Showing posts with label Oshawa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oshawa. Show all posts

Saturday, April 3, 2021

Buried Truths

 Direct Answers
from Wayne & Tamara

Buried Truths
Q My wife and I married in the early 1980s. I was her first. Sixteen months into our marriage, she took me to a party and made out with another man on the floor in front of me and our friends.    It was intentional. She later said she was trying to make me mad and get a reaction out of me. I saw it as a public emasculation. I grew up in an alcoholic household and was emotionally undeveloped as a result of my childhood. I was mad but I shut down.
     A year later she had an emotional affair. There was a public emasculation involved with that as well. We went into counseling and I thought we had resolved the issue. Several months later, she moved to another city to further her education. I stayed home and worked. When I went to visit eight months later, she told me she had been sleeping with three other men and they were “friendships that got out of hand.” That was another public emasculation. Hours before she told me about the affairs, she took me to a party. I shook hands and chatted with two of the men she had been sleeping with.  We went back into counseling where the goal of the counselor was to keep the marriage together. At the end, I was told it was my fault because I was “emotionally unavailable” to my wife. In my opinion, a lot of that “emotional unavailability” started when boyfriends started.
     We did counseling for months. I couldn’t accept what happened. Something snapped, I suppose. I “decided” to pretend that it never happened. I buried it.    My wife’s affairs stopped, but I soon started drinking and became a closet alcoholic for a decade. I sobered up 22 years ago. We were very successful in our careers. I retired two years ago. My head cleared from my extremely busy job, and a year ago I decided to go back in my mind and see if something needed to be addressed. I realized that for the last 30 years, I never thought about the affairs. I knew they happened but never thought about them. I found that odd.
   That’s when the panic attack started. Just like in your book Cheating in a Nutshell, disgust, anger, and trauma hit me like a brick. It’s as if I opened an old door and found everything I left back in the 80s. I brought it up to my wife. She said she wanted to talk about the affairs but I had always blown it off when it came up (which is true). We went into marriage counseling again, and I went into individual counseling.
     These feelings won’t leave me alone. I quickly realized that I should have divorced my wife 35 years ago. I told her this. I also learned more details about the last three affairs. They were worse than I thought.
Our conversations over the last year have deepened our relationship. We both realize now there had been a wall between us for 34 years, and it was my unconscious reaction to the affairs. Our sex life over the last year has also been better than ever. Still, a powerful voice in me demands retribution. It is furious. It is livid. It is disgusted. It demands divorce. I’m having trouble sleeping. I have mind movies. I get sudden flashes of other men’s hands on my wife’s body. It’s the same voice I killed in the 1980s.  The rest of me knows leaving now would be ridiculous, if for no other reason than it would wreck our retirement. She has been an excellent wife for three decades, and we are very close. But the battle in my mind remains. It is constant and sometimes I wonder which side will win. An old wound reopened and a realization that it never healed. I stayed with the source of my trauma. Phil
A Phil, let’s start at the beginning.  You weren’t too “emotionally unavailable” for your wife to marry, but you were so emotionally unavailable it excused her affairs and deliberate emasculations. To block those memories, you turned into a closet drinker, buried yourself in work, and she suddenly became faithful.  We don’t find that story plausible. How did that fix her excuse—your “emotional unavailability”? Even more, as a heavy drinker who buried himself in work, how could you know whether her affairs ended?  The counselor who wanted to “save the marriage” hurt you grievously. PTSD was officially recognized in 1980, and discussions of serious trauma were all over the popular press. Yet this individual was incapable of recognizing your trauma, right before his or her own eyes.  Your wife got herself a defense attorney and you were without representation. You were not a couple having tiffs over childcare responsibilities or the family budget. You were the victim of your wife’s affairs and public humiliations. This needed one session. “These two don’t belong married. She is repeatedly unfaithful.” Done. So instead of one session, the counselor got months and months of pay. Then, with botched counseling behind you, you found ways to mask the problem. When you retired, you did not “decide” to go back and reexamine what happened in the 1980s. Those memories disinterred themselves. In your heart you know, if you had divorced your wife 35 years ago, you could have had all those years with the woman who was the love of your life. That’s what your wife took from you. Why are things better than ever? Most probably she senses something from you, and she fears you will make her pay for her actions.
Your mind, your body, and your soul will continue to plague you because disgust, anger, and the traumatic response are baked into us as human beings. You can’t say you have a good marriage and say your soul is crying out for justice. You don’t get to ride the fence like that. A well-lived life cannot be lived straddling the fence. Fence-straddling neuters you. Wayne & Tamara  

Weightlifting, Not Just for a Medal


Not Just for a Medal
 W. Gifford-Jones, M.D. and Diana Gifford-Jones
When asked how they exercise, people often report jogging, bicycling or walking. But what about weightlifting? Authorities say that picking up weights is not about winning a medal. Rather, as we age, strength exercises can help circumvent medical problems. Take if from Arnold Schwarzenegger, who famously remarked, “The best activities for your health are pumping and humping.”
Let’s leave the humping part aside for now. When it comes to pumping weights, there are a lot of myths.  First, lifting dumbbells is not just for building muscles. In fact, it helps to fight one of the problems that can change your life in a split second.
Getting older is invariably fatal. But long before the final event, we begin to lose bone density, usually starting in our thirties.  By age 70, many people have lost 40 percent of their peak bone mass. This often sets the stage for a fractured hip in the event of a fall.
Osteoporosis (thinning of bones) make bones look like swiss cheese, and it can have tragic consequences. For instance, among the elderly who fall and break a hip, there is a high chance of imminent death. A large population-based study showed that one in three adults aged 50 and over died within 12 months of suffering a hip fracture.
Even when survived, hip fractures have a devastating impact on quality of life by reducing independence and increasing social isolation. Moves to assisted living are common.

No one will ever forget the telephone call that a parent has fallen and fractured a hip. And if they’re 75 years of age or over, in spite of all that can be done medically, the risk of dying within one year is 40 percent or higher.
Lifting weights decreases the risk of fractures by building up muscle strength, slowing bone loss, and helping with balance.
Muscle strength is an important factor for the elderly to maintain functional independence – the ability to carry out daily activities such as walking up a flight of stairs, going grocery shopping, and bathing without help. People who neglect basic core strength eventually find it hard to get up from a toilet seat. It comes as a terrible realization when individuals must acknowledge dependency on others to meet their daily needs.
Weightlifting slows bone loss, and some studies show that regular strength exercises can improve bone mass. How does it work? Exercises that involve use of strength – including weightlifting, but also walking, gardening and even dancing – place forces on your bones, stimulating your body do regular maintenance. Don’t forget the importance of good nutrition, including adequate calcium and vitamin D.
Strength training helps with managing or losing weight too, as it can increase metabolism to help burn more calories. Getting rid of excess fat should be high priority for those overweight, as it’s linked to chronic inflammation. Furthermore, obesity triggers type 2 diabetes, increasing the risk of blindness, kidney failure, leg amputation and heart attack.

Building muscle and stronger bones will also mean better balance since it works the systems that keep you stable, and that will reduce your risk of falls.
Strength training can have another benefit when exercises work the body’s core. Most people carrying extra weight aren’t thinking about the ineloquently named non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). But it affects 25 percent of the population worldwide. It’s fast becoming the number one reason for liver transplant.

NAFLD involves visceral fat, fat that accumulates around the liver and other abdominal organs, and is accompanied by inflammation. A serious problem, it can increase the risk of cirrhosis and cancer.

So, grab some weights and start pumping.
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The left and Tom Fitton!


The left and Tom Fitton!
Comrades When It Comes to Larry Klayman!
 by Larry Klayman
Ever since I founded Judicial Watch, Inc., on July 29, 1994 – that is almost 27 years ago – and began by holding the Bonnie and Clyde of American politics, Bill and Hillary Clinton to task – the left has been on a jihad to either severely damage me as an activist conservative lawyer through defamatory articles and other dirty tricks, or through phony bar complaints to try to eliminate me from the practice of law. Incredibly, Tom Fitton has collaborated with the left in this latter jihad in particular.
Filing two of these phony bar complaints has been Tom Fitton, an individual who I had hired as my assistant at Judicial Watch but who with poor judgment at the time I later promoted to president, with my retaining my titles as chairman and general counsel. Notwithstanding that Fitton is not a lawyer – indeed when he interviewed with me he falsely represented that he was a college graduate, which he was not at the time – ever since I left my baby to run for the U.S. Senate in Florida in 2003, feeling insecure he then tried to harm me and my family. These two bar complaints are just a small chapter in this long saga which is still winding its way through the courts and has been ongoing for two decades.

One of Fitton’s bar complaints was over my having stepped in to represent three persons who had been harmed when I left Judicial Watch to run for the U.S. Senate in Florida. The first, Louise Benson, an elderly woman now almost ninety years old, who is like my mother, had donated $15,000.00 and pledged another $35,000.00 to a donor fund to buy the building which housed Judicial Watch. Like the other donors who donated their hard earned monies for naming rights for offices and other honoraria – a common practice for non-profits – Louise expected to have one of our offices named in her honor. She wanted to buy the rights for my office, but as someone else, Adolph Schoepe, then the owner of Fluidmaster, had purchased it first, she purchased the rights for Fitton’s office. Despite this, after I left Fitton and Judicial Watch, despite our having raised over $1,400,000 from donors to buy the building and promising in exchange naming rights and other honoraria to donors such as Louise, Judicial Watch pocketed the monies and to this day, going on twenty years later, no building has been purchased. (A review of Judicial Watch’s 990 tax return for 2019 at reveals that it has assets of over $172 million dollars as of that date, and likely over $200 million by 2021). Sadly, since the average age of a Judicial Watch donor was and remains over 70 years old, many of the donors are no longer alive to see the benefit of their now misappropriated contributions.
The second person is Peter Paul, who came to Judicial Watch and me because he was in fear of the Clinton Justice Department indicting him for alleged securities and bank fraud. I write about Peter in my second book, “Whores: Why and How I Came to Fight the Establishment!,” describing how Peter put on a Hollywood Tribute for then President Bill Clinton to raise money for Hillary’s then campaign for the U.S. Senate in New York. But the money which was raised, nearly $2 million dollars, so called hard money contributions, was hugely over the limit under federal law and thus criminal in nature, and the Clintons never reported it honestly in any event. Peter, having the hard proof that the Clintons has committed crimes and agreeing to come forward if we would defend him in this own criminal proceedings, Judicial Watch and I thus entered into a legal representation agreement to defend him if he would cooperate in our legal actions against the Clintons to finally, we hoped, have them held to account under the rule of law. However, when I left Judicial Watch to run for the U.S. Senate, Fitton, the non-lawyer and his “yes men,” Paul Orfanedes and Chris Farrell on the Board of Directors, who he had somehow coopted, abandoned Peter and he wound up doing ten years in prison largely as a result.
The third person is Sandra Cobas, who is like my sister and who managed the Judicial Watch Southern Regional Office in Miami, my then home city in Florida. Wanting to force out all of the regional office managers who I had hired when I left Judicial Watch to run for the U.S. Senate, Fitton put up a person who aspired to take over from Sandy, Elaine Rodriguez, to defame and harass Cobas, by calling her in front of other office personnel a drug addict and fat old Cuban bitch, among other ethnic and gender slurs. When I tried to resolve matters for Sandy as I was leaving, Fitton, Orfanedes and Farrell gave her the “back of their hands” and she was forced out. Sandy later became my chief of staff when I ran for the U.S. Senate in 2003-2004.
Needless to say, litigation resulted for all three persons, Louise, Peter and Sandy, through another legal counsel. But when they could no longer afford to pay this law firm, I felt duty bound to step in to try to help the pro bono, that is without charging them for my time and expense. For this, claiming that I had a conflict of interest in doing so, Fitton filed a bar complaint against me, which is now over thirteen years old. And, although it sat in the files of the District of Columbia Bar Disciplinary Counsel for many years, during a period when I was not as active as a conservative public interest advocate, it was not coincidentally cynically resurrected when I later formed Freedom Watch and held then President Barack Obama to account under the rule of law, as I had with the Clintons.

In short, the rabidly leftist DC Bar Disciplinary Counsel, which is not only now hard at their nefarious work entertaining bar complaints by a communist law professor Michael Tigar, as well as fellow leftists including former DC Bar presidents, trying to also disbar former Trump White House Counselor Kellyanne Conway, former Trump Attorney General Bill Barr, Republican Senators Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley and of course former Republican and Trump lawyer Rudy Guiliani, was happy to oblige the jealous and insecure Fitton and they became “comrades in arms” against me. To make matters more egregious, during the course of this thirteen year old bar proceeding, Fitton secretly gave DC Bar Disciplinary Counsel records from my former divorce and custody proceeding – which he took from court files – concerning my previous estranged wife, which contained proven false accusations of child sexual abuse – all to try to prejudice and harm me. This had absolutely nothing to do with Fitton’s conflict of interest allegations, but was simply hateful and vindictive.
As a result, despite the ethics opinion of the leading legal ethics expert, Professor Ronald Rotunda (SEE AND READ IT EMBEDDED BELOW), which found that I did not commit any ethics infractions and which was given to DC disciplinary authorities and later the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, I was suspended for three months from the practice of law in the capital of corruption, commonly known as the swamp. In this regard I am seeking reconsideration of a recent order of a Clinton appointed, very leftist and hostile judge on the D.C. Circuit, who recommended an additional three months before his court, in contravention of what other courts ruled in terms of reciprocal discipline, which I had already served.
And, if that is not enough of the damage that Fitton has done, he had also filed another bar complaint against me over my representation of Cliven Bundy before another hostile judge, Obama appointed Gloria Navarro, in a case which we ultimately won. A hearing committee, after the initial trial, could find no violation of professional ethics rules, but that did not stop Fitton from trying to have me disbarred – even with a matter that did not involve him and Judicial Watch.
The atmosphere these days in the nation’s capital is toxic and deadly, as the left now controls all three branches of our so-called government, the District of Columbia Bar as well as the courts – a left that has in nine short weeks under Biden and Harris moved the country to not just socialism but also to the brink of communism. The leftist DC Bar disciplinary apparatus is bent on destroying opposition from conservative activist lawyers and Trump backers like me, and apparently non-lawyer Fitton is happy to oblige when it comes to his feigned and feared competitor Larry Klayman – as he apparently wants to try to reduce me to his non-lawyer status, as well as harm my family and me in other ways.
And, of course, leftist fake news media is happy to jump on the bandwagon by writing defamatory articles about these phony bar proceedings. For this, the authors and their publications are being sued, as I will not turn the other cheek to their rank dishonesty. So too have leftist officials of the DC Bar Disciplinary apparatus.
Well, I have got news for Fitton and his leftist friends! Larry Klayman does not roll over! To confirm this read “It Takes a Revolution: Forget the Scandal Industry!,” which can be ordered online at and all major booksellers as well as

Saturday, March 27, 2021

FROM 830 TO 2100


FROM 830 TO 2100
By Joe Ingino

“I live a dream in a nightmare world”
   Please, please, please someone explain it to me.   How can we go from 830 cases on a semi controlled lockdown to 2,100 cases in just two weeks.  While at it please also explain how our gas prices went from eigthy cents to a dollar thirty in four months.... Ok just teasing about he gas thang.... After all the United States voted in a senile careered ‘YES MAN’.   Making the United States the laughing talk of the world.   The Chinese have never been happy.  The Saudis back rolling in their oil... and here in Canada we go from 830 cases to  2,100 covid cases in Ontario.
  Could draining the swamp mentality have anything to do with it?
Governments of the world have stopped being about the average citizen.  Government of the world have become that of protecting national integrity and  doing what is best for those with power and money.
  How can we expect someone like Ford know anything about the transmission of a virus.   Business and or hardship.   How are we to expect him to guide us when he is counting on numerous others to tell him what is the best course of action.  No real plan.  Just a bunch of trial and error.
One thing for sure is that this is far from the end.   The vaccines are not the silver bullet if anything they may turn out the end of civilization.
You know things are going to get bad when the government hands out money to it’s citizens.  When grants are allocated for just about every sector of the the economy.
A recent news report read:  Province adjusting public health and workplace safety measures for select activities
TORONTO — Based on the advice of the Chief Medical Officer of Health, the Ontario government is moving two public health regions to new levels in the COVID-19 Response Framework: Keeping Ontario Safe and Open, including moving the City of Hamilton public health region to the Grey-Lockdown level. Decisions were made in consultation with the local medical officers of health and are based on the trends in public health indicators and local context and conditions.
"Over the last week, we have continued to see some concerning trends in key health indicators in regions across the province," said Christine Elliott, Deputy Premier and Minister of Health. "As we cautiously make targeted adjustments to public health measures to support the well being of individuals and small business owners, it is critical that everyone remains vigilant and continues to strictly follow all public health measures and advice to keep each other safe."
Christine Elliott, the wife of former Jim Flaherty.    What does this person know about health?
Viral transmission and the monitoring of patterns.  Could this explain the surge.  Elliott’s only attribute to politics was that of sharing the same bed as Flaherty.  Now all of a sudden we the people must turn to her for advice on something she has no expertise in....  Is something wrong with this picture?
Could it be that we are riding on the advice of a bunch of self proclaimed experts that rely primarily on hit and miss protocol, while people die.   I am no expert.  I know a lot about everything and an expert on nothing.   But I can tell you that if I was in charge.  I shut down everything.  I mean everything but grocery stores for six month.   Let the virus play out.   Then slowly open up.  As it stands as soon as we see a small drop. We are ordered to open only to be faced with reality that we are a bunch of incompetents playing Russian roulette with people health

The weather-vane leader of a rudderless party

 The we

ather-vane  leader of a rudderless party

by Maj (ret'd) CORNELIU E. CHISU, CD, PMSC,
FEC, CET, P. Eng.
Former Member of Parliament Pickering-Scarborough East
     I followed the Conservative Party Convention of last week with attention. I have participated in a few of them in the past, but not this one. As I am no longer a member of the Conservative Party, I just followed the developments with a good understanding of what goes on behind the scenes.
Unfortunately, today's Conservative Party is rudderless and leaderless.  Today's Conservative Party is not like it was in the time of Stephen Harper, who showed competence and leadership in leading the Conservative Party to form the government.
Instead of adding to, and making improve ments in the conservative principles that guide the party, there is a definite movement to dilute them and even ignore them in an attempt to move the party towards the uncharted waters of the center.  Following the misguided example of the last, short-lived Conservative Party leader, the current leader is so anxious to become Prime Minister that he is pursuing a "promise them anything" strategy.  He preaches liberal policies in the belief that he will get liberal votes doing that, while totally ignoring the conservative base.  Has he never heard that a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush?
In his ambition to get the top job, he is evidently suffering from an inferiority complex, having sidelined any potential contenders for his leadership and eliminating most of his opponents from the leadership contest.  He promotes only those with no voice in parliament yet, who pose no apparent danger to his leadership.

As it is now well documented, the platform he used in his leadership run has been overturned.  Currently he is promoting essentially liberal ideas wrapped in conservative packaging. He also shows interesting character traits by openly opposing party members who challenge his ideas, brushing them aside, displaying an unpleasant penchant for ignoring democracy.
O'Toole certainly has changed his tune since he ran for the Conservative leadership last year. There was nothing in his speech to the delegates of the Conservative Party Convention about "cancel culture" or the "radical left."  Neither did he offer any tips for winning debates with the "woke left," as he did last fall just months after winning the leadership.  Is the big blue tent fading to grey, or is the color being muddied by shades of red and yellow?
In his prepared remarks at the Convention, he said he wanted to defeat the "lie" that the Conservative Party is a party of "climate change deniers."  However, in a subsequent question-and-answer session with party members, O'Toole declared that the "debate" over climate change is over.
What changed between those two pronouncements, you ask?  Conservative Party delegates rejected a resolution that would have declared that "climate change is real" and "the Conservative party is willing to act" - while committing the party to targeting high emitters and supporting innovation.
This shows that the Conservative Leader was ill-prepared to listen to the members of his Party and did not put forward any ideas to mitigate the issue of the trumpeted climate change.
After telling Conservatives that they need to find the "courage" to pursue "bold" changes, O'Toole said next to nothing about what that might look like.
For now, he seems more interested in saying that the Conservative Party has changed than in actually looking to renew and strengthen the Conservative Party.
After some motherhood statements to members he did not offer a single solution, or even hinted at one. Example:
"We need to reach out …. We can't wage another election just hoping that people come out to our point of view on certain issues"
"I want us to have a serious, comprehensive approach on climate change that is not the tax approach of Trudeau … but a plan that gets emissions down while we champion job growth across the country"
"We need to be more welcoming to people who haven't voted for us before. Like I said, union members who maybe thought we had squabbles in the past we're reaching out"
Interestingly O'Toole singled out private sector union workers and organized labour as audiences he wants to target.  However, he neglected to say what he wanted the party to offer those voters.
O'Toole also said that the wealthiest Canadians should "pay their fair share."  So why didn't he use his speech to call for a new approach to taxation?
Beyond O'Toole's assertion that what the Liberals have in mind is alarming and potentially divisive, no Conservative counter-offer has been put forward.
It is now clear from his actions (we don't need to wonder anymore) that he is trying to push the Conservative Party to become a Liberal Light Party.
He has demonstrated that he is not capable of embracing new ideas.  For example, he could have championed Nuclear Energy as a less polluting form of energy.  This could have been a win-win move for him, had he had the courage to pursue it, as there is a nuclear power plant in his own riding.
Instead of embracing new ideas such as the recycling of the spent nuclear fuel, which would create a lot of high paying jobs, be helpful for the environment and propel Canadian nuclear science to new heights, he is hiding behind some foggy ideas in challenging the Liberals and claiming he has a plan that no one has seen.
In his weather-vane leadership of the Conservative Party, swiveling as the wind blows, he has completely forgotten the importance of family values. I am not talking about the social conservatives' idea of challenging abortion, but looking for new innovative ideas which would critically lower abortion rates and dramatically curtail divorces and family breakdowns.
Let's consider a few ideas in this area:  how about offering graduated tax relief to families with more than two children, giving families with four children or more income tax exemption for life?
Another idea would be to support working women in real, practical ways, giving young mothers the opportunity to work remotely where possible, and encouraging job providers to promote women's careers by taking into consideration that they are the major players in providing life and care for children.

As there are many other valuable ideas to be addressed to Canadians without wandering into Liberal and NDP areas, we would expect responsible and able leadership to be guided by a long term view of the public interest, not short sighted, self-serving personal interests.
Indeed, the time has come for serious soul searching in the Conservative Party, if it does not want to fold in the near future.

In an election soon to come, Canadians need to have a real choice; options other than the 'Coke or Pepsi' offered by the two established parties.
What do you think?

When The Bill Comes Due

 Direct Answers
from Wayne & Tamara

When The Bill Comes Due
Q I am 22. I have been dating a fellow for a year. He is warm and sweet and so very, very good to me. We laugh a lot when we are together, and I feel safe when I am with him. He is loving and gentle and trustworthy.
     We’ve had arguments, and each time he sticks with me and works it out. He’s actually a lot calmer than I am. I like him so very much and respect him even more. I trust him—and that counts for a lot with me.
     I grew up with a mother who habitually had affairs and was emotionally abusive. I worry that I will turn out to be just like her.
     We have been sexually active, but I find myself not so very sexually attracted to him. I love snuggling with him. I am physically affectionate, but I just want to push him away when he comes on to me.
    I feel so bad about this, because I think he is a wonderful guy. I don’t want him to think I don’t find him attractive. We are seriously talking about marriage (he has ordered a ring), and I am freaking out!
     Is this normal or am I signing on for a life of sexual frustration?

A Autumn, people can’t hear what they are not saying. You mention your life of sexual frustration. What about his life of sexual frustration? You trust him, but he can’t trust you to be honest about your feelings. What would happen if you told him the truth, “I don’t want to have sex with you.”
     If you think this is tied to your bad parent, then talk to someone about it. But otherwise, consider this an absolute sexual mismatch.
     We each have a right to our personal self and to our own body, but in this one relationship sharing your body is part of it. We are past the days of, “Lay back and think of England.” Some people might say just dive into it, but that’s like saying marry someone you don’t love.
     He thinks he has in you the complete package. He has no idea what you have in store for him. If you contemplate marrying a man you don’t want to be intimate with, he might be a great friend, but that doesn’t mean he is your one. And you won’t be friends after the marriage.
     It has to be right, and you want to push him away. Okay, stop dating. If you don’t own this, you will mess him up.  In a relationship, there is no relationship unless you are honest with the other person. Or someday he may write us saying, “I don’t want to have an affair, but I can’t live like this.”
     Just because you don’t want to have sex with him, it doesn’t mean you won’t want to have sex with someone else. You will understand that when the one who is right for you comes along.
     The telecom titan Bernard Ebbers acquired more than 60 companies and bought yachts and ranches for his personal use. But there was one problem. He falsified financial reports to make it appear he was solvent.
     In a panic, when his cash shortfall reached hundreds of millions of dollars, he ran around company headquarters turning off lights and insisting that employees pay for coffee, as if saving pennies could account for the missing millions. You can’t falsify the assets in your life. If you are not honest with this man, someday you will be running around looking for the quick fix that doesn’t exist.
     Today you are not deciding just for yourself. You are deciding for another person, without his knowledge. You are also deciding for any children who may come along, and for his family, and for your family.
 Why do you think your secret can be concealed for a lifetime? How can you do this to yourself? How can you  Wayne & Tamara

Why we need the citizens grand juries!


Why we need the citizens grand juries!
Indictments Sought of Joe, Hunter and James Biden on March 25, 2021
 by Larry Klayman
   Over the last many decades, it has become more than apparent that the criminal justice system does not apply to the rich and powerful elite, particularly those that reside and carry out their nefarious deeds on the banks of the Potomac. As just one of the latest examples, not even the Trump Justice Department (DOJ), which was run by two establishment Republican hacks, Attorneys General Jeff Sessions and then Bill Barr, refused to hold anyone accountable to the rule of law with regard to the Russian collusion witch hunts and the fraudulent November 2021 election, resulting in the fraudulent and tyrannical presidency and vice presidency of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.
Before that, going back to the days when I founded and ran Judicial Watch, the Bonnie and Clyde of American politics, Bill and Hillary Clinton, also got a free pass from my once proud alma mater, DOJ.
Now, with the ascendancy of Biden and Harris, DOJ is literally infested with even more compromised political hacks who clearly will not hold the Comeys, McCabes, Strzoks and Pages (aka the “love birds”), Clappers, Brennans and yes Joe, Hunter and James Biden accountable for their massive racketeering bribery scheme which laundered millions of dollars into the Biden family coffers from China and Ukraine when Biden was vice president and thereafter. Documented in investigative published accounts and on cable news, with well researched books such as Peter Schweitzer’s “Secret Empires,” in a television interview and later sworn testimony of Tony Bobulinski, a whistleblower, and in Senate reports which body pretended to investigate but predictably took no action against the Biden crime family, it is more than probable that Joe, Hunter and Joe’s brother James committed these crimes.
Had the DOJ honestly pursed the Bidens, among the others, only a finding by a grand jury of probable cause would have been more than enough to indict them.
As was also true in the years, months and days leading up to July 4, 1776, the criminal justice system in particular has been stolen by the ruling class, much as King George took it back to the Court of St. James in London, when the colonies dared enforce the rule of law against his dictatorial edicts, yesteryears equivalent of Joe Biden’s now never ending illegal and socialist/communist inspired executive orders. And, so it therefore is, as I pen in my new book, “It Takes a Revolution: Forget the Scandal Industry!”, available on-line at and all major booksellers, as well as at, that citizens grand juries are one of my proposed peaceful and legal means to reclaim our rightful justice system and begin to wage a new American revolution – cleaning house of the rats which infest our government, the courts, and nation as a whole.
Detailed in “Revolution!” is the legal and historical precedent to commission citizens grand juries, effectively endorsed by even the late Justice Antonin Scalia in a majority opinion of the Supreme Court in a case styled United States v. Williams in 1992. There is also precedent to conducting citizens trials, sentencing the convicted, and then carrying out those sentences, with even citizens arrests. This is what the citizenry did before July 1, 1870, before the nation even had a DOJ. Just ask Marshal Wyatt Earp, now resting in a grave in Colma, California, how he took care of business when his brothers Virgil and Morgan were gunned down by the criminals at the OK Corral and there was no other law enforcement to take the required action.
The subtitle of my book “Revolution!” underscores why real patriots, not armchair quarterbacks, need to now step forward to reclaim our justice system and re-establish the rule of law. “Forget the Scandal Industry!” is meant to address those Americans and particularly cowardly conservatives, people of faith and those who claim to believe in the Constitution but are not willing to put up or shut up – that is those sunshine patriots and summer soldiers in the words of Thomas Paine of our first revolution – who are content to either sit on their derrieres watching the likes of Sean Hannity on Fox News, or so called activists who do little more than gather documents to go on Fox News with over-hyped “late breaking developments.” Then there are the so-called conservative news sites on the web, who pretend to talk a good game but are now, under fear of the leftist implemented sword of Damacles, censoring those real conservatives who try to tell it like it is when it comes to what needs to be done to actually throw off the bondage which has been rammed down our throats by Biden and Harris in just seven short weeks.
So with the inaction of our so called comrades in arms in mind, and their profiteering over the newly installed total leftist takeover, the time has come for We the People to seek the indictments of the Bidens for bribery and sedition in particular. And, as I outline in my book, we will then try them in a peoples court, seek convictions and then, when successful – since to prove their crimes is easier than taking candy from a baby – sentence them. We will then seek to have the masses mete out these sentences peacefully and legally to put them where they can do no further harm to the nation, that is in prison where the sun don’t shine.
Sound farfetched? I think and know not. If real patriots are bent on saving the nation, without the bloodshed of another violent revolution, which not coincidentally our greatest Founding Father and third American president Thomas Jefferson predicted would someday occur as a result of rot in the ruling class and specifically the federal judiciary, then We the People must rise up and act now, without further delay.
Joe Biden, to put it plain and simple, is not just the Manchurian candidate but now the fraudulently elected Manchurian “Chicom” president, bought and paid for by the butchers of Beijing, among others. King George III was Mother Teresa by comparison, and it is time that we legally rid the republic of this corrupt despot and then move on to legally destroy the other criminally minded cockroaches who have taken the nation to the brink of permanent destruction.
Our Founding Fathers pledged their sacred honor, gambled with their fortunes and risked their lives to form a new nation. Now we must reclaim the free nation which they conceived of and founded. We the People cannot do so if we are simply entertained each night on Hannity and the other purveyors of worthless talk that has become like a drug addiction. Yes, “It Takes a Revolution: Forget the Scandal Industry!,” before the hammer and sickle takes permanent hold by bashing in and then chopping off our heads and freedom will no longer ring throughout our blessed God-given land!

Saturday, March 20, 2021


By Joe Ingino

“I live a dream in a nightmare world”
   To vaccinate or to not vaccinate.  On the surface it sounds like it is the only choice.  After all, vaccines have resolved many viral related encounters.   It makes rational sense.
If we learn anything from history is not to repeat it.   To look for signs and markers that may allow us to make the right choices in future events.
  During both world wars we learned very costly lessons on human nature, society and humanity.  In my opinion one of the fundamental lessons was to question authority and to educate yourself to the best of your ability in order to act and react in accordance to the daily hysteria.
   Since this viral attack on the world by China.   All nations are suffering from the same never ending spiral for answers and a cure.   As such most nations of the world have lost their ability to rationalize and bring perspective against this horrible crime against humanity.
If it has been an oil spill.  Someone would have been responsible.   This viral leak from China.  Intentional or other has caused great human loss across the planet.  In our rush to find a cure/vaccine.   We have all become infected by a foreign enemy that a year ago was in a lab in China.
Now don’t get me wrong.  I am not blaming the Chinese people. That would be wrong.  I blame the Communist Chinese regime.  A regime that has been bent over backward for the last thousand years to have world dominance.  Their focus is so intense that they even despise their own communist comrades from Russia.
  In my opinion this leak from the lab in China was a sublime covert operation in an attempt to finally dominate the world.   Let’s look at the events prior to this in China.   Pre-Covid, China was experiencing some of the worst PRO-DEMOCRACY demonstrations ever.   China was under attack from within.  The Chinese government in many cases had lost control of entire cities.  They could not send in the troops as it would create an international public relations nightmare.   
The Chinese government in my opinion released this virus to put an end to the uprise and send a message to the world.
Today, China’s economy is booming again.  They are producing vaccines and supplying primarily South America, Africa and some parts of Europe.... Same places that the variant appears.    Coincidence?  Or another tactical movement in lieu that the west was beginning to gain ground in developing vaccines that have not been tested.   Vaccines that compromise the integrity of the human DNA.  What guarantee do we have from our governments that this vaccine will not prevent future generations from reproducing?   I can see the importance of mass vaccination.  I also see the importance of preventing extinction.   A virus that attacks the weak. A virus that goes after the elderly.   That does not sound more and more like genocide?
During WWII the NAZI did they not employ similar tactics as Jews would enter their death camps?  Women, the elderly, children anyone sick would get instantly killed.  While the healthy would work until death.  What is to say that the Chinese government in it’s silent quest to global domination, it is not happening again?   We the people are running around dealing with a foreign agent that was bombarded upon us from a foreign land.  I support a vaccine as long as the vaccine does not end up being used as a weapon to our own destruction.  Civilizations have come and gone.  Are we next?

 Canadian Tourism Industry in

by Maj (ret'd) CORNELIU E. CHISU, CD, PMSC,
FEC, CET, P. Eng.
Former Member of Parliament Pickering-Scarborough East
  As the economic meltdown comes to Canada after the Covid-19 pandemic ends, which is still very much in the news and continues to rage despite efforts of vaccination, the tourism industry is one of the hardest hit and will be very slow to recover.
A new report says that due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Canada's tourism industry is facing a crisis greater than the combined impacts of September 11th, 2001, the SARS outbreak and the 2008 global financial meltdown.
The report comes from Destination Canada; a Crown corporation whose mandate is to promote domestic tourism. The organization says the depth of the pandemic damage means it will be a long recovery for the tourist industry, with potential shock waves for other areas of the economy.
The report says the tourism industry is linked to one in 10 Canadian jobs and invites Canadians to support the industry by taking domestic vacations once the public health situation improves.
The report says if enough Canadians shift their international travel plans to focus on domestic destinations, it could speed up the industry's recovery by up to one year. Without any major change in consumer spending habits, the agency says it would take five years for the industry to bounce back to pre-pandemic levels.
Speaking of international tourism; the current air travel restrictions Canada has imposed are hardly likely to encourage international travellers to come to Canada, especially in the upcoming summer season.
The continued closure of the US - Canada border to non essential terrestrial traffic and restrictions on air traffic will have a devastating impact on Canadian tourism, drastically decreasing the number of visitors we will be seeing from the United States.
Some people in the industry are also observing a change in the number of people coming from overseas, particularly from China - the second-largest long-haul market for Canada-bound tourists and the source of the virus.
The current political tensions between Canada and China will not help to improve tourism from China, either.
 "Bookings are down from China by about 70 per cent between March and October, so that's obviously quite considerable," said Maya Lange, the vice-president of global marketing with Destination BC, a Crown corporation focused on attracting visitors to the province.
So we are left with Europe. Several Canadian tourism marketing agencies are increasing efforts to attract people from the European Union and the United Kingdom.
For the moment, however, Canada is closed to non essential international visitors.  As for festivals, trade shows and similar large events that would normally attract large numbers of visitors., federal and provincial health authorities in Ontario and British Columbia have so far cancelled them all.

The only inbound international travellers allowed by our governments are returning Canadian citizens, landed immigrants and their family members.  Those unfortunate people returning by air have to endure a drastic and expensive quarantine order, rigorously and heartlessly enforced. The air travelers are forced to stay in government designated hotels for up to three days at their own expense before they are cleared to continue their fourteen days quarantine at home if authorities are satisfied. If not, they are confined to government facilities till they are cleared from quarantine.

Might this be an effort on the part of the federal government to bail out the hotel and tourism industry? It is clear for now that they are not helping the aviation industry at all; an industry on which the pandemic has also had a devastating effect.
It's important to understand what is at stake. Prior to the onset of COVID-19, Canada's air sector not only enjoyed ten years of growth, but continually built on that growth by investing in airport and public infrastructure and expanding regional and global routes and connectivity.
This commitment translated into billions of dollars in long-term investments, created tens of thousands of jobs, and supported growth in Canada's $104 billion tourism industry.

After 12 wearying months of dealing with crushing passenger declines, airports are drained. They are borrowing just to keep their doors open, while airlines park their aircraft and cancel routes. Canada's air sector is essential to our economic and social wellbeing, and the federal government must decide how it will serve us in the future.

With airport revenue losses now projected in the billions, there is an urgent need for federal and provincial governments to work with airports and other industry stakeholders to create a plan if we are to emerge from the pandemic with a functioning air sector.
If the federal government does not become a more engaged partner in the long-term viability and competitiveness of our air sector, we will face a long debilitating situation.
There is a need to mitigate the impact of the increased travel restrictions imposed during the last quarter of 2020 and early 2021. The Canadian Airport Council's December outlook projects that revenue losses for Canada's airports have deepened to $5.5 billion for 2020 and 2021 - a $1 billion deterioration since the last analysis was released in August.
There is a need for a serious government plan to lift travel restrictions as soon as the time is right and support recovery, or else we will face a real crisis. It's not just airlines and airports at risk: Canadian jobs and opportunity are as well. When the Canadian air network shrinks, our entire country is diminished.

We have seen other jurisdictions, including the United States, spend billions of public dollars to defend the integrity of their airports and airlines.
On the reverse we have seen our own industry shrink to pre-1970s levels of demand and revenue with no attention from the federal government.

Do we restore our national network or close regional airports and force Canadians in smaller communities to drive hundreds of miles for a flight? Do we ensure Canadians have access to reasonably-priced air service or force them to drive to the U.S. for an affordable flight?
It's good to remember that without the vision that built the Canadian transcontinental railway in the 19th century, there would be no Canada. Today, in the 21st century, it's aviation that binds us as a nation and connects us to the world.

Our government has a critical choice to make and soon. As Sir John A. Macdonald said when fighting for his vision of a Canada united by rail. "We are a great country and shall become one of the greatest in the universe if we preserve it; we shall sink into insignificance and adversity if we suffer it to be broken."
Let's be serious!

Second Act

 Direct Answers
from Wayne & Tamara

Second Act
Q I am the mother of two girls.  left their father by getting into the car with the girls. While backing out of the driveway, their father jumped on the hood and tried to break in the front window. The oldest daughter, then 6, cried, “Mommy, Mommy, just let me out and Daddy will stop if I go to him.”
     I tried to drive away without killing my husband. It was a horrible way to see the last of their Daddy. The court fight was cruel and horrible. I fought for what was best for the children, while my ex fought to win a competition. Three years later, spent emotionally and physically, and drained monetarily, I gave up. My husband’s attorney gave my attorney two letters, written in pencil by my daughters, saying why they did not want to live with me. I walked away from my attorney minutes before the court hearing. I broke into sobs, ran from the courtroom, and walked around downtown the whole day and night in a pity party. I ended up giving the children to him. Later, I remarried. When my daughters were 19 and 21, I found my girls and we established some ties. I must admit they were not raised as I would have. I found them lacking and rude, though charming in many ways. I felt in time our bonds would iron these things out. My younger daughter has all but dismissed me from her life. My oldest daughter’s husband is abusive, and her father said, if she left him, her husband would get her children just like he did. Her husband forbade her to visit me with her child. One night I called and asked, if my current husband died and I moved near her, would she care for me if I became ill, or bring me groceries and medicine. That kind of thing.
     All she said was, “Well….” I did not press it further.  I have cried until I cannot cry. I always wanted girls. I dreamed of beach parties, taking children to the zoo, decorating for birthdays and holidays, and listening and laughing with them.  I am trying to raise puppies to have someone else who needs my love. Sometimes I feel God wants me isolated for some purpose, but I don’t know what.   Libby
A Libby, we can make poor choices, stay too long in a situation, and suffer the consequences. We can get caught up on the hamster wheel of “if only,” but that goes nowhere. It does not help and it does not heal.
What we need to do is face the harsh realities of today, and ask, what can I do now?  Today is the day we have. If we don’t act today, we will keep spinning the wheel faster and faster until we are tossed off, like those poor hamsters in YouTube videos.  One of the harsh realities to face is that your daughters have their own minds, their own rights, and the same rights for their children. You would like them to make a choice, but they are not ready for that choice. They may never be. Accepting that is the first step.
The second step is deciding not to sit around waiting for them to choose you. You want your daughters to take care of their mom. But they parted from you at such an early age, and with such vehemence from your ex, you may not seem like mom to them. Your daughters are not in your life now, but they appear to be stealing your life. Sometimes the only way out of a mess is to just start clawing our way out. The hardest times are always in the beginning, because we can’t see that we are making progress. But just the act of doing—what do I reach for next—will put you in the moment with what you can do and what you cannot do.
You have concerns about your future. Don’t wait for someone else to fix those concerns. We could give you an Encyclopedia Britannica’s worth of things to do, but you didn’t give us enough specifics about yourself. So we will prime the pump. Many people have written books with great ideas and resources for building a community of friends. That’s where to begin. Good things won’t fall into our lap because we wish for them. You can sit and look at the envelope with a bill in it, or you can open it, see the amount, and figure out how to pay it. A bill has come due. A bill incurred in part because of choices you made as a young woman. Accept it. You cannot sit on your hands, letting an event that may never happen dictate the rest of your life.  What you can do is face the question, what can I do today to make a success of my life?    Wayne & Tamara

“Beeting” Yourself to Increase Good Health

 “Beeting” Yourself to Increase Good Health
 W. Gifford-Jones, M.D. and Diana Gifford-Jones

  Would you like to improve your physical endurance? An exercise routine is the answer. Being physically and mentally active leads to a longer life. But diet can help too. You can start “beeting” yourself to improved health simply by adding beets to your menu. You should also know that nitrates in beets can treat more than one medical problem.
            Atherosclerosis, thickening of the inside lining of arteries, decreases the flow of oxygenated blood to coronary arteries. This results in anginal pain or heart attack.
            For years researchers have known that nitroglycerine eases angina. But they had no idea why it dilated coronary arteries and increased blood flow to the heart.
            Then, three U.S researchers received the Nobel Prize for proving it was nitric oxide (N0) that caused arteries to dilate. Early in life the inner lining of arteries processes large amounts of NO. But as we age the amount of NO decreases, often with disastrous consequences.
            In 2009, a research team at the University of Exeter in England reported a surprising discovery. They showed that athletes who drank beet juice for six days improved their physical endurance by 16 percent while cycling. Equally amazing, beet juice was even more effective than physical training!
            The active ingredient in beets is nitrate. This becomes converted into nitrite and finally to nitric oxide which is continuously synthesized in the endothelium (the inside lining of arteries). Lay this exceedingly thin layer of endothelial cells on a flat surface and they would occupy an entire soccer field!
            Nitric oxide has been labelled the “miracle molecule” as it helps so many diverse medical problems. For instance, since it dilates coronary arteries it can help to decrease the pain of angina and lower blood pressure.
            Experiments show that NO also adds lubrication to the circulatory system. After all, it impossible to eat beets and direct them only to coronary arteries. Rather, NO travels to all organs and in the process prevents blood platelets, part of the clotting process, from stick together causing a heart attack. It also decreases chronic inflammation, another factor associated with coronary attack.
            Other research shows that NO lowers blood cholesterol, triglycerides, increases good cholesterol and lowers bad cholesterol. It also prevents bone destruction by osteoclasts.
            Today, millions of North Americans suffer from asthma due to inflamed, constricted, mucous clogged airways. Part of the problem is pollution and allergies. Experts at Hammersmith Hospital in London, England, report that NO helps to maintain a biochemical balance in the air passages, decreasing inflamed airways.
            Another major problem worldwide is the epidemic of Type 2 diabetes. This disease causes insulin resistance, making it hard for glucose to enter cells. High blood sugar gradually destroys the circulatory system triggering a series of problems, the big one atherosclerosis. Decreasing the amount of blood to organs results in blindness, kidney failure, leg amputations and heart attack. NO helps to control these problems.
            What can you do to increase NO? Losing weight and exercising boost NO levels. But people with unhealthy endothelial cells may have diminished nitric oxide bioactivity as compared to those in good health.
            So why not improve the diet with foods rich in nitrate? Adding more beets is good advice. Other foods with a high content of NO include leafy green vegetables such as spinach, wild radish, kale and swiss chard.
            You don’t like any of these vegetables? Try dark chocolate and wine. Both increase NO. But remember moderation.
If you are interested in a safe, natural supplement, then NEO40 is yet another option.
Sign-up at to receive our weekly e-newsletter. For comments, Follow us Instagram @docgiff and @diana_gifford_jones

Saturday, March 13, 2021


By Joe Ingino

“I live a dream in a nightmare world”
   In this modern age of technology.   It appears that we must question every motive.    After all for the longest of time the old rule of thumb in controlling the masses by governments was to keep them misinformed.    Misinformation creates opinion.  Opinions have polar positions.  Positions that divide intellectual rational thought.   Compromising reason and logic.
I remember vacationing in   Cuba.  I rented a car and decided to head out for a personal excursion.   I stopped at the local gas station and asked for a map.  The attendant looked at me and asked.  Do you want a Cuban map for a dollar or a real map for twenty.   I quickly asked what do you mean a Cuban map.   He said. Cuban maps were made in Russia.   They are only to be sold to Cubans as intentionally all the points of reference are way off.   The real maps imported from Europe have the accurate distances between towns and cities but cost more as most of the locals can’t afford twenty bucks.
I quickly asked, what the purpose of such misinformation.   The attendant looked at me with a grin and said.  Castro along with the Russians like to keep a tab on all citizens.   Gas is rationed.   Miscalculation of gas consumption would tell the officials that you were up to no good.   
I could not believe my ears.
Then in the back of my mind my ignorant North American pride kicked in and whispered, ‘THANK GOD I LIVE IN A FREE AND DEMOCRATIC WORLD’.  Where we do not have to be monitored.
Then it hit me like a ton of bricks....  Come on Joe.  You live a dream in a nightmare world.   Don’t be fooled and don’t fall for the old social misconception as you are no better off than those Russian/Cuban maps. To think we have choice?   We do not have choice.  We have options. The government today has more control of our every interaction then they ever did.   Look at this AMBER ALERT fiasco.... really some kid gets taken (normally by a parent) thousands of miles away from me and I get an Amber Alert.  The most recent was a seven year old girl in Bayfield ON.
Ontario Provincial Police have cancelled an Amber Alert for a seven-year-old girl who was last seen in Bayfield, Ont., just south of Goderich on the shore of Lake Huron, after she was found safe.
In the initial alert, police said the girl was missing since approximately 6 a.m. on Wednesday.
The OPP issued the provincewide alert just after 10:45 a.m. and less than 40 minutes later the seven-year-old was reported to have been found safe. Officers alleged the girl was abducted by a woman. It’s not clear what, if any, charges might be laid in connection with the incident.
Like really... I need to be alerted about this?  What is the real exercise here?   Was there ever a seven year old involved?   I remember before COVID-19.   I received numerous AMBER ALERTS.   On all matters, including a false emergency notice on Pickering Nuclear.   Since then and since COVID.  The Amber alerts had stopped.   Now the vaccine is introduced to the masses with little or no real consequence as a result of being vaccinated..yet the government is pushing to have everyone vaccinated.... and I we start getting AMBER ALERTS.   Does the government know something we don’t?  Could we assume there is another threat in the horizon that we are being kept in the shadows as to such time as it explodes in our face as Covid did?
Can we assume that these AMBER ALERTS are a kind of sound check on social response?

The Chaotic Roll-out of Covid-19 Vaccines

  The Chaotic Roll-out of Covid-19 Vaccines
by Maj (ret'd) CORNELIU E. CHISU, CD, PMSC,
FEC, CET, P. Eng.
Former Member of Parliament Pickering-Scarborough East
   Currently, Canada has four covid-19 vaccines approved, Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, AstraZeneca-Oxford and Johnson and Johnson, with very different efficacy rates.
Vaccine efficacy refers to the percentage reduction of disease in a vaccinated group of people compared to an unvaccinated group, under ideal conditions.
Pfizer-BioNtech and Moderna both have been determined by Health Canada to have efficacy rates of around 95 per cent. AstraZeneca-Oxford has an efficacy rate of 62 per cent while Johnson & Johnson has an efficacy rate of 66.9 per cent.
The questions these varying efficacy rates raise for the public, are: how these vaccines will be administered and who determines who will receive the highest efficacy rate vaccines.
"Medical experts" in Canada say that the latest approval of the Johnson and Johnson vaccine with a perceived lower efficacy rate should not give Canadians the green light to hold off on getting inoculated in order to wait for other doses with higher efficacy rates. So is it the advice of experts that people should accept whatever they are given, without any choice?
That attitude, of wanting to have a choice, will end up lengthening the time it takes to get the pandemic under control, said Dr. Peter Juni, scientific director of Ontario's COVID-19 Science Advisory Table.
Interestingly Juni compared the differences in efficacy to high octane versus low octane gas. Most engines, he said, just need gas. How nice!  I wonder how often he puts low octane fuel in his BMW.  Is he as good at medicine as he is at engineering?
"If people start to do that", he continued, "they actually prevent Canadians from moving slowly back to normal." Wow…..
Dr. Zain Chagla, an infectious diseases physician at St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton, takes more of a common sense approach, saying that debates over efficacy are going to be part of the challenge of getting people vaccinated.
"I think there is obviously something we have to deal with here," he said.
This controversy over efficacy and choice has created confusion and was raised by none other than the "experts" in Canada's National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) over the messaging of the AstraZeneca-Oxford vaccine, which NACI has recommended against for vaccinating people aged 65 and older "due to limited information" on its efficacy in that age group.
Despite different efficacies, trials have shown that those who did become infected after getting vaccinated experienced only mild illness, said Dr. Sumon Chakrabarti, an infectious disease specialist in Mississauga, Ont.
Putting it bluntly, the expert advice offered to us is: given the opportunity to get vaccinated, "Just take it" whatever the efficacy is because if not……….
Some other "medical experts" suggest that the J&J vaccine is good for less accessible, marginalized communities. Hmm….
That means, in their expert thoughts vaccine preference should not be a consideration with the vaccine rollout being such a massive undertaking, including: vaccine availability, vaccine prioritization schemes and vaccine registries.
Dr. Supriya Sharma, Health Canada's chief medical adviser, has stated that vaccination with a vaccine with 66 per cent efficacy does not mean a person will have a 34 per cent chance of contracting COVID-19. Is she an expert in statistics as well?
"While each of the vaccines Health Canada has authorized has different efficacy numbers, the reality is that you will have a greatly reduced chance of getting COVID-19 with any of the ... vaccines that have been authorized," Sharma said.
Her message to Canadians is that when it's their turn, "you roll up your sleeve" and "take the vaccine that's offered to you". Basically telling you, do not comment you have no choice…..
So here we are, and the question is: Where are our political leaders to lead us out of this mess?
Relying on "experts" who express contradictory opinions without taking any responsibility or suffering any consequences, they bend and wave as the Covid-19 wind blows, ruining the economy, frightening people, isolating them from loved ones and from the community, confining them as virtual prisoners.  These actions are definitely not the hallmark of effective leadership.
We expect leadership and responsibility from our political leaders. They cannot hide behind the experts anymore. They need to take bold action to return us to normal life as quickly as possible. We elected you to act on our behalf, not to hide.
So let us see what is going on with the distribution of vaccines available to Canadians and how the vaccination is proceeding. At present we are in a very sad state on the pace of vaccination. Many countries are far ahead of us.
Provinces have established their own priorities without consulting each other. That means, that with interprovincial travel not yet completely banned, the pandemic will continue to rage relentlessly. So let's take a look at the most populous Canadian province, Ontario.
Ontario has focused its initial vaccination efforts on those in long-term care, high-risk retirement home residents, some health-care workers and people who live in congregate care settings. At the time of writing this article, 1.88 per cent (276,193) of the population has been fully vaccinated. The provincial government has said it aims to begin vaccinating Ontarians aged 80 and older starting the week of March 15, the same day it plans to launch its vaccine booking system, which will include a service desk and online portal. Good luck!
It has said the rollout will look different in each of its 34 public health units.
Several regions in Ontario have moved ahead with their plans to vaccinate the general public using their own booking systems to allow residents aged 80 and older to schedule appointments.
The province has also said it will extend the interval between doses of COVID-19 vaccines for up to four months. On what sound medical basis are the manufacturer's recommendations being disregarded?
Toronto began vaccinating police force members who respond to emergency calls on March 1 and has also started offering vaccines to people experiencing homelessness.
The province has said the recently approved AstraZeneca-Oxford vaccine will go to residents between the ages of 60 and 64. Isn't this cutting it too close? We're dealing with human physiology.  Age 65 is not a hard and fast boundary. Shouldn't AZ-O go to younger people with better immune systems?
Nevertheless, a pilot project is set to launch Friday at more than 300 pharmacies in Toronto, Kingston and Windsor to give the Oxford-AstraZeneca shot to those aged 60 to 64.  
The health minister has also said the AstraZeneca-Oxford shot could be used in correctional facilities, but further details haven't been released.
With this said,  the questions remains: How do we get out of this mess?

Ask your MP and your MPP.


 Direct Answers
from Wayne & Tamara

  Q I'm writing to get your opinion on a problem brought about by my ex-fiancée,   a woman I truly loved many years ago. We had been dating about five years, and I asked her to marry me four months before the bitter end. At that time I was in the military and she was a junior in college. I was scheduled for additional training the following year, after which I planned on tying the knot. She tearfully accepted my proposal. Her parents brought her to visit me during her spring break that year, after which she informed me she was pregnant by some other guy, was so sorry, et cetera.
That was, of course, the end of us. I still have bad dreams about it more than 50 years later. She ended up marrying the father, then divorced him five years later. She’s been married, off and on, in the years since and is currently single. I married a nice, pretty girl a couple of years after the breakup and have been married to her 50 years. She’s been a great wife in every respect but one—she’s not a great lover. She always treated sex as a wifely duty and never liked to cuddle much. I, on the other hand, love physical touch and miss it when I don’t get it. Every time I try to initiate it, she stands there frozen, hoping I’ll go away. Or she pushes me away altogether. It’s gotten so bad I hardly ever try anymore. Other girlfriends I had before I was married were always warm and loving, including my ex-fiancée, so I don’t think I have chronic BO or anything. Now for my problem. My ex-fiancée has begun tweaking me on social media. She requested that I follow her (twice) and I denied both requests. Now she is liking some of my posts, and last week I responded by liking one of hers. Then, against my better judgment, I posted a link on her page to a Matt Monro song called And We Were Lovers, which reminisces about an old lost love. She came back with “you were and always will be my one true love.” Of course, that made my heart go pitter-patter, but I resisted the urge to immediately respond in kind. I have given no response at all yet, and don’t know if I ever will. She was the love of my life before the cheat, but I don’t think she is the same person I fell in love with early on. I really miss her tender touch, but I can’t get over the fact she swore to love me forever but failed to add, just not exclusively. I think I know your answer to this, but should I respond and reestablish communication with her, as I long to do, or should I block her and go no-contact? Either way, we will never be getting together again, even if that were possible, because she lives far away, and I won’t do anything to jeopardize the marriage to my faithful spouse. Besides, her cheating forever smashed any hope of reconciliation. I just think it would be fun to find out what she has been doing in her life all these years.
A Tom, leaning over the edge, leaning over the edge, leaning over the edge. How long before you lose your balance?  She reappeared in your life of her own accord and for her own reasons. You turned her down twice, but she didn’t accept your No. She persisted until she got her foot in the door. What dire straits must she be in?
Her persistence caused you to double-think yourself. You imagine it would be “fun” to reconnect, but the real fun will begin when she entangles you in what she is trying to solve by contacting you.   
For 50 years, you mislabeled her. You thought of her as your one true love, but you weren’t her one true love. You didn’t know who she was then, and you don’t know who she is now. Without knowing it, she is preying on your decades without physical affection. Your wife is exactly who you married. Marriage does not change people into what the other person wants. At any point, you could have said, “I can’t live like this,” but you did not. You are so starved for affection, you think a woman who showed you what she showed at least one other man, is your one true love. But what she has done by coming into your life again is to heat up your hunger. If you intend to stay with your wife, communication with this woman must cease. All it does is spotlight what your marriage has always lacked. If you satisfy this hunger, then you have a marriage to end, and that includes 50 years of attachments, memories, and family connections.  Is it worth it?

Good Health Includes Healthy Financials

  Good Health Includes Healthy Financials
 W. Gifford-Jones, M.D. and Diana Gifford-Jones
Vaccines are now reaching the wider community, and Spring is near. As we emerge from isolation, there are predictions for the “Roaring 20s” ahead. But is this a good time for an assessment of your financial health?
If you reach your 90s and are in good health, congratulate yourself.  You are among the fortunate.  In fact, more and more North Americans are living longer.  In Canada, between 1921 and 2011, average life expectancy at birth increased from 57.1 years to 81.7 years, a gain of nearly two and a half decades.
In the U.S., the Population Reference Bureau reports that the number of Americans ages 65 and older will more than double from 46 million today to over 98 million by 2060, and the 65-and-older age group’s share of the total population will rise to nearly 24 percent from 15 percent.
It sounds promising.  But many people who reach old age are not in good health.  Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th U.S. President, had it right. “Old age is like everything else,” he said.  “To make a success of it, you’ve got to start young.”  If you start thinking about how to pay for healthcare needs when you are already old, there’s not much you can do when a crisis arises.

George Clooney was looking on the bright side when he said, “I'm kind of comfortable with getting older because it's better than the other option, which is being dead.”  But George Clooney doesn’t need to worry about money.
It doesn’t take a genius to know, you’ll compound any future health challenges by not having enough savings to help you manage the added costs.  CARP, formerly the Canadian Association for Retired Persons, reports that 12 million Canadians do not have a pension plan and 600,000 people over 65 are living in poverty.

Across North America, depending on where you live, you can expect wildly different levels of support from governments and employers in the event of a medical emergency.  Canadians tend to believe that a universal healthcare system will look after them in every case.  Americans used to benefit from employer plans that carried over into retirement years.  But times have changed.

The Canadian public purse has limits, and as boomers age, there will be hard choices to make.  In the U.S. and Canada alike, no matter where you are, private insurance is a good idea.
A recent survey for the Sun Life Canadian Health Index showed that among respondents who have had someone close to them suffer a health issue, 29 percent indicated it “caused them to re-evaluate their finances.”

A rainy-day fund may not be top priority for people in their 50s who are paying for children’s education, paying off mortgages, and ready to take the next available flight to southern beaches.  But regular deposits into a savings account or low-risk investment can add up over time.  By the time you are in your 70s, needing money to pay for extra physiotherapy, increased dental care, or drugs not covered by regular insurance, you’ll be happy you had the foresight to save.

Take care of your financial affairs.  If you’ve got the time to do it, make sure you are investing in your long-term health by paying off debt, living within your means, and regularly setting aside money as a buffer against unexpected healthcare costs.  If you are already in your golden years with medical or long-term care costs that are crippling your financial well-being, then talk with an advisor about how to stretch your dollars.  Finally, if you are well along into the later stage of life, then do what you can to inspire your grandchildren to avoid senseless mistakes and to start saving for the big crisis.

Saturday, March 6, 2021

Change Your Heart Health in Three Months or Less

 Change Your Heart Health in Three Months or Less
 W. Gifford-Jones, M.D. and Diana Gifford-Jones
   It’s said, “Being wrong is acceptable, but staying wrong is unacceptable.” So think twice if you believe a high fish diet alone is providing you with enough essential fatty acids (EPA and DHA) to decrease your risk of heart attack. We were shocked when blood tests showed, despite our healthy diets, that our absorption of fish oils was not making the grade.  What are people getting wrong? And how can you get it right?
Oil and water do not easily mix, and most oils pass through your water-based body until enzymes in the small intestine break down fats. But it’s a mistake to believe this process is perfect.
We wrote previously about a supplement called Omega3X which uses digestive enzymes to facilitate absorption of essential fatty acids. And we promised to put it to the test and report back to you.
First, we stopped taking any omega supplements but continued a diet rich in fish. Then we tested our blood using the Omega-3 Index. We both failed. (Giff 5.56% and Diana 5.47%) These scores placed us barely above the “undesirable” high risk zone as measured at 4% or lower on the Index.
Then, for three months, we took Certified Naturals Clinical Omega-3X Fish Oil, a specific product containing MaxSimil that breaks down the hard-to-digest triglycerides of fish oil into more readily absorbed monoglycerides.
Then another blood test. The results were compelling. The measurement of the two most important omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) was now in the category of low risk for coronary heart disease – a result of between 8-12% on the Omega Index. (Giff 9.64% and Diana 11.64%)
You can visit to read the advice shared with readers for years.  First, to decrease your risk of a fatal coronary attack, you gain advantage with high doses of vitamin C. Dr. Linus Pauling, a Nobel Prize recipient, observed that most animals escalate vitamin C production when confronted with stress, but humans lack this ability. Then Dr. Sydney Bush, an English researcher, showed that high doses of vitamin C opened clogged arteries, a huge discovery.
Any vitamin C product will do, but we recommend Medi-C Plus because its powdered form makes high doses easier to take and because it includes lysine, which builds strong cell walls.
Second, our experiment shows it is important to supplement with omega 3. But not all omega supplements are equal. MaxSimil, developed by a Canadian company, is a fish oil that is absorbed three times better than typical fish oils. It’s produced from small fish like sardines and anchovies rich in omega-3 fatty acid.
Fatty acids help prevent heart attack by decreasing cellular inflammation. Researchers have reported for years that chronic inflammation is a factor in coronary attack. Now, the Omega-3 Index can accurately measure the amount of these fatty acids in our red blood cells.
Studies also report that people consuming fish oils show decreased blood triglycerides, decreased total cholesterol, lower bad cholesterol, and raises good cholesterol. These patients also had fewer irregular heartbeats and heart attacks.
Low levels of essential fatty acids have been associated with mood imbalances and joint problems.
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has reported that the Omega-3 Index is just as important as cholesterol blood level. It’s alarming that nearly half of all North Americans are in the high-risk category for heart attack.
The message is clear. If you want to be certain that you are absorbing essential fatty acids, get a blood test to measure EPA and DHA. Send a single drop of blood using a test kit provided by OmegaQuant. Your result is mailed to you.
Take it from a 97-year-old, it’s never too late to reduce the risk of a coronary!
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Imaginary Lover


Imaginary Lover
Q Four years ago I cheated on my husband and left my marriage. Since then I have worked hard to learn from this life experience. I have done this by going to therapy regularly where I was diagnosed with depression and placed on antidepressants.
     Reflecting back now, I have come a long way. No longer am I the person I was four years ago. This has come through hard work and tremendous self-examination. I have begun dating a man who I care for deeply. We have been dating for two months, and it appears we are really connecting. Since I am in my mid-30s, obviously I bring a history to this relationship which he has asked me about.  How much do I share about my past? He knows I was married, and I explained the reasons why we broke up. I know the affair is not the reason. There were plenty of red flags long before I acted out.    I explained why I believe our marriage did not work but left out this detail. I ask myself how it would benefit our relationship if I shared this information with him, and if I did share it, would he hold it against me in the future?
     Most recently I shared with him that I was diagnosed with depression and am taking antidepressants. His reaction to this information was quite shocking. Rather than being understanding, he expressed concern whether the drugs alter my personality so much he truly does not know who I am. I was so stunned all I could do was cry, because I felt judged. Here I worked so hard to become a healthy adult, only to be questioned about whether my personality was genuine because of the drugs.  So, I pose this question to you. Do I share with him about my affair? Am I being deceptive if I don’t tell him? When do you tell someone this kind of information? He felt I should have told him immediately about my depression rather than wait two months. My feeling is you have to know and trust that individual before you share such vulnerable information. I am still feeling hurt after his depression reaction.
A Candice, there is a line in George Orwell’s book 1984 that goes something like this. “If you want to keep a secret, keep it from yourself.” Stop seeing this as a secret you need to divulge.There is one main question in your letter. This is our answer. Why would you consider telling this man about previous cheating, once he said, “I don’t know who you are.” It sounds like self-punishment to us. You want to put him in a position to punish and reject you.
A better question to ask us is, should I break up with him? Our answer is yes. He made two claims. Your personality is false because you are “under the influence” and you should have told him immediately. Apparently, he has a list of assumptions about the woman for him. He knows who she will be without having met her. We don’t know all the qualities on his list, but that person has as much substance as a child’s imaginary friend.   His list, however, does tell you who you are dealing with. He is not looking for the one for him. He is looking for the one he invented in his mind. And he already gave  himself an out—I don’t know who you are.   If this is his reaction to a common, legally prescribed medication you need to take, don’t tell him anything more about yourself.   He’s negated the two months of dating and the two months spent learning who you are.   You cried over his remark. Make that cry the cry which comes at the end of a relationship.  We have advice for the next man you date. Some information belongs solely to you. It doesn’t affect anyone else, and it does not belong to anyone else. There is no requirement to share all of your secrets, especially if that person might use them to injure you.
 Where does the desire to confess come from? You regret doing it, and you learned your lesson. You married the wrong person, couldn’t face ending it, and added another misstep. You know you will never do it again. The issue has been resolved all time and forever.
Yet you still feel guilty. You don’t need to confess and be forgiven by some third party. Once a lesson is learned, that ends it.  Wayne & Tamara write: