. Now her clingy ways are to the point where I resent her.

At first, I tried giving friendly hints when she called or emailed too much. I said things like, “Gee, I didn’t know we had an appointment.” But she ignored my hints. If I write anything remotely negative in my blog, she’ll check in saying she’s worried about me.
A month ago, at a party hosted by mutual friends, she followed me around all night. It doesn’t help that I don’t feel I can discuss this with others, because they all know about her ordeal and will think I am being insensitive. As it is, I feel guilty every time I think or feel negatively about her.
While I like her as a person and still want to be friends, this has been frustrating and stressful. Is there a way to resolve this situation without breaking a heart that’s already been broken?

Greta, in one episode of the TV series Midsomer Murders, detective Tom Barnaby says, “Too much grieving will disturb the dead.”
There can be too much of wreaths, flowers and memorial stones. Grieving can kill the griever. Grief needs to find the right place in your friend’s life and in yours. You lost a friend when he died. Being wrapped up in her grief is not letting you move on either.
We know a woman whose fiancé stepped into traffic and died 20 years ago. She celebrates the anniversary of his death each year, and she expects special consideration from those around her each time.

We cannot wallow in death. Grief needs to run its course and be put away. It is not a scab to be picked at. We want to live with hope. We want to take off the black. A party is a symbol of life, and at a party you were haunted by the specter of a person who is dead.

A classic pop song says you have to be cruel to be kind. That’s actually a line from Shakespeare. “I must be cruel, only to be kind: thus bad begins and worse remains behind.” A slow fade from your friend’s life would be a kindness to you both.
Wayne & Tamara
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Monday, June 25, 2018


   By now you all are aware of the big debate in America over human rights and disrespect at NFL games.   You all have seen the open and public defiance against government by members of the NFL.
   It has become known as the ‘ONE KNEE’ syndrome.    Players in retaliation to their government choose to one knee during the playing of the national anthem.
The debate has been... do the players even though they  have the right and freedom to express their defiance towards their government.  Should they be allowed to do it at a national sporting event.
Some have argued that the one knee is no different then if patrons in the stands all of a sudden stormed the field in protest of the government.   Technically they have a right to protest any place.   Does this mean the stadium owners can’t throw them out?   Does it mean that the majority of us must allow this to happen? Is the act not anti democratic?
Is democracy not the will of the majority?
I think what both sides of the debate have failed to recognize is the difference between a right and rite (a social custom, practice, or conventional act. synonyms:    ceremony, ritual, ceremonial; service, sacrament, liturgy, worship, office; act, practice, custom, tradition, convention, institution, procedure).
Just because the constitution of America allows us to have freedoms and rights it does not necessarily mean that by rite we can  exercise it any place we so choose.
In the case of the NFL players.  They are basically property of their football institution team.  As such they are not only role models for youth but in part representing America’s most popular sport.  As such are they not bound by professional integrity to maintain the image of America?
If so then, do the owners of the clubs not have the right to discipline the act of not fulfilling their responsibility as professionals.
Think of it this way.  It be like a police officer that is anti America all of a sudden decide to not wear his/her uniform and opt to show up at work wearing a burka.  Claiming religious and cultural preferences.   How far will the battle between rights and rite go before the line is crossed where we say ‘NO MAS’.
The other day, I was watching a world cup soccer game between Brazil and Peru.  Two countries that have a long standing reputation for human rights violations.  For government corruption.  For civil right abuses.   For historical atrocities not imaginable to north Americans.  Two countries that have and still commit horrendous crimes against it’s own people.
The two teams proudly standing hand to heart singing their national anthem with a pride that have no words to describe.   A pride that is so deeply rooted in their souls that it has no compromise.  A pride rooted in culture, values and family.    As the camera made it’s way through the crowds.  The pride of every member of that country was evident.  They sang their national anthem with the same pride as those of the players.  Some in tears and in song with great passion for their nation.
I remember visiting Uruguay years back and attending a professional soccer game.  It was 100 degrees.  The sun was blazing down.  I was wearing a baseball cap.   The national anthem began to play.  Everyone put their hand to heart.  Sang the national anthem out of the top of their lungs... there I stood in awe... someone from behind... smacked me in the back of the head as my hat flew off.   The person I was with said.  Oh yea take your hat off.  
The National anthem played loud and proud.  After it finished... the person that knocked my hat off came over and apologized and got my hat.
Wonder what would happen if one of those soccer players would have taken a knee?
What is it about us in the northern hemisphere that we have lost that essence of national pride. Of belonging and of respect for the mother land no matter who is ruling and or how just or unjust the political climate may be.
I think that we in the north have lost our sense of communal responsibility.  We belong to what we can directly benefit from.  Not from what is best for the betterment of the nation.
In the north we have also lost the importance of family and family values.  Something that teaches responsibility and sacrifice.  Something that is crucial to developing solid character and self esteem.
We have become so distant from the many realities around us that we allowed ourselves to be brain washed by what we see on television. In countries like Brazil, Peru.  Reality is a daily thing.  Poverty, abuse, neglect.   Television is used for entertainment.  Not as a means to form opinion on issues and events.
The term Boob-tube.  First recorded in 1965–70; rhyming coinage, from the notion that television programming is foolish, induces foolishness, or is watched by foolish people.  How true today in modern times.   Fake news outlets like CNN for example or FOX all attempting to sway popular thought have in many cases brain washed the population.  TV today has become addictive and controlling.  Our moral and principles are compromised by false demistyfication of our fears.
Our opinions are played on like a fine instrument and our emotions and feelings are tugged on to shape our thoughts.  I have a question.  Why is it that there are no ‘TERRORIST ATTACKS’ in south America?  Answer.  Anyone attempting to attack any national building or property in any of the latin American countries would mean instant death to the perpetrator and all his family.   Some of these nations still operate on neighborhood justice and neighborhood pride.
Something we in the north have no clue what it is.  Our equality is oppress bias and prejudice.
Our civil rights are nothing but false fallacies in order to keep up oppressed.

Friday, June 22, 2018


By Joe Ingino b.a.

   I have a question as a taxpayer of Oshawa.  Why is John Henry running for regional chair?   What has he accomplished in his two terms as mayor.  What did he bring to the table that justifies him moving up the political rat race?
If anything he is responsible from driving the city further in to debt.   From $100 million when took office as mayor to now Oshawa $300 million.  This is the type of leader that wants to take over the Region with a AAA rating?   Henry has left Oshawa in such a poor economic position that every tax payers needs to come up over the next 8yrs with 462 million dollars.  This means raising taxes or borrow and to be blunt... they would take all the borrowing capacity away from every city in Durham and the Region and jeapordize the AAA credit rating which will mean higher interest payments and higher taxes for all of Durham.
What has Henry done with the marina and the lands that came with it from the Federal government?  How many millions are the people of Oshawa on the hook for?
I don’t understand the thinking?  Well, I should not say that... I know understand that if he is successful his pay will double.   Can the voters be that ignorant and keep making the same mistake?   For everyone sake I truly hope not.
We can’t afford to pay, pay, pay for other mistakes.   Have we not learned this from the Diamond era.   A 10 million dollar brand new airport terminal and no one to lease it to except a radio station.   Like really.   Now under Henry’s watch we build a second runway tower at the airport but we have a handful of aircraft using the airport?   Like really who is doing the thinking.
The real sad part of all this is that most taxpayers have no clue on the poor state our city is in financially.  
The City has in my opinion no real plan.  No real vision.    Yet the City CEO decides to bail out one sinking ship and expect to be elected to a bigger better ship....  Henry lucky we are lost the war against Japan or you would have to have done the honorable thing and commit Hara-kiri.
Then again Henry would try to poke himself with the handle and cut his hands in the process and further costing us more in medical services.
We as voters must be informed and educated on  the realities that affect our lives.  Henry has a proven track record of failure.   He does not lead he is a real bad administrator.  Is it not time that we are lead instead of mislead?

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

North Korea By Joe Ingino

North Korea
  Trump in my opinion is accomplishing what no other President could have ever dreamt to accomplish.   Now don’t get me wrong. I don’t like everything he does... but you have to factor in that he is human and perfection is no ones please all bargain.
   Since he has come in office.   The economy has boomed.   The dollar has sky rocketed.    Terrorist and public beheading have become a thing of the past.
No more televised executions.  No more middle eastern types threatening American on International television.   In fact no more terrorists.
Between the Russians with shoot first and ask question later... to the new Trump ‘GLITTER DONE’ mentality.   Terrorist have pretty much been stomped on.
And here come the Palestine and Israeli conflict.   Trump took the initiative... Good or bad, he did what was right and that conflict even thought constantly erupting... appears to be under control.
Now to the orient.   For the last 30 years a silent and covert war has been active against the west.  Slowly but surely.   China and most of the Orient world has slowly chipped away at Western industry, trade and commerce.
I remember my days in the steel industry.  How China, Japan and others would send teams of engineers to study our production and our output.  How they would with military precision look at our operations.
With the internet.  The Orient exploded into a major assault mode against the west.  We come up with it in the West.  Within months it is being mass produced in the Orient.   Copyright laws are violated.   Patent protection is a thing of the past.  
These orient countries have master the silent assault.   I ask how can they ship a product from across the planet at x dollars and I can’t ship the same across the country for nothing less than x+10?    The attack on the west has been swift and deadly to our industry and trade.  Not to mention our jobs.   Look at retailers like WALMART.   How many of their products come from China?   Look at the commerce on the net? 
I think what Trump is doing by increasing tariffs is the right thing to do that no other president dare to do as it is risky.... From being seen as prejudice to the possible loosing of jobs due to the reluctance of our enemies to continue exporting out of  show of force to pressure the government to back down on tariffs.
And now to the real really?  North Korea!!!  You got to be kidding me.  North Korea is no threat to America.  But a huge threat to other neighboring countries.  This instability is the real reason Trump must act now in order to stop the aggression  being shown by one small nation amongst titans.
The key is not to divide and conquer but instead to unite and convince razzle dazzle the leader of North Korea so that he will put his energy in to something more lucrative.
There is money in terror.   The fact that they are talking is pretty much a sign of good things to come.  Trump is driving the international bus as he should.  He is eliminating the bias we silently have been undergoing.  He will control the area as they have been controlling us for years.

Expect a toothless IG report: More cover-up! By Larry Klayman

Expect a toothless IG report:
 More cover-up!
By Larry Klayman
I conceived of and founded Judicial Watch on July 29, 1994, almost 24 years ago, to watch and police judges, who I had learned in my 17 years of legal practice at the time were generally unfit to be on the bench. There is an old joke in this regard: What do you call a lawyer with an IQ of 71? Answer: Your Honor!
But the crisis on the judiciary went far beyond the simple fact most judges are not that intellectually astute. I had also found many to be outright dishonest, particularly on the federal bench, where they have life tenure and feel that they can say and do anything they want without fear of removal. Yes, the House Judiciary Committee has the constitutional power to begin impeachment proceedings, but over the years it has shied away from policing federal judges, lest they be caught red-handed with a bribe, and even then that has not proven to be a substantial reason for remedial action. The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), which itself has become a cesspool of corruption, is loathe to have its Federal Bureau of Investigation investigate ethical abuse and corruption by federal judges because the department depends so heavily on them to be the stooges that further if not get them convictions.
With what we have seen at DOJ and on the federal bench of late with regard to the rubber stamping of government tyranny – be it a Bunkerville, Nevada, with the Bundy family, or the unchecked legal jihad of Special Counsel Robert Mueller, in which Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Deputy Attorney General Rob Rosenstein, both political hacks, are complicit – as a young lawyer I no longer would have accepted a position with DOJ as a federal prosecutor, if I had to do it all over during the early part of my legal career. Candidly, I would have been a criminal defense lawyer, which is part of my legal practice today. This is because based on experience I have come to the point of not believing a word the federal government says, but also have developed a heightened disgust for the government "yes men and women" who infest the federal judiciary, with some exceptions.
Let's also take this a step further in dissecting the rank lying and deceit the American people are fed on a daily basis from the elite government establishment in the capital of corruption, Washington, D.C. This lying and deceit is then amplified by the cable networks in particular, which tout federal government actions as if they are for real. Of course, the likes of CNN, MSNBC and, of course, Fox News give their reporting their own special political spin, but the effect of furthering government misinformation from elite establishment so-called leaders, is the same nevertheless. That is why our president and yours truly harbor such disdain for the mainstream media, as it rarely reports anything resembling the full truth about the charade in our justice system and the government in general.
The most recent example concerns the anticipation of the soon to be released report of DOJ's inspector general (IG). This report is "reportedly" centered on the actions of former FBI Director James Comey and others with regard to the Hillary Clinton email scandal and the run-up to the 2016 presidential election. To boost viewership and ratings, Fox News, in particular, has been touting how this report will likely be a "game changer" when it comes to holding Comey, the Clintons, Obama and the rest of their co-conspiratorial criminals to the rule of law. But contrary to Fox's hopeful and opportunistic predictions, our compromised and worthless attorney general, who has failed to use the full power of DOJ to empanel grand juries, gather evidence and indict these criminals, has used the department's IG as a subterfuge to do little to nothing about holding these establishment elites to the bar of justice and the rule of law.
Indeed, this week there were predictable leaks concerning the content of DOJ's IG report, which obviously has been delayed to give the elites time to water it down, and the word on the street is that it will merely give former FBI Director Comey and others a slap on their proverbial wrists. With regard to Comey, he is apparently being fingered merely for "insubordination," and with regard to former Obama Attorney General Loretta Lynch and her infamous "tarmac meeting" with Bill Clinton, mere criticism for its seemly appearance. While it is common knowledge that the DOJ's IG has no real teeth in enforcing ethics and the law, this apparent whitewash is, coming from an internal DOJ watchdog, only more confirmation of the continuing cover-up.\
And, this again points out the importance of Freedom Watch, the public interest group I founded after my run for the U.S. Senate in Florida in 2003-2004. We at Freedom Watch are the "People's Justice Department," as we have no governmental Justice Department that will hold the establishment elites accountable. From cases charging the Clintons with criminal racketeering, bribery and wrongful death, to Obama's unconstitutional mass surveillance, not to mention our strong efforts to legally take out Special Counsel Mueller, we are your public advocate for justice and the American way.
Freedom Watch and I are also your main source for the unvarnished truth and that cannot only be found at but also, where my weekly radio show is posted. You can also find local listings there and on our website, as the show generally airs throughout the nation at 3 p.m. Sundays. Please share this with your colleagues and friends, as the masses need to be properly educated.
We the People need to unite, rise up and do the job of cleaning out the rats' nest in our nation's and states' capitals. This vermin, if left unchecked, will destroy our body politic and the republic. Join our citizens army and be a true patriot. Uncle Sam, Larry Klayman and Freedom Watch need you in our war effort to restore the country to the vision of our Founding Fathers.


 H. J. Rogers
Harvard Law School '66  

       "In the conservative state of Alaska . . . everyone received $2,072 in 2015 simply for living and breathing from the Alaska  citizen's share of oil royalties." Scott Santens, Huff Post
Single-handedly, the Wetzel  Chronicle's great Investigative Reporter Ed Parsons forced this municipality to take the first step in dealing with its chronic and acute sewage problem.  And what is the First Step, you ask?  Well, dear reader, as any member of a TWELVE STEP PROGRAM can tell you, THE FIRST STEP IS TO ADMIT THAT YOU HAVE A PROBLEM.  My personal roots in Pine Grove go back over a 150 years more or less on both sides of my family tree and I myself didn't believe that Pine Grove had a problem until Ed Parsons dragooned me into going out there in the latter part of May.  Like the rest of Wetzel County, the State, and the Nation, I believed the party line put out by the recently elected Mayor BARBARA AMOS KING.  The Town told the outside world "Our problems have been solved" and the leaders told the residents "When Phase III is completed all of the shit that's presently in your basements, filling the creek, running down Alley addition will miraculously be sucked down your sewer pipes and back into our state-of-the-art treatment facility."  Trust us.  The problem here was that no one could tell the populace when Phase III would start.
       (I do not mention Mayor King's name to in any way criticize, malign, or otherwise impugn her character.  Mayor King inherited this mess, the remediation of which would be akin to one of the TWELVE LABORS OF HERCULES of classic mythology, i.e. cleaning the Augean Stables.  This was such a disgusting job that (as I recall) that the great Hercules puked his guts out early on and had to finish the job on an empty stomach.  Mayor King is to be pitied rather than censured if for no other reason that he comes from an outlaw family.  Her Mother's great uncle--one Paul Ice of Lumberport robbed the street car that ran between there and Shinnston and died in the Moundsville Penitentiary.  And her first cousin was a shameless extrovert who was alleged to have practiced celibacy first his first--of several marriages--and was such a liar that both of his own "love" children would continually turn to their sainted mother asking plaintively "Mama, is the Old Man telling another lie?"  All this poor woman could do was nod her head.  'Nuff said.)
       When Ed Parsons and I came into Pine Grove, our first stop was the Post Office (where POB 144 had been in my family since WW II.)  We asked the town's one emissary from the Central Government in Washington, if he was having any problems.  "Some mornings when I come to work, it's like someone killed a corn fed pig in the bathroom,"  the clerk said with a half smile.  "I just got the bathroom cleaned up but there's still some sewage in the sink in the back room.  You guys want to take a look?"
       I did and I'm still sorry.  When I first sniffed the pungent aroma, I was afraid that I would emulate the great Hercules in his revulsion at his first encounter with the years of  accumulated horse manure from the steads of King Augeias.  Great investigative reporter that he is though, Ed Parsons was taking pictures left and right.  I retreated to the fresh air outside.  I was still reeling from the fumes when a man came up behind me, giving me a start.  It was if he had materialized from no where.  "Rogers," he said, "I've been waiting a long time for you to come and pick up your mail."
       "Do I know you?," I asked timorously.  From the way he looked, he could have walked off the set of The Beverly Hillbillies.  His long beard was matted with the overflow from the chew of tobacco in the corner of his mouth.  ''No.  We have never met but I know who you are.  I knew your grandfather John Henry Stewart with his wife Mary up there on Simpson Hill.  You and your mother Ruth lived with them after the two of you came back from Ft. Polk in Louisiana in 1942 after your father shipped out for WW II.  You and your mother road "The City of New Orleans" up from the Delta to Carbondale, Illinois, where you caught "The National Limited" to Clarksburg  where your grandfather picked you up and brought you back to Pine Grove."
       "Sounds like you been readin' my mail," I said with a smile.  Like Coleridge's ancient mariner he had "fixed me with his evil eye".
       He didn't smile back.  "You shut up and listen, Rogers, I've got something to tell you.  That's always been your problem, you know.  Your mother told me that this old southern planter on The City of New Orleans asked her 'M'am, was that little boy of yours vaccinated with a phonograph needle?'  Don't you know that you never learn anything when you're talkin'.  There is a chance--a slim one maybe, especially around here--that you might learn somethin' when you're listenin'.  Are you ready to do some listenin'?"  I nodded.
   "Pine Grove is floating in a SEA OF SHIT and it's going to get worse.  Dr. David Board, Community Organizer for THE RICHARD EVANS MEMORIAL CONSERVANCY, will soon be issuing a paper comparing it to Haiti.  This man was appalled at what he saw.  He has traveled the world and has see it all.  Tunisian prisons, he was part of the Dalai Lama's entourage, and a professional pilot.   Once he landed a Sopworth Camel on I-70 in Wheeling, fixed a defect in his fuel tank, and was in the air before the first of WHEELING'S "JACK-BOOTED THUGS" [the phrase is not original with the speaker but borrowed from the NRA] showed up."
       "Anyhow, Dr. Board will say that with such an elderly population and the approach of summer, there is a major public health issue.  There is nothing more dangerous than human shit.  You remember what your client Jeff Summers told you, don't you?  He was Wetzel County's most decorated veteran of the Viet Nam War.  The VC would shit, let it get really fetid in the sun, and then soak a sharpened bamboo stick in it.  If it got into one of your limbs, the only cure was amputation.  Pine Grove's back up could infect every thing all the way down to New Martinsville.  Of course, it would be no great loss if all of the "Parlor City" went down the tubes, but I digress."
       "But, don't you try to talk.  I don't have much time.  The cause is  quite clear.  It's those O&G bastards that THE RICHARD EVANS MEMORIAL CONSERVANCY was created to fight.  Here, it started with "Old Mother Hope", which if you traced it was a part of Standard Oil of New Jersey, i.e. ROCKEFELLERS!  Now, it's Dominion which is using Pine Grove's sewage system.  But that's nothing compared to MR. GUMP.   You worked construction when you were young.  You were even a pipeliner for Carl Smith from Sandyville in 1962.  You know what goes into those portable toilets.  Feces and urine is the very least of it!  Why bury an old pair of coveralls when you can toss them into Mr. Gump's?  All sorts of vile concoctions goes into those toilets and then in the Pne Grove system.
       The Post Office door suddenly swung open and Ed Parsons came out.  "Hey, Mr. Rogers, who you been talking to?  We could hear the noise inside." "Why this old geezer standing behind me," I said as I turned around, but there was no one there.  I could see behind the Post Office the retreating figure of a human body ascending the hill in a cloud of smoke.  Then I heard a booming voice: ''THAT WAS THE PATRON SAINT OF WETZEL COUNTY, THE HONORABLE OLIVER H. GALLAGHER, KNOWN TO ONE AND ALL AS 'OL GALLAHUE'.  HEED HIS WORDS INFIDELS.''  "Ed, I just met the man who gave the great speech about Wetzel County.  It's in the Myers, History of Wetzel County.  Didn't you hear that voice from up on Simpson Hill announcing --- "
       "Mr. Rogers, I didn't hear anything but that big rush of wind when I opened the door of the Post Office.  You ought to get out of the sun, or maybe --- the last time I saw W.V. Wildman, he was Chief of Police here, you know, and he asked me 'Does Herbie Rogers still drink like he used to?'  You haven't been taking a couple nips while I've been in there working, have you?  Come on we've got some work to do."
       And Ed Parsons carried the message to the powerful.  Within a couple days, he brought STATE SENATOR CHARLIE CLEMENTS and a reporter from W.Va. Public Radio.  A couple days later he cornered Congressman David McKinley and convinced him of Pine Grove's problems.  [Rep. McKinley like so many people in the outside world had been told that the problem had been solved.]  Sen. Clements paid a personal visit on Mayor King and asked her what he could do to help.  She asked for an audit and Clements quickly convinced the State Auditor to pay a visit.  Finally, it should not be forgotten that DELEGATE DAVIS PETHTEL was the first person Ed Parsons contacted and he pledged his support.   AND DON'T FORGET THAT ED PARSONS INSPIRED MIKE MYER, EDITOR IN CHIEF OF THE OGDEN PUBLICATIONS (and a man not unfamiliar with Wetzel County or New Martinsville) TO PEN A GREAT EDITORIAL ON THE 3RD OF JUNE ABOUT THE TOWN'S PROBLEMS.  PINE GROVE HAS OFFICIALLY BEEN ''OUTED''.  PTL!
       I also have done my part for the town where, e.g. Dr. Ed Watson, Terry Kiggans,  Harry Eastham, and I began the FIRST GRADE together in 1946.  I HAVE INVITED THE ATTORNEY GENERAL AND JOE MANCHIN, OUR SENIOR SENATOR, TO COMPETE IN SHIT-PITCHING CONTEST TO SEE WHO CAN COVER A LIFE-SIZED ICON OF DON BLAKENSHIP UP TO HIS NECK THE QUICKER.  This way Don will get what he deserves on this earth, and not what he wants.   My money's on Manchin.  Any takers? 


By Joe Ingino b.a.

“I live a dream in a nightmare world”
   What an election it has been.   Ford is now the new Premier of Ontario.  The PC have cometh like the black plague.
   Across Durham it appears that it has once again been painted blue.   With the exception of Oshawa.
Now  you got to wonder what happened in Oshawa?
Well, two things happened.  The first Jennifer French has a very sophisticated group of people that are supporting her.  They work behind the scenes and have strong influence with many of the powerful unions.   French practically had very little to do in this election as the NDP machine behind the candidate was working full throttle.
The PC were left in the dirt.  One  because the candidate they put forth was weak and has a bad history in Oshawa.   Bob Chapman has sat in municipal office for at least two terms and has accomplished little or nothing.  He in part with the rest of council is responsible for increasing the debt in 2014 from $200million dollar to today $500million.
To boot during the election many hard core PC supporters felt betrayed by Bob Chapman as he ignored them and or avoided contact with.   Chapman is your typical ‘YES MAN’.  He follows the ‘OLD BOYS’ club group made up of the Real Estate Board the Oshawa Chamber of Commerce and in part Oshawa Golf Club.
This trio go around pretending they have some sort of influence in the community.  In reality they do not.  They are in part the reason why nothing happens in this city and we keep enduring debt.   A prominent member of the Real Estate Board and former councillor was at one point during his term at the center of a scheme that was never proven in law.. to over pay with tax payers dollar the infamous city depot.   The million dollars according to sources was to be split three ways.   It never happened as someone in council blew the whistle and the deal fell through.  The City of Oshawa has had one scandal after the other.  From members of the public assaulted by Durham Regional police under the instructions of Oshawa legal team/council to the many money waste schemes.   The hiring of consultants to investigate the friend of the investigator... and so on and so on...  Thank God that French won.  At the least she sat for a term really did nothing but did not cost the people of Oshawa a dime, except her pay.

Stranger In A Strange Land

Stranger In A Strange Land
  Our marriage, I thought, was a great one. So did everyone else. Then after 15 years my husband suddenly announced he wanted a divorce. Now, he says, everyone “bought into the big lie.” But I know he loved me, and I believe he still does.
When we separated he was 36. Two weeks later I found out he was involved with a woman he met online. He swears it wasn’t physical until he moved out, but he’d been talking to her for a while. He claims not to know me anymore, and I am the source of his problems. I have OCD and was a trial to live with, but he knows how hard I struggled with it. Now he says it was an act, and I wasn’t really trying. He was always the best husband any woman could have—understanding, thoughtful and supportive.
He never dated anyone before we met, thus he had never “been” with anyone else before. A few months before he left, he started saying things about getting old. He started working out. We both got contacts, and he seemed to be bothered that his hair was falling out.
The divorce went through six months ago, and he is still seeing the other woman. She is older than either of us. We weren’t able to have children, and she has two teenagers. I thought maybe that was part of it, but I don’t know. He acts so different. During our separation he said the most hurtful things, like he was trying to push me away. He moved in with his folks and bought new clothes. I truly love him, and I know he isn’t as happy as he acts. I lived with him long enough, I can tell in his eyes when I see him.
Does this sound like a midlife crisis?

Gretchen, science fiction drops us into new worlds. In old science fiction stories, one character might explain things to the reader by saying something like, “As you know, Tom, here on planet Merganser computers select husbands for the women and only women can hold elected office.”
These days science fiction writers are more sophisticated. They drop us in the middle of the new world, then let us figure out how things work as the story unfolds.
That’s what’s happened to you. You were dropped into a new world, and you don’t yet understand the rules.
You’d like to believe your husband left because he had a midlife crisis or sought a woman with children. You’d like to believe you can read unhappiness in his eyes, though you couldn’t read it in his eyes while he made plans to leave. You write as if you can get him back. If it’s a midlife crisis, then the two of you simply need to get past it. But your divorce was final six months ago. He came to terms with what he wanted, and that’s a new life with someone else. We are not going to comment on your OCD except to make one observation. Though you struggled with it, so did he. He didn’t have OCD, but he suffered under the effects of a condition he didn’t have, like having a cast on a leg that wasn’t broken.
Perhaps he faked being okay with it.  Perhaps he felt everyone’s got their troubles. Perhaps he feels he never truly loved you. Or perhaps he just wanted out.
Like the reader of a science fiction novel, you were dropped into an unfamiliar world. There is no author here to explain the rules to you. If you can’t figure them out on your own, enlist the aid of those who help you manage your illness. The only choice you have is to adapt to this new reality, no matter how hard it is.
.Wayne & Tamara

Monday, June 4, 2018

The 2018 Drunken Debate By Joe Ingino

The 2018 Drunken Debate
   Has anyone but me seen the recent Rogers cable transmission of the Durham College all Oshawa MPP candidates debate?   In my opinion it was a clear example of all that is wrong with Oshawa and Canadian politics.   We might have had a debate between Curly, Larry and Moe.   Instead it was Jennifer French,  Makini Smith and Bob Chapman. The questions asked by the moderator were as out of left field as they came...  Chapman could not even pronounce the word ‘MODERNIZATION’, never mind knowing its meaning.  Here is a guy that has sat on council for two terms and what has he accomplished?  He in part is responsible for Oshawa’s debt of $548 million.  When asked about the Provincial debt he gave pie in the sky answer failing to acknowledge he has sat for 8 years on city council and done nothing to reduce Oshawa’s debt.  Why should he be paid more at the province to do nothing...Chapman has a proven record to do nothing for the city of Oshawa.  He is arrogant and exclusive to his buddies in the real estate industry.   The Chapman old boys club includes Mayoral candidate Dan Carter and the chamber of Commerce.   A well known good old boys club that goes around with their noses up in the air, thinking about no one but themselves.
What has the chamber done for the city of Oshawa in the last 5  years?   During the last election they clearly showed bias and prejudice towards hand pick ‘YES MEN’ the picked.
When questions were put forth to the Liberal Candidate Makini Smith, her resemblance to deer caught in front of car lights was precious.  Did this woman not prepare.  She had no real information. No real direction and looked confused when asked simple questions.  
Jennifer French, in her usual manner.  Answered questions with the usual orange overtones as expected.  At times she kept going off topic and also appeared loosing her train of thought.
Over all this was the worst debate I have ever seen.  I feel for the people of Oshawa that we lack leadership and direction.  On the one hand Chapman attempting to give himself a pay raise to continue to do nothing for Oshawa.  It would  be a political/social crime to see him win.  The Liberals really scraped the bottom of the barrel with Smith as she has no substance and or idea  what the Liberals stand for.  Out of all the evils my money is on French.  I say this because, we have no choice.  Any other candidate would be a step backward.  So, let’s let French continue to sit in her trench for another term until the next election and hope for better candidates.
Oshawa politics is putrid with incompetency as clearly shown in this debate... and without doubt Oshawa politics is putrid by bias, discrimination and the ‘GOOD OLD BOYS’ club.   Don’t believe me... Where was the  Libertarian Party candidate Brett Van Ginkel.  Was the candidate  not invited or available?    Case in point.

Old-school Bully

Old-school Bully
   I am from another country. I have a mother-in-law I believed accepted and liked me. My father-in-law is condescending and just plain rude. Over the years he made numerous comments I ignored. My mother-in-law was aware of the problem and always told him to stop. I believed she was supportive in her own way.
After 10 years it became too much.
I told my father-in-law to speak to me with respect. My husband got involved and explained to his parents how his father’s behavior affected him over the years. He also said, though his father has people in his life who accept this behavior or brush it off, he needs to be aware of his mouth.
Days later, my mother-in-law turned on me and said, if I am not willing to “try,” there is no point in continuing our relationship. This surprised me. We have children who love her and whom she supposedly loves, and I have been nothing but kind to her.
In the last few days she’s been cold to my husband, her son, acting as though she does not care to know us. Today, when my husband called her, she was all sweet and nice, asking him how I am and acting as though nothing is wrong.
How do I deal with this woman? In two weeks she is giving a party for my youngest. I am expected to go there and be sweet and nice knowing she once said to my husband there were no issues in their family prior to the two of us getting married.

Lucia, an old sailing expression reminds us we can’t change the wind, but we can adjust our sails. That’s what your mother-in-law did. After you and your husband stood up for yourselves, she adjusted her sails based on the hot breeze blowing in her face.
She had a couple of bad days because of her husband. Then she readjusted her sails to get back in your good graces. When she said there were no issues in the family prior to your marriage, she made an unconscious admission. What she confessed was that everyone in the family has always kowtowed to the man with an unfiltered mouth.
Some people think they get to live by radical honesty while others need to hold their tongue. Your father-in-law can’t believe you would stand up for yourself. He can dish it out but he can’t take it.
Why people like him think they should be treated nice by those they treat nasty is a mystery. But it gives a clue to their primitive interior world. You’re either for me or you’re against me.
Grandpa thinks he can say mean things and get away with it. But he’s not stupid. He’s not senile. He can learn a new piece of technology. If he wanted, he could stop doing what he is doing. But he gets pleasure out of it, and when he gets away with it, his chest swells.
What’s missing from your letter is the talk with your husband. The two of you need to make a plan. What do we do when grandpa says nasty things? How will we explain this to our children?
After you and your husband decide on a course of action, he needs to tell his mother what you intend to do. If you have qualms about acting, think about the impact your father-in-law’s spite may have on your children. They can love their grandfather and at the same time not respect his bad behavior.
Wayne & Tamara

The gut-skin connection from Marissa Liana

The gut-skin connection

There is a major connection between gut health and skin health. Research has shown that people who suffer from digestive related issues such as bloating, gas and constipation are much more likely to suffer from acne than those who do not.

Why? Imbalances in gut flora, particularly in individuals who have more bad bacteria than good bacteria, increase their risk of digestive issues, illness, altered immune function and skin issues.
Having a healthy balance of good and bad bacteria and having a well established *diversity* of good bacteria is so important for many reasons. Some of these include:

a) Good bacteria help to reduce markers of inflammation in the body. Acne, eczema and rosacea are inflammatory conditions.?

b) Good bacteria help to metabolize our food and regulate healthy bowel movements, preventing diarrhea and/or constipation. Properly formed bowel movements are crucial because this is a method for eliminating hormones. (After the liver has broken down and packed hormones for removal, they are sent to the bowels to be removed in our feces).

 If we are not eliminating feces properly from the bowels and our stools are poorly formed, hormones stick around too long in the intestines/colon and can be reabsorbed back into the bloodstream. This is not good and results in hormonal acne and imbalances.

If you’d like to learn more about the connection between inner health and skin health, I’d highly recommend my Healthy Skin From Within Ebook at under the SHOP tab.

Until next time, stay well.

What Women (and Men) Should Know About HRT By W. Gifford-Jones M.D.

By W. Gifford-Jones M.D.
What Women (and Men) Should Know About HRT
          The year 2002 was a worrying year for women who were taking hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to combat troublesome menopausal symptoms.  Bold newspaper headlines reported that a study called The Women’s Health Initiative, conducted by the National Institute of Health, showed an increased risk of breast cancer, heart disease, stroke, gall bladder disease and blood clots in the legs and lungs of those taking HRT for longer than five years. It was hardly prime time to be prescribed estrogen. But what are the facts in 2018?

          The passage of time often changes opinions in many areas. Treatment of   menopause is no exception. Now, after 18 years, the Women’s Health Initiative says the potential harm of HRT was overstated for healthy women younger than 60. And that the benefits of HRT outweigh the risk.

          Some women require speedy help when menopause begins. One patient of mine, a high school principal, not an easy job, was always upbeat during her annual examinations. But one year she immediately burst out crying, complaining she had lost complete control. But when prescribed HRT, she was back to her normal self in a couple of weeks.

          Some women suffering from troublesome night sweats, insomnia, emotional instability, or sexual problems, may experience milder symptoms. But whether mild or severe, the question of safety of HRT always arises. Women must then   seek their own doctor’s opinion.

          The good news is that HRT cures the majority of patients who complain of hot flashes, night sweats and insomnia. But often overlooked is that HRT also   alleviates vaginal dryness, a cause of painful sex, and may reduce urinary frequency, incontinence, joint pain, and bone loss.

          So who should then use HRT? Most authorities now say the benefit of HRT outweighs the risk if the patient is younger than 60, has no history of, or not at high risk of, breast or uterine cancer, stroke, blood clots, and does not have liver or cardiovascular disease.

          But suppose the patient is over 60 and has had hot flashes lasting several years? The North American Menopausal Society issued a statement that women over 65 who suffer from moderate to severe symptoms can take HRT as long as benefits outweigh the risk.

          Here is a cardinal rule of medicine. There is always risk with HRT, hip replacement or any other medical treatment. But with HRT the risk can be decreased by using the lowest effective dose for the shortest possible time. It’s also important to get regular medical checkups.

          The next question is the best type of HRT. If there’s not been a hysterectomy, doctors usually prescribe a combination of estrogen and progestin. Estrogen eases symptoms, but may stimulate the uterine lining, resulting in malignancy. Progestin decreases this possibility. After five years of use there can be a slight risk of breast cancer.

          After hysterectomy, there’s no need to worry about uterine malignancy, so only estrogen is required. Estrogen alone also carries decreased risk of breast cancer.
          There’s another important point. Lack of estrogen often results in thinning of the vaginal lining, known as atrophic vaginitis. In severe cases this can result in tiny vaginal ulcers. Left untreated, it may eventually narrow the vagina making sexual relations impossible. It’s tragic that some women have lived with this condition for ten or more years, when it could be cured by local estrogen in a few weeks.
          Atrophic vaginitis is one of the most overlooked gynecological problems. It happens because women are often reluctant to discuss this matter with their doctor. Or, the doctor does not do a pelvic examination. I once advised readers to remember that Engelbert Humperdink can’t sing with a sore throat, and women cannot have sex with an inflamed vagina!

          Patients who still have a uterus and are taking HRT must immediately report any bleeding to their doctor. This may be due to a benign uterine polyp that can easily be removed in the office. But it can be due to early malignancy even when   not taking HRT.
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THE DEBT GAME By John Mutton

By John Mutton      
  We hear a lot of talk about municipal debt and other such topics that the public are being lead down a garden path that all is great, all is fine.

  The BMA study is a study that comes out that measures municipal finance health on debt per capita and other areas that ensure the factual to numbers are in the public domain.

So how is your municipality doing?

Well the average municipal debt per person in Ontario is $198 (remember per person), so in Durham Region, reportable debt is as follows:

Brock $104
Clarington  $196
Pickering $234
Oshawa $548 (nearly 3 times the Ontario avg)

While debt is an inevitable part of government with crumbling assets, we must be very careful with the issuance of debt. For example, Durham Regions excellent triple A credit rating could very well be impacted by rogue debt spending and that would effect the interest rates paid for every city and the region itself.

We must be even more stringent at the Region as the Region is in charge of debenture (debt) issuance and poor financial health and budgeting in once city could effect every taxpayer in Durham. This will NOT happen on my watch.

Till next week